Obama Scraps Registry Program for Muslim Men

It was a legacy from the Bush administration that was found to be largely ineffective. Trump will now have to create something from scratch. And take the heat for it.

"ineffective" according to who? Bush knew who the majority of the hijackers were within hours after the attack on 9/11 before the registry was ever built. Trump won't have to create anything...more FAKE NEWS. Obozo can't delete the registry...that would be willful destruction of government property. We all know he's been nothing more than a trojan horse for the muslim brotherhood from the beginning. Let him try to close GITMO before he pardons the hag...nobody is paying any attention to the creep anymore.

The various intelligence agencies, that's why they ended it's implementation.

They ended it because they are traitors to the US and they want to see us inundated with criminal, murderous villains from shitholes.

Another poor lost soul radicalized on the internet.

Er..no. My family has always despised the unconstitutional *agencies* that communist idiots like you pray will eliminate the Constitution.

Sure, everything's all about the constitution hon, got it.
Exactly how does that say I want to let people into this country without vetting?
You think trump should start from scratch! Why? Ineffective? it was stopped in 2011. You infer the past is lost.

It was unofficially ended earlier than 2011, it ended 2003. It was judged ineffective, did not result in any charges or prosecutions for terrorism, and was made redundant by other intelligence programs.

It had no effect whatsoever on "vetting" of immigrants or refugees. So where am I saying I'm opposed to any vetting?
Did you bother to read it? The Wall Street Journal is not considered liberal.

Do I need to resort to trash like InfoWars or the National Enquirer?

The WSJ hates Trump...they said he was going to tax ALLcorps at 35% the other day, not just the border-jumpers....he replied they didn't know anything about business. The WSJ editorial board is full of leftist pinheads.

Actually, the WSJ editorial section is considered to lean conservative.

I'm beginning to think Trump supportors are as thin skinned about criticism as their Messiah.

Honestly, they should also be printed and DNA tested.
Obama himself has admitted that his administration's ability to vette them before they enter the country is damn-near impossible. He proved that when he gave a terrorist a visa, and they traveled to Ca before murdering 12 Americans.

So why the hell would you push to bring in millions of un-vetted Muslims from nations infested with terrorists - nations notorious for hating the US and wishing us ill, especially when your own security agencies are telling you they have been infiltrated with terrorists...especially after some of them have murdered Americans in terrorist attacks?

They aren't unvetted.

Portman says FBI chief said Syrian refugees can't be vetted
Portman said, "The director of the FBI said that we cannot figure out who (Syrian refugees) are, what their intentions are, because we have no information on them, because we don’t have any contact with the Syrian government or any people on the ground to be able to determine that."

Portman had a point that Comey expressed concerns about information gaps on potential Syrian refugees. However, he exaggerated the extent of Comey’s concerns when he said that Comey indicated that "we cannot figure out" who they are, and that we have "no information on them." All told, Comey said the vetting process is thorough, but imperfect.

Refugee's are the least likely avenue for terrorism - it's a multi-year process to even get accepted.. We are a country of immigrants and refugees - and those people have been through hell, a hell which we have some small reasponsibility for. What we should concentrate on is other programs and preventing radicalization within the country.

Ok...so you quoted on some stuff but no where am I saying I'm opposed to vetting of immigrants or refugees.
As I stated, you infer it

JC, you lost this one big time. Just give it up. I did not infer it, state it, nor do I believe it. In fact I've specifically stated that in posts. Either you are a liar or you've painted yourself in a corner and refuse to admit it. Which one is it?
You think trump should start from scratch! Why? Ineffective? it was stopped in 2011. You infer the past is lost.

It was unofficially ended earlier than 2011, it ended 2003. It was judged ineffective, did not result in any charges or prosecutions for terrorism, and was made redundant by other intelligence programs.

It had no effect whatsoever on "vetting" of immigrants or refugees. So where am I saying I'm opposed to any vetting?
The WSJ hates Trump...they said he was going to tax ALLcorps at 35% the other day, not just the border-jumpers....he replied they didn't know anything about business. The WSJ editorial board is full of leftist pinheads.

Actually, the WSJ editorial section is considered to lean conservative.

I'm beginning to think Trump supportors are as thin skinned about criticism as their Messiah.

Obama himself has admitted that his administration's ability to vette them before they enter the country is damn-near impossible. He proved that when he gave a terrorist a visa, and they traveled to Ca before murdering 12 Americans.

So why the hell would you push to bring in millions of un-vetted Muslims from nations infested with terrorists - nations notorious for hating the US and wishing us ill, especially when your own security agencies are telling you they have been infiltrated with terrorists...especially after some of them have murdered Americans in terrorist attacks?

They aren't unvetted.

Portman says FBI chief said Syrian refugees can't be vetted
Portman said, "The director of the FBI said that we cannot figure out who (Syrian refugees) are, what their intentions are, because we have no information on them, because we don’t have any contact with the Syrian government or any people on the ground to be able to determine that."

Portman had a point that Comey expressed concerns about information gaps on potential Syrian refugees. However, he exaggerated the extent of Comey’s concerns when he said that Comey indicated that "we cannot figure out" who they are, and that we have "no information on them." All told, Comey said the vetting process is thorough, but imperfect.

Refugee's are the least likely avenue for terrorism - it's a multi-year process to even get accepted.. We are a country of immigrants and refugees - and those people have been through hell, a hell which we have some small reasponsibility for. What we should concentrate on is other programs and preventing radicalization within the country.

Ok...so you quoted on some stuff but no where am I saying I'm opposed to vetting of immigrants or refugees.
As I stated, you infer it

JC, you lost this one big time. Just give it up. I did not infer it, state it, nor do I believe it. In fact I've specifically stated that in posts. Either you are a liar or you've painted yourself in a corner and refuse to admit it. Which one is it?
I posted your inferences live with it. You have also stated you support obummer who himself went against the recommendation from the FBI to allow Muslim immigrants in. You back that if you support obummer.
"Obama ditches registry focused on immigrant men from Muslim countries"

"The Obama administration announced Thursday it is formally scrapping a once-mandatory registry for immigrant men from predominantly Muslim countries, amid speculation over whether the incoming Donald Trump administration may try to renew it.

The U.S. already had stopped using the program in 2011.

The original National Security Entry-Exit Registration System, or NSEERs, launched about a year after 9/11, requiring men and boys from a variety of mostly Middle Eastern countries to register with the federal government upon their arrival in the U.S. Registration, which also applied to immigrants from North Korea, included fingerprints and photographs and a requirement to notify the government of any address changes."

Whaaaaaaat? You mean a program that calls for Muslim Men to register ALREADY EXISTS? A program Obama himself / his administration also ran until 2011.

B...b...but I thought, according to snowflakes, that this was a brand new racist anti-Muslim idea Donald trump had come up with...and it turns out the United States had already been doing this.

The database on Muslims Trump was criticized for suggesting be created? yeah, it already exists, too:

"However, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, a Trump immigration adviser during the campaign, said last month that Trump should renew the DHS database."

"When the Obama administration abandoned the DHS system in April 2011, it said a newer data collection program would be sufficient to collect biometric information for all foreigners coming into the country. At the time, more than 80,000 foreigners were registered."

I am sure not mentioning any of this during their demonization of Trump was just an oversight on the part of snowflakes.


Obama ditches registry focused on immigrant men from Muslim countries

That shouldn't surprise anyone who has been paying attention the last eight years with how many Muslims Obama put into Homeland Security how the White House was decorated, they prayer rugs in the west wing and mandatory silence five times a day, the National Day of prayers he cancelled, while celebrating every Muslim holiday, etc.! Hopefully, this will be among all of the other Obama dictates that will be overturned by Trump!
"Obama ditches registry focused on immigrant men from Muslim countries"

"The Obama administration announced Thursday it is formally scrapping a once-mandatory registry for immigrant men from predominantly Muslim countries, amid speculation over whether the incoming Donald Trump administration may try to renew it.

The U.S. already had stopped using the program in 2011.

The original National Security Entry-Exit Registration System, or NSEERs, launched about a year after 9/11, requiring men and boys from a variety of mostly Middle Eastern countries to register with the federal government upon their arrival in the U.S. Registration, which also applied to immigrants from North Korea, included fingerprints and photographs and a requirement to notify the government of any address changes."

Whaaaaaaat? You mean a program that calls for Muslim Men to register ALREADY EXISTS? A program Obama himself / his administration also ran until 2011.

B...b...but I thought, according to snowflakes, that this was a brand new racist anti-Muslim idea Donald trump had come up with...and it turns out the United States had already been doing this.

The database on Muslims Trump was criticized for suggesting be created? yeah, it already exists, too:

"However, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, a Trump immigration adviser during the campaign, said last month that Trump should renew the DHS database."

"When the Obama administration abandoned the DHS system in April 2011, it said a newer data collection program would be sufficient to collect biometric information for all foreigners coming into the country. At the time, more than 80,000 foreigners were registered."

I am sure not mentioning any of this during their demonization of Trump was just an oversight on the part of snowflakes.


Obama ditches registry focused on immigrant men from Muslim countries

That shouldn't surprise anyone who has been paying attention the last eight years with how many Muslims Obama put into Homeland Security how the White House was decorated, they prayer rugs in the west wing and mandatory silence five times a day, the National Day of prayers he cancelled, while celebrating every Muslim holiday, etc.! Hopefully, this will be among all of the other Obama dictates that will be overturned by Trump!

What "many Muslims"?

What prayer rugs in the west wing?

What "mandatory silence" five times a day?

What cancelation of "National Day of Prayers?
It was unofficially ended earlier than 2011, it ended 2003. It was judged ineffective, did not result in any charges or prosecutions for terrorism, and was made redundant by other intelligence programs.

It had no effect whatsoever on "vetting" of immigrants or refugees. So where am I saying I'm opposed to any vetting?
Actually, the WSJ editorial section is considered to lean conservative.

I'm beginning to think Trump supportors are as thin skinned about criticism as their Messiah.

They aren't unvetted.

Portman says FBI chief said Syrian refugees can't be vetted
Portman said, "The director of the FBI said that we cannot figure out who (Syrian refugees) are, what their intentions are, because we have no information on them, because we don’t have any contact with the Syrian government or any people on the ground to be able to determine that."

Portman had a point that Comey expressed concerns about information gaps on potential Syrian refugees. However, he exaggerated the extent of Comey’s concerns when he said that Comey indicated that "we cannot figure out" who they are, and that we have "no information on them." All told, Comey said the vetting process is thorough, but imperfect.

Refugee's are the least likely avenue for terrorism - it's a multi-year process to even get accepted.. We are a country of immigrants and refugees - and those people have been through hell, a hell which we have some small reasponsibility for. What we should concentrate on is other programs and preventing radicalization within the country.

Ok...so you quoted on some stuff but no where am I saying I'm opposed to vetting of immigrants or refugees.
As I stated, you infer it

JC, you lost this one big time. Just give it up. I did not infer it, state it, nor do I believe it. In fact I've specifically stated that in posts. Either you are a liar or you've painted yourself in a corner and refuse to admit it. Which one is it?
I posted your inferences live with it. You have also stated you support obummer who himself went against the recommendation from the FBI to allow Muslim immigrants in. You back that if you support obummer.

You are totally dishonest. That's all I'm saying. No more debating with you.
"Obama ditches registry focused on immigrant men from Muslim countries"

"The Obama administration announced Thursday it is formally scrapping a once-mandatory registry for immigrant men from predominantly Muslim countries, amid speculation over whether the incoming Donald Trump administration may try to renew it.

The U.S. already had stopped using the program in 2011.

The original National Security Entry-Exit Registration System, or NSEERs, launched about a year after 9/11, requiring men and boys from a variety of mostly Middle Eastern countries to register with the federal government upon their arrival in the U.S. Registration, which also applied to immigrants from North Korea, included fingerprints and photographs and a requirement to notify the government of any address changes."

Whaaaaaaat? You mean a program that calls for Muslim Men to register ALREADY EXISTS? A program Obama himself / his administration also ran until 2011.

B...b...but I thought, according to snowflakes, that this was a brand new racist anti-Muslim idea Donald trump had come up with...and it turns out the United States had already been doing this.

The database on Muslims Trump was criticized for suggesting be created? yeah, it already exists, too:

"However, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, a Trump immigration adviser during the campaign, said last month that Trump should renew the DHS database."

"When the Obama administration abandoned the DHS system in April 2011, it said a newer data collection program would be sufficient to collect biometric information for all foreigners coming into the country. At the time, more than 80,000 foreigners were registered."

I am sure not mentioning any of this during their demonization of Trump was just an oversight on the part of snowflakes.


Obama ditches registry focused on immigrant men from Muslim countries

That shouldn't surprise anyone who has been paying attention the last eight years with how many Muslims Obama put into Homeland Security how the White House was decorated, they prayer rugs in the west wing and mandatory silence five times a day, the National Day of prayers he cancelled, while celebrating every Muslim holiday, etc.! Hopefully, this will be among all of the other Obama dictates that will be overturned by Trump!

What "many Muslims"?

What prayer rugs in the west wing?

What "mandatory silence" five times a day?

What cancelation of "National Day of Prayers?
There was silence when Oblama was putting, does that count?
"Obama ditches registry focused on immigrant men from Muslim countries"

"The Obama administration announced Thursday it is formally scrapping a once-mandatory registry for immigrant men from predominantly Muslim countries, amid speculation over whether the incoming Donald Trump administration may try to renew it.

The U.S. already had stopped using the program in 2011.

The original National Security Entry-Exit Registration System, or NSEERs, launched about a year after 9/11, requiring men and boys from a variety of mostly Middle Eastern countries to register with the federal government upon their arrival in the U.S. Registration, which also applied to immigrants from North Korea, included fingerprints and photographs and a requirement to notify the government of any address changes."

Whaaaaaaat? You mean a program that calls for Muslim Men to register ALREADY EXISTS? A program Obama himself / his administration also ran until 2011.

B...b...but I thought, according to snowflakes, that this was a brand new racist anti-Muslim idea Donald trump had come up with...and it turns out the United States had already been doing this.

The database on Muslims Trump was criticized for suggesting be created? yeah, it already exists, too:

"However, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, a Trump immigration adviser during the campaign, said last month that Trump should renew the DHS database."

"When the Obama administration abandoned the DHS system in April 2011, it said a newer data collection program would be sufficient to collect biometric information for all foreigners coming into the country. At the time, more than 80,000 foreigners were registered."

I am sure not mentioning any of this during their demonization of Trump was just an oversight on the part of snowflakes.


Obama ditches registry focused on immigrant men from Muslim countries

That shouldn't surprise anyone who has been paying attention the last eight years with how many Muslims Obama put into Homeland Security how the White House was decorated, they prayer rugs in the west wing and mandatory silence five times a day, the National Day of prayers he cancelled, while celebrating every Muslim holiday, etc.! Hopefully, this will be among all of the other Obama dictates that will be overturned by Trump!

What "many Muslims"?

What prayer rugs in the west wing?

What "mandatory silence" five times a day?

What cancelation of "National Day of Prayers?
There was silence when Oblama was putting, does that count?

Maybe...putting can be considered a religious activity...right?
"Obama ditches registry focused on immigrant men from Muslim countries"

"The Obama administration announced Thursday it is formally scrapping a once-mandatory registry for immigrant men from predominantly Muslim countries, amid speculation over whether the incoming Donald Trump administration may try to renew it.

The U.S. already had stopped using the program in 2011.

The original National Security Entry-Exit Registration System, or NSEERs, launched about a year after 9/11, requiring men and boys from a variety of mostly Middle Eastern countries to register with the federal government upon their arrival in the U.S. Registration, which also applied to immigrants from North Korea, included fingerprints and photographs and a requirement to notify the government of any address changes."

Whaaaaaaat? You mean a program that calls for Muslim Men to register ALREADY EXISTS? A program Obama himself / his administration also ran until 2011.

B...b...but I thought, according to snowflakes, that this was a brand new racist anti-Muslim idea Donald trump had come up with...and it turns out the United States had already been doing this.

The database on Muslims Trump was criticized for suggesting be created? yeah, it already exists, too:

"However, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, a Trump immigration adviser during the campaign, said last month that Trump should renew the DHS database."

"When the Obama administration abandoned the DHS system in April 2011, it said a newer data collection program would be sufficient to collect biometric information for all foreigners coming into the country. At the time, more than 80,000 foreigners were registered."

I am sure not mentioning any of this during their demonization of Trump was just an oversight on the part of snowflakes.


Obama ditches registry focused on immigrant men from Muslim countries

That shouldn't surprise anyone who has been paying attention the last eight years with how many Muslims Obama put into Homeland Security how the White House was decorated, they prayer rugs in the west wing and mandatory silence five times a day, the National Day of prayers he cancelled, while celebrating every Muslim holiday, etc.! Hopefully, this will be among all of the other Obama dictates that will be overturned by Trump!

What "many Muslims"?

What prayer rugs in the west wing?

What "mandatory silence" five times a day?

What cancelation of "National Day of Prayers?
There was silence when Oblama was putting, does that count?

Maybe...putting can be considered a religious activity...right?
Sure, and then they have the sacramental wine at the 19th hole..

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