OBAMA SECURITY CHIEF On Leaks: "I've Never Seen It This Bad!"


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Experts / Specialists / Media Talking Heads are still trying to figure out if this was just a statement or if he was BRAGGING...

Obama Security Chief On Leaks: ‘I’ve Never Seen It This Bad’

"Former Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson claimed Sunday morning that leaks in the Trump administration are the worst he’s ever seen.

“The leaks right now are really bad,” Johnson
told John Dickerson on CBS’s “Face The Nation.” “I’ve never seen it this bad. There should be a concerted effort to identify and go after leakers.”

Former President Barack Obama appointed Johnson as his security chief in 2013, and he served at his post until 2017 when President Trump took office. He also served in multiple government posts under both the Obama and Clinton administrations.

Democrats have largely been unwilling to denounce the leaks to date. Progressive “filmmaker” Micheal Moore created a website and a checklist for potential leakers to funnel inside information for him to use on his website, and Rep. Maxine Waters of California recently voiced her approval of a large number of leaks during a Friday interview on “The View.”"
WikiLeaks exposed the biggest leaks in the Obama Administration in US History -his Secretary of State Dept. Clinton emails - private server and criminal investigation, his Senior Advisor's emails - John Podesta , Obama's emails found on Clinton's private server, Obama spying on a presidential candidate - Trump and now Obama's Security chief says he has never seen it so bad? Does he have a bad memory problem?
When even OBAMA'S Security Chief admits this $hit is out of control on an un-precedented level, you know it's bad.

...Obama must be so proud. :p
WikiLeaks exposed the biggest leaks in the Obama Administration in US History

Thank you for undermining the snowflake claim that it was the Russians who hacked the e-mails and files. So now snowflakes are calling Obama's own Security a Chief a LIAR now when he says 'This is the worst evuh'?!

Bwuhahahaha. Nice.

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