Obama seeks supernatural powers


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Obama: I didn’t appreciate how weak the presidency is until I was president

That's right, Obama says he does not have enough power.

I guess in between writing Executive Orders, in place of laws, and Executive Agreements, in place of treaties, and just plain ignoring laws on the books when he feels like it, the man feels powerless.

My only conclusion is, he must want to be a god.
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Obama: I didn’t appreciate how weak the presidency is until I was president

That's right, Obama says he does not have enough power.

I guess in between writing Executive Orders, in place of laws, and Executive Agreements, in place of treaties, and just plain ignoring laws on the books when he feels like it, the man feels powerless.

He wants Harry Potter power. Wave the wand.

Well Obama better not try and become a god. If he does, the left may stop believing in him.

Except for Chris Matthews, but I think that is only common sense.

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Yeah. Because that progressive inner city education is just so much better than what those poor hicks out in the country will ever receive...


Obama: I didn’t appreciate how weak the presidency is until I was president

That's right, Obama says he does not have enough power.

I guess in between writing Executive Orders, in place of laws, and Executive Agreements, in place of treaties, and just plain ignoring laws on the books when he feels like it, the man feels powerless.

My only conclusion is, he must want to be a god.

So the mulatto messiah has finally figured out that it takes more than a warm butt in the chair, it takes a leader to be president, and it didn't take quite 7 years to come to that realization. Kind of stupid for a dude all the regressivecrats call the smartest evea.
Hey boy, your bunch led us into two useless wars, let the murderer of 3000 Americans on American soil live for seven years, and left us nearly in the Second Great Republican Depression. At present, the economy is strong, the unemployment rate good, and the future looks good. Much more so than when your GOP left office in Jan09.
And all you people can do is carry on like idiots about 'Messiah'. Well, President Obama is going to leave the White House with a record that will look very good to future historians. President Truman also suffered idiots like you during his terms. And was denigrated by the likes of you fools, but now the historians rate him pretty high. As they will President Obama.
Hey boy, your bunch led us into two useless wars, let the murderer of 3000 Americans on American soil live for seven years, and left us nearly in the Second Great Republican Depression. At present, the economy is strong, the unemployment rate good, and the future looks good. Much more so than when your GOP left office in Jan09.


So put him up for 'war crimes'... However if he can prove that misinformation was given to the White House which lead to those two wars then let the treason trials begin.

While we're at it if you're going to bring him up on 'war crimes' let's talk about the current Nobel Champion Of Peace and the countless thousands he's killed in basically waging unsanctioned wars against sovereign nations which we don't even have a Declaration Of War against much less Congressional Approval to wage those wars. There were at least 25,000 murdered in his little unsanctioned war with Libya.

How many more people does your blood soaked Nobel Hero Of Peace need to murder to 'bridge that gap of understanding' that the progressives promised he would do?


And all you people can do is carry on like idiots about 'Messiah'. Well, President Obama is going to leave the White House with a record that will look very good to future historians. President Truman also suffered idiots like you during his terms. And was denigrated by the likes of you fools, but now the historians rate him pretty high. As they will President Obama.

Nobody appreciates your dear leader more than Jimmy Carter, now he's the second worse president ever.
Hey boy, your bunch led us into two useless wars, let the murderer of 3000 Americans on American soil live for seven years, and left us nearly in the Second Great Republican Depression. At present, the economy is strong, the unemployment rate good, and the future looks good. Much more so than when your GOP left office in Jan09.

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So put him up for 'war crimes'... However if he can prove that misinformation was given to the White House which lead to those two wars then let the treason trials begin.

While we're at it if you're going to bring him up on 'war crimes' let's talk about the current Nobel Champion Of Peace and the countless thousands he's killed in basically waging unsanctioned wars against sovereign nations which we don't even have a Declaration Of War against much less Congressional Approval to wage those wars. There were at least 25,000 murdered in his little unsanctioned war with Libya.

How many more people does your blood soaked Nobel Hero Of Peace need to murder to 'bridge that gap of understanding' that the progressives promised he would do?



Oh my, another 'Conservative' patriot weeping over the death of Gadaffi. The asshole had American blood on his hands, and deserved what he got. That we helped that happen is sweet, indeed.
And all you people can do is carry on like idiots about 'Messiah'. Well, President Obama is going to leave the White House with a record that will look very good to future historians. President Truman also suffered idiots like you during his terms. And was denigrated by the likes of you fools, but now the historians rate him pretty high. As they will President Obama.
Thread Fail.
And all you people can do is carry on like idiots about 'Messiah'. Well, President Obama is going to leave the White House with a record that will look very good to future historians. President Truman also suffered idiots like you during his terms. And was denigrated by the likes of you fools, but now the historians rate him pretty high. As they will President Obama.

Nobody appreciates your dear leader more than Jimmy Carter, now he's the second worse president ever.

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