Obama seeks tax credits to aid veterans

So that's the difference between a Vet getting a job and not getting a job? A Tax Credit? Who believes that shit?

Not me.

Knowing Obama - it'll be a tax credit of $200 - or something meaningless like that.

He could give a rat's ass about the military. I don't know who he's trying to fool.
Political smoke, what obamaturd really is saying is, he will give you a 200 dollar tax credit and raise your taxes by 200 dollars so you still pay the same amount.


I'm no fan, but lets not make accusations w/o some basic facts.
So that's the difference between a Vet getting a job and not getting a job? A Tax Credit? Who believes that shit?

It will either work or it wont work. Implementing it costs nothing if it doesn't work, because they only get the tax credit if nthey hire a Vet.

Bull. Implementing it does cost something EVEN if it doesn't work. People hire fully qualified Vets every single day without any sort of extra incentive from the government. So companys which would have hired a Vet solely based upon their experience and skills would be getting a tax break - costing the US government revenue and shifting the burden of taxation. For your statement to be true, the current hiring rate on Vets would have to be 0%. I can tell you from personal experience that is absolutely not the case.
Here's the thing.

If EVERY fucking thing he does is wrong, then you're a hack and nobody has any reason to listen to word one SHIT that you say. None.

If you want to know if you're a hack, then tell me one thing he's done right. I am betting you can't, without having a coronary or a stroke of some sort.

This has anything to do with this issue because...? President Obama and his friends in congress have been denouncing loop holes for business for months now. This proposal is merely another loop hole. A way for companys to avoid taxes by doing something they probably would have done anyways and by doing something which directly benefits them in the first place. If loop holes are wrong, they are wrong, period. Just because President Obama thought it up and it could possibly help a group of people we all hold in high regard does not suddenly change the rules on what's appropriate and what's not. Just one more way to complicate a tax system which is completely illogical and ineffective anyway. So if you agree with President Obama that tax loop holes are wrong, and you also agree with him that we should have this loop hole, I pretty sure that makes YOU the hack.
Here's the thing.

If EVERY fucking thing he does is wrong, then you're a hack and nobody has any reason to listen to word one SHIT that you say. None.

If you want to know if you're a hack, then tell me one thing he's done right. I am betting you can't, without having a coronary or a stroke of some sort.

This has anything to do with this issue because...? President Obama and his friends in congress have been denouncing loop holes for business for months now. This proposal is merely another loop hole. A way for companys to avoid taxes by doing something they probably would have done anyways and by doing something which directly benefits them in the first place. If loop holes are wrong, they are wrong, period. Just because President Obama thought it up and it could possibly help a group of people we all hold in high regard does not suddenly change the rules on what's appropriate and what's not. Just one more way to complicate a tax system which is completely illogical and ineffective anyway. So if you agree with President Obama that tax loop holes are wrong, and you also agree with him that we should have this loop hole, I pretty sure that makes YOU the hack.


Microsoft Internet Explorer
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to McDowell's again.

They will get paid to hire the person they were going to hire anyway.

It took 3 pages to find one other person that got it.
I love how President Obama does something that everyone should be able to agree with, but somehow people still find ways to bitch about it.
They will get paid to hire the person they were going to hire anyway.

It took 3 pages to find one other person that got it

Imagine a college grad. He's got a 4 year degree and a bucket of loans to pay off. He's an honor student to boot. He finds, finally finds, the job of his dreams, he's the perfect fit. Gets turned down b/c a Vet applied for the job and the company could use the money.

From first hand knowledge, that fucking sucks.

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Obama seeks tax credits to help veterans get jobs - politics - msnbc.com

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is asking Congress to approve new initiatives to help some of America's 1 million unemployed military veterans find work, including tax credits for companies that hire out-of-work vets.

As much as I appretiate this feel good attempt to help out my fellow Vets.

It's unfair to the rest of the UE and is nothing short of discrimination.

I was on the other side of one of these ideas when coal miners struck, the state of Il offered deep benefits to hire miners making it impossible for qualified applicants to get a job.

Hopefully calmer heads will prevail and something will be done that helps everyone and not another temp surge like cash for clunkers.

Well, the first problem with this is there are few/no jobs to be had for anyone, let alone vets.

I'm a vet and really, I would not want to be hired based on an tax incentive over someone who might be more qualified. First, I think it's insulting to the vets...their records speak volumes on their own as to their dedication and work ethic. Second, there are SO many folks out of work now who need it desperately, this just makes it even tougher for them, and I don't want to be any part of that. A lot of good folks who deserve jobs as much vets, their struggles just as tough. Instead of attempting to buy the votes of the vets here, which is what I think this is truly all about, he should be focused on lightening the load for all Americans. Despite the fact that he may think he is doing us a favor, most Americans can see his real intent here. And lastly, most vets have too much pride in themselves and compassion for the struggles of other folks to accept this kind of 'hand-out' and his under estimation of the vets dedication and compassion to their country and fellow human beings is what will make his attempt to buy our vets backfire.
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I love how President Obama does something that everyone should be able to agree with, but somehow people still find ways to bitch about it.
And I love how you assume "everyone" should agree with adding more loop holes that will increase the debt.

How about a tax loop hole to hire people on welfare?

Not THAT would have my full support if it meant they could get off welfare.
Imagine a college grad. He's got a 4 year degree and a bucket of loans to pay off. He's an honor student to boot. He finds, finally finds, the job of his dreams, he's the perfect fit. Gets turned down b/c a Vet applied for the job and the company could use the money.

From first hand knowledge, that fucking sucks.


^^^ Best Period Evah!! ^^^​
Imagine a college grad. He's got a 4 year degree and a bucket of loans to pay off. He's an honor student to boot. He finds, finally finds, the job of his dreams, he's the perfect fit. Gets turned down b/c a Vet applied for the job and the company could use the money.

From first hand knowledge, that fucking sucks.


^^^ Best Period Evah!! ^^^​

look again.

at first you complained it would cause a vet to get hired over someone they would have hired if not for the credit...because that someone is more qualified

then, you said it took 3 pages for someone to get that they'd only hire the vets they were gunna hire in the 1st place without the credit existing.

you see a blatant contradiction? i do. i could be hallucinating.
And I love how you assume "everyone" should agree with adding more loop holes that will increase the debt.

How about a tax loop hole to hire people on welfare?

Not THAT would have my full support if it meant they could get off welfare.

So wait, it wouldn't have your full support or it would? Furthermore, I don't see any problem with giving a Tax credit because someone is a Vet.

What I see going on in this thread is two thoughts colliding at the same time.

1.) This will have a major impact on non-Vets not getting jobs because of the Tax Credit.

2.) This will not have a major impact at all because the Tax Credit is so small.

Each thought contradicts the other. So which is it?

^^^ Best Period Evah!! ^^^​

look again.

at first you complained it would cause a vet to get hired over someone they would have hired if not for the credit...because that someone is more qualified

then, you said it took 3 pages for someone to get that they'd only hire the vets they were gunna hire in the 1st place without the credit existing.

you see a blatant contradiction? i do. i could be hallucinating.

I see what you are saying.

And it certainly does look like a contradition, due to it's inconsistancy.

McDowell used common sense to come to the conclusion this is a bad idea. {that's what I was trying to get across]
I used a time from my personal life to get across this was a bad idea
and Lilbug took the honor we have and presented that Vets consider this an insult to show this is a bad idea.

It took 3 pages for someone to explain it was a bad idea.

of course I will just be accused of being a back peddling liar, or some such.

^^^ Best Period Evah!! ^^^​

look again.

at first you complained it would cause a vet to get hired over someone they would have hired if not for the credit...because that someone is more qualified

then, you said it took 3 pages for someone to get that they'd only hire the vets they were gunna hire in the 1st place without the credit existing.

you see a blatant contradiction? i do. i could be hallucinating.

wow...you are still posting in this thread GT?
^^^ Best Period Evah!! ^^^​

look again.

at first you complained it would cause a vet to get hired over someone they would have hired if not for the credit...because that someone is more qualified

then, you said it took 3 pages for someone to get that they'd only hire the vets they were gunna hire in the 1st place without the credit existing.

you see a blatant contradiction? i do. i could be hallucinating.

wow...you are still posting in this thread GT?

^^^ Best Period Evah!! ^^^​

look again.

at first you complained it would cause a vet to get hired over someone they would have hired if not for the credit...because that someone is more qualified

then, you said it took 3 pages for someone to get that they'd only hire the vets they were gunna hire in the 1st place without the credit existing.

you see a blatant contradiction? i do. i could be hallucinating.

I see what you are saying.

And it certainly does look like a contradition, due to it's inconsistancy.

McDowell used common sense to come to the conclusion this is a bad idea. {that's what I was trying to get across]
I used a time from my personal life to get across this was a bad idea
and Lilbug took the honor we have and presented that Vets consider this an insult to show this is a bad idea.

It took 3 pages for someone to explain it was a bad idea.

of course I will just be accused of being a back peddling liar, or some such.

nah, i'd say ya manned up
look again.

at first you complained it would cause a vet to get hired over someone they would have hired if not for the credit...because that someone is more qualified

then, you said it took 3 pages for someone to get that they'd only hire the vets they were gunna hire in the 1st place without the credit existing.

you see a blatant contradiction? i do. i could be hallucinating.

wow...you are still posting in this thread GT?


No reason.....Just askin'...wasnt meant as anything bad....just was the first thread I hit earlier...and you were there.....
Obama seeks tax credits to help veterans get jobs - politics - msnbc.com

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is asking Congress to approve new initiatives to help some of America's 1 million unemployed military veterans find work, including tax credits for companies that hire out-of-work vets.

As much as I appretiate this feel good attempt to help out my fellow Vets.

It's unfair to the rest of the UE and is nothing short of discrimination.

I was on the other side of one of these ideas when coal miners struck, the state of Il offered deep benefits to hire miners making it impossible for qualified applicants to get a job.

Hopefully calmer heads will prevail and something will be done that helps everyone and not another temp surge like cash for clunkers.

two thumbs
we have found a gold mine of shale oil in many states
power companies are wanting to build nuclear plants as well as clean burning coal fired plants
All BHO is got to do is get out of the way and stop talking about raising taxes, the jobs atre out there
People who are sitting on the money in this country have no reason nor place right now to invest it
And I love how you assume "everyone" should agree with adding more loop holes that will increase the debt.

How about a tax loop hole to hire people on welfare?

Not THAT would have my full support if it meant they could get off welfare.

So wait, it wouldn't have your full support or it would? Furthermore, I don't see any problem with giving a Tax credit because someone is a Vet.

What I see going on in this thread is two thoughts colliding at the same time.

1.) This will have a major impact on non-Vets not getting jobs because of the Tax Credit.

2.) This will not have a major impact at all because the Tax Credit is so small.

Each thought contradicts the other. So which is it?

2) The people talking about the size of the credit being $200 are probably wrong. I think it's $4800

1) there are 1 million UE Vets. If this passes, non-vets are probably screwed. Any company will consider the money when comes time to decide who gets the job.

It's simply not fair. [and I hate that word, since it's over used]

^^^ Best Period Evah!! ^^^​

look again.

at first you complained it would cause a vet to get hired over someone they would have hired if not for the credit...because that someone is more qualified

then, you said it took 3 pages for someone to get that they'd only hire the vets they were gunna hire in the 1st place without the credit existing.

you see a blatant contradiction? i do. i could be hallucinating.

There's only a contradiction in your misunderstanding of what was said. I did not say they would only hire people that they were going to hire anyway. I said that of the people that are hired after this goes into effect a portion would have been hired REGARDLESS of the credit. The hiring rate for Vets is not currently 0%. So for the portion that would have been hired anyway, the government is experiencing a cost which they would not have if the credit was not implemented. I fully agree, this will probably increase the number of Vets hired, but companies will be getting a credit for Vets that would have been employed to begin with. That's why you're assertion that it would "cost nothing" if it didn't work was not logical. In fact, the credit would have to have the opposite effect and actually discourage employement of Vets to "cost nothing."

If it's your assertion that this will not influence hiring decisions, then the credit is a COMPLETE waste of time and money. Not only will the same number of Vets be hired, but the government will be losing out on a bunch of tax money it didn't need to.

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