Obama seeks tax credits to aid veterans

So that's the difference between a Vet getting a job and not getting a job? A Tax Credit? Who believes that shit?

Not me.

Knowing Obama - it'll be a tax credit of $200 - or something meaningless like that.

He could give a rat's ass about the military. I don't know who he's trying to fool.

I heard it would be ~ $4800. That's grapevine though
Obama seeks tax credits to help veterans get jobs - politics - msnbc.com

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is asking Congress to approve new initiatives to help some of America's 1 million unemployed military veterans find work, including tax credits for companies that hire out-of-work vets.

As much as I appretiate this feel good attempt to help out my fellow Vets.

It's unfair to the rest of the UE and is nothing short of discrimination.

I was on the other side of one of these ideas when coal miners struck, the state of Il offered deep benefits to hire miners making it impossible for qualified applicants to get a job.

Hopefully calmer heads will prevail and something will be done that helps everyone and not another temp surge like cash for clunkers.

This is all about democrats seeking to grab onto another voting block that has historically voted Republican. More of Johnson's "Great Society"

Likely true but hopefully with a positive outcome (in that it works to help employment for Vets)
Making another special interest group beholding to the Dems can't have a positive outcome.
It's not discrimination, it's reward for risking their lives to uphold our Republic.

As one who believes it is in the best interest for all teens to experience the military for 2 years before college or career...

I agree with you. Those that enter the military voluntarily deserve some sort of reward for not only their possible sacrifice ogf health, but their sacrifice of time...and to be put in front of the line for a job is fine with me.

It is not discrimination as every other propspective employee is ALSO afforded the right to spend time in the military...and if they choose not to, thats fine...

Some choose not to go to college....and that may slow their careers down.

Others choose to go to grad school...that too slows their careers down.

There is no discrimination here......I like the idea.

Kudo to Obama if he makes it work....and makes it truly worth it to the corporations.

We already get that, and we get it in spades.

We chose to join, that doesn't make us more qualified or better than anyone else.
We already get plenty. We have access to things you would love to have. But, neener neener, none for you.

Imagine a college grad. He's got a 4 year degree and a bucket of loans to pay off. He's an honor student to boot. He finds, finally finds, the job of his dreams, he's the perfect fit. Gets turned down b/c a Vet applied for the job and the company could use the money.

From first hand knowledge, that fucking sucks.

We didn't ask for head of the line privaledges or pampering. We asked to serve our country and get 3 hots and a cot. The rest is icing, more is just unfair.

Well, your scenario sucks because Companies hire employees because, and only because, adding the employee helps make them money. They don't tend to hire people at a net loss because that's just stupid.

So if they Hire a Vet for a simple tax credit as opposed to Johnny College grad who will make them BANK, that's just asinine and not realistic an example.

Well then you just called the DNC of Illinois asinine.

Miners went on strike, the owners closed the mines, the union went to the dnc, they passed a ruling that companies got money to hire miners. many qualified people, like me, didn't get jobs just so miners would be hired for the money.

I'd answer by saying: Define qualified. Because if they hired incompetents over "qualified" then the tax credit was obviously not worth it, and the Business owners don't belong in Business. Another asinine example.
This is all about democrats seeking to grab onto another voting block that has historically voted Republican. More of Johnson's "Great Society"

Likely true but hopefully with a positive outcome (in that it works to help employment for Vets)
Making another special interest group beholding to the Dems can't have a positive outcome.

You mean "beholden?" Anyways, thanks for calling the Service men and women brainwashable. Dork.
Likely true?

I dont agree...maybe true?

Why do we have to assume that every good thing a President does is in the interest of votes?

Isnt it possible that he is sick and tired of brave Americans coming home to home foreclosures and car reposessions?

I am...and I dont need no stinkin votes.

Well, I can't pretend to know what's in his heart but I also can't pretend that he's not had bad unemployment for a while now and this suddenly comes on the Campaign trail.

I have held the belief all along that everyone in Washington is working towards the same goal, and that's whatever whoever's paying them under the table says it is.

I agree with yourtheory for 99% of the initiatives that come out of Washington.

I am not so sure this was not coming from his heart...

It is very hard to "buy" a soldiers vote.

There have been a million UE Vets for years.

Now, in an election year, he comes out with this.

The timing alone is suspect.
It's not discrimination, it's reward for risking their lives to uphold our Republic.

As one who believes it is in the best interest for all teens to experience the military for 2 years before college or career...

I agree with you. Those that enter the military voluntarily deserve some sort of reward for not only their possible sacrifice ogf health, but their sacrifice of time...and to be put in front of the line for a job is fine with me.

It is not discrimination as every other propspective employee is ALSO afforded the right to spend time in the military...and if they choose not to, thats fine...

Some choose not to go to college....and that may slow their careers down.

Others choose to go to grad school...that too slows their careers down.

There is no discrimination here......I like the idea.

Kudo to Obama if he makes it work....and makes it truly worth it to the corporations.

We already get that, and we get it in spades.

We chose to join, that doesn't make us more qualified or better than anyone else.

No it doesnt.....

But what is wrong with some kind of an added incentive for joining?
Well, your scenario sucks because Companies hire employees because, and only because, adding the employee helps make them money. They don't tend to hire people at a net loss because that's just stupid.

So if they Hire a Vet for a simple tax credit as opposed to Johnny College grad who will make them BANK, that's just asinine and not realistic an example.

Well then you just called the DNC of Illinois asinine.

Miners went on strike, the owners closed the mines, the union went to the dnc, they passed a ruling that companies got money to hire miners. many qualified people, like me, didn't get jobs just so miners would be hired for the money.

I'd answer by saying: Define qualified. Because if they hired incompetents over "qualified" then the tax credit was obviously not worth it, and the Business owners don't belong in Business. Another asinine example.

Ok, I'll keep telling the same true story with more details.

I was in the Navy for 9 1/2 years as an Electronics Tech.
I applied for a job, that was next to the middle of no where.
The interview;
Are you a miner?

Are you in the miners union?
No, I'm a Navy Vet, I just got out a short while ago and moved back close to home.

Oh, thanks. Sorry, but we are only hiring miners now. Thank you for coming.

It got better after that as employers started telling you up front, before you bothered with the application.

but I'm glad that you seem to be understanding that this idea is asinine.
Here's the thing.

If EVERY fucking thing he does is wrong, then you're a hack and nobody has any reason to listen to word one SHIT that you say. None.

If you want to know if you're a hack, then tell me one thing he's done right. I am betting you can't, without having a coronary or a stroke of some sort.
Well then you just called the DNC of Illinois asinine.

Miners went on strike, the owners closed the mines, the union went to the dnc, they passed a ruling that companies got money to hire miners. many qualified people, like me, didn't get jobs just so miners would be hired for the money.

I'd answer by saying: Define qualified. Because if they hired incompetents over "qualified" then the tax credit was obviously not worth it, and the Business owners don't belong in Business. Another asinine example.

Ok, I'll keep telling the same true story with more details.

I was in the Navy for 9 1/2 years as an Electronics Tech.
I applied for a job, that was next to the middle of no where.
The interview;
Are you a miner?

Are you in the miners union?
No, I'm a Navy Vet, I just got out a short while ago and moved back close to home.

Oh, thanks. Sorry, but we are only hiring miners now. Thank you for coming.

It got better after that as employers started telling you up front, before you bothered with the application.

but I'm glad that you seem to be understanding that this idea is asinine.

The idea isn't asinine, the person doing the hiring that way is asinine.

What would the credit be, 5 or 6 grand?

So they're going to plop a (random number) $30k salary on an incompetent person, for the $6k credit, who they might break even on.................as opposed to a qualified, proven individual that will probably make them a profit above and beyond the $6k credit & other, incompetent guy's abilities to generate profit?

I think I know where the asinine-ship lies in your scenarios of "hiring the unqualified for a tax credit." It's fucking stupid.

It's as though I'd go buy a piece of shit house a year ago for the $8k tax credit. Ummmm, no.
It's not discrimination, it's reward for risking their lives to uphold our Republic.

As one who believes it is in the best interest for all teens to experience the military for 2 years before college or career...

I agree with you. Those that enter the military voluntarily deserve some sort of reward for not only their possible sacrifice ogf health, but their sacrifice of time...and to be put in front of the line for a job is fine with me.

It is not discrimination as every other propspective employee is ALSO afforded the right to spend time in the military...and if they choose not to, thats fine...

Some choose not to go to college....and that may slow their careers down.

Others choose to go to grad school...that too slows their careers down.

There is no discrimination here......I like the idea.

Kudo to Obama if he makes it work....and makes it truly worth it to the corporations.

To the bolded: What about those who do the same, at home? Fire, police, etc?
As one who believes it is in the best interest for all teens to experience the military for 2 years before college or career...

I agree with you. Those that enter the military voluntarily deserve some sort of reward for not only their possible sacrifice ogf health, but their sacrifice of time...and to be put in front of the line for a job is fine with me.

It is not discrimination as every other propspective employee is ALSO afforded the right to spend time in the military...and if they choose not to, thats fine...

Some choose not to go to college....and that may slow their careers down.

Others choose to go to grad school...that too slows their careers down.

There is no discrimination here......I like the idea.

Kudo to Obama if he makes it work....and makes it truly worth it to the corporations.

We already get that, and we get it in spades.

We chose to join, that doesn't make us more qualified or better than anyone else.

No it doesnt.....

But what is wrong with some kind of an added incentive for joining?

If that was something up front and permanante and not just a shot in the dark. I'd be all for it. I'm 100% behind all the bennies we get for being Vets.

Seriously, the GI bill needs to be tought in school. For an investment of $100 dollars for 12 months you can get paid to go to college for the rest of your enlistment and 10 years after you are out.
Here's the thing.

If EVERY fucking thing he does is wrong, then you're a hack and nobody has any reason to listen to word one SHIT that you say. None.

If you want to know if you're a hack, then tell me one thing he's done right. I am betting you can't, without having a coronary or a stroke of some sort.

The surge in Afghanastan.

now say something nice about conservatives.
I'd answer by saying: Define qualified. Because if they hired incompetents over "qualified" then the tax credit was obviously not worth it, and the Business owners don't belong in Business. Another asinine example.

Ok, I'll keep telling the same true story with more details.

I was in the Navy for 9 1/2 years as an Electronics Tech.
I applied for a job, that was next to the middle of no where.
The interview;
Are you a miner?

Are you in the miners union?
No, I'm a Navy Vet, I just got out a short while ago and moved back close to home.

Oh, thanks. Sorry, but we are only hiring miners now. Thank you for coming.

It got better after that as employers started telling you up front, before you bothered with the application.

but I'm glad that you seem to be understanding that this idea is asinine.

The idea isn't asinine, the person doing the hiring that way is asinine.

What would the credit be, 5 or 6 grand?

So they're going to plop a (random number) $30k salary on an incompetent person, for the $6k credit, who they might break even on.................as opposed to a qualified, proven individual that will probably make them a profit above and beyond the $6k credit & other, incompetent guy's abilities to generate profit?

I think I know where the asinine-ship lies in your scenarios of "hiring the unqualified for a tax credit." It's fucking stupid.

It's as though I'd go buy a piece of shit house a year ago for the $8k tax credit. Ummmm, no.

Well I thought this was sinking in.

Ok, why would anyone hire someone over a Vet?

answer; The Vet lacked tha qualifications the employer was looking for.

But you support this idea, b/c why now?
Ok, I'll keep telling the same true story with more details.

I was in the Navy for 9 1/2 years as an Electronics Tech.
I applied for a job, that was next to the middle of no where.
The interview;
Are you a miner?

Are you in the miners union?
No, I'm a Navy Vet, I just got out a short while ago and moved back close to home.

Oh, thanks. Sorry, but we are only hiring miners now. Thank you for coming.

It got better after that as employers started telling you up front, before you bothered with the application.

but I'm glad that you seem to be understanding that this idea is asinine.

The idea isn't asinine, the person doing the hiring that way is asinine.

What would the credit be, 5 or 6 grand?

So they're going to plop a (random number) $30k salary on an incompetent person, for the $6k credit, who they might break even on.................as opposed to a qualified, proven individual that will probably make them a profit above and beyond the $6k credit & other, incompetent guy's abilities to generate profit?

I think I know where the asinine-ship lies in your scenarios of "hiring the unqualified for a tax credit." It's fucking stupid.

It's as though I'd go buy a piece of shit house a year ago for the $8k tax credit. Ummmm, no.

Well I thought this was sinking in.

Ok, why would anyone hire someone over a Vet?

answer; The Vet lacked tha qualifications the employer was looking for.

But you support this idea, b/c why now?

Because if they know what the fuck they're doing, they won't hire the Vet OVER anyone more qualified, but only when it's the Vet vs. someone equally or less qualified.

Hiring a Vet who is less qualified for a tax incentive does *not* yield the Company a profit as having an employee is supposed to.

I'm not sure what you don't understand.

And if the Vet gets it over someone who he's equally qualified with, because of the incentive, I'm 110% fine with that because the Vet was willing in his life to sacrifice the ultimate to keep this whole society functioning (hiring, firing, eating, pissing, shitting, etc)
Here's the thing.

If EVERY fucking thing he does is wrong, then you're a hack and nobody has any reason to listen to word one SHIT that you say. None.

If you want to know if you're a hack, then tell me one thing he's done right. I am betting you can't, without having a coronary or a stroke of some sort.

The surge in Afghanastan.

now say something nice about conservatives.


Here's the thing.

If EVERY fucking thing he does is wrong, then you're a hack and nobody has any reason to listen to word one SHIT that you say. None.

If you want to know if you're a hack, then tell me one thing he's done right. I am betting you can't, without having a coronary or a stroke of some sort.

The surge in Afghanastan.

now say something nice about conservatives.



something nice about conservatives

So that's the difference between a Vet getting a job and not getting a job? A Tax Credit? Who believes that shit?

Not me.

Knowing Obama - it'll be a tax credit of $200 - or something meaningless like that.

He could give a rat's ass about the military. I don't know who he's trying to fool.
Political smoke, what obamaturd really is saying is, he will give you a 200 dollar tax credit and raise your taxes by 200 dollars so you still pay the same amount.
Here's the thing.

If EVERY fucking thing he does is wrong, then you're a hack and nobody has any reason to listen to word one SHIT that you say. None.

If you want to know if you're a hack, then tell me one thing he's done right. I am betting you can't, without having a coronary or a stroke of some sort.

The surge in Afghanastan.

now say something nice about conservatives.



I would vote for Huntsman.

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