Obama sees border security concerns as a joke

actually, he said Republicans would want a moat.....with alligators and will probably move out the goal posts one more time....on what they want, regarding immigration reform....
Seal the Borders and deport all illegals. That is what we want. Arrest Employers that hire illegals and fine the shit out of Companies that use them. Capture all illegals we can and deport them.

We have 10 to 20 MILLION illegals in this Country, 99 percent of which are Mexican or from South of the Border. We tried amnesty and all it did is create 10 times the problem.

States are going broke paying for health care police and social services for illegal ALIENS.

In the past both Republicans and Democrats have been the problem, for different reasons but both parties have failed to do what was needed.

It is time to stop the flow and kick them out. Anything less is criminal. And we don't need lame ass jokes because Obama does not care.
actually, he said Republicans would want a moat.....with alligators and will probably move out the goal posts one more time....on what they want, regarding immigration reform....

Seriously, alligators would be a great beginner.
You guys still seem to feel that the problem is their physical ability to get into the country. Sometimes arguments are made that seem to insinuate the problem is that we can't find them. These are not the problems.

Walls don't work and Obama is right to mock the idea.
This is yet another example of why elected officials should not be able to use taxpayer money to fund their campaign trips. Obama's real purpose was two fundraisers in Austin (planned weeks ago). One week prior tot he Campaign Trip, this little speech was tacked on so that we would have the "privilege" of paying for the junket.

I'd like to see a reform in which elected officials pay the entire expenses of any trip in which official business is combined with campaign events.
The problem is coming from "sanctuary states" Now that they know they can get in state tuition in Maryland, and they can get a drivers license, and they can get voter registration thanks to our worthless state officials, I expect the flow into this state to increase substantially in a very short time.
You don't resolve a rat infestation by throwing garbage in the yard.
Contact your individual Representatives in Congress to cut off ALL federal funds to any state that acts in this manner. Money is the only thing these politicians will understand.
Actually, I think it would be better if the government stopped ripping off the Blue states to give money to the Red states. Right wingers for the most part don't work. They drink too much beer. They don't really contribute. And by targeting everyone else, they shift the focus away from their lack of achievement or success.

They held the government for six straight years and now they are screaming for Obama to take care of what they couldn't. They were too busy building up the deficit.

I remember, it was just a few short weeks ago that right wingers were screaming, "Ok, you said you would get Bin Laden. Where is he? Another promise broken".

It took right wingers years and years to fuck things up this bad. It will take twice as long to fix them.
Actually, I think it would be better if the government stopped ripping off the Blue states to give money to the Red states. Right wingers for the most part don't work. They drink too much beer. They don't really contribute. And by targeting everyone else, they shift the focus away from their lack of achievement or success.

They held the government for six straight years and now they are screaming for Obama to take care of what they couldn't. They were too busy building up the deficit.

I remember, it was just a few short weeks ago that right wingers were screaming, "Ok, you said you would get Bin Laden. Where is he? Another promise broken".

It took right wingers years and years to fuck things up this bad. It will take twice as long to fix them.

Google is your friend. You need to use it more often.
Do some research on each of your points above, then come back and revise them to match the reality of each situation.
Actually, I think it would be better if the government stopped ripping off the Blue states to give money to the Red states. Right wingers for the most part don't work. They drink too much beer. They don't really contribute. And by targeting everyone else, they shift the focus away from their lack of achievement or success.

Wow. Just wow.
You guys still seem to feel that the problem is their physical ability to get into the country. Sometimes arguments are made that seem to insinuate the problem is that we can't find them. These are not the problems.

Walls don't work and Obama is right to mock the idea.

Reminds me of the question.
Why doesn't Mexico have any competitors in the Olympics?

Because all of them that can run, jump or swim are already in the U.S.

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