Obama Sells Out America's Youth with Eric Holder

You are confused little boy. I'm well aware that it is nearly impossible to kill yourself with pot, unless you drop a ton of it on yourself. But so what? Its illegal and potheads should go to jail.

oh yea, because nothing says punishment like free housing,healthcare,

food, and clothing paid for by the tax payer.
oh yea, because nothing says punishment like free housing,healthcare,

food, and clothing paid for by the tax payer.

Yeah :rolleyes:

Because prison is nothing more than free housing, healthcare, food, and clothing paid for by the tax payer.... it's no punishment to have all of your freedoms and liberties taken away, to be confined, etc?

What a piss poor argument or attempt at a counter-point :lol:
Yeah :rolleyes:

Because prison is nothing more than free housing, healthcare, food, and clothing paid for by the tax payer.... it's no punishment to have all of your freedoms and liberties taken away, to be confined, etc?

What a piss poor argument or attempt at a counter-point :lol:

What is piss poor is your sorry ass attempt at defending failed

policies. If prison was such a deterrent, then why are more drugs

available then ever before? If criminals hated prison so much why is

the recidivism rate so high? If the war on drugs is effective, then why

does our streets have higher availability and purer drugs then ever before?

All I see is out of control spending with no positive return on investment.

But of course the gov't can always rely on the dumb and blind like yourself

to support their policies of failure.
Here is a dumb question...

Why do We, The People want to restrict the ADULT use of recreational drugs?

I thought freedom was supposed to be precious around here... Shouldn't we be free to be as stupid as evolution allows? Sure if someone gets high and kills someone with their car, they should go to prison, but not for being high.


ITA When you cross the line to violating someone else's rights stay the hell out of my veins. What I choose to eat, drink, smoke, or do should be my business. So long as I don't cross into others rights. If I rob someone, bust me on that. If I drive and kill bust me on that.

For those of you that support the drug war I have a question... How do you feel about alcohol? Do you know it's a bigger danger than the biggest target of the drug war (marijuana)? The drug war has been a failure. It's one major area I disagree with the Republican party on.
You are confused little boy. I'm well aware that it is nearly impossible to kill yourself with pot, unless you drop a ton of it on yourself. But so what? Its illegal and potheads should go to jail.

it's illegal for the time being.. things change.

and, in regards to Dave's diatribe against pot over some laughable risk of consumption? Well, again, you do your alma mater proud.
Hey... let's have a contest... try reading what I fucking wrote....

Did I advocate over drinking?


I did state, however, that there are benefits to the consumption of occasional alcohol.... this is NEVER and I do mean NEVER the case with even the supposed 'recreational" marijuana... and as stated, use of marijuana next to someone can deliver the person next to you the mind altering effects. This is NOT the case with a glass of wine, a beer, or a shot of Jack

and what pothead ADVOCATES smoking a fucking bong and plowing through a school bus? The FACT remains that OVER drinking happens and IS a fact of it's legal status. End of fucking story. Indeed, I can post benefits of pot consumption to match your glass of wine a day bullshit, dude. Now, if you choose not to acknowledge that evidence.. well.. it's not like your position is standing on solid ground anyway.


The active ingredients in marijuana appear to be useful for treating pain, nausea and the severe weight loss associated with AIDS, according to a new study commissioned by the Government that is inflaming the contentious debate over whether doctors should be permitted to prescribe the drug.

Column: Health benefits of marijuana outweigh concerns over misuse

Imagine you or someone you love is suffering from a chronic, painful illness. When the pain becomes intolerable, you head to your doctor, begging for something to ease your suffering and restore your quality of life, something to make you feel like your old self again. Your doctor offers you two options: a synthetic, potentially addictive narcotic, or a natural remedy derived from a plant. The choice seems pretty simple — until you realize that the first option is the popular painkiller Vicodin, and the second is the illegal drug marijuana.
UWire Opinion | Health benefits of marijuana outweigh concerns over misuse

The medical uses of cannabis
IF CANNABIS were unknown, and bioprospectors were suddenly to find it in some remote mountain crevice, its discovery would no doubt be hailed as a medical breakthrough. Scientists would praise its potential for treating everything from pain to cancer, and marvel at its rich pharmacopoeia—many of whose chemicals mimic vital molecules in the human body. In reality, cannabis has been with humanity for thousands of years and is considered by many governments (notably America's) to be a dangerous drug without utility. Any suggestion that the plant might be medically useful is politically controversial, whatever the science says. It is in this context that, on April 20th, America's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a statement saying that smoked marijuana has no accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.

The statement is curious in a number of ways. For one thing, it overlooks a report made in 1999 by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), part of the National Academy of Sciences, which came to a different conclusion. John Benson, a professor of medicine at the University of Nebraska who co-chaired the committee that drew up the report, found some sound scientific information that supports the medical use of marijuana for certain patients for short periods—even for smoked marijuana. …

and as stated, use of marijuana next to someone can deliver the person next to you the mind altering effects. This is NOT the case with a glass of wine, a beer, or a shot of Jack

Yea dude.. I mean we ONLY have thousands of fucking ANNUAL DEATHS causes by alcohol... tell me more about that evil pot again while you totally ignore the fucking FACT of M.A.D.D.
And how many productive and goal oriented stoners do you see?... I mean besides actors, music stars, the occasional NBA player, etc

I'll bet you've seen and done business with plenty of productive stoners who are smart enough to keep it to themselves.

And there are no lawyers, doctors, politicians, etc who tie one on with a bottle of scotch or a 12 pack of beer :eusa_liar:


That doesn't make sense, dude... Plenty of professionals of every color collar drink up. Not only in public, but sometimes at work and on the job. Nobody cares. This is the stoners point. For me, it is a question of freedom... Americans are not a free people. It is time we quit bragging like stupid teenagers while the world laughs.

I think my point was that it is EXCESS that is the problem, not use. And you still have given no justification for one being legal and the other being criminal.

As for tabacco. I don't think that should have been banned. I think business owners should have the right to choose whether they want a smoking or a non-smoking establishment.


Well said Jillian. It is the discrimination that slaps 'freedom' in the face.

and what pothead ADVOCATES smoking a fucking bong and plowing through a school bus? The FACT remains that OVER drinking happens and IS a fact of it's legal status. End of fucking story. Indeed, I can post benefits of pot consumption to match your glass of wine a day bullshit, dude. Now, if you choose not to acknowledge that evidence.. well.. it's not like your position is standing on solid ground anyway.


The active ingredients in marijuana appear to be useful for treating pain, nausea and the severe weight loss associated with AIDS, according to a new study commissioned by the Government that is inflaming the contentious debate over whether doctors should be permitted to prescribe the drug.

Column: Health benefits of marijuana outweigh concerns over misuse

Imagine you or someone you love is suffering from a chronic, painful illness. When the pain becomes intolerable, you head to your doctor, begging for something to ease your suffering and restore your quality of life, something to make you feel like your old self again. Your doctor offers you two options: a synthetic, potentially addictive narcotic, or a natural remedy derived from a plant. The choice seems pretty simple — until you realize that the first option is the popular painkiller Vicodin, and the second is the illegal drug marijuana.
UWire Opinion | Health benefits of marijuana outweigh concerns over misuse

The medical uses of cannabis
IF CANNABIS were unknown, and bioprospectors were suddenly to find it in some remote mountain crevice, its discovery would no doubt be hailed as a medical breakthrough. Scientists would praise its potential for treating everything from pain to cancer, and marvel at its rich pharmacopoeia—many of whose chemicals mimic vital molecules in the human body. In reality, cannabis has been with humanity for thousands of years and is considered by many governments (notably America's) to be a dangerous drug without utility. Any suggestion that the plant might be medically useful is politically controversial, whatever the science says. It is in this context that, on April 20th, America's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a statement saying that smoked marijuana has no accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.

The statement is curious in a number of ways. For one thing, it overlooks a report made in 1999 by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), part of the National Academy of Sciences, which came to a different conclusion. John Benson, a professor of medicine at the University of Nebraska who co-chaired the committee that drew up the report, found some sound scientific information that supports the medical use of marijuana for certain patients for short periods—even for smoked marijuana. …
Medical marijuana | Reefer madness | Economist.com

and as stated, use of marijuana next to someone can deliver the person next to you the mind altering effects. This is NOT the case with a glass of wine, a beer, or a shot of Jack

Yea dude.. I mean we ONLY have thousands of fucking ANNUAL DEATHS causes by alcohol... tell me more about that evil pot again while you totally ignore the fucking FACT of M.A.D.D.

puff puff give .......
and what pothead ADVOCATES smoking a fucking bong and plowing through a school bus? The FACT remains that OVER drinking happens and IS a fact of it's legal status. End of fucking story. Indeed, I can post benefits of pot consumption to match your glass of wine a day bullshit, dude. Now, if you choose not to acknowledge that evidence.. well.. it's not like your position is standing on solid ground anyway.


The active ingredients in marijuana appear to be useful for treating pain, nausea and the severe weight loss associated with AIDS, according to a new study commissioned by the Government that is inflaming the contentious debate over whether doctors should be permitted to prescribe the drug.

Column: Health benefits of marijuana outweigh concerns over misuse

Imagine you or someone you love is suffering from a chronic, painful illness. When the pain becomes intolerable, you head to your doctor, begging for something to ease your suffering and restore your quality of life, something to make you feel like your old self again. Your doctor offers you two options: a synthetic, potentially addictive narcotic, or a natural remedy derived from a plant. The choice seems pretty simple — until you realize that the first option is the popular painkiller Vicodin, and the second is the illegal drug marijuana.
UWire Opinion | Health benefits of marijuana outweigh concerns over misuse

The medical uses of cannabis
IF CANNABIS were unknown, and bioprospectors were suddenly to find it in some remote mountain crevice, its discovery would no doubt be hailed as a medical breakthrough. Scientists would praise its potential for treating everything from pain to cancer, and marvel at its rich pharmacopoeia—many of whose chemicals mimic vital molecules in the human body. In reality, cannabis has been with humanity for thousands of years and is considered by many governments (notably America's) to be a dangerous drug without utility. Any suggestion that the plant might be medically useful is politically controversial, whatever the science says. It is in this context that, on April 20th, America's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a statement saying that smoked marijuana has no accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.

The statement is curious in a number of ways. For one thing, it overlooks a report made in 1999 by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), part of the National Academy of Sciences, which came to a different conclusion. John Benson, a professor of medicine at the University of Nebraska who co-chaired the committee that drew up the report, found some sound scientific information that supports the medical use of marijuana for certain patients for short periods—even for smoked marijuana. …
Medical marijuana | Reefer madness | Economist.com

and as stated, use of marijuana next to someone can deliver the person next to you the mind altering effects. This is NOT the case with a glass of wine, a beer, or a shot of Jack

Yea dude.. I mean we ONLY have thousands of fucking ANNUAL DEATHS causes by alcohol... tell me more about that evil pot again while you totally ignore the fucking FACT of M.A.D.D.


There is NO medical benefit of smoked marijuana... but nice try... also smoked marijuana is not a valid delivery system or recommended for anything medicinal... but nice try again

Speaking Out Against Drug Legalization, Fact 4

potheads will try anything to self validate

the is no natural or medical benefit to marijuana... it's easy to say and accept... unless you're a goddamn stoner looking for an excuse for your high
Well, DD, I knew a guy that smoked weed when he was having chemo because it gave him the munchies. He'd have not bothered eating otherwise. Of course he is dead now, so those couple of extra months with his children were meaningless.

But please, turn in your libertarian card you fraud. You are worse than any far leftie or far rightie in your quest to decide what someone else should do to their own selves.
Well, DD, I knew a guy that smoked weed when he was having chemo because it gave him the munchies. He'd have not bothered eating otherwise. Of course he is dead now, so those couple of extra months with his children were meaningless.

But please, turn in your libertarian card you fraud. You are worse than any far leftie or far rightie in your quest to decide what someone else should do to their own selves.

Try reading the link on Marinol.... with the same "munchie" benefits without the high.... plus, as stated, no drug has EVER or will ever be recommended with smoking as a delivery mechanism...

Nice try.... but the same effect could have been obtained without the joint.... though the stoners don't want to hear that

And since when have I ever said to be, claimed to me, or had stances in line with libertarians? I have pulled the lever for 1, this election as a matter of fact... but mainly due to the fact that I could not vote for the far left DEM, and could not vote for the incumbent REP because I already know he was corrupt

There is valid reasoning behind having drugs (including pot) illegal.. but once again we have someone applying that simply likes to ignore those reasons when replying with their preordained opinion
And how many productive and goal oriented stoners do you see?... I mean besides actors, music stars, the occasional NBA player, etc

It's called a self fulfilling prohecy, DD.

If you make it impossible for stoners to get good jobs, (and we do) then expecting them to be highly productive on jobs they are not allowed to compete for is rather foolish don't you think?

I'm a stoner.

My closest competition in my field started with 88 times as much money as I started out with. They started out with $4.4 million, I've invested about $50k.

I kick their asses in every metric that one can apply to our industry.

Now, if we lived in a true meritocracy?

Stoners wouldn't be disadvantaged, DD.

But the circular logic that since stoners are not good workers (simply because they're stoners), ergo we won't allow stoners to compete on the job, should be fairly obvious, even to someone as prejudiced as you are.
...There is valid reasoning behind having drugs (including pot) illegal..

This may be true... I just want the discrimination to end. Let's apply the same valid reasoning to making the use of alcohol and tobacco criminal offenses against The People.

I can't tell you how many times I have to hold my breath 'cause some clown is smoking just outside a mall or office I'm walking in or out of. That shit stinks.

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And how many productive and goal oriented stoners do you see?... I mean besides actors, music stars, the occasional NBA player, etc
Here are a few:

Barack Obama, president-elect. Bill Clinton, 42nd president of the U.S. John Kerry, U.S. Senator and 2004 Democratic nominee for president. John Edwards, multi-millionaire, former U.S. Senator, and 2004 Democratic nominee for vice president. Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska, 2008 Republican nominee for vice president. British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, Transport Secretary Ruth Kelly, and and Chancellor Alistair Darling. Josh Howard, NBA all-star. New York Governor David Paterson. Former Vice President, Nobel Peace Prize winner, and Oscar winner Al Gore. Former Sen. Bill Bradley, who smoked while playing professional basketball. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, and former New York Governor George Pataki. Billionaire and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

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