Obama: serious consequences for russia if they grant asylum

Well, Russia was smart enough to help China when she was starving. We were too busy. If the US had been the mother of modern China, we wouldn't be fighting anywhere in the east today. China begged us to send help, to send missionaries, agricultural specialists, anything we had; they asked us for any help to get them out of feudalism. In the end it was Mao and the Soviets who did that.
Well, our church has been in China since 1844 through the present with food, medical, educational, and evangelical help. It's too bad that we only have 2,000,000 members nowadays. The day I graduated from high school, we had 7,000,000 members. Presbyterian History of Missions to China Each time a monsoon hits the region, our women send what our missionaries tell us is needed.

Hasn't the Presbyterian Church split?
Well, the young hot bloods are all afire. When they're older, they'll get it about wearing out, which will reinforce the "honor thy father and thy mother" bit. By keeping the system they are guaranteed to learn this lesson as time passes. ;) Strokes, dementia, and hereditary diseases that start for most around age 55, but can go as low as age 12. Experience will show them the way. I'm not worried. The reconciliatory union of the north and south churches that had split at Civil war occurred when I was a church elder in or around 1981. It was one of my happiest days when I heard it. I heard ministers and even my grandparents pray for reconciliation. All churches go through times of separating and times of rejoining. Then something else comes along and splits us again, only to be reconciled a few generations later. The usual response is "What were we (they) thinking back then?" ;)
I wouldn't be surprised if Obie refuses to meet personally with Putin at the G-20 summit in St. Petersburg in September.
Maybe that's why Putin granted Snowden asylum; didn't want to meet with Obama to begin with.

Obama is sooo predictable........even lil' ol' me was able to see this 6 days ago......:lol:.

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