Obama: serious consequences for russia if they grant asylum

What do you think is going to have a bigger impact on Putin?

obama's disappointment that Russia did not return Edward Snowden


obama transferring arms to Syrian rebels in violation of international law.
Putin is testing obama. and obama is fighting some battles he just can't win. No one could win them. Snowden being one of them. the guy doesn't know how to pick his battles. next thing we'll see missles arriving in cuba again. then we'll see just how much of a john kennedy obama really is.

You thought of that? WOW, you aren't alone. You didn't really think Russia would miss such an opportunity did you?

Latin American Herald Tribune - Russian Navy Ships Arrive in Havana, Cuba

The destroyer Admiral Chabanenko entered the harbor before 10 a.m. with the entire crew lined up on the deck. It fired its guns in salute upon entering Havana Bay, with Cuba answering in kind with its own welcoming shots from La Cabaña Fort.

The port call was greeted with martial music played by the Cuban navy band, while a throng of curious onlookers crowded alongside the canal that forms the entrance to the harbor.

Later, two Russian support vessels made their entrance.
Putin is testing obama. and obama is fighting some battles he just can't win. No one could win them. Snowden being one of them. the guy doesn't know how to pick his battles. next thing we'll see missles arriving in cuba again. then we'll see just how much of a john kennedy obama really is.
They could already be here. The Soviets are drilling where Obama kicked out American drillers in the Gulf of Mexico. They have to now "protect" their investment!

Putin is testing obama. and obama is fighting some battles he just can't win. No one could win them. Snowden being one of them. the guy doesn't know how to pick his battles. next thing we'll see missles arriving in cuba again. then we'll see just how much of a john kennedy obama really is.
They could already be here. The Soviets are drilling where Obama kicked out American drillers in the Gulf of Mexico. They have to now "protect" their investment!


Putin realizes he soesn't have to worry about how strong the US military is. He knows obama can't afford to use it. Politically or financially. He has squandered his capital on his special interests
It was the Bushites who squandered America's capital, remember?

It was they who turned a surplus into a deficit, started a shameful war and created an economic Depression -- remember?

It was the Bushites who squandered America's capital, remember?

It was they who turned a surplus into a deficit, started a shameful war and created an economic Depression -- remember?


remember when the left claimed obama regained our goodwill.....:eusa_boohoo:
Putin is testing obama. and obama is fighting some battles he just can't win. No one could win them. Snowden being one of them. the guy doesn't know how to pick his battles. next thing we'll see missles arriving in cuba again. then we'll see just how much of a john kennedy obama really is.
They could already be here. The Soviets are drilling where Obama kicked out American drillers in the Gulf of Mexico. They have to now "protect" their investment!


Putin realizes he soesn't have to worry about how strong the US military is. He knows obama can't afford to use it. Politically or financially. He has squandered his capital on his special interests

Let's look at two maps.


So much for Russian military expansionism.
I don't "trust" the government any more than I pay much attention to your paranoid rant here....as long as Rush Limbaugh is on the air I don't worry much about black helicopters and I've ridden in many a UH-1, sonny boy. Try to relax and think of the wire-tappers as your friends. :lol:
The point is this limitless, unsupervised, and largely unnecessary surveillance trend is a menacing threat to the Fourth Amendment and should be vigorously resisted by every American citizen regarless of his/her individual potential as a target. And you should not be so sure that you or anyone else who exists below the potential target level, because you are participating in a political forum and unless you are inclined to cautiously repress your spoken thoughts you can't be sure who you might piss off enough to cause you grief.

What they do to others today and get away with, they could be doing to you tomorrow.
All this stuff reminds me of an old joke.

It happened during the days of the wild old West. Tex had been away from his ranch for a month, and when he came back his home was nothing but ashes, no one was around and all his cattle were gone. He rode into town and asked the sheriff what happened. The sheriff told him that some man dressed all in black had raped his wife, killed his kids, burned his house to the ground and took his cattle. The sheriff said the stranger was riding a huge black stallion with a white star on its nose.

Tex vowed he would find this man and he rode from one town to another until finally he saw a huge black horse with a white star on its nose hitched outside the saloon. He went inside and sure enough sitting at the bar was a man dressed all in black. Tex walked up to the man and asked. “Are you the guy that raped my wife, killed my kids, burned my house to the ground and took my cattle?” And the man stood up, all 6 foot 6 in and all 300 pounds of him. He looked down at Tex and growled, “Yeah, I'm the guy who raped your wife, killed your kids, burned your house to the ground and stole your cattle.” Tex thought for a few seconds and then said, “Well, you'd better watch that stuff.”
All this stuff reminds me of an old joke.

It happened during the days of the wild old West. Tex had been away from his ranch for a month, and when he came back his home was nothing but ashes, no one was around and all his cattle were gone. He rode into town and asked the sheriff what happened. The sheriff told him that some man dressed all in black had raped his wife, killed his kids, burned his house to the ground and took his cattle. The sheriff said the stranger was riding a huge black stallion with a white star on its nose.

Tex vowed he would find this man and he rode from one town to another until finally he saw a huge black horse with a white star on its nose hitched outside the saloon. He went inside and sure enough sitting at the bar was a man dressed all in black. Tex walked up to the man and asked. “Are you the guy that raped my wife, killed my kids, burned my house to the ground and took my cattle?” And the man stood up, all 6 foot 6 in and all 300 pounds of him. He looked down at Tex and growled, “Yeah, I'm the guy who raped your wife, killed your kids, burned your house to the ground and stole your cattle.” Tex thought for a few seconds and then said, “Well, you'd better watch that stuff.”

kind of like the little punks who hide behind the principle or teacher and claim they could kick your ass...

seriously, why do people do that? should i phone obama? j/k
Just goes to show that Obama garners no respect around the world. I imagine they see him as a weak president and doesn't deserve the respect. :eusa_eh:
Obama had his chance. He could have made a place for himself in History but he's shown himself to be a phony, a deceitful, self-serving puppet of the finance industry as well as protector of the Bush Administration's criminal element.
It was the Bushites who squandered America's capital, remember?

It was they who turned a surplus into a deficit, started a shameful war and created an economic Depression -- remember?


Was that supposed to pass for insight or sarcasm?
so synthy...i lied huh:

Obama administration officials have repeatedly said that “any country or government that gives Mr. Snowden asylum or allows him to transit through, that there would be some serious consequences for, grave consequences in their relationship with the United States.”

U.S. Keeps Pressure on Russia to Expel Snowden - Bloomberg

good lord you are an embarrassment to humankind....

i doubt you will be honest and apologize for calling me a liar though, you are rarely honest, if ever

pwnage , epic...:lol:
It was the Bushites who squandered America's capital, remember?

It was they who turned a surplus into a deficit, started a shameful war and created an economic Depression -- remember?
Was that supposed to pass for insight or sarcasm?
Neither. It is an expression of fury and outrage that under the Neo-Con Bushites the USA became so very, very evil.

The American government can huff and puff all day long but they can't do shit about it.
They can shout at Russia but they'll be as ineffective as a nagging wife's rants are to a drunken husband.
Anyway, the American government is way out of order on this one.
They've been nabbed spying on their own population, East German police style, and they're pissed off.
It was the Bushites who squandered America's capital, remember?

It was they who turned a surplus into a deficit, started a shameful war and created an economic Depression -- remember?
Was that supposed to pass for insight or sarcasm?
Neither. It is an expression of fury and outrage that under the Neo-Con Bushites the USA became so very, very evil.


I smell BS, numan and you're down wind from me.
You have no idea what your talking about. You're just an American hating asshole that doesn't have his facts right.
If Bush were president instead of obama, one there wouldn't have been this kind of treating Americans as enemies. Two, Bush would have been on the phone to Putin saying "send him back now" and Snowden would be on the next plane. Bush had something obama will never have and that's respect. Putin treated Bush as an equal. obama is treated as a petulant, misbehaving child that gets sent to his room.

obama the fool fights back with third party weak threats not to attend the summit or go to the olympics. He hasn't yet got the message that no one wants him anyway.
Just goes to show that Obama garners no respect around the world. I imagine they see him as a weak president and doesn't deserve the respect. :eusa_eh:

Just like Bin Laden? :lol:

Bin Laden was holed up in a compound, Zona. He really was no longer a factor in the "cause".

The middle east respect obama so much that we're pulling out of the embassies for the next month. Yep, that IS respect to your elohim, zona. Putin is shivering in his britches as I type with just the mention of obama. :eusa_shhh:
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