Obama: serious consequences for russia if they grant asylum

look, the fact is, we did not offer anything to Russia to get him back, thats the way its done.

spy for spy....the reset didn't mean squat, the missile defense shield didn't mean squat.
Those who are old enough to remember the political mood of America during the '60s and '70s will find the implications of the U.S. Government's present conflict with Russia interesting and revealing -- because the majority of the American People are clearly on the side of Russia and Edward Snowden.

Believe me, this is NOT a new 'cold war.' I was around in those days. This is just another Zerobama tantrum and nothing more.
As more and more Americans embrace bondage and servitude in the name of security, the ghost of Snowden will be standing over their shoulders as a constant reminder of liberties lost.

I was against what "W" did to our freedom and I am also against what "O" did to our freedom. "O is following in the footsteps of "W" again!
How many here stood up and protested our loss of our freedom during the last decade? Let's see who's honest. I remember the right was damn silent back then and even defending "W".
What changed?
Those who are old enough to remember the political mood of America during the '60s and '70s will find the implications of the U.S. Government's present conflict with Russia interesting and revealing -- because the majority of the American People are clearly on the side of Russia and Edward Snowden.

Believe me, this is NOT a new 'cold war.' I was around in those days. This is just another Zerobama tantrum and nothing more.

That's where you might reconsider your thoughts. There is, in fact, a cold war going on and it's never been hotter. The chances of a nuclear exchange, even regional, are very high since there is so much at stake between the heavy hitters.
Anticipating Fearless Leader's response, once asylum is granted...

"... OMG... And then, the maroon actually said: 'There will be serious consequences.' - do ya believe that shit, T'varitch? ...Bwaaahahahahaha..."

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I'm sure the race card will be played soon.
Russia would neve have done this to a white President....

I can hear it now....

C'mon rdean you know you want to.... just come out and say it. :lol:
Maybe Obama will cover it in the next speech he gives...
It's been what about 24 hrs since the last one so he is due...
what I don't think many folks realize is; we fucked Putin over in Libya. He withheld a veto on the Sec. Council at the UN, becasue we told him we would not overthrow Qaddafi........we were instrumental in doing so. So now we're pissed, absent any offer of a quid pro quo that hes letting Snowden stay? please:lol:
As more and more Americans embrace bondage and servitude in the name of security, the ghost of Snowden will be standing over their shoulders as a constant reminder of liberties lost.

I was against what "W" did to our freedom and I am also against what "O" did to our freedom. "O is following in the footsteps of "W" again!
How many here stood up and protested our loss of our freedom during the last decade? Let's see who's honest. I remember the right was damn silent back then and even defending "W".
What changed?

What changed is when we learned about the governments 'secret' interpretation of the Patriot Act; an overbroad interpretation leading to the NSA's data-mining and metadata collection of millions of innocent Americans' communications.
What are "serious consequences" according to former community activists who never had a real job? Barry Hussein already blinked. All he is doing now is posturing for the American media who still have a tingle up their collective legs.
What are "serious consequences" according to former community activists who never had a real job? Barry Hussein already blinked. All he is doing now is posturing for the American media who still have a tingle up their collective legs.

he is going to pull acorn funding?
National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden left the transit zone of a Moscow airport and officially entered Russia after authorities granted him asylum for a year, his lawyer said Thursday, a move that suggests the Kremlin isn't shying away from further conflict with the United States.

Snowden leaves airport after Russia grants asylum

Hey liar - nowhere in your link are the words "serious consequences".
National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden left the transit zone of a Moscow airport and officially entered Russia after authorities granted him asylum for a year, his lawyer said Thursday, a move that suggests the Kremlin isn't shying away from further conflict with the United States.

Snowden leaves airport after Russia grants asylum

Hey liar - nowhere in your link are the words "serious consequences".

hey dumbass...obama said it earlier, i think a week or so ago

care to apologize for calling me a liar?
National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden left the transit zone of a Moscow airport and officially entered Russia after authorities granted him asylum for a year, his lawyer said Thursday, a move that suggests the Kremlin isn't shying away from further conflict with the United States.

Snowden leaves airport after Russia grants asylum

Hey liar - nowhere in your link are the words "serious consequences".

hey dumbass...obama said it earlier, i think a week or so ago

care to apologize for calling me a liar?
You named your OP using a term that is nowhere in your OP.

Why didn't you link to an article with Obama saying that, then?
Hey liar - nowhere in your link are the words "serious consequences".

hey dumbass...obama said it earlier, i think a week or so ago

care to apologize for calling me a liar?
You named your OP using a term that is nowhere in your OP.

Why didn't you link to an article with Obama saying that, then?

never said his comment was in the link you stupid moron. i can title my thread anyway i want. not my problem your head is so far up your ass everything you say stinks.
so synthy...i lied huh:

Obama administration officials have repeatedly said that “any country or government that gives Mr. Snowden asylum or allows him to transit through, that there would be some serious consequences for, grave consequences in their relationship with the United States.”

U.S. Keeps Pressure on Russia to Expel Snowden - Bloomberg

good lord you are an embarrassment to humankind....

i doubt you will be honest and apologize for calling me a liar though, you are rarely honest, if ever
Just goes to show that Obama garners no respect around the world. I imagine they see him as a weak president and doesn't deserve the respect. :eusa_eh:
The only thing weak about Obama, is the kowtowing he's doing to all the un-American pricks who think Snowden did something wrong.

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