Obama: serious consequences for russia if they grant asylum

As more and more Americans embrace bondage and servitude in the name of security, the ghost of Snowden will be standing over their shoulders as a constant reminder of liberties lost.

I was against what "W" did to our freedom and I am also against what "O" did to our freedom. "O is following in the footsteps of "W" again!
How many here stood up and protested our loss of our freedom during the last decade? Let's see who's honest. I remember the right was damn silent back then and even defending "W".
What changed?

That's partisan politics for you. What changed? A Democrat did it. It's not much different than those Democrats who called Bradley Manning a hero, but now condemn Snowden. Many on the right will say they never supported the Patriot Act now, but we all know they weren't saying shit when it was enacted.
so synthy...i lied huh:

Obama administration officials have repeatedly said that “any country or government that gives Mr. Snowden asylum or allows him to transit through, that there would be some serious consequences for, grave consequences in their relationship with the United States.”

U.S. Keeps Pressure on Russia to Expel Snowden - Bloomberg

good lord you are an embarrassment to humankind....

i doubt you will be honest and apologize for calling me a liar though, you are rarely honest, if ever

post the truth and synthy runs away???
Putin is way smarter than obama and can always one up him.

obama mentions his punishment of an olympic boycott and Putin says that Russia's prohibition against homosexual conduct and propaganda will be strictly enforced. Why didn't they come out and say American olympians are all gay and wll be arrested.

obama can't stop putting his dick out there to get stepped on.
This thread rules. PravDUH should post it in their headlines. Americans are so fed up with imperialist, war mongering sociopaths that they would actually prefer a real leader over some corporate, Wall Street ****** like Obama.
so synthy...i lied huh:

Obama administration officials have repeatedly said that “any country or government that gives Mr. Snowden asylum or allows him to transit through, that there would be some serious consequences for, grave consequences in their relationship with the United States.”

U.S. Keeps Pressure on Russia to Expel Snowden - Bloomberg

good lord you are an embarrassment to humankind....

i doubt you will be honest and apologize for calling me a liar though, you are rarely honest, if ever
Then why isn't this the link for the OP?

Your thread title had nothing to do with your OP.
National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden left the transit zone of a Moscow airport and officially entered Russia after authorities granted him asylum for a year, his lawyer said Thursday, a move that suggests the Kremlin isn't shying away from further conflict with the United States.

Snowden leaves airport after Russia grants asylum

Obama: serious consequences for russia if they grant asylum

will that strongly worded letter be delivered via

email or snail mail

It doesn't really matter whether Fearless Leader threatened 'serious consequences' on Day A or Day B, or whether that was mentioned in News Article C or News Article D... the point is that his (our) Administration did, indeed, serve-up such verbiage at some point during the course of the Snowden Incident, and now the Roooskies and Uncle Vlad are dropping their drawers and treating us to an international Moon-ing, much to the chagrin and extreme embarrassment of the United States.

That's the REAL point of the exercise, REGARDLESS of whether or not it shows-up in the OP.

On with the show...
We had a number of chances to improve relations with post-Soviet Russia since the old Soviet Union fell apart in the 1989-1991 timeframe and we've blown most of those chances. Pity. So now we're back to throwing rocks at each other again? What a waste of time and energy.
National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden left the transit zone of a Moscow airport and officially entered Russia after authorities granted him asylum for a year, his lawyer said Thursday, a move that suggests the Kremlin isn't shying away from further conflict with the United States.

Snowden leaves airport after Russia grants asylum

OMG, Obama is going to send the IRS after that KGB bastard.
so synthy...i lied huh:

Obama administration officials have repeatedly said that “any country or government that gives Mr. Snowden asylum or allows him to transit through, that there would be some serious consequences for, grave consequences in their relationship with the United States.”

U.S. Keeps Pressure on Russia to Expel Snowden - Bloomberg

good lord you are an embarrassment to humankind....

i doubt you will be honest and apologize for calling me a liar though, you are rarely honest, if ever
Then why isn't this the link for the OP?

Your thread title had nothing to do with your OP.

of course it does. it ties in directly to the OP as my title is about obama speaking to the snowden situation in russia. i didn't put a link because it has been in the news for quite some time and i figured people on a political message board would be keen on the knowledge. i don't need to homework for lazy partisan hacks like yourself. instead of jumping the gun and calling me a liar, you could have done a 5 second google search to verify it. unfortunately, you're just a dishonest hack who screwed up and called me a liar but refuses to apologize for it.

thread titles do not have to match word for word the link. you're being absurd because you are the one who in fact lied and are too much of a wussy to admit it.

enjoy that egg on your face...
I think it's absolutely disgusting how Russia has allowed Snowden to remain in Russia after betraying his home country and, further, I know it's something America would never do.

Russian Double Agent Betrayed Spy Ring in US

Or maybe they would.

Snowden did not 'betray his country.' He is a whistleblower who ratted out Zerobama for violating the rights of private citizens. If I knew where to send it I would send him a few dollars myself just to help him out.
Putin is way smarter than obama and can always one up him.

obama mentions his punishment of an olympic boycott and Putin says that Russia's prohibition against homosexual conduct and propaganda will be strictly enforced. Why didn't they come out and say American olympians are all gay and wll be arrested.

obama can't stop putting his dick out there to get stepped on.

"Stepped on?" Seriously, it can't be that long. More like swatted.
Yeah serious consequences. Obama won't meet with Putin next time around. Maybe he'll say a bad word to him.
The Syrians heard there would be serious consequences if they used chemical weapons. They did. There were no consequences.
The North Koreans heard there would be serious consequences if they tested a nuke. They did. There were no consequences.
Putin has taken the measure of the man and knows he is a wimp. A lightweight. An unserious poseur uncomfortable with making bold decisions. Why is ex KGB head Vladimir Putin smarter than the American electorate?
Now just a minute! Everybody knows Obama was just waiting for his second term to give Alaska's oil-rich waters to Russia, even though Congressional Conservatives and the State of Alaska said over their dead body! Obama just may not do it now! Take that, Russkies! :lmao:
Putin is testing obama. and obama is fighting some battles he just can't win. No one could win them. Snowden being one of them. the guy doesn't know how to pick his battles. next thing we'll see missles arriving in cuba again. then we'll see just how much of a john kennedy obama really is.

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