Obama: serious consequences for russia if they grant asylum

It's all political rhetoric from both sides. Putin has already said Snowden must stop releasing information that would harm US/Russian relations for a chance at asylum. Obama will have a few harsh words for Putin, and in the end will do nothing. Years down the road Snowden will be forgotten, and Americans will have accepted government spying as the new normal from "big brother", the same way they did the Patriot Act years earlier. Neither Obama or Putin are the pussies. The American voting public is.
I hope you're wrong -- and there are increasing indications you might be. In the end it's up to the Congress, which is beginning to respond to what seems to be rising public resentment of the NSA and support of Edward Snowden.

What I believe would be a useful and acceptable outcome of the coming showdown is to allow NSA authority to employ its more controversial methods of domestic surveillance when necessary but to establish reliable oversight and apply severe criminal penalties to any abuse of the authority.

the problem with that is that we would have to rely on Holder to enforce it.

No further comment.
could be. the difference is that Russia is governed by a man and the US is governed by a pussy boi.

what an embarassement this clown is, the world is laughing at us for putting this incompetent arrogant narcissist in the whitehouse.

but the country deserves what it votes for, the question is will the country learn from this mistake.? sadly, I doubt it.

In 2008 I had a friend declare to me "America isn't ready to be governed by a black man."

I responded by saying "nothing wrong with a black man, American isn't ready to be run by a GAY man; this will be a disaster."

And a disaster it is.
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As more and more Americans embrace bondage and servitude in the name of security, the ghost of Snowden will be standing over their shoulders as a constant reminder of liberties lost.

What can you no longer do that you could do back in the Golden Age of Conservatopia (whenever the fuck that was)?
He'll be sure to bow to Putin.

Standard Disclaimer: Is Obama's habit of bowing to everyone driven by too many years of sucking cocks? Just wondering...

could be. the difference is that Russia is governed by a man and the US is governed by a pussy boi.

what an embarassement this clown is, the world is laughing at us for putting this incompetent arrogant narcissist in the whitehouse.

but the country deserves what it votes for, the question is will the country learn from this mistake.? sadly, I doubt it.
It is obvious now that we were maneuvered by the monied king-makers to present us with the choice of Obama or McCain, an imminently senile clown. The best choice (in my opinion) was Dennis Kucinich, but he's a little man with big ears and no money -- and the voting public is much too ignorant and receptive to repetitive suggestion to resist indoctrination by media.

Obama was positioned for the express purpose of maintaining the status quo while keeping a lid on the public anger incited by Bush. And that is exactly what Obama has done and is doing via the proven technique of one step forward and two-steps back.

Obama/McCain was a terrible choice. the country chose the dumb arrogant black guy over the dumb arrogant old white guy

In 2012 we actually did have a choice between a proven leader and more of the same. the people chose the dumb arrogant black guy again

the country deserves what it votes for.
The cheering for Putin is frightening in this thread. Putin is hardly an advocate of liberties. He only doing this to piss the US government off.

Putin has criminalized whistle blowers and opposition parties in his own country.

The man is a dictator who doesn't give a crap about his people.
You know people want to complain about NSA. But where were you folks when patriot act was signed? Most people in this country actually thought it was necessary to give up certain freedoms in order to save us from "terrorism".
The law broken was the law concealing the regime's criminal conduct. It should be broken. It should never have existed in the first place.

Not to mention the personal satisfaction from seeing a man like Putin stick it to a worm like obama.

Don't get your panties wet over Putin....he's a first-class asshole who's sending his bombers to fail-safe against our bases in Alaska and Japan and recently had a submarine discovered in the Gulf of Mexico. He might have embarrassed Barry but like it or not, Barry is our leader so Putin just pissed on all our shoes.

Putin in sending one of Russia's largest warships to Cuba. Go Putin! Jam obama's mouth open and shit in the hole.,

Snowden is already getting job offers. Russian Facebook wants him. The guy can write his own ticket. Watching Putin put obama in his place is reaching the point of being thrilling.
In all fairness, would Putin fear any US President? Have you seen this f-ing guy?


Hey....we have this guy. No worries, no worries at all. :lol:
View attachment 27032
Chuck Norris, Bush's favorite "actor", is like 75.
Didnt the polls say Obama had more foreign experience then Romney last November? What a joke.
As more and more Americans embrace bondage and servitude in the name of security, the ghost of Snowden will be standing over their shoulders as a constant reminder of liberties lost.

What can you no longer do that you could do back in the Golden Age of Conservatopia (whenever the fuck that was)?

What does 'conservatopia' have to do with anything? Anyways, in a non-partisan sense, we have:

-less of a right to privacy
-less of a right to keep more of the money we make due to expanding unlimited taxations and regulations
-increasing compliance to more unclear and inconsistent laws and regulations
-a Government more concerned with dictating personal behavior

Instead of a Government that exists to serve the people, we now have people that exist to financially serve a big Government.
The larger the Government becomes, the more coercive it will be. And, it now has a metadata base to become as coercive as it wants.

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