Obama: serious consequences for russia if they grant asylum

Liberals think that if obama doesn't go to the Olympics it will be a serious punishment.
"I think Russia is acting stupidly...can't we have a beer summit or something?"
This thread is evidence of the far Right loonies cheering for the Russians and someone who spilled government secrets, breaking the law.

They had what they think he knew in his first 48 hours at the airport in Moscow.....they boy had no idea what they ran on him.....or did he? Let em have him.....our traitor today, theirs tomorrow...wonder how you say "trojan horse" in roooshin? :doubt:

Hardly a traitor. You sound like Diane Feinstein when you speak this way and that is no compliment but I suppose your type is perfectly OK living in a police state as long as your virtually non-existent boogie men are kept in check. Note to dumb ass, YOU ARE the U.S. government's boogie man, we all are.

That man did this country as service I find it pathetic that any so called "American" doesn't have the intelligence to see it. Baaa, baaa. Useless sheep.

:lol: Just as I start to think you may be somewhat sane you go off into the rabbit hole again.....don't call me names again. And don't confuse politics with our nation's honor again around me...Putin is a clown the russian people despise because he jails his political opponents or has his boys put uranium in their tea. Let me know when you think the NSA reading your emails measures up to that.
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How long before this "hero" is forgotten and realizes he fucked up and could be home living the good life instead of spending the rest of his days in some backward shithole surrounded by strangers in a strange land with strange customs and an impossible language to learn?
As more and more Americans embrace bondage and servitude in the name of security, the ghost of Snowden will be standing over their shoulders as a constant reminder of liberties lost.
How long before this "hero" is forgotten and realizes he fucked up and could be home living the good life instead of spending the rest of his days in some backward shithole surrounded by strangers in a strange land with strange customs and an impossible language to learn?

Benedict Arnold was despised in Britain....nobody can trust a traitor who turns on his own first. Don't be too surprised if this whole sheebang is a little duel between spymasters.....Snowden gets a spot in the russian intel heirarchy and we could have the best deep-cover mole since Gorbachev.
As more and more Americans embrace bondage and servitude in the name of security, the ghost of Snowden will be standing over their shoulders as a constant reminder of liberties lost.

Imagine if this shit, the NSA crap, gutting the military, unemployment, debt, homeless, food stamps, vacations to Martha's Vineyard came under booioooooiish

Hey Libberhoids
Where are those nightly body counts on CNN?
Where's the war protests?
You partisan fucking hacks ?
As more and more Americans embrace bondage and servitude in the name of security, the ghost of Snowden will be standing over their shoulders as a constant reminder of liberties lost.

What "liberites" have you lost? You really think the NSA is interested in YOUR emails? :cuckoo:
I've been to Russia several times
It's great
Not as nice as china but still pretty good

I've had two encounters with the russian military....first at the UN in NYC...big fucking officer walked past us on our senior class trip visit. The second was outside of Pleiku....one of their spetsnaz was traing charles how to disarm our claymores....my team happened upon them.....our sniper got bug dope in his eyes at the moment of truth....around 600 meters.....foldup-stock M-14, not sure which scope. I took the shot...got him between the shoulder blades....he was floppin around like a perch on a dock. :lol:
As more and more Americans embrace bondage and servitude in the name of security, the ghost of Snowden will be standing over their shoulders as a constant reminder of liberties lost.

What "liberites" have you lost? You really think the NSA is interested in YOUR emails? :cuckoo:

Obviously you have no interest in privacy and unreasonable searches. You haven't a clue about the foundation having been laid for future unreasonable seizures at big Governments whim; a Government that you totally trust.
How long before this "hero" is forgotten and realizes he fucked up and could be home living the good life instead of spending the rest of his days in some backward shithole surrounded by strangers in a strange land with strange customs and an impossible language to learn?
Is that the latest phony-baloney CIA line to discourage citizens from being whistle-blowers and true patriots?

I read that, in order to imitate the East German Stasi and spy ever more on American citizens and others, there are now more than 4 million Americans with security clearance to access classified information.

The CIA must be shitting itself to realize what a no-win situation they are in.

To maintain their totalitarian control and hide their crimes, they must make more and more of their criminal activity accessible to potential whistle-blowers !!!

No wonder they are so frantic to harass Snowden and Manning and Assange, and frighten people with silly bull-shit like yours. They are desperately trying to stave off the day that the dam bursts and the full extent of their satanic evil is revealed to the world.

putin could likely drink obama under the table

this really doesn't bode well for obama and foreign policy
As more and more Americans embrace bondage and servitude in the name of security, the ghost of Snowden will be standing over their shoulders as a constant reminder of liberties lost.

What "liberites" have you lost? You really think the NSA is interested in YOUR emails? :cuckoo:

Obviously you have no interest in privacy and unreasonable searches. You haven't a clue about the foundation having been laid for future unreasonable seizures at big Governments whim; a Government that you totally trust.

I don't "trust" the government any more than I pay much attention to your paranoid rant here....as long as Rush Limbaugh is on the air I don't worry much about black helicopters and I've ridden in many a UH-1, sonny boy. Try to relax and think of the wire-tappers as your friends. :lol:
National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden left the transit zone of a Moscow airport and officially entered Russia after authorities granted him asylum for a year, his lawyer said Thursday, a move that suggests the Kremlin isn't shying away from further conflict with the United States.

Snowden leaves airport after Russia grants asylum

Maybe Snowden was a setup to lay the grounds for a very profitable war down the road?

I see you have a well-developed insight into the machinations of the post-Reagan U.S. government. :)
What "liberites" have you lost? You really think the NSA is interested in YOUR emails? :cuckoo:

Obviously you have no interest in privacy and unreasonable searches. You haven't a clue about the foundation having been laid for future unreasonable seizures at big Governments whim; a Government that you totally trust.

I don't "trust" the government any more than I pay much attention to your paranoid rant here....as long as Rush Limbaugh is on the air I don't worry much about black helicopters and I've ridden in many a UH-1, sonny boy. Try to relax and think of the wire-tappers as your friends. :lol:

You must have invented 'assless chaps' too! :lol:
It's all political rhetoric from both sides. Putin has already said Snowden must stop releasing information that would harm US/Russian relations for a chance at asylum. Obama will have a few harsh words for Putin, and in the end will do nothing. Years down the road Snowden will be forgotten, and Americans will have accepted government spying as the new normal from "big brother", the same way they did the Patriot Act years earlier. Neither Obama or Putin are the pussies. The American voting public is.
I hope you're wrong -- and there are increasing indications you might be. In the end it's up to the Congress, which is beginning to respond to what seems to be rising public resentment of the NSA and support of Edward Snowden.

What I believe would be a useful and acceptable outcome of the coming showdown is to allow NSA authority to employ its more controversial methods of domestic surveillance when necessary but to establish reliable oversight and apply severe criminal penalties to any abuse of the authority.
It's all political rhetoric from both sides. Putin has already said Snowden must stop releasing information that would harm US/Russian relations for a chance at asylum. Obama will have a few harsh words for Putin, and in the end will do nothing. Years down the road Snowden will be forgotten, and Americans will have accepted government spying as the new normal from "big brother", the same way they did the Patriot Act years earlier. Neither Obama or Putin are the pussies. The American voting public is.
I hope you're wrong -- and there are increasing indications you might be. In the end it's up to the Congress, which is beginning to respond to what seems to be rising public resentment of the NSA and support of Edward Snowden.

What I believe would be a useful and acceptable outcome of the coming showdown is to allow NSA authority to employ its more controversial methods of domestic surveillance when necessary but to establish reliable oversight and apply severe criminal penalties to any abuse of the authority.

the problem with that is that we would have to rely on Holder to enforce it.
Obama is powerless against Booooosh, a guy who hasn't even been President for 5 years! What the fuck is he going to do with Putin?

Obama needs to tell Putin "I'm sorry"

He'll be sure to bow to Putin.

Standard Disclaimer: Is Obama's habit of bowing to everyone driven by too many years of sucking cocks? Just wondering...

could be. the difference is that Russia is governed by a man and the US is governed by a pussy boi.

what an embarassement this clown is, the world is laughing at us for putting this incompetent arrogant narcissist in the whitehouse.

but the country deserves what it votes for, the question is will the country learn from this mistake.? sadly, I doubt it.
It is obvious now that we were maneuvered by the monied king-makers to present us with the choice of Obama or McCain, an imminently senile clown. The best choice (in my opinion) was Dennis Kucinich, but he's a little man with big ears and no money -- and the voting public is much too ignorant and receptive to repetitive suggestion to resist indoctrination by media.

Obama was positioned for the express purpose of maintaining the status quo while keeping a lid on the public anger incited by Bush. And that is exactly what Obama has done and is doing via the proven technique of one step forward and two-steps back.

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