Obama Shows His Inner Communist


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Jul 21, 2009
Barack Obama encouraged Biden to institute "Full-Blown Censorship" over the internet before the 2024 to maintain complete control of the agenda.

Who was it that said Obama wasn't a Communist?

Barack Obama: “We Need Full-Blown Gov’t Censorship To Eradicate Independent Media”​

Fact checked
May 18, 2023 Sean Adl-Tabatabai News,

Obama calls for full-blown government censorship to eradicate independent media from online spaces

Former President Barack Hussein Obama has urged the Biden regime to declare a national emergency and use its powers to eradicate all independent media online ahead of the 2024 election.

Speaking to CBS News on Tuesday, Obama warned that the mainstream media has lost its control over the narrative and said the only solution is for the U.S. government to step in and take drastic action.

“The thing that I’m most worried about is the degree to which we now have a divided conversation, in part because we have a divided media, right?” Obama told Nate Burleson.


homO is angry that he and Big Mike are now OUTED to over 70% of Americans and climbing, and that includes Black Americans...

Censorship isn't going to shut the closet door, COWARD.

homO is angry that he and Big Mike are now OUTED to over 70% of Americans and climbing, and that includes Black Americans...

Censorship isn't going to shut the closet door, COWARD.
Obama is running the White House behind the scenes unconstitutionally.
He is a threat to this country.
He thinks Democracy is messy and something that needs to be done away with.
Hilarious considering the fact that the leftists running the White House and the media claim WE are the threat, not them.

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Barack Obama encouraged Biden to institute "Full-Blown Censorship" over the internet before the 2024 to maintain complete control of the agenda.

Well, you gotta understand MW that BHO the constitutional scholar is in a tough spot now trying to buck for Biden:
  1. The Constitution calls for Freedom of the Press as the first check on governmental corruption.
  2. But half of the media has already been bought out to function as cover for the government BY the government to keep the general public dumb.
  3. The remainder of the media has sprung up as a response to the first thing as a need to still get out the free flow of news, ideas and opinions out to the people interested.
  4. When you do as poorly for the people as has been the case these past two years, you're going to naturally have a LOT of bad press!
  5. So the first thing a communistic mind thinks to do is to build the movement of remaining individual free thinkers fulfilling the original roll thought of and intended by the Founders as a Free Press working as a Watchdog on government into a new "threat" as some anti-American group working them against "US." They've been trying to make Trump onto that "threat" for years.
  6. Then the final thing for a communistic mind to do is as the KGB did or any other communistic state run country and ban all freedom of thought, opinion and speech and institute a state-run news agency in its place which gives out the state-approved views on subjects, approved topics, views and opinions while criminalizing all those which operate outside the State. It is already being done in Canada.
  7. The Leftist-controlled Democratic State is now running much that way quickly working hard to discount if not criminalize any opinions, ideas or views which don't jive with the official one, especially if the news or views are critical of the State as it operates as a Police Action against its own people, for no other reason than controlling their lives and keeping them all in order despite the State operating against their own people's benefit. Case in point is J6--- the People expressing pubic outrage not against some ethereal social matter but against the actions of a very criminal government itself, and then in direct conflict with our Constitution being oppressed by the very said government which elicited the objections and protests in the first place, making the people protesting the actions in accordance with the laws of the land the problem, at least in the corrupted media's eye, white-washing the instigating actions of the errant government to begin with.
Welcome to Communism in America, a la the Democrat Party.
Barack Obama encouraged Biden to institute "Full-Blown Censorship" over the internet before the 2024 to maintain complete control of the agenda.

Who was it that said Obama wasn't a Communist?

There's a few videos there. Since you put "we need full blown government censorship" in quotes, obviously he said it somewhere.

On which video does he say that? I'd like to see that. I'd certainly disagree.
There's a few videos there. Since you put "we need full blown government censorship" in quotes, obviously he said it somewhere.

On which video does he say that? I'd like to see that. I'd certainly disagree.

But it was "fact checked".

Isn't that THE gold seal for y'all? :auiqs.jpg:

There's a few videos there. Since you put "we need full blown government censorship" in quotes, obviously he said it somewhere.

On which video does he say that? I'd like to see that. I'd certainly disagree.
He said nothing of the kind. These idiots just like to make shit up.
He said nothing of the kind. These idiots just like to make shit up.
The problem is that the OP believes it without question. Then he spreads it and the other rubes believe it without question. Then THEY spread it.

This whole fucking ugly period, in a nutshell.

By Wayne Allyn Root

We are living in an age of mass deception, distraction and denial, of mass brainwashing. We might as well all be living in Jonestown, Guyana and following the orders of Jim Jones.

That’s how bad it is. It’s all laid out right in front of us. But no one can see it. Or maybe no one wants to see it. The Durham Report is “the canary in the coal mine.”

It’s all Obama. It’s always been Obama. Obama is the REAL “Big Guy.” Obama is the REAL criminal mastermind. Obama was the head of the snake. Obama was the John Gotti of the US government, overseeing a massive criminal conspiracy. Obama was the head of the “Obama Crime Family.”

Obama committed TREASON.

And the worst part of all: Obama’s still in charge. Obama is pulling all the strings. He’s the one calling the shots. He’s the ventriloquist, speaking for the wooden dummy puppet Joe Biden. Obama is the real President of the United States, back for his third term.

I warned and predicted from the first day Obama appeared on the scene that my old Columbia University classmate was a Manchurian candidate, a radical Marxist put in place by the Deep State and globalist billionaires to destroy America.

In my #1 bestselling book back in 2013, “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide” I reported Obama’s plan was to “boil the frog slowly.” To destroy America in small steps, to move so slowly that we wouldn’t notice we were being destroyed, until it was too late. Hillary Clinton was supposed to finish the job. Hillary’s election was supposed to be Obama’s third term.

But Donald J. Trump came along and ruined the plan. Trump became the first politician in history to beat a rigged election. That’s why Hillary and Democrats were so shocked. Obama rigged it, so Hillary could not lose.

How did Obama do that? In addition to the usual Democrat tricks of stuffing the ballot box in Democrat run inner cities, with no Voter ID and no signature match, Obama spied on the Trump campaign.

But Trump brought out more working and middle-class voters than any candidate in history. He beat the rig. He won even though Obama spied on him. Even though Obama knew everything Trump was doing and planning- and gave it all to Hillary.
This is all called TREASON.

Obama, Hillary and Joe Biden used the power of the federal government as their own mafia extortion operation. Hillary and Biden were the capos who carried out the crimes, thereby keeping Obama’s hands clean. Obama gave them full license to steal, and free from prosecution. In poker it’s called a “free roll.”

That was the point of the made up “Russian Collusion” story. To frame the new President Trump, and keep him too distracted defending himself, to prosecute Obama, Biden and Hillary.

That was also the point of the FBI declining to prosecute Hillary for her deleted emails. Those emails between her and Obama were enough to get them all hung for treason. Remember Hillary’s words from 2016, “If that bastard (Trump) wins, we all hang from nooses.”

It’s even truer today than in 2016. That is why Democrats are so desperate to stop Trump from winning in 2024. Because there is no statute of limitations for treason. Durham has opened the door. And I’m betting if Trump wins again, this time he’s going after all of them with a vengeance.
Barack Obama encouraged Biden to institute "Full-Blown Censorship" over the internet before the 2024 to maintain complete control of the agenda.

Who was it that said Obama wasn't a Communist?

Thanks for this thread, Mr. Mudwhistle. I always thought Obama's Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, was his main guru, and that her thoughts were his religiopolitics and his goalsetter at the same time, and I came to think that she has presided over Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and finally, Joe Biden. She had at one time or another a desk in each White House, although allegedly, her desk was terminated in the Biden Administration because it looked too obvious and might give people the impression she actually ruled 3 administrations, taking full advantage of her husband's preoccupation with other women as his somehow accepted absence of hours per Diem that she took upon herself to push the important buttons. Just a suspicion I had for several years... I sensed that Mr. Obama spent too much time with Black Panther types of guys using him for free foreign vacational activities to run the country, to the exclusion of 85% of the nation. And when he was revealed as having "ordered" members of his staff and friends in Congress to Impeach Trump, I could almost smell Hillary's perfume in the air... Again, another great thread by you, Mr. Mudwhistle. My kudos.
Thanks for this thread, Mr. Mudwhistle. I always thought Obama's Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, was his main guru, and that her thoughts were his religiopolitics and his goalsetter at the same time, and I came to think that she has presided over Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and finally, Joe Biden. She had at one time or another a desk in each White House, although allegedly, her desk was terminated in the Biden Administration because it looked too obvious and might give people the impression she actually ruled 3 administrations, taking full advantage of her husband's preoccupation with other women as his somehow accepted absence of hours per Diem that she took upon herself to push the important buttons. Just a suspicion I had for several years... I sensed that Mr. Obama spent too much time with Black Panther types of guys using him for free foreign vacational activities to run the country, to the exclusion of 85% of the nation. And when he was revealed as having "ordered" members of his staff and friends in Congress to Impeach Trump, I could almost smell Hillary's perfume in the air... Again, another great thread by you, Mr. Mudwhistle. My kudos.
I think Hillary wanted to be the Capo and she wanted to use Obama as one of her captains, but Obama seems to have similar ideas. These people all have big egos, and a lot of the problems that come to the surface seem to be intentional because of hatred and envy. Obama knew about Hillary's server and it became a hassle for her, but the FBI bailed her out.
These people are organized crime. Drugs, human-trafficking, you name it. They have a lot of nerve using Trump's playboy background as an excuse to trash the guy. At least he has some principles.
They have none.
I think Hillary wanted to be the Capo and she wanted to use Obama as one of her captains, but Obama seems to have similar ideas. These people all have big egos, and a lot of the problems that come to the surface seem to be intentional because of hatred and envy. Obama knew about Hillary's server and it became a hassle for her, but the FBI bailed her out.
These people are organized crime. Drugs, human-trafficking, you name it. They have a lot of nerve using Trump's playboy background as an excuse to trash the guy. At least he has some principles.
They have none.
Thank you, Mr. mudwhistle. That's heartbreaking to people who love the country. If all are like President Biden, he isn't negotiating common sense cures to the 100,000 people a year who are dying due to fentanyl deaths when they thought they were buying medical products from what I've been reading. He could stop the killing of our youth with just one order to close the cartels down by closing the border. I heard a lot of countries who want to save money sent their hardened criminals, delinquents, severely disabled, mentally ill, and criminally insane detainees to the border with the threat of come back, and die for it. I don't know how true or fal;se it is, but there are some mean hombres coming over here and somehow they get weapons and start trouble. I'd like to know if someone is following the money between Biden, his henchmen, contacts in the corrupt FBI, and the mechanism if he is receiving payments for making decisions that beat up our border patrols, overwhelm police departments and schools in small towns along the border with state laws that make schools give illegal pupils financing to teach multi languages to whoever shows up. Those little towns can't afford it, and not all of them are sitting on oil well properties. The chaos of the situation is our border teachers have to put the Americans' children on the back burner while they struggle to bring up the border crossers' children up to snuff according to the educational requirements already in place. to change the law would bring about low expectations for half the children they're strapped with. My cousin was a school principle, and I asked her about it. She said it was a nightmare, and even though she's retired, she meets with new principles to give them guidelines. She said it's impossible in some places. I don't quite wrap my mind around her worries, but if it worries a genius like her it's a drab plight the schools here are going through, and that breaks my heart, because I went to a school where my late father was superintendent of schools in a border town when I was in junior high. They didn't have the kinds of headaches we're having in this generation, but I know he worked hard even back then to make sure minority kids got a fair chance even when their parents were illiterate and couldn't help them with their homework. Without adequate educations, the future could be unfortunate for border Americans who are required by law to make sure the aliens get special treatment which in many cases is 90% of the teacher's workload. All I can do other than fret is pray for them, and all of them, teachers and students from homegrown and foreign roots alike. Sometimes my prayers have only 5 words, Dear Lord, help them all. It's hard to keep my pillow cases dry when tears fall.
Barack Obama encouraged Biden to institute "Full-Blown Censorship" over the internet before the 2024 to maintain complete control of the agenda.

Who was it that said Obama wasn't a Communist?


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