Obama Slapped Us Again - His Mosque Visit


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
His visit to the House of Terrorism was a direct effort to piss off America. It's akin to 'If I had a son' or his apology tour. Obama is the most hateful man in the office ever.


Obama Visits Mosque: ‘Islam Has Always Been Part of America’

President Obama spoke warmly about Islam during his speech at a mosque today, highlighting the contributions that Muslims had made to the fabric of American society.

“Islam has always been part of America,” he said, detailing the beginnings of the religion among African slaves brought to America. He also pointed out that Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Virginia statute for religious freedom that the “Mohammedan” should have his faith protected in the United States.

Obama Visits Mosque: ‘Islam Has Always Been Part of America’ - Breitbart
Only the far right boobies would consider Obama's mosque visit to be disrespectful.

Place the visit in the context that the far right hates the rest of America.
His visit to the House of Terrorism was a direct effort to piss off America. It's akin to 'If I had a son' or his apology tour. Obama is the most hateful man in the office ever.

Well, it pisses off you dumb ass cracker racists who keep bending over for the Koch Brothers.

The rest of us look at what he said and say, "Yeah, that sounds pretty reasonable.'
His visit to the House of Terrorism was a direct effort to piss off America. It's akin to 'If I had a son' or his apology tour. Obama is the most hateful man in the office ever.


Obama Visits Mosque: ‘Islam Has Always Been Part of America’

President Obama spoke warmly about Islam during his speech at a mosque today, highlighting the contributions that Muslims had made to the fabric of American society.

“Islam has always been part of America,” he said, detailing the beginnings of the religion among African slaves brought to America. He also pointed out that Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Virginia statute for religious freedom that the “Mohammedan” should have his faith protected in the United States.

Obama Visits Mosque: ‘Islam Has Always Been Part of America’ - Breitbart

It's burning you ignorant ass that he is paying respect to a religion on the same level as any others practiced in the United States. No longer will one religion be placed above others. He is the President of all Americans not just one type of American , those days are long gone
Ya think Obama did not KNOW this Mosque was associated with the Muslim Brotherhood?
Ya think his 'handlers' / advisors / Jarrett FORGOT to tell him is was linked to Al Qaeida?
Ya think the fact that the IMAM of this Mosque is the Islamic version of Jeremiah Wright and has his own videos on-line persecuting homosexuals just slipped through the cracks?

In 2008 Obama CHOSE a well-known, historically documented Socialist ICON AND Slogan for his re-election campaign. Think that was an accident? When he was told of their significance, as if he didn't already know - being a student of the teachings of Saul Alynski, he refused to change them. Tis was a big ol' 'F.U.' to the American people. It was Obama saying 'I will run for re-election using a Socialist symbol/slogan and the people are either too stupid to know or too loyal to care.' He was right.

Choosing THIS Mosque then lecturing Hollywood from THIS Mosque was on purpose...and again, people are either too stupid to know or too loyal to care.
Only the far right boobies would consider Obama's mosque visit to be disrespectful.

Place the visit in the context that the far right hates the rest of America.

Not at all. Islam does not represent America.


Any Islamic history in America is marginal at best. They have added nothing of note to American society, nor are their beliefs compatible with the founding philosophy. I love the silly way Obama paints Jefferson and Madison as a sympathizers simply because they each had a Koran in their for-the-time rather extensive private libraries. Such a fine point of propaganda for the cabbage heads.
This is Obama’s first visit to a mosque as president – although George W. Bush also visited a mosque in New York City after the attacks of 9/11.

Bush also visited. I didn't realize Muslims were here so long, but Obama usually gets his facts like that correct.

Breitbart News is funded by Robert Mercer, and so is Ted Cruz, he is a very interesting man.

Wall Street hedge fund magnate Robert Mercer was believed to be the main donor behind a network of four pro-Cruz super PACs that reportedly raised $31 million just weeks into his campaign.

Mercer, according to Politico, also funds Breitbart, whose 18.7 million unique users per month "can be an important starting ground for driving the conversation on the right."

Breaking News at Newsmax.com Politico: Money Man Behind Breitbart's 'Cheerleading' of Cruz
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!
His visit to the House of Terrorism was a direct effort to piss off America.

allow me to rephrase that.., OK?

His visit to the House of Terrorism was a direct effort to piss off American Conservative Christians.
His visit to the House of Terrorism was a direct effort to piss off America. It's akin to 'If I had a son' or his apology tour. Obama is the most hateful man in the office ever.

Well, it pisses off you dumb ass cracker racists who keep bending over for the Koch Brothers.

The rest of us look at what he said and say, "Yeah, that sounds pretty reasonable.'
In your case 'us', are whack jobs

This is Obama’s first visit to a mosque as president – although George W. Bush also visited a mosque in New York City after the attacks of 9/11.

Bush also visited. I didn't realize Muslims were here so long, but Obama usually gets his facts like that correct.

Breitbart News is funded by Robert Mercer, and so is Ted Cruz, he is a very interesting man.

Wall Street hedge fund magnate Robert Mercer was believed to be the main donor behind a network of four pro-Cruz super PACs that reportedly raised $31 million just weeks into his campaign.

Mercer, according to Politico, also funds Breitbart, whose 18.7 million unique users per month "can be an important starting ground for driving the conversation on the right."

Breaking News at Newsmax.com Politico: Money Man Behind Breitbart's 'Cheerleading' of Cruz
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!

False comparison. Times are different today and require different actions

Funny how it took a few days for the RW fauxrage machine to get up and running on this one.
Only the far right boobies would consider Obama's mosque visit to be disrespectful.

Place the visit in the context that the far right hates the rest of America.
Not at all. Islam does not represent America. -Geaux
Only you said that. Islam does have about six million religionists living here. They are a part of America, Geaux.

The numbers who are "part of America" are minuscule. Current estimates are about 3 million total. 1% of the population. About half are American citizens, and as you know, only citizens represent the United States.

Therefore, we have about .05% of the total population of the United States who are American citizens and can be said to "represent" the United States. The rest are ... guests.

Hardly a blip.

A new estimate of the U.S. Muslim population
Obama just does stupid stuff. Add this visit to a terrorist house to the list


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