Obama Slaps States That Don't Comply With Obamacare

the more the states have to pay obama for his punitive fines the less care the people get. let the games begin.

These aren't fines and they're not on states.

I can't help it if you're too fucking stupid to know when you're getting fined. I suppose that's why you vote the way you do.

Obama Slaps States That Don't Comply With Obamacare
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I was just wondering. Have any of you seen your insurance premiums go DOWN since Obamacare was voted into law?

Have any of you been informed that your insurance costs will be LESS once the law is fully into effect?

All we have seen so far is higher premiums for Medicare, more copay, and reduction in services.

If that is a snapshot of what is to come, hold onto your wallets folks.

If you read the Healthcare forum, you'll see that libs' healthcare premiums are going down and they're getting refunds from their health care insurance companies while the rw's have gone up by an average of a million percent and rw's doctors are dropping like flies.
You don't think that's true?

No, I don't. I think what a growing number of demographics in the country want is a renewed relationship between them and their government. A relationship that can function in this century and (with any luck as we go forward) the next few after that.

Some of us do, in fact, desire a different relationship with our government. We want government to leave us alone, to allow us to earn and spend our earnings as WE see fit. We don't need a nanny to house, clothe, feed, and tell us when to shit, piss, a lick our asses...or theirs.

Now THAT is funny.

Fact is, you nutter rw's want government to control every move that SOME people make.
You want to throw away the Constitution for women and gays and anyone else you decide you hate on any given day.
I can't help it if you're too fucking stupid to know when you're getting fined. I suppose that's why you vote the way you do.

Obama Slaps States That Don't Comply With Obamacare

Generally best not to base your understanding of the world on the diction of headline writers, especially those at Newsmax.
I think we should forget trying to get rw's to pay for their own health care insurance. They're lazy deadbeats and they like knowing that us libs are paying for their care. They like that EMTALA pays for illegals' health care and that we libs have to pay for it. They like that illegals can get abortions or deliveries and we libs are stuck with the bill. I have given up trying to shame rw's into paying their own way BUT -

What ignorant rw's donn't seem to know is that EMTALA has some serious limitations and that not everyone gets care at our emergency rooms. In fact, a lot AMERICAN citizens are turned away and die as a result of not being able to get decent health care.

But then, rw's don't care about that either.
Insurance Exchanges Are a Republican, free market Idea

Health insurance exchanges, is an idea formulated by conservatives and supported by Republican governors and legislators across the country for years. An exchange is as pro-market a mechanism as they come: free up buyers and sellers, standardize the products, add pricing transparency, and watch what happens. Market Economics 101.
Insurance Exchanges Are a Republican, free market Idea

Health insurance exchanges, is an idea formulated by conservatives and supported by Republican governors and legislators across the country for years. An exchange is as pro-market a mechanism as they come: free up buyers and sellers, standardize the products, add pricing transparency, and watch what happens. Market Economics 101.

Famous proponents include: Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, the state of Utah, and the Heritage Foundation.
I was just wondering. Have any of you seen your insurance premiums go DOWN since Obamacare was voted into law?

Have any of you been informed that your insurance costs will be LESS once the law is fully into effect?

All we have seen so far is higher premiums for Medicare, more copay, and reduction in services.

If that is a snapshot of what is to come, hold onto your wallets folks.

If you read the Healthcare forum, you'll see that libs' healthcare premiums are going down and they're getting refunds from their health care insurance companies while the rw's have gone up by an average of a million percent and rw's doctors are dropping like flies.

No how can the billers of the healthcare agencies discriminate and choose who pays more or less? I do know my premiums have gone up both with medicare and my personal carrier.
BTW we got a raise in Social Security and most of it went to the increase in Medicare.

ROFL! You have to be joking. The free market doesn't require government to setup "exchanges." The free market requires government to get out of the way. The so-called "exchanges" are a means for government to interfere in the market.

Health insurance exchanges, is an idea formulated by conservatives and supported by Republican governors and legislators across the country for years. An exchange is as pro-market a mechanism as they come: free up buyers and sellers, standardize the products, add pricing transparency, and watch what happens. Market Economics 101.

In the free market, products aren't "standardized." Forcing everyone to charge the same product isn't "pricing transparency. Exchanges don't "free up buyers and sellers." Exchanges constrain buyers and sellers. How does forcing someone to use this mechanism "free them up?"

Libturds like you are so brain washed and delusional that you believe your own horseshit propaganda.
What about the growing population of people who (in Bill O'Reilly's words) "want stuff"?

You don't think that's true?

No, I don't. I think what a growing number of demographics in the country want is a renewed relationship between them and their government. A relationship that can function in this century and (with any luck as we go forward) the next few after that.

By giving them other people's money?
Insurance Exchanges Are a Republican, free market Idea

Health insurance exchanges, is an idea formulated by conservatives and supported by Republican governors and legislators across the country for years. An exchange is as pro-market a mechanism as they come: free up buyers and sellers, standardize the products, add pricing transparency, and watch what happens. Market Economics 101.

Famous proponents include: Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, the state of Utah, and the Heritage Foundation.

Even if they all did in fact support it, which I would dispute, that doesn't make government run "exchanges" a free market idea. The free market is a simple concept. It means government gets out of the way. These exchanges do the exact opposite.

Only turds like you are delusional enough to believe this horseshit.
The right wing wants to laugh now but in fifty years their grand children will marvel at the first world standards of the American Single Payer System :p

Not possible. They'll be lucky if they live long enough because of it.
Insurance Exchanges Are a Republican, free market Idea

Health insurance exchanges, is an idea formulated by conservatives and supported by Republican governors and legislators across the country for years. An exchange is as pro-market a mechanism as they come: free up buyers and sellers, standardize the products, add pricing transparency, and watch what happens. Market Economics 101.

Government controlled markets may, or may not, be a Republican idea, I have no idea, nor do I care. I do no one thing, they are not free, so I have no real need to read that claptrap opinion piece from the NYT that was written by a mentally deficient idiot.

I probably shouldn't insult idiots by calling this guy an idiot, but what can you do?
Insurance Exchanges Are a Republican, free market Idea

Health insurance exchanges, is an idea formulated by conservatives and supported by Republican governors and legislators across the country for years. An exchange is as pro-market a mechanism as they come: free up buyers and sellers, standardize the products, add pricing transparency, and watch what happens. Market Economics 101.

Famous proponents include: Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, the state of Utah, and the Heritage Foundation.

None of which makes any real difference unless you can prove I am one of those people, does it?

ROFL! You have to be joking. The free market doesn't require government to setup "exchanges." The free market requires government to get out of the way. The so-called "exchanges" are a means for government to interfere in the market.

Health insurance exchanges, is an idea formulated by conservatives and supported by Republican governors and legislators across the country for years. An exchange is as pro-market a mechanism as they come: free up buyers and sellers, standardize the products, add pricing transparency, and watch what happens. Market Economics 101.

In the free market, products aren't "standardized." Forcing everyone to charge the same product isn't "pricing transparency. Exchanges don't "free up buyers and sellers." Exchanges constrain buyers and sellers. How does forcing someone to use this mechanism "free them up?"

Libturds like you are so brain washed and delusional that you believe your own horseshit propaganda.

They think free market means that people are forced to do business in them.
Obama needs to be IMPEACHED..

how is this legal TO PUNISH THE RESIDENTS of the states?

The Supreme Court upheld Obamacare. Boner called it the law of the land. You go ahead on and start a petition to impeach. The more time you invest on something stupid the less time you have to do stupid things eleswhere.
Even if they all did in fact support it, which I would dispute, that doesn't make government run "exchanges" a free market idea.

You dispute that?

Let me introduce you to Mitt Romney's exchange: Massachusetts Health Connector

Here's Utah's: Utah Health Exchange

Here's Ryan's 2009 health reform legislation: Patient's Choice Act:
Sets forth provisions governing the establishment and operation of state-based health care exchanges to facilitate the individual purchase of private health insurance and the creation of a market where private health plans compete for enrolles based on price and quality.

In fact, here's his op-ed pushing the concept: Let the Debate Begin:
To ensure affordable, quality coverage for all, we propose real insurance reforms that reorient the incentives of these companies so that they jibe with patients. Our bill encourages state-based solutions - in the form of voluntary health exchanges. These exchanges will prevent cherry-picking against those deemed uninsurable and will be made possible with risk adjustment mechanisms and other state-level options such as reinsurance and risk pools. We also include common-sense reforms to expand coverage through auto-enrollment for individuals who do not select a plan at the start of the year.

As for Heritage, they've pushed the concept countless times. Here they are in 2007:
The core concept behind the reform is to create a single market for the buying and selling of health insurance coverage through the mechanism of a state-sponsored health insurance exchange. . . The health insurance exchange mechanism facilitates personal, portable health insurance independent of the place of work, just as is currently the case with other kinds of coverage such as life insurance or auto insurance.

Or lauding Massachusetts and offering tips for other states the same year.

Hell, it wouldn't even be hard to find Congressional Republicans praising their own personal exchange, the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.

Markets that allow consumers to make informed choices based on price and quality and to send meaningful signals through their choices used to be something conservatives were for. Now they're just cranks.
So....GOP led states (Like SC, that bitch gov we have here).....are going to pass power TO THE FEDS (despite their talking points of states power) and as a result we'll all get charged more by the private sector heroes who run insurance companies.

Great job GOP. And on again, you wonder why you lost.

Well it's the COST of setting up the exchanges that are burdening states right now. And most of these states are required balanced budget states--they don't run on deficits.

The next act in the Obamacare saga is about to begin—and it’s going to be tragic. December 14 marks the deadline for states to reveal their plans for constructing insurance exchanges in line with the healthcare law’s dictates.

Many are opting out, leaving the federal government to set up exchanges for them. Others simply aren’t ready to establish their own.

And so these central components of Obamacare will soon stand as the latest examples of the president’s failure to make health insurance more accessible or affordable.

Obamacare’s insurance exchanges were intended to be state-based marketplaces where individuals and small businesses could choose from an array of coverage options. In theory, this structure would encourage states to experiment and to tailor their offerings to the unique needs of their populations.

But in reality, the exchanges are burdened with so many rules that experimentation and competition have been stifled. Given the cost of setting up an exchange—and of complying with all the federal regulations—it’s no surprise that many states are refusing to participate.

According to a new report from PricewaterhouseCoopers, just 13 states and the District of Columbia have formally declared their intention to set up exchanges. Eight have said that they will not do so.
States opt out of Obamacare’s Insurance Exchanges to avoid exorbitant costs, complicated regulations | The Maine Wire


You voted for it--you got it
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Well it's the COST of setting up the exchanges that are burdening states right. And most of these states are required balanced budget states--they don't run on deficits.

The obvious--and most common--way to keep the lights on and the help phones manned is going to be user fees on participating insurers, not appropriations.

See...this thread.

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