Obama Solicitor Admitted To SCOTUS They Only Called It A Mandate To Get It Passed


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

Fox is haranguing Mitt Romney over this misunderstanding, but it seems everyone is confused about what Obamacare really is.

Obama has lied for a couple of years that the mandate isn't a tax. That the bill has no new taxes. This is total horseshit. Because the mandate cannot be enforced it is a tax because there can be no penalty for not buying insurance. That is unconstitutional.

Megan Kelly of Fox News hits the nail on the head and nails down an Obama campaign spokesman on the issue.

Also, the Obama Administration Solicitor General admits to the Supreme Court in this video that the only reason they called it a penalty was to ease it's passage.

Fox News Panel Debates: Is Obamacare a Tax? - YouTube!

I'm getting pretty fed up with the lies coming out of this administration.
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The Obama Administration has MSNBC saying that Mitt Romney is the big threat to women, children, and puppies. Don't pay attention to those bad people saying that Obamatax is nothing but a massive tax increase on the Middle Class.

Don't pay attention that for years Democrats in Washington were claiming that the Bush Tax-cuts were only tax-cuts for the rich. Then around Christmas last year Obama said those evil Repugs wanted to take away those tax-cuts and so you and I can't buy our french-fries.

Don't pay attention to the constant stream of lies coming from the Obama Administration.

I mean really, does anyone in their right mind believe Obama???


We have caught them in lie after lie. Example after example of outright hypocrisy.

After Justice Roberts exposed the scam that is Obamacare does anyone still believe a word Obama and his administration says????

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The Obama Administration has MSNBC saying that Mitt Romney is the big threat to women, children, and puppies. Don't pay attention to those bad people saying that Obamatax is nothing but a massive tax increase on the Middle Class.

Don't pay attention that for years Democrats in Washington were claiming that the Bush Tax-cuts were only tax-cuts for the rich. Then around Christmas last year Obama said those evil Repugs wanted to take away those tax-cuts and so you and I can't buy our french-fries.

Don't pay attention to the constant stream of lies coming from the Obama Administration.

I mean really, does anyone in their right mind believe Obama???


We have caught them in lie after lie. Example after example of outright hypocrisy.

After Justice Roberts exposed the scam that is Obamacare does anyone still believe a word Obama and his administration says????

Obama Spokesman: We Never Referred to Obamacare Mandate as a Tax | Transcript Suggest Otherwise | Video | TheBlaze.com
The Obamabots do.

They can eat all his shit they like. But they're insane if they expect me to believe them when they tell me it's yummy.
Right back at you conservatard. Keep telling me how shitty wages and cutting safety nets is what this country needs.
Right back at you conservatard. Keep telling me how shitty wages and cutting safety nets is what this country needs.

We aren't talking about cutting wages!

Give me a quote from any conservative that thinks we should cut wages.

I can give you tons of quotes from Democrats talking about it though. Cutting wages for Wall Street execs. Telling everyone to spread their cash around rather than save it for a rainy day.

And Obamatax is a whole new safety net for kids, essentially putting a diaper on them till age 26. Right when we can afford new costs the least.
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Fox is haranguing Mitt Romney over this misunderstanding, but it seems everyone is confused about what Obamacare really is.

Obama has lied for a couple of years that the mandate isn't a tax. That the bill has no new taxes. This is total horseshit. Because the mandate cannot be enforced it is a tax because there can be no penalty for not buying insurance. That is unconstitutional.

Megan Kelly of Fox News hits the nail on the head and nails down an Obama campaign spokesman on the issue.

Also, the Obama Administration Solicitor General admits to the Supreme Court in this video that the only reason they called it a penalty was to ease it's passage.

Fox News Panel Debates: Is Obamacare a Tax? - YouTube!

I'm getting pretty fed up with the lies coming out of this administration.

Scalia, Kennedy, Alito, and Thomas still say it isn't a tax.

Are they lying?
How does a tax that costs about a hundred dollars a year, and that 99% of Americans won't have to pay,

translate into a massive tax increase?
How does a tax that costs about a hundred dollars a year, and that 99% of Americans won't have to pay,

translate into a massive tax increase?

It is what happens when you put facts and the truth through the Limbaugh translator.
How does a tax that costs about a hundred dollars a year, and that 99% of Americans won't have to pay,

translate into a massive tax increase?

It is what happens when you put facts and the truth through the Limbaugh translator.
Call it a marshmallow, I don't give a shit.

But, let's DO look at facts: I can keep my insurance or pay $685/year of a marshmallow for healthcare. The latter is cheaper for me.

The latter is cheaper for many.

See if you can figure out what many more than 1% of folks will do.

How does a tax that costs about a hundred dollars a year, and that 99% of Americans won't have to pay,

translate into a massive tax increase?

Assuming your 100 dollars is correct, which it's not, it doesn't matter how much the the penalty is if it's part of your tax bill.

Fact is the fine is a minimum of $285 till 2016 when it jumps to $2850.

The conservatives didn't say it wasn't a tax. They said the law as written was unconstitutional. This doesn't include 21 other tax increases in the bill. They never discussed whether the feds have the right to raise taxes. It's the administration that refuses to admit they're imposing a massive tax-increase. They admitted in court they wanted to shy away from calling it a tax.
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How does a tax that costs about a hundred dollars a year, and that 99% of Americans won't have to pay,

translate into a massive tax increase?


Show me where the law says only $100.

Not only does the bill raise taxes on people making less than $125k it hits States and private industry with massive tax-increases.

The states are already in a bind and this stupid law puts them in an even worse bind.

BTW, who do you think will want to hire new employees when they know that Obamatax will steal all of their profits?

States want to opt out of the Medicare expansion it brings and private companies won't hire anyone till they find out what's in the damned thing. They can't rust Obama to be honest to them so they have to hire accountants to go through the 13,000 page of rules and regulations that was just dumped in their laps.

But to lefies this is all good cuz it's not their friggen problem. Many of them don't have a business to keep going.
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Right back at you conservatard. Keep telling me how shitty wages and cutting safety nets is what this country needs.

We aren't talking about cutting wages!

Give me a quote from any conservative that thinks we should cut wages.

I can give you tons of quotes from Democrats talking about it though. Cutting wages for Wall Street execs. Telling everyone to spread their cash around rather than save it for a rainy day.

And Obamatax is a whole new safety net for kids, essentially putting a diaper on them till age 26. Right when we can afford new costs the least.

Really? You want to go with that? Let's forget about EXECUTIVE pay for a second...I know...the HARDSHIP that they have to endure figuring out how to spend their millions is so tough....but let's put them on the backburner for a moment. Let's talk about wages for people in the group where most people fit into...the working and non-professional middle class.

According to you guys on the right, the minimum wage should be repealed and businesses should be allowed to pay as little as they can get away with. You guys in the right have little problem with outsourcing jobs to slave labor nations. You hate unions, and the whole idea of collective bargaining. You have no problem with corporations and individuals hiding assets in tax haven countries.

All of those things hurt American workers and the country as a whole...and that's not even talking about the massive trade deficits we have with most of the globe.

You guys are like someone going to La's Vegas and rooting for the house to win. E wry single time something gets tone to help the little guy you guys scream, bawl, and gnash your teeth. Whenever the big boys get another break or giveaway, you act as though it's going directly into your pocket. With all the breaks and perks they've been given since the Reagan era, you'd think that they'd have trickled down to the point where someone making that horribly expensive wage if $7.25/hr would be able to live in comfort. The only area where it's occurred at all is in the electronics arena...and perhaps some other miscellaneous bullshit that's not a necessity.
You say obamabot because it's a primary response mechanism in your brainwashed mind....just like Marxist,Communist, and sucking of the Gubmint tit.
You say obamabot because it's a primary response mechanism in your brainwashed mind....just like Marxist,Communist, and sucking of the Gubmint tit.
Yeah, not really, but it's hilarious the way you stood up and got all mouthy when I said "Obamabot". :rofl:

You should get steel-toed boots -- that way you won't feel your toes stepped on. :lmao:
How does a tax that costs about a hundred dollars a year, and that 99% of Americans won't have to pay,

translate into a massive tax increase?

Assuming your 100 dollars is correct, which it's not, it doesn't matter how much the the penalty is if it's part of your tax bill.

Fact is the fine is a minimum of $285 till 2016 when it jumps to $2850.

The conservatives didn't say it wasn't a tax. They said the law as written was unconstitutional. This doesn't include 21 other tax increases in the bill. They never discussed whether the feds have the right to raise taxes. It's the administration that refuses to admit they're imposing a massive tax-increase. They admitted in court they wanted to shy away from calling it a tax.

And how much does having insurance cost?

How many of the 21 other "tax" increases affect you?

Fox is haranguing Mitt Romney over this misunderstanding, but it seems everyone is confused about what Obamacare really is.

Obama has lied for a couple of years that the mandate isn't a tax. That the bill has no new taxes. This is total horseshit. Because the mandate cannot be enforced it is a tax because there can be no penalty for not buying insurance. That is unconstitutional.

Megan Kelly of Fox News hits the nail on the head and nails down an Obama campaign spokesman on the issue.

Also, the Obama Administration Solicitor General admits to the Supreme Court in this video that the only reason they called it a penalty was to ease it's passage.

Fox News Panel Debates: Is Obamacare a Tax? - YouTube!

I'm getting pretty fed up with the lies coming out of this administration.
IOW, they lied to the American people and bs'd both houses of Congress, too, knowing that if push came to shove, the Supreme Court could not be fooled, would rule that sucker as a tax as it is and correctly is a law therefore--long after the shouting and lying was done. Too creepy. :eek:
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