Obama Speaks Of Baltimore Crisis.Did Not Mention That He Blocked Every "Jobs Bill" Since 2009.

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:afro:. So did we all see it? Obama making comments of the riots in Baltimore.Yes, this happens all the time. Anyone recall burning of towns happening "All The Time". Yet when he laid out the excuses for the recent events in Baltimore, he never mentioned/proposed a plan to bring jobs to the Baltimore area, he seemed to have blamed it on congress(yah right, congress has been throwing jobs bills to the senate for years! Reid refused all of them). Maybe Obama should of mentioned it? He may as well blamed the riots on Bush again. This is his economy! Obama has had 6 years to fix the mess in West Baltimore {along with other dying cities run by liberals}. :crybaby:
If He had a plan to fix the cities, the republicans would be against it anyway. He's damned if he do, damned if he don't. republicans damn sure won't fix anything, that we know. Their focus is on their base. The very rich and large corporations.
juan the racist just made his comment on fox. and he also never brought up that Obama blocks every jobs bill congress throws at him.
How nice he comes out AFTER the damage is done

You know all this is being planned folks and is being USED against you by Obama and his radical black liberation pals

I just didn't think he would do it
If He had a plan to fix the cities, the republicans would be against it anyway. He's damned if he do, damned if he don't. republicans damn sure won't fix anything, that we know. Their focus is on their base. The very rich and large corporations.
The ONLY way to fix a democrat controlled city is to remove the democrats. NO Republican would be against that!
add Baltimore to the list of towns that have bit the dust since 2009.
If He had a plan to fix the cities, the republicans would be against it anyway. He's damned if he do, damned if he don't. republicans damn sure won't fix anything, that we know. Their focus is on their base. The very rich and large corporations.
Too bad. He's wanted the job, he's in charge. If he didn't want Reid to block the jobs bills, he could have done something about it.
:afro:. So did we all see it? Obama making comments of the riots in Baltimore.Yes, this happens all the time. Anyone recall burning of towns happening "All The Time". Yet when he laid out the excuses for the recent events in Baltimore, he never mentioned/proposed a plan to bring jobs to the Baltimore area, he seemed to have blamed it on congress(yah right, congress has been throwing jobs bills to the senate for years! Reid refused all of them). Maybe Obama should of mentioned it? He may as well blamed the riots on Bush again. This is his economy! Obama has had 6 years to fix the mess in West Baltimore {along with other dying cities run by liberals}. :crybaby:
FYI - The protest and rioting has absolutely NOTHING to do with the jobs market, none. Police misconduct would happen whether there were jobs or not. There is absolutely no connection between the protest and rioting and employment, none. The people are protesting the murder of a man while the man was in police custody. Mr. Obama did NOT tell the cops to injure the man. Mr. Obama was not there when the incident happened. Mr. Obama has NOT given cops Carte Blanche to be murderers, and act as judge, jury, and executioner.

Police brutality was taking place in this country long before Mr. Obama was elected. In my opinion, you're trying to connect Mr. Obama to the riots via the unemployment situation in this country. I doubt very seriously that you can connect the two. There are Whites unemployed also, and they are not taking to the streets burning buildings and cars, looting, and causing injury to others.
If He had a plan to fix the cities, the republicans would be against it anyway. He's damned if he do, damned if he don't. republicans damn sure won't fix anything, that we know. Their focus is on their base. The very rich and large corporations.
Too bad. He's wanted the job, he's in charge. If he didn't want Reid to block the jobs bills, he could have done something about it.
You know a jobs bill is NOT the key. I STILL own 1 retail store one grocery and one auction house. Crime is what pushes legal companies out. Until you tackle the crime issue you will have no investment.
If He had a plan to fix the cities, the republicans would be against it anyway. He's damned if he do, damned if he don't. republicans damn sure won't fix anything, that we know. Their focus is on their base. The very rich and large corporations.
Too bad. He's wanted the job, he's in charge. If he didn't want Reid to block the jobs bills, he could have done something about it.
You know a jobs bill is NOT the key. I STILL own 1 retail store one grocery and one auction house. Crime is what pushes legal companies out. Until you tackle the crime issue you will have no investment.
Whether jobs are the key or not, it is disingenuous to claim that Obama couldn't do anything because if he had a plan, Republicans wouldn't like it.
If He had a plan to fix the cities, the republicans would be against it anyway. He's damned if he do, damned if he don't. republicans damn sure won't fix anything, that we know. Their focus is on their base. The very rich and large corporations.
Too bad. He's wanted the job, he's in charge. If he didn't want Reid to block the jobs bills, he could have done something about it.
You know a jobs bill is NOT the key. I STILL own 1 retail store one grocery and one auction house. Crime is what pushes legal companies out. Until you tackle the crime issue you will have no investment.
Whether jobs are the key or not, it is disingenuous to claim that Obama couldn't do anything because if he had a plan, Republicans wouldn't like it.
Ah ... but he has a pen and a phone ...
if at least west baltimore had a decent economy, 5/6% unemployment, I really don't think that thousands of locals would be causing havoc at 1am. you would think that the working class would of gone to bed by then.
if at least west baltimore had a decent economy, 5/6% unemployment, I really don't think that thousands of locals would be causing havoc at 1am. you would think that the working class would of gone to bed by then.
Speculation, nothing more. One could make a guess in that direction, but it would only be a guess. When folks get frustrated, and feel very strongly about something, they do the unexpected a lot of times. We don't know the thought process of each individual taking part in the protest. And, we don't know if all that are protesting are unemployed. Again, speculation, nothing more.
is this going to happen every time a black criminal dies in the process of being arrested? where will it happen next? LA or Chicago?
a cop kills someone .. Obama jobs gets the blame..

just make anything up, feel free to dream, then blame Obama.
OP- Brainwashed RW idiocy. Those jobs bills weren't jobs bills, dumbass dupe. Every single one took back worker or environmental protections and would have done nothing, just propaganda for ignoramuses like you. The REAL infrastructure/jobs ACT has been blocked by the New BS GOP since 2010. DUH. Ditto training programs for 3 million good tech jobs going begging.
i am well aware of the job skills of unemployed blacks, especially in detroit and baltimore, it seems they just dont want to work, but many do. at least by lowering taxes for all americans and small business, there will be more jobs for anyone who wants to work and be willing to start at the bottom.

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