Obama Spied on Trump. DOJ and FBI continues to cover up

The reprehensible right just can’t help but to keep repeating the same ridiculous lies.
did or did not obama put a spy in trumps camp?
first, do you care about the leak to the WSJ? Are they going to be fired or LOCKED UP? Why and who conveniently LEAKED? Nunes?

The article says that sources, are people that are just every day citizens that decide to "say something, when they see something".....

Not someone obama put in there as you and the op are twisting and spinning it to mean.
hiw can i twist spying to be good? if trump did this to obama you still good with it?

a fucking mazing
Latest article in WSJ confirms that Obama placed an FBI Agent within the Trump Campaign. Had Bush done this to the Kenyan born, Jihadi funded Democrat in 2008...

"... the FBI secretly had a person on the payroll who used his or her non-FBI credentials to interact in some capacity with the Trump campaign."

About That FBI ‘Source’
There has to be something to cover up dum dum before there can be a cover up.
I honestly doubt you can reform the FBI at this point. The best course of action is to cut the funding to the point where they can afford to sit at their desks and watch videos online, but nothing else.

That's stupid even considering it came from you, edtheliar.

{Thanks to the Washington Post's unnamed law-enforcement leakers, we know Mr. Nunes's request deals with a "top secret intelligence source" of the FBI and CIA, who is a U.S. citizen and who was involved in the Russia collusion probe. When government agencies refer to sources, they mean people who appear to be average citizens but use their profession or contacts to spy for the agency. Ergo, we might take this to mean that the FBI secretly had a person on the payroll who used his or her non-FBI credentials to interact in some capacity with the Trump campaign.

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blo..._fbi_spy_in_trump_campaign.html#ixzz5FIeyfOdt
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook}

In other words, this is simply fact, edtheliar. Obama DID as a matter of record place a spy inside the transition team of the President elect of the United States - an act of treason.

IF the law will not contain you traitors, then the law has no meaning and other means will be used to bring you to heel.
The reprehensible right just can’t help but to keep repeating the same ridiculous lies.
did or did not obama put a spy in trumps camp?
first, do you care about the leak to the WSJ? Are they going to be fired or LOCKED UP? Why and who conveniently LEAKED? Nunes?

The article says that sources, are people that are just every day citizens that decide to "say something, when they see something".....

Not someone obama put in there as you and the op are twisting and spinning it to mean.

Comrade, the FACT of Obama placing a spy in Trumps transition team does not come from the WSJ, it comes from the FBI (FSB) who finally were forced to release data to Congress.

It is simply established fact that Obama put a spy in the Trump transition team in order to foment the Coup D'Etat you traitors are currently engaged in.

That Jeff Sessions has not issued a warrant for the arrest of Obama on charges of high treason show that the law in this nation is a club to beat the subjects with, not a tool of justice. The law does not apply to our rulers, even when they attempt to overthrow the nation.

There is evidence they did Comrade.

Your mindless hatred and blind partisanship do no trump actual evidence, DeRpHate.

Nah - Same old hunch-based assumptions and lies.

You Trumplings have become quite adept at mimicking Donald and his little interference elf Devin Nunes.

Very amusing - Do continue :)


That's stupid even considering it came from you, edtheliar.

{Thanks to the Washington Post's unnamed law-enforcement leakers, we know Mr. Nunes's request deals with a "top secret intelligence source" of the FBI and CIA, who is a U.S. citizen and who was involved in the Russia collusion probe. When government agencies refer to sources, they mean people who appear to be average citizens but use their profession or contacts to spy for the agency. Ergo, we might take this to mean that the FBI secretly had a person on the payroll who used his or her non-FBI credentials to interact in some capacity with the Trump campaign.

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blo..._fbi_spy_in_trump_campaign.html#ixzz5FIeyfOdt
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook}

In other words, this is simply fact, edtheliar. Obama DID as a matter of record place a spy inside the transition team of the President elect of the United States - an act of treason.

IF the law will not contain you traitors, then the law has no meaning and other means will be used to bring you to heel.

AmericanStinker? :lol:
There has to be something to cover up dum dum before there can be a cover up.

Have your masters at ThinkHatred cook up a way to spin this as anything other than treason, deantard?

Obama placed a spy in the transition team of the President elect in an attempt to bring down the government of the United States. An attempt that is still in progress via the coup d'etat that is under way as we speak.

Explain how this can be viewed as ANYTHING other than treason?

It can't. You Stalinist pigs have attempted to overthrow the government. You deserve your reward in front of a firing squad.

That's stupid even considering it came from you, edtheliar.

{Thanks to the Washington Post's unnamed law-enforcement leakers, we know Mr. Nunes's request deals with a "top secret intelligence source" of the FBI and CIA, who is a U.S. citizen and who was involved in the Russia collusion probe. When government agencies refer to sources, they mean people who appear to be average citizens but use their profession or contacts to spy for the agency. Ergo, we might take this to mean that the FBI secretly had a person on the payroll who used his or her non-FBI credentials to interact in some capacity with the Trump campaign.

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blo..._fbi_spy_in_trump_campaign.html#ixzz5FIeyfOdt
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook}

In other words, this is simply fact, edtheliar. Obama DID as a matter of record place a spy inside the transition team of the President elect of the United States - an act of treason.

IF the law will not contain you traitors, then the law has no meaning and other means will be used to bring you to heel.

AmericanStinker? :lol:


That's not going to work dumbfuck.

The FSB finally had to turn over data to congress. The treason that Obama committed is now out.

You shit flinging feral baboons can shriek and hurl epithets at any you like, the SOURCE is the FSB's own document.

Fact: Obama placed a spy in the transition team of the President elect for the explicit purpose of taking the new president down.

That is treason, no way to spin it or distort it - treason by Obama.
There has to be something to cover up dum dum before there can be a cover up.

Have your masters at ThinkHatred cook up a way to spin this as anything other than treason, deantard?

Obama placed a spy in the transition team of the President elect in an attempt to bring down the government of the United States. An attempt that is still in progress via the coup d'etat that is under way as we speak.

Explain how this can be viewed as ANYTHING other than treason?

It can't. You Stalinist pigs have attempted to overthrow the government. You deserve your reward in front of a firing squad.

A firing squad? That's what Erdogan, Duterte and Putin do to their political enemies.

You are becoming a good little murderous autocrat Comrade ...

Coup Coup Ka Choop! :D


There is evidence they did Comrade.

Your mindless hatred and blind partisanship do no trump actual evidence, DeRpHate.

Nah - Same old hunch-based assumptions and lies.

You Trumplings have become quite adept at mimicking Donald and his little interference elf Devin Nunes.

Very amusing - Do continue :)



Reports from the FBI (FSB) directly state this, moron.

It is absolute fact that you traitors will not be able to lie away.
There has to be something to cover up dum dum before there can be a cover up.

Have your masters at ThinkHatred cook up a way to spin this as anything other than treason, deantard?

Obama placed a spy in the transition team of the President elect in an attempt to bring down the government of the United States. An attempt that is still in progress via the coup d'etat that is under way as we speak.

Explain how this can be viewed as ANYTHING other than treason?

It can't. You Stalinist pigs have attempted to overthrow the government. You deserve your reward in front of a firing squad.

A firing squad? That's what Erdogan, Duterte and Putin do to their political enemies.

You are becoming a good little murderous autocrat Comrade ...

Coup Coup Ka Choop! :D


It's treason, fuckwad.

You don't get a lolipop for that, you get shot.

Reports from the FBI (FSB) directly state this, moron.

It is absolute fact that you traitors will not be able to lie away.

Ehhh no, the FBI didn't say that DERPY. A magistrate judge signed off on few wiretaps. If you're phone is tapped and you're talking to Russians spies all day long - the shit's gonna hit the fan eventually.
I would define "treason" as conspiring with a hostile foreign government to steal an election.

Which Obama through the FBI did. You paid the Kremlin to cook up this fake "dossier" that you then tried to rig the election with, then used as justification for your attempted coup.

But you may define it anyway you wish Trumptard

The Constitution - you know, what you are waging war against, defines treason dickwad.

The attempt to bring down the government meets that definition. Obama engaged in treason - pure fact.

Reports from the FBI (FSB) directly state this, moron.

It is absolute fact that you traitors will not be able to lie away.

Ehhh no, the FBI didn't say that DERPY. A magistrate judge signed off on few wiretaps. If you're phone is tapped and you're talking to Russians spies all day long - the shit's gonna hit the fan eventually.

What the fuck retard.

Okay, just lie then - you have no grip on reality.

{Mr. Nunes’s request deals with a “top secret intelligence source” of the FBI and CIA, who is a U.S. citizen and who was involved in the Russia collusion probe. When government agencies refer to sources, they mean people who appear to be average citizens but use their profession or contacts to spy for the agency. Ergo, we might take this to mean that the FBI secretly had a person on the payroll who used his or her non-FBI credentials to interact in some capacity with the Trump campaign.}

Go pray to Stalin now, you insane fool,
What the fuck retard.

Okay, just lie then - you have no grip on reality.

{Mr. Nunes’s request deals with a “top secret intelligence source” of the FBI and CIA, who is a U.S. citizen and who was involved in the Russia collusion probe. When government agencies refer to sources, they mean people who appear to be average citizens but use their profession or contacts to spy for the agency. Ergo, we might take this to mean that the FBI secretly had a person on the payroll who used his or her non-FBI credentials to interact in some capacity with the Trump campaign.}

Go pray to Stalin now, you insane fool,

And ERGO .. ^ You've lost your mind :)
What the fuck retard.

Okay, just lie then - you have no grip on reality.

{Mr. Nunes’s request deals with a “top secret intelligence source” of the FBI and CIA, who is a U.S. citizen and who was involved in the Russia collusion probe. When government agencies refer to sources, they mean people who appear to be average citizens but use their profession or contacts to spy for the agency. Ergo, we might take this to mean that the FBI secretly had a person on the payroll who used his or her non-FBI credentials to interact in some capacity with the Trump campaign.}

Go pray to Stalin now, you insane fool,

And ERGO .. ^ You've lost your mind :)

Son, you deny facts in evidence. You let hatred define reality for you. Because you have been conditioned to hate Trump, you reject objective reality that interferes with your hatred.

You really are insane - you have no grip on reality.

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