Obama Spied on Trump. DOJ and FBI continues to cover up

I honestly doubt you can reform the FBI at this point. The best course of action is to cut the funding to the point where they can afford to sit at their desks and watch videos online, but nothing else.

There has to be something to cover up dum dum before there can be a cover up.

Have your masters at ThinkHatred cook up a way to spin this as anything other than treason, deantard?

Obama placed a spy in the transition team of the President elect in an attempt to bring down the government of the United States. An attempt that is still in progress via the coup d'etat that is under way as we speak.

Explain how this can be viewed as ANYTHING other than treason?

It can't. You Stalinist pigs have attempted to overthrow the government. You deserve your reward in front of a firing squad.

A firing squad? That's what Erdogan, Duterte and Putin do to their political enemies.

You are becoming a good little murderous autocrat Comrade ...

Coup Coup Ka Choop! :D


It's treason, fuckwad.

You don't get a lolipop for that, you get shot.

It's treason, fuckwad.

You don't get a lolipop for that, you get shot.

I would define "treason" as conspiring with a hostile foreign government to steal an election.

But you may define it anyway you wish Trumptard

Everything we have said has come to pass, and as it was reported, the Left said "CONSPIRACY, no way, fake news!" And yet, even most of them are getting uncomfortable; at least on air personalities. These people on here hide behind their anonymity.

So, the left (and right) want to know if what EITHER of them are spewing are actually true statements, what is taking so long to prove it!


1. The Left is full of crapola, and that is all you need to know about that, lol. IMAGINE---------> You are the WORST prosecutor in the country, you have wire taps, bank records, surveillance, e-mails, texts, New Zealand helping you, the UK helping you, and Britains MI-6 helping you, and your mark never knew they were being watched for almost a year, and you can't make a case. Now, you and I are not lawyers, but I betcha if we had all that information, we could indict a bunch of people colluding with a foreign entity. It isn't like the evidence started when the special counsel was appointed. They have evidence going back BEFORE the election; and in fact it appears into early 2016. Their indictments? A bunch of process crimes; even though they have monitored the Trump campaign for over a year, lol. What does that, tell you!

2. Now for the other side, the charming and delightful Repukacans. Trump and the administration are between a rock and a hard place, that is for sure. You see.........people on this site, or here, there, and everywhere........DEFINE the adversaries as the Left versus the Right. That is NOT so! It is the SWAMP versus the Freedom caucus and independent thinkers in congress.

The swamp is not only made up of Leftists, it is also made up of many Repukacans. We must always remember that monikers mean NOTHING! But if have to define people, the easiest way to do it for Washington is like this------------> Many Repukicans are really Liberal Democrats, but no Liberal Democrats are secretly Repukicans! Doubt me? Then consider-------> when NOT an election year, how many Repukicans will vote WITH the Democrats? Conversley, how many Democrats will vote with the Repukicans!

The point is-------------> many of Trumps own party are involved in this fiasco, and as soon as light is shown on the cockroaches, it won't only be blue cockroaches scurrying away. He knows this, and so do the blue cockroaches. That is exactly why you have seen so MANY RED cockroaches retire from congress. Not all are cockroaches, but enough are. Still others decided to stay and keep their power, and the administration is waiting to see if some get the boot through primaries. Why do YOU think he went to Indiana-) Did you notice he only mentioned Braun and Rokita, and NOT the 3rd guy. Did you ask yourselves why! There was 3 of them you know. Did you take notice that Trump actually met WITH Braun.

How many of you have heard about Tricky Mitch, and his ties with China? Yes, I know he is not up for re-election this cycle, but for you on the Left, wouldn't you think EVERY Lefty SHOULD be screaming about him since he is leadership? Why isn't that happening? Maybe you ought to start asking IMPORTANT questions, so as you know what is actually going on. See, it isn't so much right or left, it is swamp, and non swamp.........and that is why the right is calling out tricky Mitch, and the Left is almost silent.

And so, ask yourselves, each and every person-----------> are you for the swamp and like the way things are a disaster, or do you want to get rid of it! Once you answer that question, then you had better look up who is really on, and really NOT on, your side.

And that is why the right is in a quandary! There is absolutely NO WAY this is all going to come out, without hosing more than a handful of them. They too cast their lot with team Hillary, hoping to keep some semblance of their power, and went along with a few things that were not only highly unethical, but kind of illegal. But no worries, Hilly had it in the bag, correct? Nobody would ever be any wiser. Whoops!

And here, we, all, are! So you on the Left should feel some satisfaction. When this goes down.......as it surely will before the midterms..........it will take out more than just people wearing blue hats!
The reprehensible right just can’t help but to keep repeating the same ridiculous lies.
did or did not obama put a spy in trumps camp?
first, do you care about the leak to the WSJ? Are they going to be fired or LOCKED UP? Why and who conveniently LEAKED? Nunes?

The article says that sources, are people that are just every day citizens that decide to "say something, when they see something".....

Not someone obama put in there as you and the op are twisting and spinning it to mean.
hiw can i twist spying to be good? if trump did this to obama you still good with it?

a fucking mazing
How are they "doing it" to Trump?

Sheesh! Someone who worked for the Trump campaign, saw something that he or she felt was wrong, or illegal, and/or concerning to our Nation or Nation's safety, and reached out to law enforcement, to "say something"...... are you really implying that THIS was Obama's fault? SERIOUSLY!

If the Obama campaign, had 70 separate meetings or contacts with Hezbollah, or the Iranian government, or with the Russians during the Obama campaign for the Presidency in 2008, and one of the campaign workers felt from what he heard or saw, that this was just not right.....something was fishy about it all and it appeared that the Obama team was aiding and abetting the enemies of our Nation....and it became so disturbing that they felt they needed to contact law enforcement/the FBI about it to let them know.....

And you believe the Trump justice department would simply ignore this source, and turn their head and put it back in a hole, or walk away?

The reprehensible right just can’t help but to keep repeating the same ridiculous lies.
did or did not obama put a spy in trumps camp?
first, do you care about the leak to the WSJ? Are they going to be fired or LOCKED UP? Why and who conveniently LEAKED? Nunes?

The article says that sources, are people that are just every day citizens that decide to "say something, when they see something".....

Not someone obama put in there as you and the op are twisting and spinning it to mean.
hiw can i twist spying to be good? if trump did this to obama you still good with it?

a fucking mazing
How are they "doing it" to Trump?

Sheesh! Someone who worked for the Trump campaign, saw something that he or she felt was wrong, or illegal, and/or concerning to our Nation or Nation's safety, and reached out to law enforcement, to "say something"...... are you really implying that THIS was Obama's fault? SERIOUSLY!

If the Obama campaign, had 70 separate meetings or contacts with Hezbollah, or the Iranian government, or with the Russians during the Obama campaign for the Presidency in 2008, and one of the campaign workers felt from what he heard or saw, that this was just not right.....something was fishy about it all and it appeared that the Obama team was aiding and abetting the enemies of our Nation....and it became so disturbing that they felt they needed to contact law enforcement/the FBI about it to let them know.....

And you believe the Trump justice department would simply ignore this source, and turn their head and put it back in a hole, or walk away?


See, now there you go again! Show us where this source only started working with the FBI AFTER he/she joined the Trump team-)
The reprehensible right just can’t help but to keep repeating the same ridiculous lies.
did or did not obama put a spy in trumps camp?
first, do you care about the leak to the WSJ? Are they going to be fired or LOCKED UP? Why and who conveniently LEAKED? Nunes?

The article says that sources, are people that are just every day citizens that decide to "say something, when they see something".....

Not someone obama put in there as you and the op are twisting and spinning it to mean.
hiw can i twist spying to be good? if trump did this to obama you still good with it?

a fucking mazing
How are they "doing it" to Trump?

Sheesh! Someone who worked for the Trump campaign, saw something that he or she felt was wrong, or illegal, and/or concerning to our Nation or Nation's safety, and reached out to law enforcement, to "say something"...... are you really implying that THIS was Obama's fault? SERIOUSLY!

If the Obama campaign, had 70 separate meetings or contacts with Hezbollah, or the Iranian government, or with the Russians during the Obama campaign for the Presidency in 2008, and one of the campaign workers felt from what he heard or saw, that this was just not right.....something was fishy about it all and it appeared that the Obama team was aiding and abetting the enemies of our Nation....and it became so disturbing that they felt they needed to contact law enforcement/the FBI about it to let them know.....

And you believe the Trump justice department would simply ignore this source, and turn their head and put it back in a hole, or walk away?

and you are pretending this planted person wasnt a plant, just a patriot.

no sense in discussing issues if you are going to alter tge fwcts to suit your preferences.
Latest article in WSJ confirms that Obama placed an FBI Agent within the Trump Campaign. Had Bush done this to the Kenyan born, Jihadi funded Democrat in 2008...

"... the FBI secretly had a person on the payroll who used his or her non-FBI credentials to interact in some capacity with the Trump campaign."

About That FBI ‘Source’
When is he going to be indicted?

Reports from the FBI (FSB) directly state this, moron.

It is absolute fact that you traitors will not be able to lie away.

Ehhh no, the FBI didn't say that DERPY. A magistrate judge signed off on few wiretaps. If you're phone is tapped and you're talking to Russians spies all day long - the shit's gonna hit the fan eventually.
Obama said himself that Russia couldn't affect our elections, but that's when he thought Hillary was going to win. You're an idiot.
Latest article in WSJ confirms that Obama placed an FBI Agent within the Trump Campaign. Had Bush done this to the Kenyan born, Jihadi funded Democrat in 2008...

"... the FBI secretly had a person on the payroll who used his or her non-FBI credentials to interact in some capacity with the Trump campaign."

About That FBI ‘Source’
After being given all the facts it turns out you cons are being conned

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said the FBI acted appropriately when it used an informant to gather information about Donald Trump campaign advisers who allegedly had suspicious contacts linked to Russia prior to the 2016 election.

“I am even more convinced that the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do when they got the information they got, and that it has nothing to do with Donald Trump,” Gowdy said Tuesday during an interview on Fox News.

Gowdy last week attended a classified DOJ briefing alongside other top lawmakers regarding the informant and the tactics the FBI had used during the 2016 campaign. The South Carolina congressman, who is retiring this year, is the first GOP lawmaker briefed on the informant to directly rebut Trump and his allies regarding the surveillance claims.

Is he a RINO now too?

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