Obama Spokesman Calls Newt Or Anyone Who Says They Can Lower Gas Prices Liars


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Jul 21, 2009

Fuck You America

This is what the Obama Administration is saying to anyone who says if they were president they could lower the price of gas.

Jay Carney said the administration will try to "mitigate the effects" of high gas prices, but they don't want to talk about lowering prices and he also said anyone else who says they can get prices back down is lying.

Well folks, as long as Obama is president forget about lower gas prices. He's not gonna even try to deal with it. Just get used to it. That is what they're saying. He can't do anything about it and don't ask him to lift a finger to try.

If they're talking like this during an election year imagine what's coming next year once he figures he doesn't have to answer to the voters anymore. Trust me, come next year we are really in for it.



White House: Anyone who says gas could be $2.50 is “lying” | WTVR.com
Carney: Newt Gingrich “Lying” About $2.50 Gas | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier
Newt Gingrich's $2.50 gas promise - Feb. 24, 2012
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The best way to lower gas prices is open the floodgates for domestic drilling all over the U.S. There are plenty of drilling rigs owned by domestic family drilling services ready to go. Cut drilling regulations as well as refining regulations.
Let's see, what was the price of gas when Obama took office?

Gasoline up 100% under Obama
← return to Water Cooler

By James S. Robbins

March 30, 2011, 12:39PM
Feeling pain at the pump? Gas prices have doubled since Mr. Obama took office. According to the GasBuddy gasoline price tracking web site, the price of a gallon of regular gas was around $1.79 when Mr. Obama took office. Today the national average is $3.58. The lowest average price in the continental United States is $3.31 in Tulsa Oklahoma, the highest is $4.14 in Santa Barbara, CA. Four-dollar-a-gallon gas has arrived on average throughout California, and a number of other states are headed in that direction.
Gasoline up 100% under Obama - Washington Times

I don't think the people care anymore what Obama and his lapdogs have to say.
Let's see, what was the price of gas when Obama took office?

Gasoline up 100% under Obama
← return to Water Cooler

By James S. Robbins

March 30, 2011, 12:39PM
Feeling pain at the pump? Gas prices have doubled since Mr. Obama took office. According to the GasBuddy gasoline price tracking web site, the price of a gallon of regular gas was around $1.79 when Mr. Obama took office. Today the national average is $3.58. The lowest average price in the continental United States is $3.31 in Tulsa Oklahoma, the highest is $4.14 in Santa Barbara, CA. Four-dollar-a-gallon gas has arrived on average throughout California, and a number of other states are headed in that direction.
Gasoline up 100% under Obama - Washington Times

I don't think the people care anymore what Obama and his lapdogs have to say.

The price of gas has been over $3 for 2 years. It has never dipped below that since. Obama wants that to be the new floor. Eventually he'll want the floor to be $5.

He figures we'll just get used to it.

Face it folks.....Obama wants high prices.
Newt said this morning he's willing to debate Obama at any rig, any gas-station, or anywhere about how to lower gas prices.

He says Obama doesn't even want to try to lower prices and he says he's offended by the fact that Obama is calling him a liar.

Obama will never have the guts to debate him.
Wasn't high gas prices Bushs fault?

Didn't the left shit on him when he decided not to release the reserves at lower prices?

And now they are claiming that the Pres has no effect on the cost of gas?

yes they did and yes they are.

"No president has the power to increase or lower gas prices. Those are market forces!" -Cal Thomas speaking on FOX

"The next time you hear a politician say he or she will bring down oil prices, understand it's complete B.S." -Bill O'Reilly


"Tomorrow President Obama will speak in Miami about gas prices. But he is likely to have no solutions. However, if the Obama administration wanted to, it could ask Congress to raise export taxes on the oil companies to encourage them to sell their products here. Think about it. The oil companies are regulated by the federal government. They can't drill on land nor in American waters without permission from the feds. Many Republicans want to drill baby drill but what's the point if all the oil goes to China? Increased production obviously doesn't mean lower prices for us." -O'Reilly
I can't disagree with Obama on this one.

However, I do disagree that he's in any way responsible for increased drilling and production in this country.

I also believe that he's the greatest threat to what is currently one of the very few sectors of the economy that is thriving, hiring, succeeding, and contributing real value to the GDP.
I can't disagree with Obama on this one.

However, I do disagree that he's in any way responsible for increased drilling and production in this country.

I also believe that he's the greatest threat to what is currently one of the very few sectors of the economy that is thriving, hiring, succeeding, and contributing real value to the GDP.

Obama would not know growth in any commodities market and what policies strengthen and encourage growth and what don't.
But he has not any influence on the price of gas also.

The closing of the Bahamian refinery and the one up outside of the Delawareriver near Philadelphia and the Dupont plant up there did more to raise the price than anything.
No offense to you drilling promoters as that would be great but that is not the problem now. We could drill and drill and drill and it makes no difference as supply is not the problem. There is now a shit load of oil out there to be sold not at the spicket. The problems are the different blends we have to make for each region of the country at different times of the year and the backlog of refining the oil to gasoline.
PLenty of oil and not enough gas.
The problem isn't supply and demand, the problem is speculation.

As long as Iran and Israel are rattling the sabers, speculation is going to remain high.

The fact that India and China are increasing their demand doesn't help matters much, either.

What we need is a long term plan that will include more production, more alternative sources, etc.

Which would require both sides to sacrifice a few of their sacred cows.
If you believe Obama's policies aren't driving up the cost of oil, you really need to stop drinking the Kool-aid.

He's apologizing to one of his planted cronies for something a talk show host said while the cost of gas is skyrocketing. Where do you think his priorities are??

If he continues to tell us to accept these prices, he'll loose the election. He told everyone in the beginning his policies would make energy prices rise. He said it himself and his cronies don't even believe him. They keep making excuses..........hmmmmmm.
Obama Spokesman Calls Newt Or Anyone Who Says They Can Lower Gas Prices Liars

And he's 100% correct for saying that, too.

Just to make your morning even more depressing...it is hard for a sitting President to affect the price of gas in the short term but their policies will affect the price of gas over the long term...which means that we're going to keep seeing gas go higher because of the policies of this Administration.

But why should this come as a surprise to anyone? Barry has been telling us that we "need" higher gas prices for years now. He seems to feel that $6 a gallon is appropriate and he's got Steven Chu in there as our Energy Secretary doing the best he can to get us there.

You won't hear that from Jay Carney though...he'll be in full damage control mode all summer long as prices continue to rise.
There are several things the President can do to drop gas prices.

Put a moratorium on fuel blends until the end of the year. CA requires various blends to lower pollution.

Stop printing money to pay off debt. This is the primary reason gas prices are going up. The dollar is shrinking and because most of our oil is from foreign sources the price goes up.

Open back up federal land to production. Begin new drilling to increase future supplies.

Stop talking about removing oil subsidies. As a matter of fact encourage oil companies to sell products in America, not overseas.

Streamline the application process so it doesn't take 5-7 years to start producing from a well like it does today.

Fire the Energy Secretary. Get someone in there that isn't hoping for $10 /gal gas.

There is plenty Obama can do to lower prices. He just doesn't want to.

"No president has the power to increase or lower gas prices. Those are market forces!" -Cal Thomas speaking on FOX

"The next time you hear a politician say he or she will bring down oil prices, understand it's complete B.S." -Bill O'Reilly


"Tomorrow President Obama will speak in Miami about gas prices. But he is likely to have no solutions. However, if the Obama administration wanted to, it could ask Congress to raise export taxes on the oil companies to encourage them to sell their products here. Think about it. The oil companies are regulated by the federal government. They can't drill on land nor in American waters without permission from the feds. Many Republicans want to drill baby drill but what's the point if all the oil goes to China? Increased production obviously doesn't mean lower prices for us." -O'Reilly

I can't disagree with Obama on this one.

However, I do disagree that he's in any way responsible for increased drilling and production in this country.

I also believe that he's the greatest threat to what is currently one of the very few sectors of the economy that is thriving, hiring, succeeding, and contributing real value to the GDP.

The porn industry?

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