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Obama stimulus is failed

I'm about to go work out for an hour or two. If you decide to type something worth reading...well I'll be surprised.
I'm about to go work out for an hour or two. If you decide to type something worth reading...well I'll be surprised.

Translation: Every one f your posts is over my head.
Let me post a graphic that you can understand. I can explain the letters to you if you need help.
1. Of course issues regarding VALUES are right/left issues. Each side has their own values platform an

Again, I don't agree.

Both sides have a broad spectrum that includes certain value sets. Neither is the keeper of any specific values.

In 2008, the number of people identifying themselves as democrats reached a 50 year high, yet the number of people who are anti-abortion continued to rise, to nearly 60%

IF being pro-abortion is a value of the left, then how did the two conflicting stats rise simultaneously?

I'll agree with you that values issues might be of less important to voters in the last, oh say, 2 years, but you'll still find legislators campaigning on them, espousing them at rallies, and chanting about them on the floors of Congress.

I think that values are important, but I'm not convinced that social values are an indicator of left and right.

Of course a pro-life stance is a right of center belief. Don't be obtuse.

Funny, when I was young it was the left that waxed lyrical about the value of human life.

Of course I've since learned that the left has no sincerely held values at all. Any apparent value is purely for political expedience, it can and will change without notice.

2. Being in favor of SOME selected tax increases still leaves the opportunity for tax CUTS in other places. Yes, you'd have to make sure that the net effect is a CUT. We're talking about complex machinery here. It's not as simple as CUT EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING MUST GO!!! OUR PRICES ARE INSAAAAANNNNEEE! The budget requires more finesse.

Any budget is complex. The more complex the organization, the more complex the budget. We live beyond our means, without delving into specifics, the amount spent rather than the amount collected is the issue.

3. Term Limits are liberal??? What planet are you on.

I don't use the term "liberal" when speaking of the left. The American left is decidedly anti-Liberty, basically authoritarian.

The limiting of choice in electing those who the people desire is a curtailment of liberty. Curtailing liberty is a leftist position.

Look at who's usually in favor of them - BY FAR it's conservatives. And the whole "liberal = government control" is bullshit too.

Limiting the size and scope of government is not the same as limiting who the people can elect to office.

These are two distinct propositions.

Remember the 60s? Anti-government, dude. Fuck the man. Fuck the FBI. That kind of stuff? (I'm sure you're going to readjust what you mean by liberal, but that won't be a good enough defense)

Anti-American, not anti-government. Abby Hoffman promoted Soviet and Cuban style dictatorship. Note the popularity of leftists holding the communist terrorist Che up? Che, the one helping Castro imprison Cuba under totalitarian rule, then doing the same in Angola.

Jane Fonda engaged in treason not from a hatred of government controlling people, but out of hatred for America and self-governance.

Remember Bush and Cheney who basically shredded the Constitution when it came to wiretapping?

Actually, this claim is 99.9% partisan bullshit. First off, wiretapping never entered to the picture. Under FCC ruling, the airwaves are government property and all transmissions across them are subject to federal control and review. The CLINTON administration began monitoring cell phone traffic to foreign nations. After 9-11, monitoring of cell phone calls to terrorist nations increased.

This isn't a wiretap, if you consider the airwaves government property, you don't have a leg to stand on. I realize this is red meat for the mindless left, but that's all it is, or ever has been.

Control bodies (no drugs).

Funny, I just came out of another thread where forum leftists were blasting Ron Paul for "wanting to legalize heroin."

Control morality (no homosexual marriage) Control personal liberties (the wiretapping thing)

Again, baseless talking point nonsense.

Regardless, it's conservatives who want term limits.

Not at all, in California it's been the democrats pushing them.

4. Immigration - Ok, working this through...I can tell you don't want to have a real conversation. Liberals are all about helping the poor illegals stay even though they've broken the law.

As long as the vote dim.

Conservatives want america without all them damn free-loadin' foreigners!

Nope, big business wants a steady stream of cheap, exploitable labor.

Don't you pay any attention at all?
Complete bullshit, but of course you're welcome to your opinion.

I'm not sure what bizarro planet you live on, but somehow your messages are getting through to the Earth I live on.

Each side has a values platform, whether YOU personally think that values should matter in politics or not. All of the things I listed as conservative are just what I said they are.

Other conservatives agree with me, whether you want to dig in and keep debating or not:

Conservative values - Conservapedia

Conscience of a Conservative

Rick Perry: We Need to Stop Apologizing for Conservative Values, Christian News

Why Term Limits? | Term Limits USA
(check the list of names on the side of this page:
Bill O’Reilly
The Cato Institute
Cit*i*zens Against Gov*ern*ment Waste
Ann Coul*ter
Chuck Nor*ris
Charles Krautham*mer
Drudge Report
Fox Busi*ness
Fox News
Fox News Nation
Glenn Beck
Grass*fire Nation
The Her*itage Foundation
Lou Dobbs
Media Research Center
Mike Huck*abee
Michelle Malkin
Dick Mor*ris
National Right to Work Com*mit*tee
Newt Gin*grich
Pub*lic Advo*cate USA
Real Clear Politics
Rush Lim*baugh
Sarah Palin
Sen*ate Con*ser*v*a*tives Fund
Cal Thomas
U.S. Term Limits
Tea Party Connections

Term limits: a brief perspective - Conservative News and Views

You know these are conservative values/stances. You're just being obtuse.

Anyone who has a memory of the 60s knows that liberals are for legalization of marijuana and conservatives want to control your body by telling you what you can put into it. The fact that libertarianism has come full circle has nothing to do with the fact that conservative Christians dont want drugs being legal.

Reply if you must, but it'll be more denials. I'm through beating my head against a brick wall when you're clearly wrong. If the question were put to USMB members, the vast majority would agree with me.
I've never fought the fact that tax cuts, including the kind you are laser-locked onto, don't work. You can count that as a win, but you'd be wrong. Meanwhile you've just bent over and admitted something that conservates don't want to acknowledge - tax cuts don't work. Nice job trying to flip the script, but it didn't work. Tres pathetique.

What a selective memory YOU have. Add to Obama's time what Bush did. That's right. The Bush tax cuts which have been in place for how long before Obama came into office? (I'll wait while you choke on your keyboard). Then add to that the 1997 tax cuts passed while Clinton was in office. That takes us back even further.

I don't know how someone can suck as much as you do and not eventually not choke. You're pathetic.

Arrogant, stupid, and misinformed. What a combo you are.
You admitted that targeted temporary tax cuts do not work. I've been saying that from the beginning. You are the one who think that can be applied to all tax cuts everywhere. I thought I was able to get your tiny mind around the idea that not all tax cuts are the same. I guess I failed on that attempt.
Clinton raised taxes in 1998, moron.

The Bush tax cuts produced 6 years worth of growing GDP and unemployment below 6%. The Reagan tax cuts produced about a decade and a half of prosperity. The Kennedy tax cuts produced about 8 years of prosperity. The Coolidge tax cuts kept the country from experiencing a recession after WWI.
The Obama "tax cuts" have produced the worst recovery on record, record high deficits, and high unemployment with little job creation.
See the difference? Probably not

Yeah, so I guess your conservative counterparts at the Heritage Foundation, who wrote a whole article about how the Clinton Tax Cuts caused the prosperity afterward are just totally stupid then.

LMFAO. I wish we had your suckage around when we're cleaning the septic tank at the farm. It'd make the job easier.
The Rabbi is one of the very few here who are known to regularly throw tantrums and sling @ epithets thinking it makes them look smart. :cuckoo: He's also in Nashville/red state central. I mention that because one of the biggest flaming, conservative, douche I've encountered on the internetz is from.....you guessed it.....Nashville. ;)
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Awww...look. It's backup, right on cue. Although that's kind of what DotCom was doing, so I can't really throw stones. Rabbi's an easy target though.

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