Obama Sucks At Basketball


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=mVWHgMMF0cM#]Barack Obama Brick House Shoots 22 Baskets Misses! Embarrassing Basketball Shots - 4/1/13 - YouTube[/ame]!

Yesterday Obama went 2-22 in freethrow shots at the Easter Egg Roll.

A little kid had to show him how to make a layup before he finally made a shot right under the basket.

With all the bricks he was putting up he could build another White House.

Let's see, he sucks at bowling, blows at basketball. Is there any sport he's any good at?

Wait a minute........I think I hear the Drones coming in.........
Basketball?? Have you seen him throw out a first pitch at a baseball game? Nothing could look worse than that.

But so what anyway?

And why is this thread in "Media"? Basketball is media? :confused:
Here he makes a 3-pointer on his first attempt.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j87k1j4CpOw]Barack Obama drains 3-point jumper on first try in Kuwait - YouTube[/ame]
Will this be the next petty nonsense the right uses against him? perimeter-shot-gate???

I hate phoneys more than anything.

Since you folks on the left believe everything he says and seem to think he's the real deal it's my job to point out what a fake he is. Sorry if you can't stand the truth.

He wants to act like he's some great basketball player. I'm out of practice and I could blow him away on the court.

Wow.....a staged photo-op and he finally makes one. I'm really impressed.

If he makes it from half-court on the first attempt then I'm impressed. Ask him to do it again then I'll say he can shoot. But he made it by accident and then quit knowing he was lucky.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

I used to be a kicker in college. The pressure of making a kick in front of God and everyone is immense, so I know what it's like to perform in front of large crowds. It's easier to just be a player than it is to be a kicker. Less contact but still you come off of the bench cold and have to do everything right the first time. That takes balls. I always preferred playing a position. So I understand not making a shot on the first try and I also understand you can get lucky. Make the next one and I'll say the first one wasn't a fluke.
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Will this be the next petty nonsense the right uses against him? perimeter-shot-gate???

I hate phoneys more than anything.

Since you folks on the left believe everything he says and seem to think he's the real deal it's my job to point out what a fake he is. Sorry if you can't stand the truth.

He wants to act like he's some great basketball player. I'm out of practice and I could blow him away on the court.

A self-appointed 'job' since you're feeding your own strawman... :cuckoo:

You realize of course that henceforth any case you want to make on a legitimate topic will be referred here for some, ah, perspective. Thanks for that.

Basketballin' = Presidentin'. Ho-kaaaaayy....
im sure we'll be graced with a video of user handle "mudwhistle's" uber great basketball skills to compare.
He sucks at basket ball becaeu he does not get paid to play. But he rocks as President of the United States. The most powerful man in the world.
Here's something to make the ODS cranks on this thread look really dumb. I mean, dumber than usual.

Michael Lewis: Obama?s Way | Vanity Fair
Obama was 20 or more years older than most of them, and probably not as physically gifted, though it was hard to say because of the age differences. No one held back, no one deferred. Guys on his team dribbled past him and ignored the fact he was wide open. When he drives through the streets, crowds part, but when he drives to the basket large, hostile men slide over to cut him off. It’s revealing that he would seek out a game like this but even more that others would give it to him: no one watching would have been able to guess which guy was president. As a player on the other team, who must have outweighed Obama by a hundred pounds, backed the president of the United States down and knocked the crap out of him, all for the sake of a single layup, I leaned over to the former Florida State point guard.

“No one seems to be taking it easy on him,” I said.

“If you take it easy on him, you’re not invited back,” he explained.


Obama could find a perfectly respectable game with his equals in which he could shoot and score and star, but this is the game he wants to play. It’s ridiculously challenging, and he has very little space to maneuver, but he appears happy. He’s actually just good enough to be useful to his team, as it turns out. Not flashy, but he slides in to take charges, passes well, and does a lot of little things well. The only risk he takes is his shot, but he shoots so seldom, and so carefully, that it actually isn’t much of a risk at all. (He smiles when he misses; when he makes one, he looks even more serious.) “Spacing is big. He knows where to go,” said one of the other players as we watched. “And unlike a lot of lefties, he can go to his right.”

And he chattered constantly. “You can’t leave him open like that!” … “Money!” … “Take that shot!” His team jumped ahead, mainly because it took fewer stupid shots. When I threw one up I discovered the reason for this. When you are on the president’s basketball team and you take a stupid shot, the president of the United States screams at you. “Don’t be looking to the sidelines all sheepish,” he hollered at me. “You got to get back and play D!”
And he's an Excellent Bowler, too!

[ame=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-Bx5dOmV-8]Obama Gutter Ball[/ame]
im sure we'll be graced with a video of user handle "mudwhistle's" uber great basketball skills to compare.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njPh7XQQC44]Jumping Off Roof Into Basketball Hoop Original Upload - YouTube[/ame]

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