Obama supporter arrested for attempting to solicit sex with a 7 year old

Showing interest in a story with those headlines is troubling. Just imagining that a 7 year old is online negotiating for sex and believing it requires a mind that isn't wired quite right.

I'm a little more than concerned that there are police on the internets pretending to be 7 year olds engaged in sexual conversations.

I'm happy that the 7 year old was make believe. The cop and the guy netted should both be registered sex offenders.

That's not the story, you didn't read the story. Read it and try again.

No. I am not going to read a story that involves a 7 year old negotiating a sexual encounter with an adult... It's just too creepy.

Then you should be fine with this story because that is not what happened.
Editec: does being a cockgobbler prevent you from seeing the hat the deviant is wearing?
Why does it matter if he was an Obama explorer? This man has serious problems regardless of his politics. Politics has nothing to do with it.

It's precisely this type of thinking that is breaking down our society. Let's keep political discussions on the issues instead of trying to smear half the country based solely on the actions of one or two evil men or women.

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