Obama supporters are scaring me

Thick on the issue of backpeddling about saying something he said that you're trying to tell us he didn't mean to say what he said? Yeah, I'll go with that too.

You have to believe in what he means, not what he says!!!

Fourier Complex.
All the Obamabot damage control in the World is not going to change what your Messiah said, and the context in which he said it, rational people know exactly what Obama said, and meant.

Oh Jesus Christ. Please hurry up and die. You're polluting the gene pool and bringing the average IQ of the nation down a few pegs. You're about as rational as an escaped inmate from an asylum. , as evidenced by you thinking you have in any way a clue as to what Obama meant.

Here's the thing, Dummy: You don't have to guess or speculate. Because if you read the full transcript or watch the uncut video: HE SAYS WHAT HE MEANS.

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

Goddamn. Let me guess...English was never your strong suit in school?

So he's suggesting that the people who own businesses did not pay any taxes to have government project manage the building and maintenance of roads? You do realize, again, how completely fucking clueless and stupid this sounds, yes?

No he's not you fucking robot. He's saying what Mitt told the athletes at the Opening Ceremony of the 2000 Olympics: You got some help along the way.

This isn't some secret socialist message. This isn't even socialism. It's fucking HUMANISM. People like you make so fucking proud to be a Liberal. It's easy to feel superior to people who INTENTIONALLY misunderstand things because the other guy doesn't say shit they like.

God I hope Obama wins in November. Sure, I like his policies and think he's taking this country in the right direction, but mainly because I think it'll bring about mass suicides of the dumbest fucking segment of our population; and then we might have a chance to evolve as a society again.
Fuck you Right Wingers are just thick on this issue.

Obama hates private sector business (that doesn't personally donate millions directly to his campaign) and he's repeatedly made that clear. He thinks Government is the solution to everything.

This is a pretty easy issue, IMO.
from some asshole who gets his orders from. the mass marketing campaign that is FOX and AM radio? Let me ask you something slick, what do you disagree with when it comes to right wing talking points? C'mon fucker....put your money where your mouth is.

What the fuck are you babbling about now?

You think Fox had to tell everyone what Obama meant when we said "if you've got a business, you didn't build that"?

He didn't say that though, Dummy. And that's kind of the point. Have you even read or seen the full video or transcript? Of course you haven't. You were force-fed a CHOPPED UP VIDEO that in no way shows the context of what Obama was saying. I know that for the Right, words like context are "elitist" and "academic." But it matters to everyone else with a neuron or two that's left to fire.

You were lied to, and you're continually lied to.

FactCheck.org : ‘You Didn’t Build That,’ Uncut and Unedited

Read that you thick, old fuck.


I'm not joining your collective, you Mindless Fuck!

I heard him say it!

There's the transcript!!

How soon after he said it did you become aware of what he said? When did you realize he wasn't talking down business? It was right after he told you to think that, right? Be Honest Obama told you what to think about his "you didn't build that" statement
If Obama said what he means, why does Obama have to come back and say what he meant?
Sounds more like damage control to me. :eusa_whistle:

Are you stupid or just pretending to be? When your words are intentionally chopped up and taken out of context to create a narrative you never used, you go on the defensive.

Fuck you Right Wingers are just thick on this issue.

Sounds like you're butthurt, CD.
Can't admit that your messiah is a fuck up without a teleprompter when speaking?
Without the teleprompter, we all get to see the real Obama.....most are seeing that he really isn't a rockstar.
But, carry on with your vile name calling, it's what you do best, because it sure isn't substance that you bring to this forum. :eusa_whistle:
If Obama said what he means, why does Obama have to come back and say what he meant?
Sounds more like damage control to me. :eusa_whistle:

Are you stupid or just pretending to be? When your words are intentionally chopped up and taken out of context to create a narrative you never used, you go on the defensive.

Fuck you Right Wingers are just thick on this issue.

Sounds like you're butthurt, CD.
Can't admit that your messiah is a fuck up without a teleprompter when speaking?
Without the teleprompter, we all get to see the real Obama.....most are seeing that he really isn't a rockstar.
But, carry on with your vile name calling, it's what you do best, because it sure isn't substance that you bring to this forum. :eusa_whistle:

Fuck off Meister. You're a fucking stooge. I don't bring substance? Really? Is that why all my threads blow up with activity? You want me to leave, you old crusty fuck? Ban me. PLEASE BAN ME. Go ahead. I'm daring you.

I dare you to ban me. You keep living in your make-believe world where Obama hates business. I don't need to come here and argue with a bunch of middle-aged Tea Bagger twats.

Go ahead, MeinFuhrer, pull the goddamned trigger.
God I hope Obama wins in November. Sure, I like his policies and think he's taking this country in the right direction, but mainly because I think it'll bring about mass suicides of the dumbest fucking segment of our population; and then we might have a chance to evolve as a society again.

Since i'm a nice guy, itook some time of my schedule to do some clothes shopping for you. No need to thank me. Like i said, i'm a nice guy and enjoy helping people.

Oh Jesus Christ. Please hurry up and die. You're polluting the gene pool and bringing the average IQ of the nation down a few pegs. You're about as rational as an escaped inmate from an asylum. , as evidenced by you thinking you have in any way a clue as to what Obama meant.

Here's the thing, Dummy: You don't have to guess or speculate. Because if you read the full transcript or watch the uncut video: HE SAYS WHAT HE MEANS.

Goddamn. Let me guess...English was never your strong suit in school?

So he's suggesting that the people who own businesses did not pay any taxes to have government project manage the building and maintenance of roads? You do realize, again, how completely fucking clueless and stupid this sounds, yes?

No he's not you fucking robot. He's saying what Mitt told the athletes at the Opening Ceremony of the 2000 Olympics: You got some help along the way.

This isn't some secret socialist message. This isn't even socialism. It's fucking HUMANISM. People like you make so fucking proud to be a Liberal. It's easy to feel superior to people who INTENTIONALLY misunderstand things because the other guy doesn't say shit they like.

God I hope Obama wins in November. Sure, I like his policies and think he's taking this country in the right direction, but mainly because I think it'll bring about mass suicides of the dumbest fucking segment of our population; and then we might have a chance to evolve as a society again.

You are not a liberal. You are a LOLberal, a and teeth gnashy, retarded one at that. Congrats.

I can hear what he said and read it myself. We should all thank the government for stealing from us to build the roads so that we can now lash out against business owners for being part of that and using it by saying you didn't do it. Government did.
Last edited:
What the fuck are you babbling about now?

You think Fox had to tell everyone what Obama meant when we said "if you've got a business, you didn't build that"?

He didn't say that though, Dummy. And that's kind of the point. Have you even read or seen the full video or transcript? Of course you haven't. You were force-fed a CHOPPED UP VIDEO that in no way shows the context of what Obama was saying. I know that for the Right, words like context are "elitist" and "academic." But it matters to everyone else with a neuron or two that's left to fire.

You were lied to, and you're continually lied to.

FactCheck.org : ‘You Didn’t Build That,’ Uncut and Unedited

Read that you thick, old fuck.


I'm not joining your collective, you Mindless Fuck!

I heard him say it!

There's the transcript!!

How soon after he said it did you become aware of what he said? When did you realize he wasn't talking down business? It was right after he told you to think that, right? Be Honest Obama told you what to think about his "you didn't build that" statement

I won't admit anything. The whole context of the speech is easy to understand if you're not 50+, white, and scared that the gays and blacks are taking over.
Oh Jesus Christ. Please hurry up and die. You're polluting the gene pool and bringing the average IQ of the nation down a few pegs. You're about as rational as an escaped inmate from an asylum. , as evidenced by you thinking you have in any way a clue as to what Obama meant.

Here's the thing, Dummy: You don't have to guess or speculate. Because if you read the full transcript or watch the uncut video: HE SAYS WHAT HE MEANS.

Goddamn. Let me guess...English was never your strong suit in school?

There is no guessing, that it^ definitely wasn't yours. You can try to spin Obama's gaffe all you want, but video doesn't lie.

The video was edited. Cut. Spliced. Snipped. It's not hard to do. It's the same as editing someone's quote here, you dumb fuck.

This, you bumbling fucking twit, sums it PERFECTLY. You're a puppet for Faux News. Enjoy it.

Democalypse 2012 - Do We Look Stupid? Don't Answer That Edition - Grammatical Gaffes - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 07/25/12 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

The unedited video is readily available. He still said what you claim he never said. And with the full text, he looks even worse.

But I bet you are hoping no one actually does their research and just blindly believes you.
If Obama said what he means, why does Obama have to come back and say what he meant?
Sounds more like damage control to me. :eusa_whistle:

Are you stupid or just pretending to be? When your words are intentionally chopped up and taken out of context to create a narrative you never used, you go on the defensive.

Fuck you Right Wingers are just thick on this issue.

Try a topic you wont get owned on.

Stay out of politics.
Oh Jesus Christ. Please hurry up and die. You're polluting the gene pool and bringing the average IQ of the nation down a few pegs. You're about as rational as an escaped inmate from an asylum. , as evidenced by you thinking you have in any way a clue as to what Obama meant.

Here's the thing, Dummy: You don't have to guess or speculate. Because if you read the full transcript or watch the uncut video: HE SAYS WHAT HE MEANS.

Goddamn. Let me guess...English was never your strong suit in school?

There is no guessing, that it^ definitely wasn't yours. You can try to spin Obama's gaffe all you want, but video doesn't lie.

The video was edited. Cut. Spliced. Snipped. It's not hard to do. It's the same as editing someone's quote here, you dumb fuck.

This, you bumbling fucking twit, sums it PERFECTLY. You're a puppet for Faux News. Enjoy it.

Democalypse 2012 - Do We Look Stupid? Don't Answer That Edition - Grammatical Gaffes - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 07/25/12 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

Your coming unhinged... It's hard defending the indefensible without resorting to name calling nastiness. The fact that you think Fox News were the only ones who videotaped the speech, and then edited it is priceless!:clap2:
If Obama said what he means, why does Obama have to come back and say what he meant?
Sounds more like damage control to me. :eusa_whistle:

Are you stupid or just pretending to be? When your words are intentionally chopped up and taken out of context to create a narrative you never used, you go on the defensive.

Fuck you Right Wingers are just thick on this issue.
Third grade grammar pop quiz (5 points total):

"If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."

1. What is the antecedent of that in the first sentence? (2 points)

2. What is the antecedent of that in the second sentence? (3 points)
Are you stupid or just pretending to be? When your words are intentionally chopped up and taken out of context to create a narrative you never used, you go on the defensive.

Fuck you Right Wingers are just thick on this issue.

Sounds like you're butthurt, CD.
Can't admit that your messiah is a fuck up without a teleprompter when speaking?
Without the teleprompter, we all get to see the real Obama.....most are seeing that he really isn't a rockstar.
But, carry on with your vile name calling, it's what you do best, because it sure isn't substance that you bring to this forum. :eusa_whistle:

Fuck off Meister. You're a fucking stooge. I don't bring substance? Really? Is that why all my threads blow up with activity? You want me to leave, you old crusty fuck? Ban me. PLEASE BAN ME. Go ahead. I'm daring you.

I dare you to ban me. You keep living in your make-believe world where Obama hates business. I don't need to come here and argue with a bunch of middle-aged Tea Bagger twats.

Go ahead, MeinFuhrer, pull the goddamned trigger.

Why can't leave on your own? Nobody has a gun to your head making you stay, do they?
I stand by my two previous posts, and just saying your a left wing whacko that can't put a sentence together with out any vile name calling. Having said that, if you wish to leave, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, dude.
If Obama said what he means, why does Obama have to come back and say what he meant?
Sounds more like damage control to me. :eusa_whistle:

Are you stupid or just pretending to be? When your words are intentionally chopped up and taken out of context to create a narrative you never used, you go on the defensive.

Fuck you Right Wingers are just thick on this issue.
Third grade grammar pop quiz (5 points total):

"If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."

1. What is the antecedent of that in the first sentence? (2 points)

2. What is the antecedent of that in the second sentence? (3 points)

:eusa_silenced::eusa_silenced: :D
He didn't say that though, Dummy. And that's kind of the point. Have you even read or seen the full video or transcript? Of course you haven't. You were force-fed a CHOPPED UP VIDEO that in no way shows the context of what Obama was saying. I know that for the Right, words like context are "elitist" and "academic." But it matters to everyone else with a neuron or two that's left to fire.

You were lied to, and you're continually lied to.

FactCheck.org : ‘You Didn’t Build That,’ Uncut and Unedited

Read that you thick, old fuck.


I'm not joining your collective, you Mindless Fuck!

I heard him say it!

There's the transcript!!

How soon after he said it did you become aware of what he said? When did you realize he wasn't talking down business? It was right after he told you to think that, right? Be Honest Obama told you what to think about his "you didn't build that" statement

I won't admit anything. The whole context of the speech is easy to understand if you're not 50+, white, and scared that the gays and blacks are taking over.

Right. Not only did they tell you what to think about the speech, they told you what to think about "your enemy"

In your own words, what does this mean, "if you've got a business, you didn't build that."
Are you stupid or just pretending to be? When your words are intentionally chopped up and taken out of context to create a narrative you never used, you go on the defensive.

Fuck you Right Wingers are just thick on this issue.

Sounds like you're butthurt, CD.
Can't admit that your messiah is a fuck up without a teleprompter when speaking?
Without the teleprompter, we all get to see the real Obama.....most are seeing that he really isn't a rockstar.
But, carry on with your vile name calling, it's what you do best, because it sure isn't substance that you bring to this forum. :eusa_whistle:

Fuck off Meister. You're a fucking stooge. I don't bring substance? Really? Is that why all my threads blow up with activity? You want me to leave, you old crusty fuck? Ban me. PLEASE BAN ME. Go ahead. I'm daring you.

I dare you to ban me. You keep living in your make-believe world where Obama hates business. I don't need to come here and argue with a bunch of middle-aged Tea Bagger twats.

Go ahead, MeinFuhrer, pull the goddamned trigger.

You've never provided a single post of substance. It's all been nonsense. Your posts blow up with activity because you are such a big ass liar that you provide yourself with such an easy target to crush.

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