Obama supporters are scaring me

Sounds like you're butthurt, CD.
Can't admit that your messiah is a fuck up without a teleprompter when speaking?
Without the teleprompter, we all get to see the real Obama.....most are seeing that he really isn't a rockstar.
But, carry on with your vile name calling, it's what you do best, because it sure isn't substance that you bring to this forum. :eusa_whistle:

Fuck off Meister. You're a fucking stooge. I don't bring substance? Really? Is that why all my threads blow up with activity? You want me to leave, you old crusty fuck? Ban me. PLEASE BAN ME. Go ahead. I'm daring you.

I dare you to ban me. You keep living in your make-believe world where Obama hates business. I don't need to come here and argue with a bunch of middle-aged Tea Bagger twats.

Go ahead, MeinFuhrer, pull the goddamned trigger.

You've never provided a single post of substance. It's all been nonsense. Your posts blow up with activity because you are such a big ass liar that you provide yourself with such an easy target to crush.

Really, Dummy? Are you saying that because it's the truth or because I post things that disagree with your narrow, sycophantic outlook?

(Hint: it's the latter)
Are you stupid or just pretending to be? When your words are intentionally chopped up and taken out of context to create a narrative you never used, you go on the defensive.

Fuck you Right Wingers are just thick on this issue.

Sounds like you're butthurt, CD.
Can't admit that your messiah is a fuck up without a teleprompter when speaking?
Without the teleprompter, we all get to see the real Obama.....most are seeing that he really isn't a rockstar.
But, carry on with your vile name calling, it's what you do best, because it sure isn't substance that you bring to this forum. :eusa_whistle:

Fuck off Meister. You're a fucking stooge. I don't bring substance? Really? Is that why all my threads blow up with activity? You want me to leave, you old crusty fuck? Ban me. PLEASE BAN ME. Go ahead. I'm daring you.

I dare you to ban me. You keep living in your make-believe world where Obama hates business. I don't need to come here and argue with a bunch of middle-aged Tea Bagger twats.

Go ahead, MeinFuhrer, pull the goddamned trigger.
Sky Dancer? Is that you?

Attempted suicide-by-mod fail.
I won't admit anything. The whole context of the speech is easy to understand if you're not 50+, white, and scared that the gays and blacks are taking over.

You're right. It's absolutely easy to understand. Which is why it's so completely obvious that your lying your ass off.
He didn't say that though, Dummy. And that's kind of the point. Have you even read or seen the full video or transcript? Of course you haven't. You were force-fed a CHOPPED UP VIDEO that in no way shows the context of what Obama was saying. I know that for the Right, words like context are "elitist" and "academic." But it matters to everyone else with a neuron or two that's left to fire.

You were lied to, and you're continually lied to.

FactCheck.org : ‘You Didn’t Build That,’ Uncut and Unedited

Read that you thick, old fuck.


I'm not joining your collective, you Mindless Fuck!

I heard him say it!

There's the transcript!!

How soon after he said it did you become aware of what he said? When did you realize he wasn't talking down business? It was right after he told you to think that, right? Be Honest Obama told you what to think about his "you didn't build that" statement

I won't admit anything. The whole context of the speech is easy to understand if you're not 50+, white, and scared that the gays and blacks are taking over.

Is that more or less scared that if you're 20, black and scared that the white guys and Christians are gonna take away your welfare?
He didn't say that though, Dummy. And that's kind of the point. Have you even read or seen the full video or transcript? Of course you haven't. You were force-fed a CHOPPED UP VIDEO that in no way shows the context of what Obama was saying. I know that for the Right, words like context are "elitist" and "academic." But it matters to everyone else with a neuron or two that's left to fire.

You were lied to, and you're continually lied to.

FactCheck.org : ‘You Didn’t Build That,’ Uncut and Unedited

Read that you thick, old fuck.


I'm not joining your collective, you Mindless Fuck!

I heard him say it!

There's the transcript!!

How soon after he said it did you become aware of what he said? When did you realize he wasn't talking down business? It was right after he told you to think that, right? Be Honest Obama told you what to think about his "you didn't build that" statement

I won't admit anything. The whole context of the speech is easy to understand if you're not 50+, white, and scared that the gays and blacks are taking over.

By all means, lose the argument, throw the profanity, and whip out the race card... You simpletons are so predictable.:lol::lol::lol:
If Obama said what he means, why does Obama have to come back and say what he meant?
Sounds more like damage control to me. :eusa_whistle:

Are you stupid or just pretending to be? When your words are intentionally chopped up and taken out of context to create a narrative you never used, you go on the defensive.

Fuck you Right Wingers are just thick on this issue.
Third grade grammar pop quiz (5 points total):

"If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."

1. What is the antecedent of that in the first sentence? (2 points)

2. What is the antecedent of that in the second sentence? (3 points)

The funniest thing is when they say that he meant roads and bridges...

Those magical roads and bridges somehow helped the successful businesses yet their magic failed to work for the unsuccessful businesses...:lol:

Sounds like you're butthurt, CD.
Can't admit that your messiah is a fuck up without a teleprompter when speaking?
Without the teleprompter, we all get to see the real Obama.....most are seeing that he really isn't a rockstar.
But, carry on with your vile name calling, it's what you do best, because it sure isn't substance that you bring to this forum. :eusa_whistle:

Fuck off Meister. You're a fucking stooge. I don't bring substance? Really? Is that why all my threads blow up with activity? You want me to leave, you old crusty fuck? Ban me. PLEASE BAN ME. Go ahead. I'm daring you.

I dare you to ban me. You keep living in your make-believe world where Obama hates business. I don't need to come here and argue with a bunch of middle-aged Tea Bagger twats.

Go ahead, MeinFuhrer, pull the goddamned trigger.

Why can't leave on your own? Nobody has a gun to your head making you stay, do they?
I stand by my two previous posts, and just saying your a left wing whacko that can't put a sentence together with out any vile name calling. Having said that, if you wish to leave, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, dude.

Nah. I'd rather that you railroad me out like you do to every Liberal who has to balls to stand up to the Septuagenarian Nitwit Crowd you have going here. The name of the board should just be called "Old Fucks Who Believe Any Conspiracy Theory As Long as the Black Guy In the White House" is the target.

Vile name calling? You have the balls to say I call people vile names when you let people start threads calling people "Faggots?" How many disgusting "vile" names have I been called? Has any Liberal been called.

No, you just don't like me because I don't kowtow, and I don't bow to bullying. You'd like to have all the liberals in backed down into corners like they do with the token libs on Faux News.

You're not worth this. Fuck you.
Fuck off Meister. You're a fucking stooge. I don't bring substance? Really? Is that why all my threads blow up with activity? You want me to leave, you old crusty fuck? Ban me. PLEASE BAN ME. Go ahead. I'm daring you.

I dare you to ban me. You keep living in your make-believe world where Obama hates business. I don't need to come here and argue with a bunch of middle-aged Tea Bagger twats.

Go ahead, MeinFuhrer, pull the goddamned trigger.

You've never provided a single post of substance. It's all been nonsense. Your posts blow up with activity because you are such a big ass liar that you provide yourself with such an easy target to crush.

Really, Dummy? Are you saying that because it's the truth or because I post things that disagree with your narrow, sycophantic outlook?

(Hint: it's the latter)

No, it's the truth.... Your failure is well known here....

Continue your meltdown - it's funny as hell...

Can we read about it later on your blog?

I'm not joining your collective, you Mindless Fuck!

I heard him say it!

There's the transcript!!

How soon after he said it did you become aware of what he said? When did you realize he wasn't talking down business? It was right after he told you to think that, right? Be Honest Obama told you what to think about his "you didn't build that" statement

I won't admit anything. The whole context of the speech is easy to understand if you're not 50+, white, and scared that the gays and blacks are taking over.

By all means, lose the argument, throw the profanity, and whip out the race card... You simpletons are so predictable.:lol::lol::lol:

Lose what argument? You dumb fucks are arguing with EDITED TAPE. That's like me photoshopping you sucking my cock and telling everyone I have proof that you like to suck my cock.
Fuck off Meister. You're a fucking stooge. I don't bring substance? Really? Is that why all my threads blow up with activity? You want me to leave, you old crusty fuck? Ban me. PLEASE BAN ME. Go ahead. I'm daring you.

I dare you to ban me. You keep living in your make-believe world where Obama hates business. I don't need to come here and argue with a bunch of middle-aged Tea Bagger twats.

Go ahead, MeinFuhrer, pull the goddamned trigger.

Why can't leave on your own? Nobody has a gun to your head making you stay, do they?
I stand by my two previous posts, and just saying your a left wing whacko that can't put a sentence together with out any vile name calling. Having said that, if you wish to leave, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, dude.

Nah. I'd rather that you railroad me out like you do to every Liberal who has to balls to stand up to the Septuagenarian Nitwit Crowd you have going here. The name of the board should just be called "Old Fucks Who Believe Any Conspiracy Theory As Long as the Black Guy In the White House" is the target.

Vile name calling? You have the balls to say I call people vile names when you let people start threads calling people "Faggots?" How many disgusting "vile" names have I been called? Has any Liberal been called.

No, you just don't like me because I don't kowtow, and I don't bow to bullying. You'd like to have all the liberals in backed down into corners like they do with the token libs on Faux News.

You're not worth this. Fuck you.
Your stupidity is what we mock, laugh at etc.

It has nothing to do with your wants at being a kneepad.
Are you stupid or just pretending to be? When your words are intentionally chopped up and taken out of context to create a narrative you never used, you go on the defensive.

Fuck you Right Wingers are just thick on this issue.
Third grade grammar pop quiz (5 points total):

"If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."

1. What is the antecedent of that in the first sentence? (2 points)

2. What is the antecedent of that in the second sentence? (3 points)

The funniest thing is when they say that he meant roads and bridges...

Those magical roads and bridges somehow helped the successful businesses yet their magic failed to work for the unsuccessful businesses...:lol:

Solydra is all the big bad businessmen's failure. All the risk and only failure credit.

Love the collective - it is gooooooooooood. Individuallism is baaaaaaaad.

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Fuck off Meister. You're a fucking stooge. I don't bring substance? Really? Is that why all my threads blow up with activity? You want me to leave, you old crusty fuck? Ban me. PLEASE BAN ME. Go ahead. I'm daring you.

I dare you to ban me. You keep living in your make-believe world where Obama hates business. I don't need to come here and argue with a bunch of middle-aged Tea Bagger twats.

Go ahead, MeinFuhrer, pull the goddamned trigger.

You've never provided a single post of substance. It's all been nonsense. Your posts blow up with activity because you are such a big ass liar that you provide yourself with such an easy target to crush.

Really, Dummy? Are you saying that because it's the truth or because I post things that disagree with your narrow, sycophantic outlook?

(Hint: it's the latter)

I said it because it's true. I dont give a crap that you disagree with me. Feel free to. There are plenty of people on this board who disagree with me on both sides of the Aisle. They aren't lying to themselves and to others like you are. Neither do they have to blatantly lie to support themselves.

Look at yourself. You're denying that Obama said something we have video and transcripts of him clearly saying. You scream it's out of context, but add the context and not only does it confirm what we are pointing out, it makes him look significantly worse. It demonstrates that he doesnt actually believe hard work and education pay off. It's all a matter of luck to him. Individuals dont accomplish anything.

It's a seriously derranged and blatantly wrong claim. And yet you are trying to pretend he didnt say it. When Romney says stuff i know are wrong. I just say so. You on the other hand, cant accept the possibility that Obama is wrong about something. He is seriously a god to you. and that's just really sad because he is the furthest thing from being God there at the moment.
I'm not kidding, they don't have a brain between them, they have a hive mind and they mindlessly follow whatever Obama tells them no matter how wrong or stupid.

I watch Zombies Movies, Walking Dead, etc. Obama supporters are the same way, all they know is support Obama, I'm not fucking kidding.

He told them Romney misrepresented him in the "You didn't build that" ad, and they follow mindlessly. All of them! Every one! There's not a one of them that questions the order

Obama's financial guru Jon Corzine, the architect of the Failed Stimulus is as big a criminal as Madoff and he gets a pass and a defense from the Obama Legions of Mindless Zombies.

If Obama told them they had to jump off a building to land on a Republican they'd race each other to the roof.

Absolutely fucking terrifying.
You like those zombie movies, Frank?
You've never provided a single post of substance. It's all been nonsense. Your posts blow up with activity because you are such a big ass liar that you provide yourself with such an easy target to crush.

Really, Dummy? Are you saying that because it's the truth or because I post things that disagree with your narrow, sycophantic outlook?

(Hint: it's the latter)

I said it because it's true. I dont give a crap that you disagree with me. Feel free to. There are plenty of people on this board who disagree with me on both sides of the Aisle. They aren't lying to themselves and to others like you are. Neither do they have to blatantly lie to support themselves.

Look at yourself. You're denying that Obama said something we have video and transcripts of him clearly saying. You scream it's out of context, but add the context and not only does it confirm what we are pointing out, it makes him look significantly worse. It demonstrates that he doesnt actually believe hard work and education pay off. It's all a matter of luck to him. Individuals dont accomplish anything.

It's a seriously derranged and blatantly wrong claim. And yet you are trying to pretend he didnt say it. When Romney says stuff i know are wrong. I just say so. You on the other hand, cant accept the possibility that Obama is wrong about something. He is seriously a god to you. and that's just really sad because he is the furthest thing from being God there at the moment.

Well when you're Obama who has everything handed to you? It's easy to see why he's doing what he's doing. HE has never lived the real American Experience as you, me and most people have. [I fault his parents and grand Parents for that].

Obama is living in fantasyland. He's trying to impose it on the rest of us to make it reality. People are balking and he and CD and fellow travelers can't understand why.
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I won't admit anything. The whole context of the speech is easy to understand if you're not 50+, white, and scared that the gays and blacks are taking over.

By all means, lose the argument, throw the profanity, and whip out the race card... You simpletons are so predictable.:lol::lol::lol:

Lose what argument? You dumb fucks are arguing with EDITED TAPE. That's like me photoshopping you sucking my cock and telling everyone I have proof that you like to suck my cock.
Damn, you really are quite the study in transference. You're mad because what Obama said is not what you wanted him to say and you transfer that anger onto everyone else who doesn't give you what you want - a reality change.

The twin toddlers across the street should take a lesson from you whenever their mother won't let them play outside wearing their Elmo slippers instead of sneakers.
Conservaderp went off on a personal tantrum in his room and is being scolded for throwing things right now by his mum.
By all means, lose the argument, throw the profanity, and whip out the race card... You simpletons are so predictable.:lol::lol::lol:

Lose what argument? You dumb fucks are arguing with EDITED TAPE. That's like me photoshopping you sucking my cock and telling everyone I have proof that you like to suck my cock.
Damn, you really are quite the study in transference. You're mad because what Obama said is not what you wanted him to say and you transfer that anger onto everyone else who doesn't give you what you want - a reality change.

The twin toddlers across the street should take a lesson from you whenever their mother won't let them play outside wearing their Elmo slippers instead of sneakers.

No, I'm mad because we have a Right Wing propaganda machine and a collection of our populace that's stupid enough to believe them. I'm mad that you idiots can read a transcript and watch a full, unedited video and still think he has some socialist agenda in his words.

You guys are an embarrassment to the nation and your own party.

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