Obama supporters are scaring me

"if you've got a business, you didn't build that."

In your own words, what was Obama referring to? It appears he was disparaging the efforts of business owners, at least to those of use who have English as a primary language.

Frank, I'm not going to play into your stupid fucking game where you slice a quote to remove all context, including the part that "that" was referring, and then demand that someone else explain it to your quickly shrinking mental capacities.

The truth is there to see. But we all know you're not interested in the truth. You're only interested in perpetuating a lie. Happy perping.

Nice dodge karl.

Listen Two tone - I know Frank is smart enough to understand what Obama was saying, especially since he was almost verbatim repeating a line that Mitt Romney has said.

You, on the other hand? I'm pretty sure you're too stupid and you do whatever the radio tells you to do.
There's nothing JOB KILLING about robotics and automation. You know it, I know it, everybody with a grain of common sense knows it. The liberals and union goons have a hard time believing it.

I'll have to disagree there. If it wasn't job killing (for the business employing the technology) in some respect then they wouldn't have a reason to do it. There's only two ways to maximize profit: sell more or lower overhead and the biggest overhead for a company is it's employees. Depending on your industry, take building cars for example, it's cheaper to employ a handful of people to maintain the robots that build the majority of the car than it is to employ teams of people to build and assemble each part of that car. The people building the cars would make a lot less than those building and maintaining robots individually, but when you consider both on the whole, the robots are cheaper. Therefore, larger quantity of unskilled (for lack of a better word) not working vs. smaller quantity of skilled working.

I work in IT and two projects I worked on were almost direct reasons why a couple of our offices could be closed and a reduction in staff was possible. Improve your process through automation and you no longer need people doing the menial, repetitive and low paid jobs in many instances.

Because a lot of those types of jobs are automated out of existence or shifted overseas, you're right that you need more people to come up with the automation and maintain robots, etc... but it takes more skill and education to do that, which means re-training, etc. It's why you could drop out of high school 60 years ago and still enjoy a decent life doing manual labor and now, a lot of people are kinda screwed if they don't have a college education or an apprenticeship.
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You are wrong. Frankie IS crazy. No one that I know of is in "lock step" with Obama. That kind of behavior is singularly a trait of the Christian Fascist GOPer. Your comment shows clearly how little you understand about the majority of average Americans..which by the way fairly and openly elected Obama president... a fact which seems to constantly elude you and those like you.

"if you've got a business, you didn't build that."

In your own words, what was Obama referring to?

It doesn't look like they're willing to use their own words...

You'd except that from a Collective.
You are wrong. Frankie IS crazy. No one that I know of is in "lock step" with Obama. That kind of behavior is singularly a trait of the Christian Fascist GOPer. Your comment shows clearly how little you understand about the majority of average Americans..which by the way fairly and openly elected Obama president... a fact which seems to constantly elude you and those like you.

"if you've got a business, you didn't build that."

In your own words, what was Obama referring to?

It doesn't look like they're willing to use their own words...

Remember how right after Obama made those anti-business statements, 8537 came on to clear up what he really meant? It was like the second after he said it, right? It wasn't that 8537 fell in lock-step with every other member of the Collective and explained it away. I'm sure he can point to his own post, pre-Obama Explanation to clear it all up.

Go ahead, show us when you first explained it to us
"if you've got a business, you didn't build that."

In your own words, what was Obama referring to?

It doesn't look like they're willing to use their own words...

You'd except that from a Collective.

Maybe they are trying to form a cohesive explaination of what Barry said when he said it...

Theyr moving off of "He was talking about the roads and bridges" meme... About time, because that's a rediculous argument...

The big question that remains unanswered is, if Barry has so much respect and admiration for businesses, why didn't he just come out and say that in the first place? Why would he even intimate that they didn't succeed on their own?
There's nothing JOB KILLING about robotics and automation. You know it, I know it, everybody with a grain of common sense knows it. The liberals and union goons have a hard time believing it.

I'll have to disagree there. If it wasn't job killing (for the business employing the technology) in some respect then they wouldn't have a reason to do it. There's only two ways to maximize profit: sell more or lower overhead and the biggest overhead for a company is it's employees. Depending on your industry, take building cars for example, it's cheaper to employ a handful of people to maintain the robots that build the majority of the car than it is to employ teams of people to build and assemble each part of that car. The people building the cars would make a lot less than those building and maintaining robots individually, but when you consider both on the whole, the robots are cheaper. Therefore, larger quantity of unskilled (for lack of a better word) not working vs. smaller quantity of skilled working.

I work in IT and two projects I worked on were almost direct reasons why a couple of our offices could be closed and a reduction in staff was possible. Improve your process through automation and you no longer need people doing the menial, repetitive and low paid jobs in many instances.

Because a lot of those types of jobs are automated out of existence or shifted overseas, you're right that you need more people to come up with the automation and maintain robots, etc... but it takes more skill and education to do that, which means re-training, etc. It's why you could drop out of high school 60 years ago and still enjoy a decent life doing manual labor and now, a lot of people are kinda screwed if they don't have a college education or an apprenticeship.

it's a shift in the division of labor, not the "killing of jobs". This has been going on since the dawn of man. But make no mistakes, a change in the division of labor is not going to result in skynet taking over the planet. It simply means we are shifting where labor is used. Someone styill must build the parts that build the robots. Repair them, assemble them, keep them running. Transport them, etc....

This idea that automation is killing jobs is a fools tale.
It doesn't look like they're willing to use their own words...

You'd except that from a Collective.

Maybe they are trying to form a cohesive explaination of what Barry said when he said it...

Theyr moving off of "He was talking about the roads and bridges" meme... About time, because that's a rediculous argument...

The big question that remains unanswered is, if Barry has so much respect and admiration for businesses, why didn't he just come out and say that in the first place? Why would he even intimate that they didn't succeed on their own?

They're Following George Lakoff...Bezerkley professor who pretty much wrote the meme of both Obama and Fauxahontas Warren...Both stron Marxists in thier own right.

Both have gotten off-script/teleprompter...told us who they really are.
And Frank is correct. It's scary as Hell the path they want to take us down and the excuses from thier followers.

Lakoff Inspired "You Didn't Build That"

Legal Insurrection: Obama and Warren cribbed “build it” narrative from progressive Berkeley Professor - William A.Jacobson
It doesn't look like they're willing to use their own words...

You'd except that from a Collective.

Maybe they are trying to form a cohesive explaination of what Barry said when he said it...

Theyr moving off of "He was talking about the roads and bridges" meme... About time, because that's a rediculous argument...

The big question that remains unanswered is, if Barry has so much respect and admiration for businesses, why didn't he just come out and say that in the first place? Why would he even intimate that they didn't succeed on their own?

Of course, any of them, like 8537, can clear the whole thing up by showing us their own original thoughts on the statement.

How easy should that be?
There's nothing JOB KILLING about robotics and automation. You know it, I know it, everybody with a grain of common sense knows it. The liberals and union goons have a hard time believing it.

I'll have to disagree there. If it wasn't job killing (for the business employing the technology) in some respect then they wouldn't have a reason to do it. There's only two ways to maximize profit: sell more or lower overhead and the biggest overhead for a company is it's employees. Depending on your industry, take building cars for example, it's cheaper to employ a handful of people to maintain the robots that build the majority of the car than it is to employ teams of people to build and assemble each part of that car. The people building the cars would make a lot less than those building and maintaining robots individually, but when you consider both on the whole, the robots are cheaper. Therefore, larger quantity of unskilled (for lack of a better word) not working vs. smaller quantity of skilled working.

I work in IT and two projects I worked on were almost direct reasons why a couple of our offices could be closed and a reduction in staff was possible. Improve your process through automation and you no longer need people doing the menial, repetitive and low paid jobs in many instances.

Because a lot of those types of jobs are automated out of existence or shifted overseas, you're right that you need more people to come up with the automation and maintain robots, etc... but it takes more skill and education to do that, which means re-training, etc. It's why you could drop out of high school 60 years ago and still enjoy a decent life doing manual labor and now, a lot of people are kinda screwed if they don't have a college education or an apprenticeship.

it's a shift in the division of labor, not the "killing of jobs". This has been going on since the dawn of man. But make no mistakes, a change in the division of labor is not going to result in skynet taking over the planet. It simply means we are shifting where labor is used. Someone styill must build the parts that build the robots. Repair them, assemble them, keep them running. Transport them, etc....

This idea that automation is killing jobs is a fools tale.

We're saying the same thing, i think, but it does kill the quantity of jobs. Would it better from an overhead standpoint to have 10 cashiers using calculators, paper and pencil to track purchases and cash boxes for money or 2 with POS systems that does all the calculations, inventory tracking and transactions for you?

I'm no expert but i'd have to believe the quantity of unskilled positions eliminated due to automation is greater than the number of skilled positions designing and building the automation. But, i could be wrong. So, if that's the case, "killing jobs" is probably a crude term but it's accurate in some respect.
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Frank, I'm not going to play into your stupid fucking game where you slice a quote to remove all context, including the part that "that" was referring, and then demand that someone else explain it to your quickly shrinking mental capacities.

The truth is there to see. But we all know you're not interested in the truth. You're only interested in perpetuating a lie. Happy perping.

Nice dodge karl.

Listen Two tone - I know Frank is smart enough to understand what Obama was saying, especially since he was almost verbatim repeating a line that Mitt Romney has said.

You, on the other hand? I'm pretty sure you're too stupid and you do whatever the radio tells you to do.

Another cop-out. I have repeated my thoughts and backed them up. YOU? Not so much. Don't wanna play ball? The get out of the thread, or comply with a simple request by the OP.

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I'll have to disagree there. If it wasn't job killing (for the business employing the technology) in some respect then they wouldn't have a reason to do it. There's only two ways to maximize profit: sell more or lower overhead and the biggest overhead for a company is it's employees. Depending on your industry, take building cars for example, it's cheaper to employ a handful of people to maintain the robots that build the majority of the car than it is to employ teams of people to build and assemble each part of that car. The people building the cars would make a lot less than those building and maintaining robots individually, but when you consider both on the whole, the robots are cheaper. Therefore, larger quantity of unskilled (for lack of a better word) not working vs. smaller quantity of skilled working.

I work in IT and two projects I worked on were almost direct reasons why a couple of our offices could be closed and a reduction in staff was possible. Improve your process through automation and you no longer need people doing the menial, repetitive and low paid jobs in many instances.

Because a lot of those types of jobs are automated out of existence or shifted overseas, you're right that you need more people to come up with the automation and maintain robots, etc... but it takes more skill and education to do that, which means re-training, etc. It's why you could drop out of high school 60 years ago and still enjoy a decent life doing manual labor and now, a lot of people are kinda screwed if they don't have a college education or an apprenticeship.

it's a shift in the division of labor, not the "killing of jobs". This has been going on since the dawn of man. But make no mistakes, a change in the division of labor is not going to result in skynet taking over the planet. It simply means we are shifting where labor is used. Someone styill must build the parts that build the robots. Repair them, assemble them, keep them running. Transport them, etc....

This idea that automation is killing jobs is a fools tale.

We're saying the same thing, i think, but it does kill the quantity of jobs. Would it better from an overhead standpoint to have 10 cashiers using calculators, paper and pencil to track purchases and cash boxes for money or 2 with POS systems that does all the calculations, inventory tracking and transactions for you?

I'm no expert but i'd have to believe the quantity of unskilled positions eliminated due to automation is greater than the number of skilled positions designing and building the automation. But, i could be wrong. So, if that's the case, "killing jobs" is probably a crude term but it's accurate in some respect.

Then there are the folks who build and design the POS system, run it's tracking systems, fix it when it goes down, continue to innovate on the idea, etc. Yes, I'll concede that skillness, mindless jobs are replaced by automation, but that is why we evolve. Which only indicates that we need to have better schooling for our upcoming workforce participants. So far, the public system is failing miserably at making this happen. That does not mean everyone sits the bench, it means folks have to step up their game and get with the now instead of hoping for some mind numbing position that pays them something, anything. Without needing to flex a single brain cell in the process. To me, THAT is progress adn it is a good thing. It means we're getting more precise, more efficient and spend less time on mindless tasks and more time on innovating and continuing the process of progression in standards of living.

Those positions will never be wiped out either. They just become a smaller portion of the pie in labor. There are plenty of jobs
:tongue:Well following behind that nitwit leader doesn't scare the left a bit. All that proves is the ones following don't have a brain to stand up for themselves anymore.
Did you and the right wing not have brains when you followed President Bush lock step in to every disaster and wrong move he made? Can you explain why those of you on the right did this for 7 of his 8 years in office?

:lol:Well dude if you really believe Bush was as bad as you try to make him look I really don't believe he would have been there for 8 years. Ubama has been there for 3 years and already doubled the disaster.
Well in my opinion in most rationally thinking brains....there is a difference between someone in charge... who over saw the DISASTER, vs someone in charge trying to clean up the mess from the disaster....

and mind you, the 2007/2008 crash of the housing market and the stock market and the Banking crisis that nearly brought the USA to our knees in 2008 and STILL MIGHT accomplish this yet, is the BIGGEST crash we have had since the 1929 stock market crash and the Great Depression, and still not over!

And NOT a damn thing McCain and Palin would have done as president/vp that would have changed the results of this Great Recession....other than maybe making it worse imo....

You don't like the guy, fine and dandy, that's your choice. You feel more comfortable when your party is in power....fine, that's your choice....

But please stop this continuous degrading and twisted distorted things you claim as truths that are just political posturing nonsense.

NOTHING can stop, could stop, or will stop the catastrophe this country has been under since the crash that OCCURRED under President Bush's reign, from reaching its fruition, period.
You and Frank knew each other before he joined here?
maybe not personally, but I know a lot of right wingers who all now say they were against Bush..........but they reelected him, even though no child left behind and the ILLEGAL PASSING of the Medicare Pill Bill at 3 am in the morning by holding a 15 minute vote open for 3 hours so they could bribe those voting no in to voting yes ALL happened in his first 4 years....they still supported him and they still defended him to the hilt...he was their god.....to deny such, is rewriting history.

I wouldn't say that, Care. I know a lot of rightwingers that did vote for him twice that complained about him and some of his policies. Thing is that the libs put up the likes of Gore and Kerry to run against him...it was a no brainer for the independents on who to vote for.
Meister, I can say that, from my experience on the 2-3 political message boards that I was on....it was not until after the 2004 election, nearing his end, did conservatives begin speaking out....

for goodness sakes, look at the conniptions you all have had with Obamacare, while you (not meaning you Meister, but you in plural) sat back and said NOTHING and gave no conniptions at all when Congress passed the medicare pill bill at 3am in the morning, by holding a 15 minute vote open for 3 hours to BRIBE (with PHARMA money and Abramoff money) Representatives to change their vote right there on the house floor....and the Chairman/congressman that wrote the PILL BILL went to work for PHARMA with a multimillion dollar job in less than a year, and he had PHARMA write the bill, while LOCKING OUT the Democrats from the conference on it. And on top of that, the Republicans THREATENED TO FIRE the actuary for the cbo or maybe it was the gao, but i think cbo....that calculated the pill bill to cost $250 billion more over 5 years than the Republicans reported to the congressmen that had to vote on it, if he told them the real number for the cost...

Now tell me why it was okay to add the Pill Bill, without increasing taxes to cover the costs, which is btw a part of the deficit of today as well (and being in a full fledged huge war in Iraq,) as an entitlement, in the illegal manner that they did? Why didn't you all cause the fits and tantrums with that new entitlement but you do with this one?

And that's just 1 thing of the MANY that I see the right's panties in a wad over, that was done under president Bush's first term, let alone the increased spending spending spending spending compared to Clinton's last budget, year after year before the 2004 election........huge increases in Bush's budgets compared to clinton's last budget for 2001 with decreases in tax revenues due to the tax cuts, before the 2004 election...but you all STILL voted for him!!!!????

I'm just truthfully saying I see a lot of hypocrisy going on around here and that's just peachy I suppose, in politics....

AND I see nothing in Romney that's any better than Kerry...if Kerry is the reason for voting in Bush again. What is truly better about Romney? Though I am open, I haven't seen anything yet that makes him the lesser of 2 evils, so to say....
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maybe not personally, but I know a lot of right wingers who all now say they were against Bush..........but they reelected him, even though no child left behind and the ILLEGAL PASSING of the Medicare Pill Bill at 3 am in the morning by holding a 15 minute vote open for 3 hours so they could bribe those voting no in to voting yes ALL happened in his first 4 years....they still supported him and they still defended him to the hilt...he was their god.....to deny such, is rewriting history.

I wouldn't say that, Care. I know a lot of rightwingers that did vote for him twice that complained about him and some of his policies. Thing is that the libs put up the likes of Gore and Kerry to run against him...it was a no brainer for the independents on who to vote for.
Meister, I can say that, from my experience on the 2-3 political message boards that I was on....it was not until after the 2004 election, nearing his end, did conservatives begin speaking out....

for goodness sakes, look at the conniptions you all have had with Obamacare, while you (not meaning you Meister, but you in plural) sat back and said NOTHING and gave no conniptions at all when Congress passed the medicare pill bill at 3am in the morning, by holding a 15 minute vote open for 3 hours to BRIBE (with PHARMA money and Abramoff money) Representatives to change their vote right there on the house floor....and the Chairman/congressman that wrote the PILL BILL went to work for PHARMA with a multimillion dollar job in less than a year, and he had PHARMA write the bill, while LOCKING OUT the Democrats from the conference on it. And on top of that, the Republicans THREATENED TO FIRE the actuary for the cbo or maybe it was the gao, but i think cbo....that calculated the pill bill to cost $250 billion more over 5 years than the Republicans reported to the congressmen that had to vote on it, if he told them the real number for the cost...

Now tell me why it was okay to add the Pill Bill, without increasing taxes to cover the costs, which is btw a part of the deficit of today as well (and being in a full fledged huge war in Iraq,) as an entitlement, in the illegal manner that they did? Why didn't you all cause the fits and tantrums with that new entitlement but you do with this one?

And that's just 1 thing of the MANY that I see the right's panties in a wad over, that was done under president Bush's first term, let alone the increased spending spending spending spending compared to Clinton's last budget, year after year before the 2004 election........huge increases in Bush's budgets compared to clinton's last budget for 2001 with decreases in tax revenues due to the tax cuts, before the 2004 election...but you all STILL voted for him!!!!????

I'm just truthfully saying I see a lot of hypocrisy going on around here and that's just peachy I suppose, in politics....

AND I see nothing in Romney that's any better than Kerry...if Kerry is the reason for voting in Bush again. What is truly better about Romney? Though I am open, I haven't seen anything yet that makes him the lesser of 2 evils, so to say....
Obama is almost more like Bush than Bush is.
maybe not personally, but I know a lot of right wingers who all now say they were against Bush..........but they reelected him, even though no child left behind and the ILLEGAL PASSING of the Medicare Pill Bill at 3 am in the morning by holding a 15 minute vote open for 3 hours so they could bribe those voting no in to voting yes ALL happened in his first 4 years....they still supported him and they still defended him to the hilt...he was their god.....to deny such, is rewriting history.

I wouldn't say that, Care. I know a lot of rightwingers that did vote for him twice that complained about him and some of his policies. Thing is that the libs put up the likes of Gore and Kerry to run against him...it was a no brainer for the independents on who to vote for.
Meister, I can say that, from my experience on the 2-3 political message boards that I was on....it was not until after the 2004 election, nearing his end, did conservatives begin speaking out....

for goodness sakes, look at the conniptions you all have had with Obamacare, while you (not meaning you Meister, but you in plural) sat back and said NOTHING and gave no conniptions at all when Congress passed the medicare pill bill at 3am in the morning, by holding a 15 minute vote open for 3 hours to BRIBE (with PHARMA money and Abramoff money) Representatives to change their vote right there on the house floor....and the Chairman/congressman that wrote the PILL BILL went to work for PHARMA with a multimillion dollar job in less than a year, and he had PHARMA write the bill, while LOCKING OUT the Democrats from the conference on it. And on top of that, the Republicans THREATENED TO FIRE the actuary for the cbo or maybe it was the gao, but i think cbo....that calculated the pill bill to cost $250 billion more over 5 years than the Republicans reported to the congressmen that had to vote on it, if he told them the real number for the cost...

Now tell me why it was okay to add the Pill Bill, without increasing taxes to cover the costs, which is btw a part of the deficit of today as well (and being in a full fledged huge war in Iraq,) as an entitlement, in the illegal manner that they did? Why didn't you all cause the fits and tantrums with that new entitlement but you do with this one?

And that's just 1 thing of the MANY that I see the right's panties in a wad over, that was done under president Bush's first term, let alone the increased spending spending spending spending compared to Clinton's last budget, year after year before the 2004 election........huge increases in Bush's budgets compared to clinton's last budget for 2001 with decreases in tax revenues due to the tax cuts, before the 2004 election...but you all STILL voted for him!!!!????

I'm just truthfully saying I see a lot of hypocrisy going on around here and that's just peachy I suppose, in politics....

AND I see nothing in Romney that's any better than Kerry...if Kerry is the reason for voting in Bush again. What is truly better about Romney? Though I am open, I haven't seen anything yet that makes him the lesser of 2 evils, so to say....

How about we scale downt the govenment and make a rull that you cant go 4 digits of pages for a law? They can write those bills so much easier, but they hide all kinds of shit in them.
Did you and the right wing not have brains when you followed President Bush lock step in to every disaster and wrong move he made? Can you explain why those of you on the right did this for 7 of his 8 years in office?

:lol:Well dude if you really believe Bush was as bad as you try to make him look I really don't believe he would have been there for 8 years. Ubama has been there for 3 years and already doubled the disaster.
Well in my opinion in most rationally thinking brains....there is a difference between someone in charge... who over saw the DISASTER, vs someone in charge trying to clean up the mess from the disaster....

and mind you, the 2007/2008 crash of the housing market and the stock market and the Banking crisis that nearly brought the USA to our knees in 2008 and STILL MIGHT accomplish this yet, is the BIGGEST crash we have had since the 1929 stock market crash and the Great Depression, and still not over!

And NOT a damn thing McCain and Palin would have done as president/vp that would have changed the results of this Great Recession....other than maybe making it worse imo....

You don't like the guy, fine and dandy, that's your choice. You feel more comfortable when your party is in power....fine, that's your choice....

But please stop this continuous degrading and twisted distorted things you claim as truths that are just political posturing nonsense.

NOTHING can stop, could stop, or will stop the catastrophe this country has been under since the crash that OCCURRED under President Bush's reign, from reaching its fruition, period.

And needless to say that we would still be in Iraq swapping steel.
Did you and the right wing not have brains when you followed President Bush lock step in to every disaster and wrong move he made? Can you explain why those of you on the right did this for 7 of his 8 years in office?

:lol:Well dude if you really believe Bush was as bad as you try to make him look I really don't believe he would have been there for 8 years. Ubama has been there for 3 years and already doubled the disaster.
Well in my opinion in most rationally thinking brains....there is a difference between someone in charge... who over saw the DISASTER, vs someone in charge trying to clean up the mess from the disaster....

and mind you, the 2007/2008 crash of the housing market and the stock market and the Banking crisis that nearly brought the USA to our knees in 2008 and STILL MIGHT accomplish this yet, is the BIGGEST crash we have had since the 1929 stock market crash and the Great Depression, and still not over!

And NOT a damn thing McCain and Palin would have done as president/vp that would have changed the results of this Great Recession....other than maybe making it worse imo....

You don't like the guy, fine and dandy, that's your choice. You feel more comfortable when your party is in power....fine, that's your choice....

But please stop this continuous degrading and twisted distorted things you claim as truths that are just political posturing nonsense.

NOTHING can stop, could stop, or will stop the catastrophe this country has been under since the crash that OCCURRED under President Bush's reign, from reaching its fruition, period.


And consequently the president’s enemies are even more frightening.

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