Obama supporters are scaring me


This notion of being "scared" - seems like a predictable result of pundits and "leaders" fanning the flames against the other "side". When the other guys' views are made into boogeyman caricatures, I suppose it's natural that someone would literally become frightened.

I wonder how many of these "scared" people take the time to analyze the motives of those pundits and "leaders" who fan these flames. When their boogeyman tactics work on you, it's probably benefiting them financially, directly or indirectly.

Has anyone who is "scared" considered that possibility?

I wouldn't say that, Care. I know a lot of rightwingers that did vote for him twice that complained about him and some of his policies. Thing is that the libs put up the likes of Gore and Kerry to run against him...it was a no brainer for the independents on who to vote for.
Meister, I can say that, from my experience on the 2-3 political message boards that I was on....it was not until after the 2004 election, nearing his end, did conservatives begin speaking out....

for goodness sakes, look at the conniptions you all have had with Obamacare, while you (not meaning you Meister, but you in plural) sat back and said NOTHING and gave no conniptions at all when Congress passed the medicare pill bill at 3am in the morning, by holding a 15 minute vote open for 3 hours to BRIBE (with PHARMA money and Abramoff money) Representatives to change their vote right there on the house floor....and the Chairman/congressman that wrote the PILL BILL went to work for PHARMA with a multimillion dollar job in less than a year, and he had PHARMA write the bill, while LOCKING OUT the Democrats from the conference on it. And on top of that, the Republicans THREATENED TO FIRE the actuary for the cbo or maybe it was the gao, but i think cbo....that calculated the pill bill to cost $250 billion more over 5 years than the Republicans reported to the congressmen that had to vote on it, if he told them the real number for the cost...

Now tell me why it was okay to add the Pill Bill, without increasing taxes to cover the costs, which is btw a part of the deficit of today as well (and being in a full fledged huge war in Iraq,) as an entitlement, in the illegal manner that they did? Why didn't you all cause the fits and tantrums with that new entitlement but you do with this one?

And that's just 1 thing of the MANY that I see the right's panties in a wad over, that was done under president Bush's first term, let alone the increased spending spending spending spending compared to Clinton's last budget, year after year before the 2004 election........huge increases in Bush's budgets compared to clinton's last budget for 2001 with decreases in tax revenues due to the tax cuts, before the 2004 election...but you all STILL voted for him!!!!????

I'm just truthfully saying I see a lot of hypocrisy going on around here and that's just peachy I suppose, in politics....

AND I see nothing in Romney that's any better than Kerry...if Kerry is the reason for voting in Bush again. What is truly better about Romney? Though I am open, I haven't seen anything yet that makes him the lesser of 2 evils, so to say....
Obama is almost more like Bush than Bush is.

That is not true. Obama is like Bill Clinton if there must be comparisons drawn.

Republicans are stuck with the disaster that was Bush/Cheney and actually GHW Bush was the one responsible for Cheney's rise to power. A complete waste of 8 years in our history.

If House Republicans have any say in this, we will have yet another wasted 4 years. Do nothing idiots and at a time when we need action most.
Lived in a foreign country under an assumed name, no problem.

Made fun of special olympians, no problem.

Won't release college transcripts, no problem.

Called a woman a pig, or implied same, no problem.

Started political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist. No problem.

Drops predator bombs on an American and his 16 year old son, no problem.

Is responsible for more deaths in Afghanistan then in all of Bush's years, no problem.

Gives 1.5 billion to the Muslim Brotherhood, no problem.
Muslim Brotherhood’s $1.5 billion Holy Week Windfall (will help to pay for tearing down the pyramids.)

Called an unborn child a punishment, no problem.

Said that the police acted stupidly when in fact it was him doing so, no problem.

Helped spread racial division by saying if he had a son he would look like Trayvon, no problem.

Lies about Romney and Bain Capital, no problem.

Put our grandchildren into crushing debt for an 8 percent unemployment rate, no problem.

Unilateral bombing of foreign countries, no problem.

KSM and the Fort Hood killer, both who happen to be Muslim, are still waiting trials in open and shut cases, no problem.

Didn't shut down gitmo (actually a good thing) as he promised the left, no problem.

Lied about Obamatax (Obamacare), no problem.

For 17 years he let the lie stand that he was born in Kenya, until someone told the Constitutional lawyer that he could not be POTUS and be born in Kenya, no problem.

Lies about inheriting the worse economy since the great depression, and leads us into the weakest and longest recovery in history, no problem.

Had and has no record of success or expeience for the job, except for being elected, no problem.

Said there would be no lobbyists in his administration, lie, no problem.

Said he wouldn't run when he ran, no problem.

Shut down Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository and has offered NO alternative other then to store the most lethal substance on site, no problem.

Allowed the events that lead up to the BP oil spill, and after, no problem.

The Spill, The Scandal and the President | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Said he would have the most transparent of administrations, while it is easy to see through it is hardly transparent, no problem.
Psychologists call this behavior "Projecting". It means there is some realization of ones own disorder, but those behaviors are 'projected' by the afflicted upon others.

Ironic, ain't it?

Liberals are masters of it, they say the right imposes values, yet liberals want to ban Chick Fil As for not supporting their issue, classic case of projection!
I'm not kidding, they don't have a brain between them, they have a hive mind and they mindlessly follow whatever Obama tells them no matter how wrong or stupid.

I watch Zombies Movies, Walking Dead, etc. Obama supporters are the same way, all they know is support Obama, I'm not fucking kidding.

He told them Romney misrepresented him in the "You didn't build that" ad, and they follow mindlessly. All of them! Every one! There's not a one of them that questions the order

Obama's financial guru Jon Corzine, the architect of the Failed Stimulus is as big a criminal as Madoff and he gets a pass and a defense from the Obama Legions of Mindless Zombies.

If Obama told them they had to jump off a building to land on a Republican they'd race each other to the roof.

Absolutely fucking terrifying.

President Obama 1.1

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

President Obama 231 Governor Romney 181

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

President Obama 332 Governor Romney 206

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map No Toss Ups

President Obama 2.7

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Obama: Favorable/Unfavorable

Governor Romney 0

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Romney: Favorable/Unfavorable

Looks like you have reason to be afraid, Frankie Boy.
He was really late to the fight.

Even so..Bush just squeaked by in the Popular election. Winning almost by the Margin of error. Then began to run the country like he had a mandate..and the other party didn't exist. Right up until the point the economy collapsed.

Bush did have a mandate when he ran against Kerry.
A mandate? Setting the bar a bit low, aren't you? Let's look at the numbers:

Bush won 62,040,610 popular votes or 50.7%

Kerry won 59,020,444 votes or 48.3%

Less than three percentage points equals a "Mandate"?

But Barry's 52.8% IS a 'mandate'?
I'm not kidding, they don't have a brain between them, they have a hive mind and they mindlessly follow whatever Obama tells them no matter how wrong or stupid.

I watch Zombies Movies, Walking Dead, etc. Obama supporters are the same way, all they know is support Obama, I'm not fucking kidding.

He told them Romney misrepresented him in the "You didn't build that" ad, and they follow mindlessly. All of them! Every one! There's not a one of them that questions the order

Obama's financial guru Jon Corzine, the architect of the Failed Stimulus is as big a criminal as Madoff and he gets a pass and a defense from the Obama Legions of Mindless Zombies.

If Obama told them they had to jump off a building to land on a Republican they'd race each other to the roof.

Absolutely fucking terrifying.

President Obama 1.1

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

President Obama 231 Governor Romney 181

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

President Obama 332 Governor Romney 206

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map No Toss Ups

President Obama 2.7

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Obama: Favorable/Unfavorable

Governor Romney 0

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Romney: Favorable/Unfavorable

Looks like you have reason to be afraid, Frankie Boy.

NBC news admitted to skewing their poll where Obama was ahead by 6%. RCP has Obama at 1.3% advantage with using the skewed results, having said that, it is within the margin of error, so looks like a dead heat.
I'm not kidding, they don't have a brain between them, they have a hive mind and they mindlessly follow whatever Obama tells them no matter how wrong or stupid.

I watch Zombies Movies, Walking Dead, etc. Obama supporters are the same way, all they know is support Obama, I'm not fucking kidding.

He told them Romney misrepresented him in the "You didn't build that" ad, and they follow mindlessly. All of them! Every one! There's not a one of them that questions the order

Obama's financial guru Jon Corzine, the architect of the Failed Stimulus is as big a criminal as Madoff and he gets a pass and a defense from the Obama Legions of Mindless Zombies.

If Obama told them they had to jump off a building to land on a Republican they'd race each other to the roof.

Absolutely fucking terrifying.

President Obama 1.1

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

President Obama 231 Governor Romney 181

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

President Obama 332 Governor Romney 206

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map No Toss Ups

President Obama 2.7

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Obama: Favorable/Unfavorable

Governor Romney 0

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Romney: Favorable/Unfavorable

Looks like you have reason to be afraid, Frankie Boy.

Topic: Here
Old Rocks: Out in fucking lalaland

See the problem?
I'm not kidding, they don't have a brain between them, they have a hive mind and they mindlessly follow whatever Obama tells them no matter how wrong or stupid.

I watch Zombies Movies, Walking Dead, etc. Obama supporters are the same way, all they know is support Obama, I'm not fucking kidding.

He told them Romney misrepresented him in the "You didn't build that" ad, and they follow mindlessly. All of them! Every one! There's not a one of them that questions the order

Obama's financial guru Jon Corzine, the architect of the Failed Stimulus is as big a criminal as Madoff and he gets a pass and a defense from the Obama Legions of Mindless Zombies.

If Obama told them they had to jump off a building to land on a Republican they'd race each other to the roof.

Absolutely fucking terrifying.

President Obama 1.1

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

President Obama 231 Governor Romney 181

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

President Obama 332 Governor Romney 206

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map No Toss Ups

President Obama 2.7

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Obama: Favorable/Unfavorable

Governor Romney 0

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Romney: Favorable/Unfavorable

Looks like you have reason to be afraid, Frankie Boy.

Tell pussy boy not to worry; it will all be over in 2016.
Conservatives have a way of making everyone that doesn't agree with their world view into evil enemies. That is what comes with their binary world view.

Limbaugh use to compare Clinton to a terrorist holding America hostage. It was despicable then. It's despicable now.

Actually we're always playing catcher to you're pitcher.

We're not the ones dreaming up devious angles of attacking the opposition. We're always reacting to false accusations from the left.

We do not have a war on women.
We do not like dirty air and dirty water.
We do not want to take away gay's right to happiness.
We do not hate blacks because we're Tea Party members.
We do not want to screw over Latinos.
We are not criminals just because we own guns.
We are not mindless idiots just because we believe in God.
We do not want to push Grandma over a cliff.

Back decades ago Democrats tried to stop blacks from having the right to vote. What they've done is change their image from one of an oppressor to one of a benefactor. "Life is tough. Let us make it easier for you. Take this handout and give me your vote."

Democrats don't care that this country is going broke. They spend more than ever before at the same time they're complaining about how Reagan spent us into the poorhouse.

Democrats don't care if millions of illegals are left in limbo with respect to their legal status. They offer them incentives to invade this country knowing full well it will over tax our medical system and drive down wages so much that many California cities are declaring bankruptcy. The purpose of all of this is hopefully the second and third generation Latinos will vote for them. If you can't fool Americans anymore next best thing is manufacture new ones who aren't hip to your tricks.
Of course we're scaring you. FOX News told you to be afraid of us.

Hmm...fox has liberals on all day long arguing liberal positions. How is that telling us to be afraid of you? Actually, they do that because they aren't afraid of your stupid arguments. In typical libbie fashion you are as wrong as you can possibly be.

CNN and your liberal networks are the ones who are afraid, they are the ones who can't present a dissenting view from their own liberal ones.
Of course we're scaring you. FOX News told you to be afraid of us.

You watch Fox News more than I do. I'm just reacting to the cult of Obama I see here at USMB. Seriously, not a fucking functioning brain between the lot of you
Look at what Obama can make you do, he can make you deny what you just heard him say. How is that not frightening?
Of course we're scaring you. FOX News told you to be afraid of us.

Hmm...fox has liberals on all day long arguing liberal positions. How is that telling us to be afraid of you? Actually, they do that because they aren't afraid of your stupid arguments. In typical libbie fashion you are as wrong as you can possibly be.

CNN and your liberal networks are the ones who are afraid, they are the ones who can't present a dissenting view from their own liberal ones.

They do not have liberals on FOX "all day long", don't be ridiculous. Is there even a single liberal that has there own show on FOX? I guess you're counting Shepard Smith as a liberal? Compared to the other douches on FOX I guess he is.
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