Obama supporters are scaring me

Lose what argument? You dumb fucks are arguing with EDITED TAPE. That's like me photoshopping you sucking my cock and telling everyone I have proof that you like to suck my cock.
Damn, you really are quite the study in transference. You're mad because what Obama said is not what you wanted him to say and you transfer that anger onto everyone else who doesn't give you what you want - a reality change.

The twin toddlers across the street should take a lesson from you whenever their mother won't let them play outside wearing their Elmo slippers instead of sneakers.

No, I'm mad because we have a Right Wing propaganda machine and a collection of our populace that's stupid enough to believe them. I'm mad that you idiots can read a transcript and watch a full, unedited video and still think he has some socialist agenda in his words.

You guys are an embarrassment to the nation and your own party.
Here, try again:

Third grade grammar pop quiz (5 points total):

"If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."

1. What is the antecedent of that in the first sentence? (2 points)

2. What is the antecedent of that in the second sentence? (3 points)
Lose what argument? You dumb fucks are arguing with EDITED TAPE. That's like me photoshopping you sucking my cock and telling everyone I have proof that you like to suck my cock.
Damn, you really are quite the study in transference. You're mad because what Obama said is not what you wanted him to say and you transfer that anger onto everyone else who doesn't give you what you want - a reality change.

The twin toddlers across the street should take a lesson from you whenever their mother won't let them play outside wearing their Elmo slippers instead of sneakers.

No, I'm mad because we have a Right Wing propaganda machine and a collection of our populace that's stupid enough to believe them. I'm mad that you idiots can read a transcript and watch a full, unedited video and still think he has some socialist agenda in his words.

You guys are an embarrassment to the nation and your own party.

And what party is that? YOU are self embarassing on your own. As to being MAD? Remember this? Animals go mad. Humans get angry. Big distinction. :eusa_shhh:
You guys are an embarrassment to the nation and your own party.

Sounds like truthmatters. Speaking of which, where is truthmatters? Is conservaderp our TM replacement?
No, I'm mad because we have a Right Wing propaganda machine and a collection of our populace that's stupid enough to believe them.

You're not going to suggest that there's no left wing propaganda machines, are you?

I'm mad that you idiots can read a transcript and watch a full, unedited video and still think he has some socialist agenda in his words.

Maybe not socialist, but at the least, it shows his big government, anti private sector business sentiment/mentality about as clearly as you could ever hope to experience it.
Frank is not crazy. The left are in lock step because they don't know what else to do and Obama doesn't know either. They can't spend their way out of this hole so they dig in. When you are in trouble put the shovel up.
I won't admit anything. The whole context of the speech is easy to understand if you're not 50+, white, and scared that the gays and blacks are taking over.

By all means, lose the argument, throw the profanity, and whip out the race card... You simpletons are so predictable.:lol::lol::lol:

Lose what argument? You dumb fucks are arguing with EDITED TAPE. That's like me photoshopping you sucking my cock and telling everyone I have proof that you like to suck my cock.

There you go... Explaining yourself in a homosexual context that YOU can really relate to. Nice job. So all the other networks that filmed the speech edited their videos exactly the same as Fox, just to spite Obama? You realize how CRAZY you sound right?
I was wondering why you're posts are just mindless dribble. It's the movies you watch, Walking Dead , Zombies.

I'm not kidding, they don't have a brain between them, they have a hive mind and they mindlessly follow whatever Obama tells them no matter how wrong or stupid.

I watch Zombies Movies, Walking Dead, etc. Obama supporters are the same way, all they know is support Obama, I'm not fucking kidding.

He told them Romney misrepresented him in the "You didn't build that" ad, and they follow mindlessly. All of them! Every one! There's not a one of them that questions the order

Obama's financial guru Jon Corzine, the architect of the Failed Stimulus is as big a criminal as Madoff and he gets a pass and a defense from the Obama Legions of Mindless Zombies.

If Obama told them they had to jump off a building to land on a Republican they'd race each other to the roof.

Absolutely fucking terrifying.
I was wondering why you're posts are just mindless dribble. It's the movies you watch, Walking Dead , Zombies.

I'm not kidding, they don't have a brain between them, they have a hive mind and they mindlessly follow whatever Obama tells them no matter how wrong or stupid.

I watch Zombies Movies, Walking Dead, etc. Obama supporters are the same way, all they know is support Obama, I'm not fucking kidding.

He told them Romney misrepresented him in the "You didn't build that" ad, and they follow mindlessly. All of them! Every one! There's not a one of them that questions the order

Obama's financial guru Jon Corzine, the architect of the Failed Stimulus is as big a criminal as Madoff and he gets a pass and a defense from the Obama Legions of Mindless Zombies.

If Obama told them they had to jump off a building to land on a Republican they'd race each other to the roof.

Absolutely fucking terrifying.
You're dissing the zombies?


*pondering whether that is neg-worthy*
Explain this comment to me, in your own words

"if you've got a business, you didn't build that."

Well Frank, that's a perfect of example of the stupidity you've embraced. Read the whole quote or continue along in your own stupidity. I'm not here to hold your hand and make you smarter. That's your wife's job.

See? the "in your won words" request forced a system shutdown

It's OK 8537, you're a good minion

Frank, I'm pretty sure you're capable of reading words with six or seven letters. Therefore, I'm also certain you're smart enough to know you're being a complete fucking hack and explaining Obama's comment to you would make as much sense as pissing upwind.
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I was wondering why you're posts are just mindless dribble. It's the movies you watch, Walking Dead , Zombies.

I'm not kidding, they don't have a brain between them, they have a hive mind and they mindlessly follow whatever Obama tells them no matter how wrong or stupid.

I watch Zombies Movies, Walking Dead, etc. Obama supporters are the same way, all they know is support Obama, I'm not fucking kidding.

He told them Romney misrepresented him in the "You didn't build that" ad, and they follow mindlessly. All of them! Every one! There's not a one of them that questions the order

Obama's financial guru Jon Corzine, the architect of the Failed Stimulus is as big a criminal as Madoff and he gets a pass and a defense from the Obama Legions of Mindless Zombies.

If Obama told them they had to jump off a building to land on a Republican they'd race each other to the roof.

Absolutely fucking terrifying.

Thanks for bringing critical thinking to the table. In all that he wrote, what movies he watched was the content you actually chose to attack his intelligence with?:clap2:
WTF are you now babbling about? You just got through saying technology and automation are creating a wedge in employment. Do you not understand the division of labor at all?

Automation and technology only change the lines of the division, they do not remove the labor from need. Stop watching the terminator, dude. Seriously. :lmao:
Factories are indeed busy making robots and business machines that save manual labor. Repair shops employ technicians to fix them when they break. Service companies provide people and supplies to keep them full of product.

There's nothing JOB KILLING about robotics and automation. You know it, I know it, everybody with a grain of common sense knows it. The liberals and union goons have a hard time believing it.

lol you know they funny part out of all this? I joined this site cause I wanted to hear real arguments couples with facts coming from both sides, sadly the right wing side NEVER gives stats and always reverts back to NON FACTUAL STAT DRIVIN arguments.........yeah I like farting in the wind too.......
Neither side has a monopoly on bogus arguments.

Remember, the Bush/Gore election was decided by SCOTUS and Kerry was "swiftboated", not an excuse, but a tactic invented by Rove to great effect. That was how Bush won two terms. Not because he was either a leader with a landslide mandate or effective and beneficial policies.
Meh, Kerry's record on his actions during and after service were enough to swiftboat himself.

Purple Heart for the idiot wounding himself....:lmao:

No they weren't. The country awarded Kerry several medals based on his valor during the Vietnam war.

Romney? Got into an auto accident in France killing his passenger.
Kerry's medals were not for exceptional valor At least one doctor laughed at his sorry ass for even thinking of getting a Purple Heart for the little sliver of shrapnel that almost fell out of his arm before he got the doctor to put a Band-Aid on it....and that shrapnel came from Kerry's own weapon that he set off too close to the boat.

Kerry is NOT a brave military hero. Kerry did more damage to our own troops after he returned and lied about what was going on in Vietnam. Kerry is no better than an enemy of the state. Thank God he was never elected our president.

I don't know the circumstances surrounding Romney's wreck in France. Did he drive off a bridge, save himself and leave his passenger to drown? Just exactly what happened?
Frank is not crazy. The left are in lock step because they don't know what else to do and Obama doesn't know either. They can't spend their way out of this hole so they dig in. When you are in trouble put the shovel up.

You are wrong. Frankie IS crazy. No one that I know of is in "lock step" with Obama. That kind of behavior is singularly a trait of the Christian Fascist GOPer. Your comment shows clearly how little you understand about the majority of average Americans..which by the way fairly and openly elected Obama president... a fact which seems to constantly elude you and those like you.

"If you own a business - you didn't build that. Someone else did."

I think it is Obama who clearly doesnt understand the american people. And being elected once with a rather shady background does not change the record of the last four years. If he gets elected again, it will have more to do with pandering to special groups like creating exec orders for black education. people like you will vote ffor him again regardless of his lousy record. Because to you the game is football, not the american way of life.
Well Frank, that's a perfect of example of the stupidity you've embraced. Read the whole quote or continue along in your own stupidity. I'm not here to hold your hand and make you smarter. That's your wife's job.

See? the "in your won words" request forced a system shutdown

It's OK 8537, you're a good minion

Frank, I'm pretty sure you're capable of reading words with six or seven letters. Therefore, I'm also certain you're smart enough to know you're being a complete fucking hack and explaining Obama's comment to you would make as much sense as pissing upwind.

"if you've got a business, you didn't build that."

In your own words, what was Obama referring to? It appears he was disparaging the efforts of business owners, at least to those of use who have English as a primary language.

Put on the big boy pants, and use your own words
Frank is not crazy. The left are in lock step because they don't know what else to do and Obama doesn't know either. They can't spend their way out of this hole so they dig in. When you are in trouble put the shovel up.

You are wrong. Frankie IS crazy. No one that I know of is in "lock step" with Obama. That kind of behavior is singularly a trait of the Christian Fascist GOPer. Your comment shows clearly how little you understand about the majority of average Americans..which by the way fairly and openly elected Obama president... a fact which seems to constantly elude you and those like you.

"if you've got a business, you didn't build that."

In your own words, what was Obama referring to?
See? the "in your won words" request forced a system shutdown

It's OK 8537, you're a good minion

Frank, I'm pretty sure you're capable of reading words with six or seven letters. Therefore, I'm also certain you're smart enough to know you're being a complete fucking hack and explaining Obama's comment to you would make as much sense as pissing upwind.

"if you've got a business, you didn't build that."

In your own words, what was Obama referring to? It appears he was disparaging the efforts of business owners, at least to those of use who have English as a primary language.

Frank, I'm not going to play into your stupid fucking game where you slice a quote to remove all context, including the part that "that" was referring, and then demand that someone else explain it to your quickly shrinking mental capacities.

The truth is there to see. But we all know you're not interested in the truth. You're only interested in perpetuating a lie. Happy perping.
Frank is not crazy. The left are in lock step because they don't know what else to do and Obama doesn't know either. They can't spend their way out of this hole so they dig in. When you are in trouble put the shovel up.

You are wrong. Frankie IS crazy. No one that I know of is in "lock step" with Obama. That kind of behavior is singularly a trait of the Christian Fascist GOPer. Your comment shows clearly how little you understand about the majority of average Americans..which by the way fairly and openly elected Obama president... a fact which seems to constantly elude you and those like you.

"if you've got a business, you didn't build that."

In your own words, what was Obama referring to?

It doesn't look like they're willing to use their own words...
Frank, I'm pretty sure you're capable of reading words with six or seven letters. Therefore, I'm also certain you're smart enough to know you're being a complete fucking hack and explaining Obama's comment to you would make as much sense as pissing upwind.

"if you've got a business, you didn't build that."

In your own words, what was Obama referring to? It appears he was disparaging the efforts of business owners, at least to those of use who have English as a primary language.

Frank, I'm not going to play into your stupid fucking game where you slice a quote to remove all context, including the part that "that" was referring, and then demand that someone else explain it to your quickly shrinking mental capacities.

The truth is there to see. But we all know you're not interested in the truth. You're only interested in perpetuating a lie. Happy perping.

Nice dodge karl.
I'm not kidding, they don't have a brain between them, they have a hive mind and they mindlessly follow whatever Obama tells them no matter how wrong or stupid.

I watch Zombies Movies, Walking Dead, etc. Obama supporters are the same way, all they know is support Obama, I'm not fucking kidding.

He told them Romney misrepresented him in the "You didn't build that" ad, and they follow mindlessly. All of them! Every one! There's not a one of them that questions the order

Obama's financial guru Jon Corzine, the architect of the Failed Stimulus is as big a criminal as Madoff and he gets a pass and a defense from the Obama Legions of Mindless Zombies.

If Obama told them they had to jump off a building to land on a Republican they'd race each other to the roof.

Absolutely fucking terrifying.

Honestly, if anyone here terrifies me it is you. The stupid shit you say day after day never ceases to amaze. I supported Romney with my money and my vote in 2008. Now I've seen him for what he is, and I am not supporting him any longer. I'm certainly not blindly following anyone, but I am voting for Obama. I'm sorry if I don't believe cutting taxes further is the answer to all our problems, but then again, I don't blindly follow what the idiot cons tell me either. Apparently Romney does, because he has moved so far to the right that he's about to fall off the edge of the planet with the rest of you flat earthers.

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