Obama supporters are scaring me

He's wrong because automation does not remove labor, it changes its division. An ATM does not fill or empty itself. It does not self count the receipts or remaining cash. It does not drop itself off at a location, it does not fix itself when it breaks down. It does not maintain/repair/build the communication lines needed to access account information. We do not have robots that do these things for us either. The entire premise is fucking retarded. Automation changes the nature of the division of labor, it does not remove it.

Christ. On. Crutches.

What's the matter, Steelplate?
Too much reality there to clog up the delusions?

once again....ATM's were just one example, and a bad one at that. But to deny that automation cost jobs for real people is a lie.

They create more jobs for people. All technology does.

I dont think we should go back to the horse and carriage because the automobile cost the nation those jobs. Especially when it's created so many more.
If liberals were really in charge we would still have government subsidized black smiths so they didn't lose their jobs to tire makers.
Conservatives have a way of making everyone that doesn't agree with their world view into evil enemies. That is what comes with their binary world view.

from some asshole who gets his orders from. the mass marketing campaign that is FOX and AM radio? Let me ask you something slick, what do you disagree with when it comes to right wing talking points? C'mon fucker....put your money where your mouth is.

What the fuck are you babbling about now?

You think Fox had to tell everyone what Obama meant when we said "if you've got a business, you didn't build that"?

He didn't say that though, Dummy. And that's kind of the point. Have you even read or seen the full video or transcript? Of course you haven't. You were force-fed a CHOPPED UP VIDEO that in no way shows the context of what Obama was saying. I know that for the Right, words like context are "elitist" and "academic." But it matters to everyone else with a neuron or two that's left to fire.

You were lied to, and you're continually lied to.

FactCheck.org : ‘You Didn’t Build That,’ Uncut and Unedited

Read that you thick, old fuck.
Obama's Newspeak Lexicon - government issued, of course - has redefined antecedents, too. :thup:
from some asshole who gets his orders from. the mass marketing campaign that is FOX and AM radio? Let me ask you something slick, what do you disagree with when it comes to right wing talking points? C'mon fucker....put your money where your mouth is.

What the fuck are you babbling about now?

You think Fox had to tell everyone what Obama meant when we said "if you've got a business, you didn't build that"?

He didn't say that though, Dummy. And that's kind of the point. Have you even read or seen the full video or transcript? Of course you haven't. You were force-fed a CHOPPED UP VIDEO that in no way shows the context of what Obama was saying. I know that for the Right, words like context are "elitist" and "academic." But it matters to everyone else with a neuron or two that's left to fire.

You were lied to, and you're continually lied to.

FactCheck.org : ‘You Didn’t Build That,’ Uncut and Unedited

Read that you thick, old fuck.

All the Obamabot damage control in the World is not going to change what your Messiah said, and the context in which he said it, rational people know exactly what Obama said, and meant.
What the fuck are you babbling about now?

You think Fox had to tell everyone what Obama meant when we said "if you've got a business, you didn't build that"?

He didn't say that though, Dummy. And that's kind of the point. Have you even read or seen the full video or transcript? Of course you haven't. You were force-fed a CHOPPED UP VIDEO that in no way shows the context of what Obama was saying. I know that for the Right, words like context are "elitist" and "academic." But it matters to everyone else with a neuron or two that's left to fire.

You were lied to, and you're continually lied to.

FactCheck.org : ‘You Didn’t Build That,’ Uncut and Unedited

Read that you thick, old fuck.
Obama's Newspeak Lexicon - government issued, of course - has redefined antecedents, too. :thup:

What the fuck does that even mean? Jesus. Using big words does NOT make your point more salient. It has to be a cogent thought to be begin with.
from some asshole who gets his orders from. the mass marketing campaign that is FOX and AM radio? Let me ask you something slick, what do you disagree with when it comes to right wing talking points? C'mon fucker....put your money where your mouth is.

What the fuck are you babbling about now?

You think Fox had to tell everyone what Obama meant when we said "if you've got a business, you didn't build that"?

He didn't say that though, Dummy. And that's kind of the point. Have you even read or seen the full video or transcript? Of course you haven't. You were force-fed a CHOPPED UP VIDEO that in no way shows the context of what Obama was saying. I know that for the Right, words like context are "elitist" and "academic." But it matters to everyone else with a neuron or two that's left to fire.

You were lied to, and you're continually lied to.

FactCheck.org : ‘You Didn’t Build That,’ Uncut and Unedited

Read that you thick, old fuck.

I dont know how you can lie so easily when we directly quote Obama. We have video of him saying EXACTLY that.

And you say he didnt say it. You are denying the sun is shining at noon day. Aren't you all concerned about how unhealthy that is? Arent you all questioning how correct your position is if you have to blatantly lie to make your points?

If i had to resort to lies to defend my position, i would certainly be questioning and correctly myself wherever possible. Yet, it doesn't bother you for some reason. It's really insane.
What the fuck are you babbling about now?

You think Fox had to tell everyone what Obama meant when we said "if you've got a business, you didn't build that"?

He didn't say that though, Dummy. And that's kind of the point. Have you even read or seen the full video or transcript? Of course you haven't. You were force-fed a CHOPPED UP VIDEO that in no way shows the context of what Obama was saying. I know that for the Right, words like context are "elitist" and "academic." But it matters to everyone else with a neuron or two that's left to fire.

You were lied to, and you're continually lied to.

FactCheck.org : ‘You Didn’t Build That,’ Uncut and Unedited

Read that you thick, old fuck.
Obama's Newspeak Lexicon - government issued, of course - has redefined antecedents, too. :thup:

swing & miss guy. The previous poster included a link that proved Fox took one part of the speech and made its rw viewers believe (which isn't hard to do BTW) that it stood alone. :clap2:
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from some asshole who gets his orders from. the mass marketing campaign that is FOX and AM radio? Let me ask you something slick, what do you disagree with when it comes to right wing talking points? C'mon fucker....put your money where your mouth is.

What the fuck are you babbling about now?

You think Fox had to tell everyone what Obama meant when we said "if you've got a business, you didn't build that"?

He didn't say that though, Dummy. And that's kind of the point. Have you even read or seen the full video or transcript? Of course you haven't. You were force-fed a CHOPPED UP VIDEO that in no way shows the context of what Obama was saying. I know that for the Right, words like context are "elitist" and "academic." But it matters to everyone else with a neuron or two that's left to fire.

You were lied to, and you're continually lied to.

FactCheck.org : ‘You Didn’t Build That,’ Uncut and Unedited

Read that you thick, old fuck.

Holy fucking shit, conztipHATEFULlib is a joke.

Listen up you simpleton motherfucker.

President Obama WAS simply re-stating the boilerplate liberal thesis that 'no individual built the roads or the other aspects of our infrastructure.' Zzzzzz. And he was contending that because of that fact, no person is a "self-made" person.

You can spin it all you want, but that IS what the dope-in-chief was positing.

And it is pretty much thoroughly mindless liberal rhetoric. It remains stale lib-shit. Of course it is true that we didn't personally build the roads or the railroads, nor did we mine the coal or build the power lines, etc. But Pres. Obama's re-stated (but ultimately standard) lib format for minimizing the importance of the effort of the individual in the creation of wealth and the creation of important industries is just too fucking moronic to put up with.
What the fuck are you babbling about now?

You think Fox had to tell everyone what Obama meant when we said "if you've got a business, you didn't build that"?

He didn't say that though, Dummy. And that's kind of the point. Have you even read or seen the full video or transcript? Of course you haven't. You were force-fed a CHOPPED UP VIDEO that in no way shows the context of what Obama was saying. I know that for the Right, words like context are "elitist" and "academic." But it matters to everyone else with a neuron or two that's left to fire.

You were lied to, and you're continually lied to.

FactCheck.org : ‘You Didn’t Build That,’ Uncut and Unedited

Read that you thick, old fuck.

All the Obamabot damage control in the World is not going to change what your Messiah said, and the context in which he said it, rational people know exactly what Obama said, and meant.

Oh Jesus Christ. Please hurry up and die. You're polluting the gene pool and bringing the average IQ of the nation down a few pegs. You're about as rational as an escaped inmate from an asylum. , as evidenced by you thinking you have in any way a clue as to what Obama meant.

Here's the thing, Dummy: You don't have to guess or speculate. Because if you read the full transcript or watch the uncut video: HE SAYS WHAT HE MEANS.

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

Goddamn. Let me guess...English was never your strong suit in school?
Obama's Newspeak Lexicon - government issued, of course - has redefined antecedents, too. :thup:

swing & miss guy. The previous poster included a link that proved Fox took one part of the speech and made its viewers believe (which isn't hard to do BTW) that it stood alone. :clap2:
Moron. I've listened to and read what Obama said over and over.

Antecedents are still antecedents, no matter how much Obama and you don't want them to be.

But, thanks for being the zombie Frank refers to. He couldn't have scripted it any better. :thup:
He didn't say that though, Dummy. And that's kind of the point. Have you even read or seen the full video or transcript? Of course you haven't. You were force-fed a CHOPPED UP VIDEO that in no way shows the context of what Obama was saying. I know that for the Right, words like context are "elitist" and "academic." But it matters to everyone else with a neuron or two that's left to fire.

You were lied to, and you're continually lied to.

FactCheck.org : ‘You Didn’t Build That,’ Uncut and Unedited

Read that you thick, old fuck.

All the Obamabot damage control in the World is not going to change what your Messiah said, and the context in which he said it, rational people know exactly what Obama said, and meant.

Oh Jesus Christ. Please hurry up and die. You're polluting the gene pool and bringing the average IQ of the nation down a few pegs. You're about as rational as an escaped inmate from an asylum. , as evidenced by you thinking you have in any way a clue as to what Obama meant.

Here's the thing, Dummy: You don't have to guess or speculate. Because if you read the full transcript or watch the uncut video: HE SAYS WHAT HE MEANS.

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

Goddamn. Let me guess...English was never your strong suit in school?

hey pussy.

I thought you were going to school us on how the tax cut for the middle pays the bills.

come on pussy
He didn't say that though, Dummy. And that's kind of the point. Have you even read or seen the full video or transcript? Of course you haven't. You were force-fed a CHOPPED UP VIDEO that in no way shows the context of what Obama was saying. I know that for the Right, words like context are "elitist" and "academic." But it matters to everyone else with a neuron or two that's left to fire.

You were lied to, and you're continually lied to.

FactCheck.org : ‘You Didn’t Build That,’ Uncut and Unedited

Read that you thick, old fuck.
Obama's Newspeak Lexicon - government issued, of course - has redefined antecedents, too. :thup:

What the fuck does that even mean? Jesus. Using big words does NOT make your point more salient. It has to be a cogent thought to be begin with.
:lmao: "Antecedent" is now a "big word".

Too many syllables?
He didn't say that though, Dummy. And that's kind of the point. Have you even read or seen the full video or transcript? Of course you haven't. You were force-fed a CHOPPED UP VIDEO that in no way shows the context of what Obama was saying. I know that for the Right, words like context are "elitist" and "academic." But it matters to everyone else with a neuron or two that's left to fire.

You were lied to, and you're continually lied to.

FactCheck.org : ‘You Didn’t Build That,’ Uncut and Unedited

Read that you thick, old fuck.

All the Obamabot damage control in the World is not going to change what your Messiah said, and the context in which he said it, rational people know exactly what Obama said, and meant.

Oh Jesus Christ. Please hurry up and die. You're polluting the gene pool and bringing the average IQ of the nation down a few pegs. You're about as rational as an escaped inmate from an asylum. , as evidenced by you thinking you have in any way a clue as to what Obama meant.

Here's the thing, Dummy: You don't have to guess or speculate. Because if you read the full transcript or watch the uncut video: HE SAYS WHAT HE MEANS.

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

Goddamn. Let me guess...English was never your strong suit in school?

So he's suggesting that the people who own businesses did not pay any taxes to have government project manage the building and maintenance of roads? You do realize, again, how completely fucking clueless and stupid this sounds, yes?
He didn't say that though, Dummy. And that's kind of the point. Have you even read or seen the full video or transcript? Of course you haven't. You were force-fed a CHOPPED UP VIDEO that in no way shows the context of what Obama was saying. I know that for the Right, words like context are "elitist" and "academic." But it matters to everyone else with a neuron or two that's left to fire.

You were lied to, and you're continually lied to.

FactCheck.org : ‘You Didn’t Build That,’ Uncut and Unedited

Read that you thick, old fuck.

All the Obamabot damage control in the World is not going to change what your Messiah said, and the context in which he said it, rational people know exactly what Obama said, and meant.

Oh Jesus Christ. Please hurry up and die. You're polluting the gene pool and bringing the average IQ of the nation down a few pegs. You're about as rational as an escaped inmate from an asylum. , as evidenced by you thinking you have in any way a clue as to what Obama meant.

Here's the thing, Dummy: You don't have to guess or speculate. Because if you read the full transcript or watch the uncut video: HE SAYS WHAT HE MEANS.

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

Goddamn. Let me guess...English was never your strong suit in school?

There is no guessing, that it^ definitely wasn't yours. You can try to spin Obama's gaffe all you want, but video doesn't lie.
Is conservaderps on the Obrahma re-election team, or something?

it's like no matter how fucking stupid something is that comes out of his mouth, you'll teeth gnash and defend it like it was handed down to Moses on the mountain.
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All the Obamabot damage control in the World is not going to change what your Messiah said, and the context in which he said it, rational people know exactly what Obama said, and meant.

Oh Jesus Christ. Please hurry up and die. You're polluting the gene pool and bringing the average IQ of the nation down a few pegs. You're about as rational as an escaped inmate from an asylum. , as evidenced by you thinking you have in any way a clue as to what Obama meant.

Here's the thing, Dummy: You don't have to guess or speculate. Because if you read the full transcript or watch the uncut video: HE SAYS WHAT HE MEANS.

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

Goddamn. Let me guess...English was never your strong suit in school?

There is no guessing, that it^ definitely wasn't yours. You can try to spin Obama's gaffe all you want, but video doesn't lie.

The video was edited. Cut. Spliced. Snipped. It's not hard to do. It's the same as editing someone's quote here, you dumb fuck.

This, you bumbling fucking twit, sums it PERFECTLY. You're a puppet for Faux News. Enjoy it.

Democalypse 2012 - Do We Look Stupid? Don't Answer That Edition - Grammatical Gaffes - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 07/25/12 - Video Clip | Comedy Central
Commandment 11 - Thou shall make a complete fool out of ones self in the name of defending the messiah.
If Obama said what he means, why does Obama have to come back and say what he meant?
Sounds more like damage control to me. :eusa_whistle:

Are you stupid or just pretending to be? When your words are intentionally chopped up and taken out of context to create a narrative you never used, you go on the defensive.

Fuck you Right Wingers are just thick on this issue.

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