Obama Supporters 'Not Responsible Enough To Own A Firearm


Aug 13, 2012
"If you voted for Obama, please turn around and leave! You have proven you are not responsible enough to own a firearm."

Reynolds wrote: "Obviously, this is nothing more than a political statement. Of course, it would be impossible to enforce. If they don't say anything, we'll never know. They could purchase whatever they wanted, and they would probably get a big kick out of thinking they are rubbing it in our face as they walk out the door."

Despite Mr. Reynold's personal attempt at "gun control," it has been widely reported that gun sales are on the rise though the reason behind demand varies from source to source. One theory suggests that citizens are stockpiling arms out of concern that President Barack Obama will tighten regulations on assault weapons, even ban them outright in his second term

Obama Supporters 'Not Responsible Enough To Own A Firearm,' AZ Gun Store's Sign Declares | CNS News
I've been hearing how the Democrats are going to take our guns my entire life, and if it wasn't for vigilant people like the NRA they would have. But I'm in my early forties and no one has taken any of my guns, bullets, or hindered any of my hunting and fishing activities. I believe the laws have gotten more lax, in my lifetime, if I think about the concealed weapons laws and carrying firearms in state parks. Yes, the price of those items has increased but so has everything else. It has increased wether there has been a Democrat or Republican in the WH.

To put up a sign like that is funny and got the laughs it deserved. It really should be considered for the joke that it is. If he really wants to turn away customers he is foolish, and his next sign will tell us how Obama put him out of business.
I've been hearing how the Democrats are going to take our guns my entire life, and if it wasn't for vigilant people like the NRA they would have. But I'm in my early forties and no one has taken any of my guns, bullets, or hindered any of my hunting and fishing activities. I believe the laws have gotten more lax, in my lifetime, if I think about the concealed weapons laws and carrying firearms in state parks. Yes, the price of those items has increased but so has everything else. It has increased wether there has been a Democrat or Republican in the WH.

To put up a sign like that is funny and got the laughs it deserved. It really should be considered for the joke that it is. If he really wants to turn away customers he is foolish, and his next sign will tell us how Obama put him out of business.

They are sheeple. Easily influenced without a mind of their own. Kinda like the MAnson bunch.. Nice analogy if I do say so myself :p
Po' babys just got their asses kicked in a fair election. So they are making all kinds of crazy assertations. Ah well, let them continue to live in their alternative universe, they will lose the next election, also.
Anyone who does not believe that the gun and ammo makers salivate over a Dem in the WH are only fooling themselves.

They purposely stoke irrational fears that Dems want to "take your guns away" then pray that Dems get elected so that small minded people will rush to put more money in the maker's pockets by buying up more guns.

Gun makers are laughing their asses off at the gun buying fools. :lol: And the fools don't let them down.
They are sheeple. Easily influenced without a mind of their own. Kinda like the MAnson bunch.. Nice analogy if I do say so myself :p

Why yes, the 'Conservatives' are exactly that. Look at the way that they yapped on about how Romney was going to sweep the nation. Some were even so much into their alternative universe, that they were predicting 332 electorial votes for Romney. How did that work out.

Look at the first thing that these 'Conservatives' do when they lose badly. Start yapping about seccession. Right after they state what great patriots they are:badgrin:

Then they go down into the basement and hug their guns. And start braying about 'second amendment' solutions. As if they ever had the courage to do anything other than sound like idiots.

Then they start threads about how they are going to prevent 'Libruls' from doing something or getting something they deem desirable. What an adolescent attitude. About like the rants of the 12 year old that doesn't get his or her way.

But keep it up, 'Conservatives', make the GOP totally unattractive to 75% of the voters, and see how aids you at the ballot box.:lol:
They are sheeple. Easily influenced without a mind of their own. Kinda like the MAnson bunch.. Nice analogy if I do say so myself :p

Why yes, the 'Conservatives' are exactly that. Look at the way that they yapped on about how Romney was going to sweep the nation. Some were even so much into their alternative universe, that they were predicting 332 electorial votes for Romney. How did that work out.

Look at the first thing that these 'Conservatives' do when they lose badly. Start yapping about seccession. Right after they state what great patriots they are:badgrin:

Then they go down into the basement and hug their guns. And start braying about 'second amendment' solutions. As if they ever had the courage to do anything other than sound like idiots.

Then they start threads about how they are going to prevent 'Libruls' from doing something or getting something they deem desirable. What an adolescent attitude. About like the rants of the 12 year old that doesn't get his or her way.

But keep it up, 'Conservatives', make the GOP totally unattractive to 75% of the voters, and see how aids you at the ballot box.:lol:

What do liberals do after a win? Head for the "give me office"? Or show what sore winners they are by whining over what only they STILL seem to be concerned with?
I think what the Democrats are doing now is consolidating their win. The President is drumming up business in Asia, the Dems will be getting a reasonable budget together, and the GOP will automatically, in lockstep, vote against it. And the American Citizen will once again realize what a bunch of fruitloops these GOP people are. See you in 2014.
I think what the Democrats are doing now is consolidating their win. The President is drumming up business in Asia, the Dems will be getting a reasonable budget together, and the GOP will automatically, in lockstep, vote against it. And the American Citizen will once again realize what a bunch of fruitloops these GOP people are. See you in 2014.

so in other words nothing changes,same old shit.........the 2 Parties think their shit dont stink.....its time to show them it does......cut the cord and vote 3rd Party......
"If you voted for Obama, please turn around and leave! You have proven you are not responsible enough to own a firearm."

Reynolds wrote: "Obviously, this is nothing more than a political statement. Of course, it would be impossible to enforce. If they don't say anything, we'll never know. They could purchase whatever they wanted, and they would probably get a big kick out of thinking they are rubbing it in our face as they walk out the door."

Despite Mr. Reynold's personal attempt at "gun control," it has been widely reported that gun sales are on the rise though the reason behind demand varies from source to source. One theory suggests that citizens are stockpiling arms out of concern that President Barack Obama will tighten regulations on assault weapons, even ban them outright in his second term

Obama Supporters 'Not Responsible Enough To Own A Firearm,' AZ Gun Store's Sign Declares | CNS News

Irony thy name is political obsession.

I don't suppose it occurred to this partisan that by posting that sign, he's setting himself up (should he follow through on his threat NOT to sell guns to people who identify themselves as having voted for O) for a CIVIL RIGHTS violation.

And WHAT civil right of the citizens will this Second Amerndment advocate be violating?

The SECOND AMENDMENT, naturally.


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