Obama tells GOP to leave his wife alone

And I'm supposed to believe they were all keeping tabs on Kerry and his boat instead of doing their own job?? Man you're a dumbass, redneck or not.

The dumb shit is you. Ever been in the military you moron? Those are small boats, They almost NEVER worked alone, but rather in groups of 2 to 5 boats. Believe me you retard , if you were on one of the other boats and depended on Kerry to cover your ass, YOU would know what he was doing and what he was capable of and not capable of.

Further his crew and he returned to a base and mingled with the other officers and crew, believe me his crew probably told the other crews all the dumb ass things he ever did, troops love telling other troops about the idiots that have bars and think they are "heroes". The other boat commanders and his superiors would know his abilities, his failings and faults, THEIR lives depended on them knowing that.

Keep digging retard.
Here she is stumping for her husband on the Today show

You were the one's that made "morals" and "family values" a test for any public figure. Hillary Clinton certainly had her past probed when she was first lady.

Yes, its a matter of public record that she was a drug addict, and stole prescription drugs

Cindy McCain: Prescription drug addiction and theft

In 1989, Cindy McCain became addicted to opioid painkillers such as Percocet and Vicodin,[29] which she initially took to alleviate pain following two spinal surgeries for ruptured discs[30][31] and to ease emotional stress during the Keating Five scandal,[29] which involved her as a bookkeeper who had difficulty finding receipts.[16] The addiction progressed to where she resorted to stealing drugs from her own AVMT.[30] During 1992, Tom Gosinski, the director of government and international affairs for AVMT, discovered her drug theft.[32] Subsequently in 1992, her parents staged an intervention to force her to get help;[16] she told her husband about her problem, attended a drug treatment facility, began outpatient sessions, and ended her three years of active addiction.[29] A hysterectomy in 1993 resolved her back pain.[29][31]

So now that you've established the ground rules, you won't complain about a TV ad examining the moral character of Cindy McCain - self admitted druggie and pill thief. Thanks!

And the left had no problem pointing it out, thanks for reminding us, now remind me why we should ignore Obama's train wreck of a wife?
The dumb shit is you. Ever been in the military you moron? Those are small boats, They almost NEVER worked alone, but rather in groups of 2 to 5 boats. Believe me you retard , if you were on one of the other boats and depended on Kerry to cover your ass, YOU would know what he was doing and what he was capable of and not capable of.

Further his crew and he returned to a base and mingled with the other officers and crew, believe me his crew probably told the other crews all the dumb ass things he ever did, troops love telling other troops about the idiots that have bars and think they are "heroes". The other boat commanders and his superiors would know his abilities, his failings and faults, THEIR lives depended on them knowing that.

Keep digging retard.

So basically, I should believe the handful of degenerate alcoholics.:cuckoo:
And the left had no problem pointing it out, thanks for reminding us, now remind me why we should ignore Obama's train wreck of a wife?

You shouldn't ignore her. You should make your entire campaign about flag lapel pins, and some off-handed comment a senator's wife made. I'd be happy if you did that.

And thanks for admitting the moral flaws of cindy mccain - pill thief and druggie - and that her moral character is in play now.
She shoots! She scores! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

She proved only one thing, she does in fact do just what she is complaining about, Once again Counselor I am waiting for evidence that Obama's wife was called to task for anything she did not say or admit to. I realize you will never answer because you can not. But "thanks for playing" TM 2008 RGS
So basically, I should believe the handful of degenerate alcoholics.:cuckoo:

200 is hardly a handful and provide some evidence they are alcoholics you loser. Or shall I just assume except for Kerry, you believe every former member of the military is an alcoholic?
one is past tense, the other was just said and goes to current state of mind, very different that cindy mccain, but libs couldn't see the difference
one is past tense, the other was just said and goes to current state of mind, very different that cindy mccain, but libs couldn't see the difference

Yes they can, it is the same old game, they get to say or do anything they want and demand the other side NOT do the same. Obama does not want his wife dragged into? Muzzle her or drop out of the race. Simple concept.
See, the thing is Obama is too smart to go after Mrs. Pill popper. It's in poor taste, americans won't stand for it.

If McCain and BushCo. decide to go after Mrs. Obama, there's ultimately going to be backlash, IMO. People don't want that shit anymore. It was fun and games in 1996 with Hillary, when we were fat, prosperous, and at peace. People could indulge themselves with that shit.

Bush had lost two wars and totally mismanaged the economy. Americans (outside of the wingnut fringe) aren't going to be into wife bashing.

So, I hope the republicans really make this a campaign theme.
200 is hardly a handful and provide some evidence they are alcoholics you loser. Or shall I just assume except for Kerry, you believe every former member of the military is an alcoholic?

Link please?

Seriously, I've only ever heard a very small handful actually make the allegations about Kerry.

And no, they're not all alcoholics. Some are hooked and anti-suicide drugs.
Link please?

Seriously, I've only ever heard a very small handful actually make the allegations about Kerry.

And no, they're not all alcoholics. Some are hooked and anti-suicide drugs.

Google it you retard, over 200 people signed on as swiftboat members. But I notice you can not provide a shred of evidence that even one of them is an alcoholic. Keep up the lie, Liberals are good at that, lying to try and divert attention.
Google it you retard, over 200 people signed on as swiftboat members. But I notice you can not provide a shred of evidence that even one of them is an alcoholic. Keep up the lie, Liberals are good at that, lying to try and divert attention.

Yeah, I assumed you couldn't provide it.

I'll just take it on faith that you're full of shit. So far that's pretty much been the case every time.

Over 200????

Where do you come up with this shit?? How many soldiers do you think fit on a swiftboat anyway? For every lying, debt-ridden, alcoholic sack of shit that lied about Kerry, there were three (that were also there) saying they were indeed full of shit. For the record, I don't like Kerry...at all. But that was still the scummiest political move I've ever seen.


Try this numnuts.

Overall, more than 250 Swift boat veterans are on the record questioning Kerry's fitness to serve as Commander-in-Chief. That list includes his entire chain of command -- every single officer Kerry served under in Vietnam. The Kerry game plan is to ignore all this and pretend that the 13 veterans his campaign jets around the country and puts up in 5-star hotels really represent the truth about his short, controversial combat tour.
Yeah, I assumed you couldn't provide it.

I'll just take it on faith that you're full of shit. So far that's pretty much been the case every time.

I see you can not provide evidence that 250 former members of the Navy in this group are all alcoholics, I guess that proves you are a lying piece of shit. but " Thanks for playing" TM 2008 RGS
You two are hilarious. Who else would know how many members the group had? Fucking retards indeed.
You two are hilarious. Who else would know how many members the group had? Fucking retards indeed.

Actually they weren't members, thats how many signed the document. Some of whom later renounced it, and many who never even served with Kerry.

By the way, I notice you skip the lies that SVBT made. Surprise, surprise.
Actually they weren't members, thats how many signed the document. Some of whom later renounced it, and many who never even served with Kerry.

By the way, I notice you skip the lies that SVBT made. Surprise, surprise.

There is no evidence they lied at all. All you have is a liberal media base making the claim they lied while REFUSING to allow them to present their claims and their evidence. I was around in 2004 retard, The press, especially the TV refused to do anything except bad mouth them. No reporting on any of them except negative, no attempt to allow them to present their information at all. Networks ordered stations NOT to sell time to them.

And then there is the bald faced lie that the Bush campaign was somehow involved with them. Investigated and PROVEN to be false.

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