Obama:The First President Who Refuses To Speak Before Crowds Of Average Americans.

Mar 16, 2012

Although we already know this, it's beyond obvious as Bambi only wants to rally/speak to teen-agers,uninformed latinos and single women who are going broke.
But what about all of those families in states like Ohio and Pennsylvania who have lost all of thier wealth thanks to his policies?
And to think of all of "Average Americans" tax dollars (aka, Millions) Obama and Moochelle have spent on needless vacations as over 100 Million Americans have been in panic mode for 4 or more years.
Thank god Romney has been showing up in Ohio and Pennsylvania and is not afraid to speak to the locals there. Where as we have a President who is too emabarrassed and scared to show up for a rally in 'Anytown USA" cause he knows he will be heckled just like Axelrod was, and probably have shoes and tomato's throw at him !!

Although we already know this, it's beyond obvious as Bambi only wants to rally/speak to teen-agers,uninformed latinos and single women who are going broke.
But what about all of those families in states like Ohio and Pennsylvania who have lost all of thier wealth thanks to his policies?
And to think of all of "Average Americans" tax dollars (aka, Millions) Obama and Moochelle have spent on needless vacations as over 100 Million Americans have been in panic mode for 4 or more years.
Thank god Romney has been showing up in Ohio and Pennsylvania and is not afraid to speak to the locals there. Where as we have a President who is too emabarrassed and scared to show up for a rally in 'Anytown USA" cause he knows he will be heckled just like Axelrod was, and probably have shoes and tomato's throw at him !!

2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008

Growing U.S. trade deficit with China cost 2.8 million jobs

One Effect of U.S. Trade with China: 2.4 Million Jobs Lost from 2001 to 2008

Dipshit. Learn to use "search". You know how much it cost to move those jobs to China? Why do you think Republicans and Bush wanted all those damn tax cuts that went mostly to the rich?

What the fuck is wrong with these ignorant right wingers. Obama is trying to bring jobs back and they vote people into office who fight him and then complain it's "Obama's fault". The fuckers.
Obama like any other candidate draws the crowd that's interested in what he has to say. Your topic is off. The people he draws to a speech speak to his message and the people that want to hear it.
Obama like any other candidate draws the crowd that's interested in what he has to say. Your topic is off. The people he draws to a speech speak to his message and the people that want to hear it.

Obama likes to go where he's welcome.

He'd never show up at a Tea Party rally and they're as average American as you can get.

But Mitt showed up in Obama's neighborhood and a few boos and jeers aside it comported himself well.

Obama doesn't have the guts to speak in front a hostile crowd. He like college campuses.
Obama like any other candidate draws the crowd that's interested in what he has to say. Your topic is off. The people he draws to a speech speak to his message and the people that want to hear it.

You're right. A message of "Rebuild America". As opposed to the Republican message of:

Let him die

Greed is good

You did it all by yourself

Every man for himself
"If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen".
..... Barack Hussein Obama

I will never get tired of seeing how this President really feels about the business community...
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he needs to speak about all of the nations concerns! why wont he speak of the 15 trillion dollar debt and the fact that we are about to fall off the cliff? he is yet to tell his small crowds that Iran has been working on building nuclear weapons on his watch. why?

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