Obama The Racist


Senior Member
Apr 19, 2012
Bengazi: Four dead brave Americans - all white. That is the reason why Obama went to sleep unconcerned with the well being of Ambassador Stevens, further showing his callus disregard by traveling the very next day to sin city for a fund raiser! He is more concerned with protecting, and exalting his black Ambassador Rice than he was protecting Stevens from imminent danger!
Beer Summit: Obama was quick to defend the black professor, blaming the white police officer without having the facts!
Fast, and Furious: He protected his black attorney general with executive privledge after a white agent was slain in the infamous gun walking debacle!
Reverend Wright: Obama sat in this black racist man's church for decades absorbing the white hate speech, and praised Wright until he became a political liability!
Colonialism: Obama hates it, and the associated whites!
This patern of black over white is outrageous; reprehensible for a public official - let alone the president of the US!
Well, historically...Democrats are the party of Racists
Just saw a blog - can't remember where - of how King Barry's top advisers are all WHITE MALES! And his female staffers get screwed with lower salaries.

You voted for him - not me! :confused:

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