Obama & The Treasury Go After "inversions"

You do realize that those corporations have no duty to bring back profits that are gained in foreign countries?

Tax something if you want less of it.

What I do realize is that a US citizen has a duty and civic responsibility to contribute to and improve the country in which he lives and does business. And he may not conduct himself in a manner that degrades this country's cohesion and stability. That includes him taking steps to unravel the US economy via actions he knows or should have known would have this effect.

You're either a citizen, or you aren't. Which is it MaxGrit?

I agree with you that the best way is service to others and support community development.

Best way to go about it is encourage morality and self sufficiency.
You do realize that those corporations have no duty to bring back profits that are gained in foreign countries?

Tax something if you want less of it.

What I do realize is that a US citizen has a duty and civic responsibility to contribute to and improve the country in which he lives and does business. And he may not conduct himself in a manner that degrades this country's cohesion and stability. That includes him taking steps to unravel the US economy via actions he knows or should have known would have this effect.

You're either a citizen, or you aren't. Which is it MaxGrit?

I agree with you that the best way is service to others and support community development.

Best way to go about it is encourage morality and self sufficiency.
I disagree. The best way is to maximize your own profit making in any legal way possible. The more work you do, the more value you add, the more benefit you give to the economy as a whole.
How much easier has Microsoft made life for everyone? How much time have they saved the average office worker? ANd they didnt do that because Bill Gates is a sweet guy. They did that to make money. But in the course of that they conferred tremendous benefit. Thats what the Invisible Hand is all about.
All this manipulation simply means entire businesses will relocate, not just on paper, lock, stock and barrel. Oh, and jobs. Transport of high value goods like your spiffy new tablet and whiz-bang smartphone is cheap. Of course payment in currencies other than American Dollars is inconvenient today but all the capability of on-line buying will make that invisible to the consumer.
Maybe if you had read my post, you would know that I'm against lowering taxes on rich people. Quite the opposite.

You would know that I'm for improving regulations.

I'm against busting the unions.

You're fighting with a ghost, Joe.

You're much better off "debating" with a counterpart, a right wing partisan ideologue, not me.


Guy, you might be putting it in a different package, but you are selling the same shit.

We should have figured out 30 years ago Supply Side doesn't work, the Laffer Curve is a myth, and no, the rich don't behave better if you cut their taxes.

Cuz then we'd have a lot more m.]But joe hates corporations and will gladly pay more for his happy meal if it means Mickey D's will pay their "fair share".

Actualy, I'd be happy if they stopped pushing the cost of their labor force off on the rest of us.
Joe, you dumb shit! Labor cost is a cost of doing business just like buying beef and buns. If they pay more, you'll pay more. Mickey D's it not in business to provide you with burgers at a price YOU set.

Feel free to eat elsewhere, but Wendy's figures their labor cost in their prices too.

But here's the problem with that. those employees at Wendys and MIcky D. just refust to starve to death because they don't pay enough.

They end up going on weflare and food stamps and Medicaid and the rest of us pay for their upkeep. This is what I mean by "Pushing the cost of their labor off on the rest of us."

So I really wouldn't mind spending an extra .50 at Wendy's to pay for the wages of the person who prepared the food.
Huge tariffs would put foreign products at a price competitive with US made products, I suppose. Now, you have a choice when you buy a TV. You can buy a Sanyo for $900 or a US made Séura for $4,000. How much are you willing to pay for a TV, Joe? How big a tariff should Dear Leader put on a Sanyo TV?

Big enough where it's competitive to make them here again. You want to send millions to CHina, that's fine, but you'll send millions to Washington, too.
And away we go:

Treasury unveils measures to combat tax inversions - MarketWatch

That'll teach those corporations to follow their legal mandate to maximize shareholder value.

Good thing this administration is so business-friendly.


They are cheating the system. An equivalent event would be individual taxpayers maximizing their personal assets by manipulating code to defraud the IRS. This malignant capitialism thing has to be reined in. If the companies themselves cannot see fit to return to that body [The United States of America] that made them rich in the first place, then they have to be brought around by regulation. They are lying in the very bed they made via their insolence and arrogance.
That's utter nonsense.
Defrauding the iRS is a crime. No one, not the most leftist lefty out there, is claiming corporations are defrauding the IRS.
The regulations are self defeating. They will make US business less competitive and hurt the economy.

How can they be hurting US businesses when their profits are at a record high?

Cuz then we'd have a lot more m.]But joe hates corporations and will gladly pay more for his happy meal if it means Mickey D's will pay their "fair share".

Actualy, I'd be happy if they stopped pushing the cost of their labor force off on the rest of us.
Joe, you dumb shit! Labor cost is a cost of doing business just like buying beef and buns. If they pay more, you'll pay more. Mickey D's it not in business to provide you with burgers at a price YOU set.

Feel free to eat elsewhere, but Wendy's figures their labor cost in their prices too.

But here's the problem with that. those employees at Wendys and MIcky D. just refust to starve to death because they don't pay enough.

They end up going on weflare and food stamps and Medicaid and the rest of us pay for their upkeep. This is what I mean by "Pushing the cost of their labor off on the rest of us."

So I really wouldn't mind spending an extra .50 at Wendy's to pay for the wages of the person who prepared the food.
Tell you what... YOU pay an extra buck for your burger if you like and tell the manager to distribute is amongst his staff. Mick D's burgers OR their employees aren't worth any more of my money.

Look Joe. Mc Donalds and Wendy's are on food stamps, not because of the company they work for. They are poor because they work only 20 hours a week. If these people need more money, they should get off their lazy asses and learn a skill that pays better than flipping burgers or fill up their dance card with maybe another job.
Huge tariffs would put foreign products at a price competitive with US made products, I suppose. Now, you have a choice when you buy a TV. You can buy a Sanyo for $900 or a US made Séura for $4,000. How much are you willing to pay for a TV, Joe? How big a tariff should Dear Leader put on a Sanyo TV?

Big enough where it's competitive to make them here again. You want to send millions to CHina, that's fine, but you'll send millions to Washington, too.
I'd rather buy American made goods, but I can't afford to pay the kind of money an American company has to charge with the cost of union labor and obama's war on corporate profits.
Conservatives want a tax free income, corporations want a tax free income, investors want a tax free income, and where does this leave the US govt or state governments?
We can't run a sophisticated social stratus and world power status if there is not or very little revenue to support it..
Tell you what... YOU pay an extra buck for your burger if you like and tell the manager to distribute is amongst his staff. Mick D's burgers OR their employees aren't worth any more of my money.

Look Joe. Mc Donalds and Wendy's are on food stamps, not because of the company they work for. They are poor because they work only 20 hours a week. If these people need more money, they should get off their lazy asses and learn a skill that pays better than flipping burgers or fill up their dance card with maybe another job.

Guy, I've seen ENGINEERS working side jobs at the Home Depot. The problem is not that the folks at McDonald's aren't working hard enough, it's that the 1%ers will rip off the working man at every opportunity.

And dumb-asses like you will defend them doing so.
Huge tariffs would put foreign products at a price competitive with US made products, I suppose. Now, you have a choice when you buy a TV. You can buy a Sanyo for $900 or a US made Séura for $4,000. How much are you willing to pay for a TV, Joe? How big a tariff should Dear Leader put on a Sanyo TV?

Big enough where it's competitive to make them here again. You want to send millions to CHina, that's fine, but you'll send millions to Washington, too.
I'd rather buy American made goods, but I can't afford to pay the kind of money an American company has to charge with the cost of union labor and obama's war on corporate profits.

Okay, but if we make that Chinese crap cost more, I don't think you'd be keen on buying it.
All this manipulation simply means entire businesses will relocate, not just on paper, lock, stock and barrel. Oh, and jobs. Transport of high value goods like your spiffy new tablet and whiz-bang smartphone is cheap. Of course payment in currencies other than American Dollars is inconvenient today but all the capability of on-line buying will make that invisible to the consumer.

It's easier than ever for a company to pack up and leave. If they're not wanted here, there are plenty of other countries that will welcome them with open arms, unlike before.

But that's okay with the Lefties, because then government will be needed more.

Get rid of achievers and increase the power of a centralized authoritarian bureaucracy. It's a win-win.

Everything is working out just fine.

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It's easier than ever for a company to pack up and leave. If they're not wanted here, there are plenty of other countries that will welcome them with open arms.

But that's okay with the Lefties, because then government will be needed more.

Get rid of achievers and increase the power of a centralized authoritarian bureaucracy. It's a win-win.

Everything is working out just fine.


No, we just stop validating their bad behavior. They want to pack up and leave, fine. But any operations they still run here we put the screws to.

Burger King wants to move to Canada, that's fine. Just don't try to sell any whoppers here.

It's easier than ever for a company to pack up and leave. If they're not wanted here, there are plenty of other countries that will welcome them with open arms.

But that's okay with the Lefties, because then government will be needed more.

Get rid of achievers and increase the power of a centralized authoritarian bureaucracy. It's a win-win.

Everything is working out just fine.


No, we just stop validating their bad behavior. They want to pack up and leave, fine. But any operations they still run here we put the screws to.

Burger King wants to move to Canada, that's fine. Just don't try to sell any whoppers here.

So we agree.

I hope you folks will be gracious winners.


It's easier than ever for a company to pack up and leave. If they're not wanted here, there are plenty of other countries that will welcome them with open arms.

But that's okay with the Lefties, because then government will be needed more.

Get rid of achievers and increase the power of a centralized authoritarian bureaucracy. It's a win-win.

Everything is working out just fine.


No, we just stop validating their bad behavior. They want to pack up and leave, fine. But any operations they still run here we put the screws to.

Burger King wants to move to Canada, that's fine. Just don't try to sell any whoppers here.

So we agree.

I hope you folks will be gracious winners.


You mean after we pass fair wage laws and make the rich pay their fair share, we will be very gracious.

It's easier than ever for a company to pack up and leave. If they're not wanted here, there are plenty of other countries that will welcome them with open arms.

But that's okay with the Lefties, because then government will be needed more.

Get rid of achievers and increase the power of a centralized authoritarian bureaucracy. It's a win-win.

Everything is working out just fine.


No, we just stop validating their bad behavior. They want to pack up and leave, fine. But any operations they still run here we put the screws to.

Burger King wants to move to Canada, that's fine. Just don't try to sell any whoppers here.

So we agree.

I hope you folks will be gracious winners.


You mean after we pass fair wage laws and make the rich pay their fair share, we will be very gracious.

Sometimes, I have to admit, I envy those who don't understand the ramifications of what they want. It's like dealing with the neocons who didn't understand the ramifications of Bush's wars. Everything is clear and black & white, they only see the positive of what they want to do, there are no arguments against it, and when things go wrong, there's always a way to blame someone else. Nice and simple.

An example is the intellectually dishonest "you mean...." argument. All they see is what they want, and in their minds anything outside of that must be bent and mangled into their worldview. As destructive as it is, I think you're sincere in your tunnel vision, and at least it's a fascinating amateur psychological/sociological/anthropological study for me as we continue our decay. I don't tussle that much with the neocons either. No use.

Oh well.

I'm glad you'll be gracious.

Sometimes, I have to admit, I envy those who don't understand the ramifications of what they want. It's like dealing with the neocons who didn't understand the ramifications of Bush's wars. Everything is clear and black & white, they only see the positive of what they want to do, there are no arguments against it, and when things go wrong, there's always a way to blame someone else. Nice and simple.

An example is the intellectually dishonest "you mean...." argument. All they see is what they want, and in their minds anything outside of that must be bent and mangled into their worldview. As destructive as it is, I think you're sincere in your tunnel vision, and at least it's a fascinating amateur psychological/sociological/anthropological study for me as we continue our decay. I don't tussle that much with the neocons either. No use.

Oh well.

I'm glad you'll be gracious.


Guy, I'm not the one who wrecked the economy and gutted the middle class.

That would be the big corporations you think are being SOOOOOO mistreated, even though they are making record profits.
... the big corporations you think are being SOOOOOO mistreated, even though they are making record profits.

Which ones?

All of them?

And do you know how "profits" are calculated, and why so much cash remains on the sidelines (that was a hint for the first part of the question, by the way)?

Just curious if you know any of this stuff, or if you even care.

... the big corporations you think are being SOOOOOO mistreated, even though they are making record profits.

Which ones?

All of them?

And do you know how "profits" are calculated, and why so much cash remains on the sidelines (that was a hint for the first part of the question, by the way)?

Just curious if you know any of this stuff, or if you even care.


You ever learn to use Goggle Mac? It takes about 10 sec. to pull up a list of American corporations making record profits. Try it some time. You might learn something.

And how about all those millions of dollars corporations are giving to political groups. Corporation officers are so concerned about share holder value that they have to avoid paying taxes. But not so concerned about shareholder value that they stop giving millions to politicians. Why is that?

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