Obama the wisest president since Kennedy, does it again!!

Child, Obama has given me more than two years of enjoyment and trust me, no GOP-ig will ever live in the white house ever again!!


I know congress has to give their two cents....listen, you morons, no matter how hard you ass holes try to dumb me down, I'm not going any where...get over it...I'm hear to defend and protect my man, President Obama and I'm willing to get kicked off this site, as I have with others in order to do it.

You won't get kicked off this site....everything goes here except attacks on family or calling somebody a pedophile or accusing somebody of having sex with animals. :popcorn:

Just a like a fly to a shit hill, thar she blows.....LOLOLOLOLOLOL...jealous are we?
You're correct on one thing....the shit hit part.

And true to predictable form, the fly is back. LOLOLOLOLOL...you people are so in over your heads, why don't you do what white haters do best, go to the back yard and shoot a neighbor....accidentally of course!!
Why don't you put your head back up Obama's ass

I'd rather be up his ass than smell a conservatives ass.....reeking of hypocritical shit!!

Hypocrites are on both sides of the isle.
They come in all sizes, shapes and forms, left, right and in the middle.

She thinks there was an agreement. Don't spoil it by telling her there's no agreement. Just a way for John Kerry to leave an empty room.
We will have to agree to agree, and find out later the details:

2 atomic submarines, with MIRVs.

10 B-1 B's with MIRVs.

All pre-programmed for Israel.
President Obama is just amazing.....Once again, without violence, without spending a trillion plus dollars...AGAIN...fighting a damned war, we're never gonna win, ie every war we got going thus far, you name it, we're fighting it....and without kissing the white man's ass, ie the GOP-igs, has defused Iran and has made Israel shit bullets....Every single second of each day, my love for my president deepin's!!

View attachment 38905

President Obama is just amazing

Every single second of each day, my love for my president deepin's!!

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President Obama is just amazing.....Once again, without violence, without spending a trillion plus dollars...AGAIN...fighting a damned war, we're never gonna win, ie every war we got going thus far, you name it, we're fighting it....and without kissing the white man's ass, ie the GOP-igs, has defused Iran and has made Israel shit bullets....Every single second of each day, my love for my president deepin's!!

View attachment 38905

Glad your love is in full blossom. Better enjoy it, in less than two fast years the pos is gone ! :2up:

Child, Obama has given me more than two years of enjoyment and trust me, no GOP-ig will ever live in the white house ever again!!

As long as a black liberal is gone from the House, I'm getting so happy I could fart cherry flavored bubbles !

This is more accurate than the obama sex slave OP realizes.
Kennedy created the Vietnam disaster and sold out an ally giving the enemy exactly what they wanted in the Cuban missile episode.
Obama has created a mess in Iraq and just gave Iran what they want.
obama has done something no president in my lifetime has done. He got called a liar on the world stage for everyone to see. Right in the middle of some very sensitive negotiations. It really made my week.
President Obama is just amazing.....Once again, without violence, without spending a trillion plus dollars...AGAIN...fighting a damned war, we're never gonna win, ie every war we got going thus far, you name it, we're fighting it....and without kissing the white man's ass, ie the GOP-igs, has defused Iran and has made Israel shit bullets....Every single second of each day, my love for my president deepin's!!

View attachment 38905


(sigh), its so refreshing seeing someone laughing themselves silly because they now feel safe...God bless you, its gonna be okay....a black man with a fuckin brain is in the white house.

Barry invited Thomas Sowell over to the White House to help with the economy? About damn time!
President Obama is just amazing.....Once again, without violence, without spending a trillion plus dollars...AGAIN...fighting a damned war, we're never gonna win, ie every war we got going thus far, you name it, we're fighting it....and without kissing the white man's ass, ie the GOP-igs, has defused Iran and has made Israel shit bullets....Every single second of each day, my love for my president deepin's!!

View attachment 38905

I'm curious, Tiger...what is that you think Obama has gotten from Iran that makes this a good deal? Israel is "shitting bullets" because Barry is giving Iran the bomb on a silver platter.

She thinks there was an agreement. Don't spoil it by telling her there's no agreement. Just a way for John Kerry to leave an empty room.

Yup and if anyone thinks Iran is going to abide by THIS AGREEMENT anymore than they have with past agreements is a fucking idiot.

Iran just wants sanctions lifted then they will go about the nuclear program as they have done before.

Honestly. Anyone who thinks Iran, run by religious mullahs, is going to abide by an agreement is a fucking lunatic.

All these Obamabots have to have something to praise that POS for. Will enjoy seeing the posts when the agreement goes down the toilet just like all the other agreement have.

Wonder what excuses they will make?? Oh wait. I forgot. Kerry is the SOS and is dealing. Hope he likes the ride under the bus.
When I read the OP first I thought it was sarcasm, because no sane and normal person could be so idiotically gushing about an obvious failure and incompetent empty suit.
Great diplomatic accomplishment by our President

Secretary Kerry also deserves alot of credit for delivering a better deal than could have been imagined
Certainly Iran never imagined they would get this kind of deal. If there was a deal and there isn't.

She thinks there was an agreement. Don't spoil it by telling her there's no agreement. Just a way for John Kerry to leave an empty room.

I know congress has to give their two cents....listen, you morons, no matter how hard you ass holes try to dumb me down, I'm not going any where...get over it...I'm hear to defend and protect my man, President Obama and I'm willing to get kicked off this site, as I have with others in order to do it.

First you need to learn how to spell: First lesson it's here, not hear, You hear with your ears dummy.

She thinks there was an agreement. Don't spoil it by telling her there's no agreement. Just a way for John Kerry to leave an empty room.

I know congress has to give their two cents....listen, you morons, no matter how hard you ass holes try to dumb me down, I'm not going any where...get over it...I'm hear to defend and protect my man, President Obama and I'm willing to get kicked off this site, as I have with others in order to do it.

First you need to learn how to spell: First lesson it's here, not hear, You hear with your ears dummy.

I noticed that two
Iran,s negotiator: "Yeah yeah whatever, just write it down and I'll sign it"

We've seen this shit before, in the 90's under Clinton

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