Obama the wisest president since Kennedy, does it again!!


Just a like a fly to a shit hill, thar she blows.....LOLOLOLOLOLOL...jealous are we?
You're correct on one thing....the shit hit part.

And true to predictable form, the fly is back. LOLOLOLOLOL...you people are so in over your heads, why don't you do what white haters do best, go to the back yard and shoot a neighbor....accidentally of course!!
Why don't you put your head back up Obama's ass

I'd rather be up his ass than smell a conservatives ass.....reeking of hypocritical shit!!
Explain the hypocrisy.
You've been told for months that Obama just wanted a deal, any deal.
Obama has proven to be as dishonest as the day is long.
Obama has proven that he can't be trusted.
What makes you think that he even has a deal?
He's lifted sanctions without a single guarantee from Iran.
Iran considers this to be a huge victory, and the negotiators are being paraded through their streets like they just won the Super Bowl.
And all they did was scream at John F. U. Kerry for a solid month while he slobbered all over their feet.
The only reason for these negotiations was to be able to claim some sort of historic deal that will give Obama something to beat his chest over. It's pure fantasy at the expense of Israeli security. It's a total farce, and even Iran admits it. When you ask Josh Earnest, Obama's White House press secretary, about the details he repeatedly says "If we can get this done, and if we can get that done!" Nothing is done. Nothing is finalized. This fake agreement that isn't even in writing is simply an idea, not a reality. It's only intended for the sycophantic assholes on the left to use as talking-points in arguments. Nothing more.
Great diplomatic accomplishment by our President

Secretary Kerry also deserves alot of credit for delivering a better deal than could have been imagined

What's good about this deal, Winger?

Glad you asked

It provides a pathway for Iran to scale down their nuclear programs to a point where they can't produce weapons grade nuclear material

Iran is hurting right now and removing the sanctions will help them to start selling oil again and help their people

It provides for inspections and verification prior to removing sanctions. If they violate the deal or stop allowing inspections then the sanctions return and we are back to where we are today
Just a like a fly to a shit hill, thar she blows.....LOLOLOLOLOLOL...jealous are we?
You're correct on one thing....the shit hit part.

And true to predictable form, the fly is back. LOLOLOLOLOL...you people are so in over your heads, why don't you do what white haters do best, go to the back yard and shoot a neighbor....accidentally of course!!
Why don't you put your head back up Obama's ass

I'd rather be up his ass than smell a conservatives ass.....reeking of hypocritical shit!!
Explain the hypocrisy.
You've been told for months that Obama just wanted a deal, any deal.
Obama has proven to be as dishonest as the day is long.
Obama has proven that he can't be trusted.
What makes you think that he even has a deal?
He's lifted sanctions without a single guarantee from Iran.
Iran considers this to be a huge victory, and the negotiators are being paraded through their streets like they just won the Super Bowl.
And all they did was scream at John F. U. Kerry for a solid month while he slobbered all over their feet.
The only reason for these negotiations was to be able to claim some sort of historic deal that will give Obama something to beat his chest over. It's pure fantasy at the expense of Israeli security. It's a total farce, and even Iran admits it. When you ask Josh Earnest, Obama's White House press secretary, about the details he repeatedly says "If we can get this done, and if we can get that done!" Nothing is done. Nothing is finalized. This fake agreement that isn't even in writing is simply an idea, not a reality. It's only intended for the sycophantic assholes on the left to use as talking-points in arguments. Nothing more.
Ya BOBO is some sort of geopolitical genius.
Remember "The Historic Agreement" Bobo made with China a couple of months ago. China 'agreed' to 'maybe' think about reducing their carbon emissions in 'maybe' twenty years. HA HA! There factories are spewing out pollution while BOBO is busy making factories in the USA reduce their emissions to the point where they can't compete with China in steel production.
The Mullahs have already used whatever 'The Pickle Lady's Lap Poodle' pleaded with them to sign as ass wipe.
Great diplomatic accomplishment by our President

Secretary Kerry also deserves alot of credit for delivering a better deal than could have been imagined

What's good about this deal, Winger?

Glad you asked

It provides a pathway for Iran to scale down their nuclear programs to a point where they can't produce weapons grade nuclear material

Iran is hurting right now and removing the sanctions will help them to start selling oil again and help their people

It provides for inspections and verification prior to removing sanctions. If they violate the deal or stop allowing inspections then the sanctions return and we are back to where we are today

How do you return the UN sanctions when Russia and China hold veto power and back Iran?

I'm curious, Winger...just how naive are you? Just a week or so ago the real leader of Iran gave a speech where he chanted "Death to America!" to a roaring crowd...but you think THAT GUY can be trusted to live up to an agreement with us?
President Obama is just amazing.....Once again, without violence, without spending a trillion plus dollars...AGAIN...fighting a damned war, we're never gonna win, ie every war we got going thus far, you name it, we're fighting it....and without kissing the white man's ass, ie the GOP-igs, has defused Iran and has made Israel shit bullets....Every single second of each day, my love for my president deepin's!!

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(sigh), its so refreshing seeing someone laughing themselves silly because they now feel safe...God bless you, its gonna be okay....a black man with a fuckin brain is in the white house.
..a black man with a fuckin brain is in the white house.
so other black guys dont have a brain?....what are you saying?...
obama has done something no president in my lifetime has done. He got called a liar on the world stage for everyone to see. Right in the middle of some very sensitive negotiations. It really made my week.
are you always this happy if someone badmouths this country?....
Great diplomatic accomplishment by our President

Secretary Kerry also deserves alot of credit for delivering a better deal than could have been imagined

What's good about this deal, Winger?

Glad you asked

It provides a pathway for Iran to scale down their nuclear programs to a point where they can't produce weapons grade nuclear material

Iran is hurting right now and removing the sanctions will help them to start selling oil again and help their people

It provides for inspections and verification prior to removing sanctions. If they violate the deal or stop allowing inspections then the sanctions return and we are back to where we are today

How do you return the UN sanctions when Russia and China hold veto power and back Iran?

I'm curious, Winger...just how naive are you? Just a week or so ago the real leader of Iran gave a speech where he chanted "Death to America!" to a roaring crowd...but you think THAT GUY can be trusted to live up to an agreement with us?
It is already in the agreement with Iran

There is nothing preventing Russia or China from removing sanctions right now
I know congress has to give their two cents....listen, you morons, no matter how hard you ass holes try to dumb me down, I'm not going any where...get over it...I'm hear to defend and protect my man, President Obama and I'm willing to get kicked off this site, as I have with others in order to do it.

You won't get kicked off this site....everything goes here except attacks on family or calling somebody a pedophile or accusing somebody of having sex with animals. :popcorn:

I almost came close the other day....of getting kicked off.....but some people here are worth it....just sayin
This is more accurate than the obama sex slave OP realizes.
Kennedy created the Vietnam disaster and sold out an ally giving the enemy exactly what they wanted in the Cuban missile episode.
Obama has created a mess in Iraq and just gave Iran what they want.

And both did it without once single ounce of blood shed. So where's the crime?

Oh, I get it, if you support the President of the United States, your considered a troll, but if spew anti american bs and disrespect the black man in the white house, your considered an american hero, gotcha!@
This is more accurate than the obama sex slave OP realizes.
Kennedy created the Vietnam disaster and sold out an ally giving the enemy exactly what they wanted in the Cuban missile episode.
Obama has created a mess in Iraq and just gave Iran what they want.

And both did it without once single ounce of blood shed. So where's the crime?
No blood shed in Iraq or Vietnam? Are you nuts?
Obama has cost the average US household $8k annually against disposable income.
Nothing wise about that.
Those unaware got what they deserve. The rest of us suffer.
Impeach, evict and incarcerate Obama.

Get the **** outta here with that bs. You know and we all know, nobody's stressing financially because of Obama and ACA. You morons just like to btch and moan about shttt, just because. Unemployment is at an all time low, gas prices are low, the min. wage across states are being raised, people now have healthcare, I mean you people really need to get over his being black and your president and stop the damned whining.
This is more accurate than the obama sex slave OP realizes.
Kennedy created the Vietnam disaster and sold out an ally giving the enemy exactly what they wanted in the Cuban missile episode.
Obama has created a mess in Iraq and just gave Iran what they want.

And both did it without once single ounce of blood shed. So where's the crime?
No blood shed in Iraq or Vietnam? Are you nuts?

I was talking about the cuban missile crisis and the deal with Iran....please pay attention, okay!!
Iran,s negotiator: "Yeah yeah whatever, just write it down and I'll sign it"

We've seen this shit before, in the 90's under Clinton

Listen, unless your willing to darn a damned uniform and fight, you need to sit down be quiet.

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