Obama: Thief-in-Chief


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
An executive order raising the minimum wage?
He simply decided to reach into the pocket of every small businessman, 'cause, you know, they didn't build their business...he did.

Reminds of the old joke: a Liberal and a conservative walking down the street, and they see a homeless man. The Liberal exclaims: "I wanna help that guy! Quick...gimme your wallet."

1. " “Today,” said the President in his State of the Union message, “the federal minimum wage is worth about 20% less than it was when Ronald Reagan first stood here.”
But wait, wasn’t the minimum wage $3.35 an hour throughout Reagan’s two terms? Isn’t it now $7.25 an hour? How does that add up to a drop in value by 20%?

2. ...when the Federal Reserve Act was passed a century ago Congress refused to agree to a Federal Reserve until language was included that would mandate protecting the convertibility of the dollar into gold. That law unraveled in a series of defaults that started in the Great Depression and ended under President Richard Nixon. By mid-1970s, America had moved to a fiat currency, meaning a dollar that is not redeemable by law in anything of value.

3. The minimum-wage crisis is a sign that fiat money is not working for working men and women. The sad fact is that they are being paid fiat wages. It’s not, after all, that the nominal minimum wage has failed to go up (it’s been raised seven times since Reagan). It’s that the value of the dollar has collapsed.

4. .... the greenback has today a value of barely a 1,250th of an ounce of gold, a staggering plunge from an 853rd of an ounce on the day Mr. Obama took office....

5. .... Obama, in any event, endorsed a ... to raise the minimum wage by a staggering 39%, to $10.10 an hour. What’s the point of raising the minimum wage if you’re going to run down the value of the dollar?

6. Today a person has to work 173 hours at the minimum wage to earn an ounce of gold; by the end of Reagan’s presidency, it took only 125 hours. ... Wouldn’t it be better to focus less on the minimum wage and more on stabilizing the dollar, just as Congress insisted when it set up the Fed?

7. It’s five years now that Mr. Obama has been in office, and he has avoided the monetary question at every turn.

8. His first Fed chairman, Ben Bernanke, is leaving us a dollar valued at less than half of what it was when he began became chairman. Janet Yellen, who’s set to succeed Mr. Bernanke, is promising policies that could drive the value of the dollar down further.

9. In 1978, Congress passed the Humphrey-Hawkins law, which gave the Federal Reserve a dual mandate. The Fed must, on the one hand, protect the value of the dollar; on the other, it has to try to bring about full employment.
It puts the Fed brass in a devil of a bind.

At the time, unemployment was 6.1%. It has been above 8% for much of Mr. Obama’s presidency and above 7% for almost all of it. Isn’t it time Congress looked at Humphrey-Hawkins and other laws that govern the Fed to see whether they helped cause the Great Recession?

10. Obama himself says that Americans are tired of “stale political arguments.” If so, rescuing the dollar would be the place to start."
Fiat Wages - The New York Sun

Every individual who is considering ever.....ever.....retiring, and is saving for same, should see that policies of this government are stealing those savings and reducing one's ability to plan for retirement.....other than on the dole.
You have a lot of points to discuss, and I'm bored so I will bite......

#1-That's called inflation, mama.

#2-According to your post, although not enforced by law, I redeem my dollars for my mortgage payment, food, water, entertainment, travel, leisure, beer, and other stuff. Too bad it has "no value".

#3-You are correct, ma'am.

#4-Since I'm an investor in gold, I can thank Obama for making the value of my precious metals go up. Thanks Obama!

#5-I agree with federal contractor getting that wage. Can you name 5 federal contractor jobs? I can......And this just in........the value of the dollar has been declining since before Obama got into office. I know, I know, it's hard to believe.

#6-Too many points to discuss in #6, especially when you said "congress" and "fed". It's late and I'm tired.

#7-What is the "monetary question" you ask of? I can't answer it either if you don't ask it. Details baby! Details!

#8-I thought you blamed Obama? Not Bernanke or Yellen. Make up your mind when you are pointing the finger.

#9-Same as #8, I though you stated Obama was to blame for EVERYTHING, not the Fed.

#10-Correct, this is a "stale political argument".

I'm not sure if any of this is fact or just a one sided, biased, opion based list of "stale" political points. I didn't care to research it, just some quick responses to your statements. Sometimes you gotta think without emotion, especially when you watch your Fox news. hahahahaha
And the last bit of your post, yes, I plan on retiring in about 20 to 25 years. I have no worries about this, I'm good with my money. I've read a lot of your stuff also, I'm sure you are smart with your money as well. But I do worry about others who aren't so smart about their money.

I wouldn't quite call it the government "stealing", although from one point of view it would be. The other side is the gub-ment just trying to please all 300 million of us, and in doing so, with every decision, pisses of about 70% of the people everytime they do something. It could be worse, we could live in Germany or Denmark and get taxed at close to 40% to 45%! Thank god I was born in the USA!

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