Obama Thinks A 5% Pay Cut Is Enough. My Pay Is Getting Cut 25%


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
I'm in a briefing that says 25% of my pay will be gone because of Sequester.

Obama has all of his expenses paid for yet he thinks taking a 5% pay cut will make us happy.


They're telling us to cut out the TV, Cell-Phones, put our Debit card in a bucket of water.

Great advice. Good times.

I've been told all of my deductions will remain in effect yet they will cut 25% of my takehome pay.

If Obama and his fucken family can keep having parties he can afford to pay us.
Guess I could go back to mowing lawns.
Government workers & contractors are overpaid. Bush exploded government so now we have to cut the government fat. Be thankful you have a job & quit whining.


Government workers & contractors are overpaid. Bush exploded government so now we have to cut the government fat. Be thankful you have a job & quit whining.



So are a lot of other people, like autoworkers!
But tell me you wouldn't be bitching if it was a republican in office doing this and you had to take a cut in your pay.

It's really a laugh that Obama wants to make us think he's doing such a good thing and giving back a whole 5% of his pay. He doesn't need it anyway, us taxpayers pay his way. And they still take as many vacations as they ever did, still plays golf as much as possible, still has parties at the WH at our expense. He doesn't give a shit about your or me or anyone but HIM. It's really too bad so many people still think he's the great one and can do no wrong....
Government workers & contractors are overpaid. Bush exploded government so now we have to cut the government fat. Be thankful you have a job & quit whining.



So are a lot of other people, like autoworkers!
But tell me you wouldn't be bitching if it was a republican in office doing this and you had to take a cut in your pay.

It's really a laugh that Obama wants to make us think he's doing such a good thing and giving back a whole 5% of his pay. He doesn't need it anyway, us taxpayers pay his way. And they still take as many vacations as they ever did, still plays golf as much as possible, still has parties at the WH at our expense. He doesn't give a shit about your or me or anyone but HIM. It's really too bad so many people still think he's the great one and can do no wrong....

Why are you blaming only Obama, though? I believe that the Republican congress has something to do with this as well. Is Congress accepting lowered pay?
Government workers & contractors are overpaid. Bush exploded government so now we have to cut the government fat. Be thankful you have a job & quit whining.



Some governent workers get paid too much, and they're exemptb

They're called politicians.

Oh and go fuck yourself.
Government workers & contractors are overpaid. Bush exploded government so now we have to cut the government fat. Be thankful you have a job & quit whining.



So are a lot of other people, like autoworkers!
But tell me you wouldn't be bitching if it was a republican in office doing this and you had to take a cut in your pay.

It's really a laugh that Obama wants to make us think he's doing such a good thing and giving back a whole 5% of his pay. He doesn't need it anyway, us taxpayers pay his way. And they still take as many vacations as they ever did, still plays golf as much as possible, still has parties at the WH at our expense. He doesn't give a shit about your or me or anyone but HIM. It's really too bad so many people still think he's the great one and can do no wrong....

Why are you blaming only Obama, though? I believe that the Republican congress has something to do with this as well. Is Congress accepting lowered pay?

There is no Republican Congress because the houses are split.

Obama wanted this. It was unnessary. He ended the 4 year hiring freeze too. Just in time to furlough everyone. Makes sense.

I was in during the Carter and Reagan years. Lost my job when Reagan to over, but at least that mades sense. He took the oath and cut the fat. This is going right thru the meat and leaving the fat. It solves nothing. And yet Obama and the fam party on.
Government workers & contractors are overpaid. Bush exploded government so now we have to cut the government fat. Be thankful you have a job & quit whining.



So are a lot of other people, like autoworkers!
But tell me you wouldn't be bitching if it was a republican in office doing this and you had to take a cut in your pay.

It's really a laugh that Obama wants to make us think he's doing such a good thing and giving back a whole 5% of his pay. He doesn't need it anyway, us taxpayers pay his way. And they still take as many vacations as they ever did, still plays golf as much as possible, still has parties at the WH at our expense. He doesn't give a shit about your or me or anyone but HIM. It's really too bad so many people still think he's the great one and can do no wrong....

Bush's pay went up 100% over Clinton's pay! Bush never gave back any! Government pay exploded under the Republican congress & Bush administration. We need to cut all government employees pay & benefits by 50%.
mudwhistle said:
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I\'d love you to say that to me in person


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I will be right over, what's your address? Stop stealing my money! Stop crying & get a real job pussy!
Government workers & contractors are overpaid. Bush exploded government so now we have to cut the government fat. Be thankful you have a job & quit whining.



So are a lot of other people, like autoworkers!
But tell me you wouldn't be bitching if it was a republican in office doing this and you had to take a cut in your pay.

It's really a laugh that Obama wants to make us think he's doing such a good thing and giving back a whole 5% of his pay. He doesn't need it anyway, us taxpayers pay his way. And they still take as many vacations as they ever did, still plays golf as much as possible, still has parties at the WH at our expense. He doesn't give a shit about your or me or anyone but HIM. It's really too bad so many people still think he's the great one and can do no wrong....

Bush's pay went up 100% over Clinton's pay! Bush never gave back any! Government pay exploded under the Republican congress & Bush administration. We need to cut all government employees pay & benefits by 50%.

Including Military pay? They work for the Govt. My son is a Sgt in the Army....he grosses about $37,000.00 a year. He's been to Iraq 3 times. He's now in Psy Ops. HOW is that overpaid???
I'm in a briefing that says 25% of my pay will be gone because of Sequester.

Obama has all of his expenses paid for yet he thinks taking a 5% pay cut will make us happy.


They're telling us to cut out the TV, Cell-Phones, put our Debit card in a bucket of water.

Great advice. Good times.

I've been told all of my deductions will remain in effect yet they will cut 25% of my takehome pay.

If Obama and his fucken family can keep having parties he can afford to pay us.

^Typical right wing hypocrite who bitches about gov't spending until cutting it affects them.

Get a real job, you gov't teet sucker.

I'm in a briefing that says 25% of my pay will be gone because of Sequester.

Obama has all of his expenses paid for yet he thinks taking a 5% pay cut will make us happy.


They're telling us to cut out the TV, Cell-Phones, put our Debit card in a bucket of water.

Great advice. Good times.

I've been told all of my deductions will remain in effect yet they will cut 25% of my takehome pay.

If Obama and his fucken family can keep having parties he can afford to pay us.

Symbolism. Zoom. Over your head. He fucking volunteered to cut his own pay.
Blame the sequester on the fucking Republicans, holding the budget hostage, and insisting that social programs be cut, even more, while preserving tax cuts for the rich. What kind of freaking logic is that?
I give a good goddamn about whomever, "cutting your pay". You give a good goddamn about children and the elderly, who will suffer because of sequestration.

President Obama (and his family) are entitled to "parties", as every white president before him (and their families) were entitled to parties, that went on, despite the economic outlook of the country. And vacations. And state dinners. And retreats to Camp David. And golf. And doing the fuck whatever they please. It comes with the office. Get over it.
I'm in a briefing that says 25% of my pay will be gone because of Sequester.

Obama has all of his expenses paid for yet he thinks taking a 5% pay cut will make us happy.


They're telling us to cut out the TV, Cell-Phones, put our Debit card in a bucket of water.

Great advice. Good times.

I've been told all of my deductions will remain in effect yet they will cut 25% of my takehome pay.

If Obama and his fucken family can keep having parties he can afford to pay us.

Symbolism. Zoom. Over your head. He fucking volunteered to cut his own pay.
Blame the sequester on the fucking Republicans, holding the budget hostage, and insisting that social programs be cut, even more, while preserving tax cuts for the rich. What kind of freaking logic is that?
I give a good goddamn about whomever, "cutting your pay". You give a good goddamn about children and the elderly, who will suffer because of sequestration.

President Obama (and his family) are entitled to "parties", as every white president before him (and their families) were entitled to parties, that went on, despite the economic outlook of the country. And vacations. And state dinners. And retreats to Camp David. And golf. And doing the fuck whatever they please. It comes with the office. Get over it.

Obama is a public servant. Do you understand what "servant" means?

What comes with the office is service, not parties. Obama said he understood this before he became president. The reason you don't put a lazy piece of shit in the White House is because of the requirements of that position. Not only is it a position of heavy responsibility but it also is a position that provides for little or no time off. He understood that before he decided to run. It is a job I myself wouldn't want and frankly I don't think I'm remotely qualified for. It also requires humility. The awesome responsibility would humble anyone.

Being President requires a love of country that I don't think Obama possesses. The reasons are many and frankly quite obvious. This is why only a natural born U.S. citizen is eligible to serve as POTUS. He or she must establish residency in the United States for at least 14 years. I think they should move the residency requirement to at least 25 uninterrupted years myself to make sure some al Qaeda asshole doesn't buy his way in.

Another aspect of the position is the leadership aspect. He cannot continue to set poor examples and intentionally causing suffering of he subordinates without causing resentment. Personally I don't think he gives a flying fuck about his subordinates. That much is clear. Regardless how much the press tries to prop his worthless ass up he's still a inconsiderate self-centered narcissist who's only concern is his own political future. The country according to Obama can go fuck itself. By cutting off White House tours he proved he doesn't like all of those poor folks soiling what he now considers to be his own home. So spare me the bull shit. Mkay?
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I'm in a briefing that says 25% of my pay will be gone because of Sequester.

Obama has all of his expenses paid for yet he thinks taking a 5% pay cut will make us happy.


They're telling us to cut out the TV, Cell-Phones, put our Debit card in a bucket of water.

Great advice. Good times.

I've been told all of my deductions will remain in effect yet they will cut 25% of my takehome pay.

If Obama and his fucken family can keep having parties he can afford to pay us.

What's your problem with this?

You wanted government to cut spending.

They have.

You should be celebrating.


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