Obama Thinks A 5% Pay Cut Is Enough. My Pay Is Getting Cut 25%

Bitch, please. When have I ever said that. Hell, no, all whites don't think, look or act the same. Some white...oh, hell...many whites are decent, tolerant, clean, normal, God-fearing human beings. You wouldn't be one of those, is all. #scum.

Course not. Even your attempt to backtrack can't cover up your racism this morning. A racist usually don't feel they're being racist even when the flaws in their beliefs blow up in their faces and their bigotry becomes undeniable.

For the past 10 + years, people (and I use the term "loosely") like you have labeled me "racist", and I have continually fought against the perception, because I wasn't raised to hate white people, only to encounter racism from them in numerous incidents throughout my life. Still, I have managed to make many white friends, and many of them have expressed love and affection for me, throughout the years. I have a slew of bi-racial cousins, whose white parent I am close to. So, I do not buy the label of racist, because I don't believe one race is exceptional or preferred to another, the very definition of racism.
I dislike/hate folks who dislike/hate me, naturally. So please, tell me how that translates to racism or hate for white people, or anyone, for that matter?

Just cuz you know a few whites and treat them decent it doesn't mean every time you call someone a white bitch you aren't a racist.

Did I call you a fucken ******?

No I did not.

So what makes you think calling someone a white bitch isn't racist?????
I'm in a briefing that says 25% of my pay will be gone because of Sequester.

Obama has all of his expenses paid for yet he thinks taking a 5% pay cut will make us happy.


They're telling us to cut out the TV, Cell-Phones, put our Debit card in a bucket of water.

Great advice. Good times.

I've been told all of my deductions will remain in effect yet they will cut 25% of my takehome pay.

If Obama and his fucken family can keep having parties he can afford to pay us.

link or it didn't happen muddy
BTW, I know where you got that white privilege bull shit from poet.

If I ever see that oily-sacked fartstump Chris Matthews in person I'm gonna kick his nuts up into his throat.
I'm in a briefing that says 25% of my pay will be gone because of Sequester.

Obama has all of his expenses paid for yet he thinks taking a 5% pay cut will make us happy.


They're telling us to cut out the TV, Cell-Phones, put our Debit card in a bucket of water.

Great advice. Good times.

I've been told all of my deductions will remain in effect yet they will cut 25% of my takehome pay.

If Obama and his fucken family can keep having parties he can afford to pay us.

That's "capitalism". You should be happy. I don't get the "beef". Isn't this right wing policy to the core?

Not really since it was Obama's idea and the rightwingers wanted to cut entitlements not wages.

If you can't understand the difference then why don't you go back to the rock you just crawled out from under.
Lost my job when Reagan to over, but at least that mades sense. He took the oath and cut the fat.

You're a rightwinger who's been "the fat" for 30 years and laments spending cuts? The stereotypes are all inverting themselves. :confused:

For 30 years

While I was humping in the bush and doing patrols your lilly white ass was living in the land of the big PX.

FUCK YOU you crusty-knuckled baconjockey.

I'd love it if you brave men would say that kind of shit to my face. It would be fun. Funny how nobody's ever stupid enough to do so.

Oh my, another internet warrior. You think you are the only one with a dd214? You make yourself look like a fool.
You're a rightwinger who's been "the fat" for 30 years and laments spending cuts? The stereotypes are all inverting themselves. :confused:

For 30 years

While I was humping in the bush and doing patrols your lilly white ass was living in the land of the big PX.

FUCK YOU you crusty-knuckled baconjockey.

I'd love it if you brave men would say that kind of shit to my face. It would be fun. Funny how nobody's ever stupid enough to do so.

Oh my, another internet warrior. You think you are the only one with a dd214? You make yourself look like a fool.

At least you know what one is.........I'm sure he has to Google it.
You're a rightwinger who's been "the fat" for 30 years and laments spending cuts? The stereotypes are all inverting themselves. :confused:

For 30 years

While I was humping in the bush and doing patrols your lilly white ass was living in the land of the big PX.

FUCK YOU you crusty-knuckled baconjockey.

I'd love it if you brave men would say that kind of shit to my face. It would be fun. Funny how nobody's ever stupid enough to do so.

Oh my, another internet warrior. You think you are the only one with a dd214? You make yourself look like a fool.

yep. he's w/ the fightin 101st keyboard warrior division lol
For 30 years

While I was humping in the bush and doing patrols your lilly white ass was living in the land of the big PX.

FUCK YOU you crusty-knuckled baconjockey.

I'd love it if you brave men would say that kind of shit to my face. It would be fun. Funny how nobody's ever stupid enough to do so.

Oh my, another internet warrior. You think you are the only one with a dd214? You make yourself look like a fool.

yep. he's w/ the fightin 101st keyboard warrior division lol

My unit crest is in my sig.

Guess what it means without using Bing or Google.
I still don't see where you get off criticizing me when you're sitting at home fuckung off.
I realize you don't understand it because you've probably always had specific hours you had to work so you can't fathom beyond what you've experienced. Again = I don't have a certain time I am required to be working.

You are paid to be on the clock from time x to time y. When you spend all day posting on the internet while complaining that your government job is cutting hours it kind of rings hollow.

At least I'm doing something productive like providing heat and air-conditioning for government facilities. And I know of no job that pays for you to hike in fucken Tiawan.
I'm sure you are doing something productive, at least when you aren't slinging 20 posts a day to this message board during your designated work hours.

I didn't say I was getting paid to hike in Taiwan. I was trying (unsuccessfully apparently) that I might go hiking today instead of working all day, put next weak might be overseas working longer hours. It all evens out, and I'm judged on what gets done not whether I am physically doing work at 9:30 am versus 9:30 pm.

However when I was in the military 15 hour days would be considered an easy day when I was a miltary advisor/trainer in various foreign countries. So spare me the lecture dirtbag.
I'm not sure the relevance of this.

We are talking about your situation right now. You goof off all day on my taxpayer dollars, then whine about work hours getting cut. You are a good example of government waste.
I'd love it if you brave men would say that kind of shit to my face. It would be fun. Funny how nobody's ever stupid enough to do so.
lol x 10

"Say that shit to my face" come on are you seriously over 17 years old and typing that on a keyboard? Aren't you like in your 50s?

No wonder stuck in low wage jobs changing out worn belts, you are a complete tool.
Government workers & contractors are overpaid. Bush exploded government so now we have to cut the government fat. Be thankful you have a job & quit whining.



So are a lot of other people, like autoworkers!
But tell me you wouldn't be bitching if it was a republican in office doing this and you had to take a cut in your pay.

It's really a laugh that Obama wants to make us think he's doing such a good thing and giving back a whole 5% of his pay. He doesn't need it anyway, us taxpayers pay his way. And they still take as many vacations as they ever did, still plays golf as much as possible, still has parties at the WH at our expense. He doesn't give a shit about your or me or anyone but HIM. It's really too bad so many people still think he's the great one and can do no wrong....

If Obama was as bad as his detractors said, you'd think they would be happy that he vacationed all the time to do less damage to the country.
Government workers & contractors are overpaid. Bush exploded government so now we have to cut the government fat. Be thankful you have a job & quit whining.



So are a lot of other people, like autoworkers!
But tell me you wouldn't be bitching if it was a republican in office doing this and you had to take a cut in your pay.

It's really a laugh that Obama wants to make us think he's doing such a good thing and giving back a whole 5% of his pay. He doesn't need it anyway, us taxpayers pay his way. And they still take as many vacations as they ever did, still plays golf as much as possible, still has parties at the WH at our expense. He doesn't give a shit about your or me or anyone but HIM. It's really too bad so many people still think he's the great one and can do no wrong....

If Obama was as bad as his detractors said, you'd think they would be happy that he vacationed all the time to do less damage to the country.

That's why I don't mind him or Congress on vacation.
Government workers & contractors are overpaid. Bush exploded government so now we have to cut the government fat. Be thankful you have a job & quit whining.



Hey sunshine...The president does NOT set government worker pay rates.
Cut the bullshit.
Government workers & contractors are overpaid. Bush exploded government so now we have to cut the government fat. Be thankful you have a job & quit whining.



So are a lot of other people, like autoworkers!
But tell me you wouldn't be bitching if it was a republican in office doing this and you had to take a cut in your pay.

It's really a laugh that Obama wants to make us think he's doing such a good thing and giving back a whole 5% of his pay. He doesn't need it anyway, us taxpayers pay his way. And they still take as many vacations as they ever did, still plays golf as much as possible, still has parties at the WH at our expense. He doesn't give a shit about your or me or anyone but HIM. It's really too bad so many people still think he's the great one and can do no wrong....

Why are you blaming only Obama, though? I believe that the Republican congress has something to do with this as well. Is Congress accepting lowered pay?

Not blame...Leadership..Or lack thereof.
Stop whining.
Okay Mr Rich fuckwad.
I never said I was rich. I just said not everyone has a low paying set hours job like you, which is true.

Yup and apparently you "choose" to take 20 breaks thru the entire workday to post on the internet. Work ethic indeed.

Congrats and thanks for your service. I was Air Force.

Hope your boss doesn't find out what you've been doing the last 3 hours. He might not approve.
I am at home. I don't have set hours and am not accountable for set hours. I might take the rest of today off to go hiking, and might spend all next week working 15 hours/day in Taiwan.

You however are a government worker with set hours who spends all day posting on the internet then complains about spending cuts impacting his department. Ironic.

Actually I don't spend all day on the internet. So much for the hyperbole.

I still don't see where you get off criticizing me when you're sitting at home fuckung off. At least I'm doing something productive like providing heat and air-conditioning for government facilities. And I know of no job that pays for you to hike in fucken Tiawan. However when I was in the military 15 hour days would be considered an easy day when I was a miltary advisor/trainer in various foreign countries. So spare me the lecture dirtbag.

No insults from me. Just a question. How can a government worker be a republican? They'd love to get rid of govt. workers. If you read this forum, the general impression of govt. workers is that they are doing badly a job that doesn't need doing in the first place. If you do AC maintenance, they would say those freeloaders don't deserve a/c much less a job, and they would love to see more govt. work sent to the private sector. Romney set the tone during debates when he said he would even fire Big Bird.
Government workers & contractors are overpaid. Bush exploded government so now we have to cut the government fat. Be thankful you have a job & quit whining.



So are a lot of other people, like autoworkers!
But tell me you wouldn't be bitching if it was a republican in office doing this and you had to take a cut in your pay.

It's really a laugh that Obama wants to make us think he's doing such a good thing and giving back a whole 5% of his pay. He doesn't need it anyway, us taxpayers pay his way. And they still take as many vacations as they ever did, still plays golf as much as possible, still has parties at the WH at our expense. He doesn't give a shit about your or me or anyone but HIM. It's really too bad so many people still think he's the great one and can do no wrong....

Bush's pay went up 100% over Clinton's pay! Bush never gave back any! Government pay exploded under the Republican congress & Bush administration. We need to cut all government employees pay & benefits by 50%.
Congress is required by Article I, Section 6, of the Constitution to determine its own pay. However, Congress no longer sets salaries for federal officials each year.

Currently, salaries are set by the 1989 Ethics Reform Act, which provides an annual salary adjustment for both White House executives and members of the Senate and the House of Representatives (103 Stat. 1716, at 1769).

Adjustments are based on the percent of change in the private sector wages and salaries element of the Employment Cost Index (ECI) minus 0.5%. They are to go into effect at the same time as, and at a rate no greater than, the basic pay rate adjustments for the General Schedule (GS). GS rates are set by the President.
Pay rates for rank and file government workers are set by scale with yearly COLA's.

Your heart is in the right place. Your pathway is pure partisanship.
I never said I was rich. I just said not everyone has a low paying set hours job like you, which is true.

Yup and apparently you "choose" to take 20 breaks thru the entire workday to post on the internet. Work ethic indeed.

Congrats and thanks for your service. I was Air Force.

I am at home. I don't have set hours and am not accountable for set hours. I might take the rest of today off to go hiking, and might spend all next week working 15 hours/day in Taiwan.

You however are a government worker with set hours who spends all day posting on the internet then complains about spending cuts impacting his department. Ironic.

Actually I don't spend all day on the internet. So much for the hyperbole.

I still don't see where you get off criticizing me when you're sitting at home fuckung off. At least I'm doing something productive like providing heat and air-conditioning for government facilities. And I know of no job that pays for you to hike in fucken Tiawan. However when I was in the military 15 hour days would be considered an easy day when I was a miltary advisor/trainer in various foreign countries. So spare me the lecture dirtbag.

No insults from me. Just a question. How can a government worker be a republican? They'd love to get rid of govt. workers. If you read this forum, the general impression of govt. workers is that they are doing badly a job that doesn't need doing in the first place. If you do AC maintenance, they would say those freeloaders don't deserve a/c much less a job, and they would love to see more govt. work sent to the private sector. Romney set the tone during debates when he said he would even fire Big Bird.

The things that bug me about federal workers is they are overpaid and there are too many of them.

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