Obama Thinks He's The Most Respected Leader On Earth

W allowed 9/11, caused the 2 stupidest and longest wars and the SECOND corrupt Pub World Depression, Obama's had 6 years of growth despite pure Pub obstruction and disfunction and returned us to world respect, and he's the disaster? Ay caramba, functional morons. Change the channel.

Growth? Dude, despite TRILLIONS spent on stimulus and nonstop quantitative easing by the Fed for six straight years the only "growth" that we've seen is the bank accounts of the wealthy who have thrived in the stock market bubble.

Here's a simple question for you, Franco...

Tell us all what Barack Obama's plan is to grow the economy! Tell us all what it's been for the past four years!

You can't because other than some vague calls of "infrastructure" spending...Barry hasn't had a plan to grow the economy since Larry Summers left WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back in his first term!
The answer to "Tell us all what Barack Obama's plan is to grow the economy! Tell us all what it's been for the past four years!" is show us how each party has tried to work with the other.
The answer to "Tell us all what Barack Obama's plan is to grow the economy! Tell us all what it's been for the past four years!" is show us how each party has tried to work with the other.

For God's sake, Jake...there has always been opposition parties! Reagan co-existed with Tip O'Neil. Clinton compromised with Newt Gingrich. Why does Barack Obama get a pass because the other party doesn't agree with his policies? When he first took office he had huge Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate and he STILL couldn't pass good policy! He couldn't work with his OWN party at that point!!!
Tell me what economic plan Barack Obama has had to grow the economy for the past four years that the GOP has blocked? I bet you can't even tell me who Obama's Chief Economic Adviser "IS" now! You know why that is? Because this Administration doesn't HAVE an economic strategy to grow the economy...hasn't had a real one in years...and has given up even trying to pretend that they do!
Tell me what economic plan Barack Obama has had to grow the economy for the past four years that the GOP has blocked? I bet you can't even tell me who Obama's Chief Economic Adviser "IS" now! You know why that is? Because this Administration doesn't HAVE an economic strategy to grow the economy...hasn't had a real one in years...and has given up even trying to pretend that they do!

American Jobs Act - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

  1. Cutting and suspending $245 billion worth of payroll taxes for qualifying employers and 160 million medium to low income employees.
  2. Spending $62 billion for a Pathways Back to Work Program for expanding opportunities for low-income youth and adults.
  3. $49 billion - Extending unemployment benefits for up to 6 million long-term beneficiaries.
  4. $8 billion - Jobs tax credit for the long term unemployed.
  5. $5 billion - Pathways back to work fund.[15]
  6. Spending $50 billion on both new & pre-existing infrastructure projects.
  7. Spending $35 billion in additional funding to protect the jobs of teachers, police officers, and firefighters
  8. Spending $30 billion to modernize at least 35,000 public schools and community colleges.
  9. Spending $15 billion on a program that would hire construction workers to help rehabilitate and refurbishing hundreds of thousands of foreclosed homes and businesses.
  10. Creating the National Infrastructure Bank (capitalized with $10 billion), originally proposed in 2007, to help fund infrastructure via private and public capital.
  11. Creating a nationwide, interoperable wireless network for public safety, while expanding accessibility to high-speed wireless services.
  12. Prohibiting discrimination in hiring against persons who are unemployed because of their status as unemployed persons..
  13. Loosening regulations on small businesses that wish to raise capital, including through crowdfunding, while retaining investor protections.
In total the legislation includes $253 billion in tax credits (56.6%) and $194 billion in spending and extension of unemployment benefits (43.4%).
Come on, Winger...what Obama proposed back then wasn't even something he could sell to Democrats! He went through the motions of pretending to have an economic plan...but all he really did was propose a watered down "re-do" of the Obama Stimulus that had failed so miserably they had to invent a new economic statistic..."jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was. He couldn't even get Harry Reid to support his proposal and bring it to a vote.
If the DOW drops 10,000 points today it will still be higher than it was when Gomer left office. You want to grow the economy? Higher wages does that. Consumers create jobs.
Obama is the Global Equivalent of the "popular" girl in high school who put out for all the boys.
If the DOW drops 10,000 points today it will still be higher than it was when Gomer left office. You want to grow the economy? Higher wages does that. Consumers create jobs.

You never took economics or business theory in college...did you, August? What creates jobs is an anticipation of profit. You want to grow the economy? Convince people with capital...that if they take a risk and invest in new business or expand an existing one...that they'll be able to turn a profit from doing so and not have that profit taken away by either taxes or overly burdensome governmental regulations.
If the DOW drops 10,000 points today it will still be higher than it was when Gomer left office. You want to grow the economy? Higher wages does that. Consumers create jobs.

You never took economics or business theory in college...did you, August? What creates jobs is an anticipation of profit. You want to grow the economy? Convince people with capital...that if they take a risk and invest in new business or expand an existing one...that they'll be able to turn a profit from doing so and not have that profit taken away by either taxes or overly burdensome governmental regulations.
Total bullshit. Someone is going to open a factory with no demand for the product? Funny.
And the Dow is where it is today because of Fed monetary policy. We've had six straight years of quantitative easing. Every time someone at the Fed even hints at weaning the economy off low interest rates the stock market reacts with a severe contraction. That tells me that your DOW is nothing more than a house of cards that could collapse at any moment.
If the DOW drops 10,000 points today it will still be higher than it was when Gomer left office. You want to grow the economy? Higher wages does that. Consumers create jobs.

You never took economics or business theory in college...did you, August? What creates jobs is an anticipation of profit. You want to grow the economy? Convince people with capital...that if they take a risk and invest in new business or expand an existing one...that they'll be able to turn a profit from doing so and not have that profit taken away by either taxes or overly burdensome governmental regulations.
Total bullshit. Someone is going to open a factory with no demand for the product? Funny.

You think someone is going to open a factory with no expectation of profit? HILARIOUS!!!
You're the typical progressive, August...you have no clue how business is created...and you end up scratching your heads trying to figure out why people with capital won't go along with your "notions".
The answer to "Tell us all what Barack Obama's plan is to grow the economy! Tell us all what it's been for the past four years!" is show us how each party has tried to work with the other.

For God's sake, Jake...there has always been opposition parties! Reagan co-existed with Tip O'Neil. Clinton compromised with Newt Gingrich. Why does Barack Obama get a pass because the other party doesn't agree with his policies? When he first took office he had huge Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate and he STILL couldn't pass good policy! He couldn't work with his OWN party at that point!!!

Be in context, please. He was trying to work with the GOP, who was back stabbing all the way, and his own blue dog Democrats. If he slammed the program through, which he eventually did, which was the point for the GOP, we get to say, "He did not work with us," which was a fucking lie.

Show me where our GOP really tried to work with him.
If the DOW drops 10,000 points today it will still be higher than it was when Gomer left office. You want to grow the economy? Higher wages does that. Consumers create jobs.
The far right neo-econs talk about economy growers when all they mean is capital wealth for the 1%.
If the DOW drops 10,000 points today it will still be higher than it was when Gomer left office. You want to grow the economy? Higher wages does that. Consumers create jobs.

You never took economics or business theory in college...did you, August? What creates jobs is an anticipation of profit. You want to grow the economy? Convince people with capital...that if they take a risk and invest in new business or expand an existing one...that they'll be able to turn a profit from doing so and not have that profit taken away by either taxes or overly burdensome governmental regulations.
Total bullshit. Someone is going to open a factory with no demand for the product? Funny.

You think someone is going to open a factory with no expectation of profit? HILARIOUS!!!
Too stupid. Apparently you do. Consumers create jobs and wealth in a healthy economy.
the only ones who respects that man seems to be here on this board.

We can call them. paid Obot/goons who goes around posting the same ole shit over and over and over about HOW amazing he's suppose to be and just HOW wrong, we the people who voted his party out of control of Congress after his Reign of terror over us for just SIX years. how wrong we are...

pfeeeesh. sickos

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