Obama Thinks He's The Most Respected Leader On Earth

I used to think Barry did what he did because he hated America, and I still think that, and I think he knows what he's doing. It's his intention to tear down America because he hates it. He and his buffalo ass, tranny, food nazi wife.

But now, NOW, I think he thinks he's MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE and KING OF ALL and EVERYONE LOVES HIM BECAUSE.... well... BECAUSE HE IS... now I think the dick wad is fucking DELUSIONAL as well. Talk about visions of grandeur, talk about narcissism, talk about being a megalomaniac, talk about being a psychotic egotist, that's Bathe House Barry. That nasty dick-slap is out of his mind.

He is the worst president in history, and will probably hold that spot for centuries to come.
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I used to think Barry did what he did because he hated America, and I still think that, and I think he knows what he's doing. It's his intention to tear down America because he hates it. He and his buffalo ass, tranny, food nazi wife.

But now, NOW, I think he thinks he's MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE and KING OF ALL and EVERYONE LOVES HIM BECAUSE.... well... BECAUSE HE IS... now I think the dick wad is fucking DELUSIONAL as well.

He is the worst president in history, and will probably hold that spot for centuries to come.
You are right where you should be on this Board: utternng absolute filth.

Where did BHO say any of your nonsense. Where did he imply any of your nonsense.

I used to think Barry did what he did because he hated America, and I still think that, and I think he knows what he's doing. It's his intention to tear down America because he hates it. He and his buffalo ass, tranny, food nazi wife.

But now, NOW, I think he thinks he's MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE and KING OF ALL and EVERYONE LOVES HIM BECAUSE.... well... BECAUSE HE IS... now I think the dick wad is fucking DELUSIONAL as well.

He is the worst president in history, and will probably hold that spot for centuries to come.
You are right where you should be on this Board: utternng absolute filth.

Where did BHO say any of your nonsense. Where did he imply any of your nonsense.

Go suck some more cock you little retarded faggot.

I don't live in some foggy, made up world full of pussies like you, puss ball. Everything I said about obama is true, so deal with it, you skanky little prog weirdo.
I used to think Barry did what he did because he hated America, and I still think that, and I think he knows what he's doing. It's his intention to tear down America because he hates it. He and his buffalo ass, tranny, food nazi wife.

But now, NOW, I think he thinks he's MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE and KING OF ALL and EVERYONE LOVES HIM BECAUSE.... well... BECAUSE HE IS... now I think the dick wad is fucking DELUSIONAL as well.

He is the worst president in history, and will probably hold that spot for centuries to come.
You are right where you should be on this Board: utternng absolute filth.

Where did BHO say any of your nonsense. Where did he imply any of your nonsense.

Go suck some more cock you little retarded faggot.

I don't live in some foggy, made up world full of pussies like you, puss ball. Everything I said about obama is true, so deal with it, you skanky little prog weirdo.

You live in a medicated fog, and that you hate and can't think is obvious.

Now give us examples of your assertion, or go take some more meds.
I used to think Barry did what he did because he hated America, and I still think that, and I think he knows what he's doing. It's his intention to tear down America because he hates it. He and his buffalo ass, tranny, food nazi wife.

But now, NOW, I think he thinks he's MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE and KING OF ALL and EVERYONE LOVES HIM BECAUSE.... well... BECAUSE HE IS... now I think the dick wad is fucking DELUSIONAL as well.

He is the worst president in history, and will probably hold that spot for centuries to come.
You are right where you should be on this Board: utternng absolute filth.

Where did BHO say any of your nonsense. Where did he imply any of your nonsense.

Go suck some more cock you little retarded faggot.

I don't live in some foggy, made up world full of pussies like you, puss ball. Everything I said about obama is true, so deal with it, you skanky little prog weirdo.

You live in a medicated fog, and that you hate and can't think is obvious.

Now give us examples of your assertion, or go take some more meds.
I hate little lying, two faced, progtard hypocrites like you, jerk off.

Now who is this "us" you're referring to? Got a turd in your pocket, boy?

Go fuck yourself.
I used to think Barry did what he did because he hated America, and I still think that, and I think he knows what he's doing. It's his intention to tear down America because he hates it. He and his buffalo ass, tranny, food nazi wife.

But now, NOW, I think he thinks he's MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE and KING OF ALL and EVERYONE LOVES HIM BECAUSE.... well... BECAUSE HE IS... now I think the dick wad is fucking DELUSIONAL as well.

He is the worst president in history, and will probably hold that spot for centuries to come.
You are right where you should be on this Board: utternng absolute filth.

Where did BHO say any of your nonsense. Where did he imply any of your nonsense.

Go suck some more cock you little retarded faggot.

I don't live in some foggy, made up world full of pussies like you, puss ball. Everything I said about obama is true, so deal with it, you skanky little prog weirdo.

You live in a medicated fog, and that you hate and can't think is obvious.

Now give us examples of your assertion, or go take some more meds.
I hate little lying, two faced, progtard hypocrites like you, jerk off.

Now who is this "us" you're referring to? Got a turd in your pocket, boy?

Go fuck yourself.
Can't take with you dish, creepy guy? Yep, you are where you belong. BHO is a poor president, but you are not worthy to lick his feet.
I would love to hear a list of world leaders the OP respects and why....
OP- Polls say he's right. Sorry about your luck, racist ugly American hater dupe. lol

He didn't word it exactly that way, but this is what he meant. Yesterday he said America, and thus himself, is the most respected country in the world. He's basically saying that just because he, Barack H. Obama, is president of the United States, we are the most respected country in the world.

Obama I ve Restored the US as the Most Respected Country in the World - Breitbart

So many of our former allies have written us off because this dick is our president. His Camp David summit a couple of weeks ago fell apart because more than half of the expected participants wouldn't show. He's snubbed our allies and sucked up to our enemies.....so he feels that the damage Bush supposedly did has been repaired and now everyone respects us.

This guy is so out of touch it's breathtaking.

FIFA may be almost as corrupt and hated as the administration that made several of it's officials do the perp-walk in Switzerland last week. I'm sure that made foreign countries just love us.

Almost as breathtaking as when the NYT David Brooks said that the Obama Administration was absolutely scandal-free. I wonder if these people really feel that anyone believes this nonsense. Well.....maybe someone who doesn't speak English does......like a million new illegals ready to get the go ahead to vote in our next election.

David Brooks Obama Has Run An Amazingly Scandal-Free Administration

I believe that FIFA is more respected than America today, but I don't think FIFA is well liked either.

If you want to know why America is not respected today you simply need to look at the Iran Nuclear deal.

You have to understand that Barack Obama has spent an entire lifetime pretending to be what he's not. It really shouldn't surprise anyone that he's now pretending that he's a well respected leader...IT'S WHAT HE DOES!

Yup and he thinks world leaders respect him as a world leader?? Highly doubtful, in fact I think they see him as the jackass he is and a many who never should have been elected POTUS.

How right they are.
You're the kind of person who Christ himself could run as a Democrat, and you'd still make it your mission to make him a one term President before he
Well duh....it is pretty obvious to everyone that Obama is the worst President we ever had. We all knew it before he was ever elected by the stupid low information crowd. Hopefully he will be the last liberal black elected to that Office. A total failure and 8 years of our history wasted.
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Have you people given any thought to having a life and quit being so damn envious of a man who is so much better than you in every conceivable way? I know, it isn`t going to happen.
Obama is delusional.

Yesterday he claimed to be the closest thing to being a Jew that ever occupied the Oval Office.

Well, since he's really a closet Muslim he probably is.....since everyone in his family is Muslim and Muslims are related to Jews or the religion is from the same region.

Course the problem with Obama is because he's a closet Muslim (a fact that if revealed before he ran for President would have assured his defeat) he hates Jews with a passion. That was the friggen point. His hatred for Jews is a serious issue when dealing with foreign relations with Israel. Hatred for a strong ally doesn't endear himself in their eyes. As a matter of fact, most foreign countries have written the two-face SOB off as a serious partner in world events because of his childish attitude toward them.

Obama I m The Closest Thing to a Jew to Ever Be President
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Our beloved Pres. Obama's dislike of the apartheid state of Israel and its fascist leaders is his only redeeming quality. ....... :cool:
The far right has spent these two terms putting their twisted ideology before the good of the country.

You know what's really sad, Jake? That you can look at the total lack of leadership that's come from this President and somehow blame it on the "far right"!

Barack Obama doesn't have a plan to grow the economy and hasn't had one for over four YEARS now!

His foreign policy is so confused and wishy washy that it has our allies distrusting us and our enemies viewing us as weak.

He's subverted the Constitutional authority of Congress so many times with Executive Actions that the House and Senate might as well not exist.

Then as the cherry on the top of all that...he's managed to be the most divisive President on racial issues in a long long time!
He's a real poophead!

He has to be another paid tool/goon for the DNC. my gawd for someone who claimed they were a responsible Republican. He's kissed Obama's ass clean. icky and stinkie
Our beloved Pres. Obama's dislike of the apartheid state of Israel and its fascist leaders is his only redeeming quality. ....... :cool:
And the tip of the iceberg to his general attitude toward every world leader outside of Castro and other enemies of the state.
Have you people given any thought to having a life and quit being so damn envious of a man who is so much better than you in every conceivable way? I know, it isn`t going to happen.

You're one of the "true believers", August...

If Barry's only accomplishment each day was to walk out on the White House lawn...drop his trousers and take a giant dump...you'd laud him for his "fertilization policies"!

The man has been clueless from the day he first sat behind that desk in the Oval Office. You just won't admit it because you voted for him twice and don't want to admit that you got conned.
WHOA. did you all KNOW your DEAR President was so much BETTER and above all you?

for sure isn't that the REASON we elect one. to go around acting like their shit doesn't stink. the mans a frikken FAILURE and the PEOPLE said so...

in two HISTORIC midterm elections where his party lost the MOST seats at ANY time and CONGRESS too...... under a Democrat President

But but but.
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So many examples of totally misinformed 80% chance racist hater dupes. 20% of the US CAN be totally out of their minds. Powerless Dems in 2007 caused the meltdown in a couple months? Obama's a muslim? Absolutely nuts...the world's laughingstock and horror....
W allowed 9/11, caused the 2 stupidest and longest wars and the SECOND corrupt Pub World Depression, Obama's had 6 years of growth despite pure Pub obstruction and disfunction and returned us to world respect, and he's the disaster? Ay caramba, functional morons. Change the channel.

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