Obama Thinks He's The Most Respected Leader On Earth

The answer to "Tell us all what Barack Obama's plan is to grow the economy! Tell us all what it's been for the past four years!" is show us how each party has tried to work with the other.

For God's sake, Jake...there has always been opposition parties! Reagan co-existed with Tip O'Neil. Clinton compromised with Newt Gingrich. Why does Barack Obama get a pass because the other party doesn't agree with his policies? When he first took office he had huge Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate and he STILL couldn't pass good policy! He couldn't work with his OWN party at that point!!!

Be in context, please. He was trying to work with the GOP, who was back stabbing all the way, and his own blue dog Democrats. If he slammed the program through, which he eventually did, which was the point for the GOP, we get to say, "He did not work with us," which was a fucking lie.

Show me where our GOP really tried to work with him.

You really don't get the concept of what compromise consists of...do you Jake? I'm not surprised quite frankly because you're an Obama supporter. When Barack Obama took office he held that meeting at the White House with GOP leaders, informed them that "I won" and then basically told them to go wait in the hall while Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi passed legislation with their Democratic majorities. He didn't work with Republicans in any way shape or form at the beginning of his Presidency because like the unskilled politician that he is, Obama didn't grasp that the American electorate wasn't even close to being as liberal as he assumed they were and that his Democratic majorities could disappear as soon as the 2010 midterms.

So what happened? The Republicans gave the Democrats a "shellacking" (to use Obama's description!) and then Barry HAD to get GOP support in order to make anything happen but after two years of blaming everything that was wrong on the GOP and not listening to anything they had to say...GEE, whiz...the GOP didn't want anything to do with his "vision" for the country. It's what happens when you kick someone who's down and then they regain power. Savvy politicians understand that concept...neophytes like Barack Obama don't!
If the DOW drops 10,000 points today it will still be higher than it was when Gomer left office. You want to grow the economy? Higher wages does that. Consumers create jobs.

You never took economics or business theory in college...did you, August? What creates jobs is an anticipation of profit. You want to grow the economy? Convince people with capital...that if they take a risk and invest in new business or expand an existing one...that they'll be able to turn a profit from doing so and not have that profit taken away by either taxes or overly burdensome governmental regulations.
Total bullshit. Someone is going to open a factory with no demand for the product? Funny.

You think someone is going to open a factory with no expectation of profit? HILARIOUS!!!
Too stupid. Apparently you do. Consumers create jobs and wealth in a healthy economy.

It takes capital to create jobs, Sparky and you only get that if the people who have it think they can make a profit if they risk it. No anticipation of profit...no risk of capital...no jobs. But you don't understand economics or business.
You guys, particularly Oldstyle, don't get it at all. All you see are dollars. The American economy to run well requires well paid consumers to buy good products made by well paid workers. Labor always precedes capital. Civilization relies on a loaf of bread not a dollar bill.
W allowed 9/11, caused the 2 stupidest and longest wars and the SECOND corrupt Pub World Depression, Obama's had 6 years of growth despite pure Pub obstruction and disfunction and returned us to world respect, and he's the disaster? Ay caramba, functional morons. Change the channel.

Growth? Dude, despite TRILLIONS spent on stimulus and nonstop quantitative easing by the Fed for six straight years the only "growth" that we've seen is the bank accounts of the wealthy who have thrived in the stock market bubble.

Here's a simple question for you, Franco...

Tell us all what Barack Obama's plan is to grow the economy! Tell us all what it's been for the past four years!

You can't because other than some vague calls of "infrastructure" spending...Barry hasn't had a plan to grow the economy since Larry Summers left WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back in his first term!
Considering mindless Pub obstruction since Feb 2010 and so our continuing Reaganist policy and tax rates, his policy is to let our wonderful country and workers do it, WITHOUT another ridiculous, corrupt Pub bubble. All the new wealth going to the richest won't change until Pub policies are. On the other hand ACA is helping the nonrich and will do more when Pubs have to cooperate, and DOES tax the rich some more...

"Vague" calls, you functionally stupid misinformed dingbat? Ay caramba...
If the DOW drops 10,000 points today it will still be higher than it was when Gomer left office. You want to grow the economy? Higher wages does that. Consumers create jobs.

You never took economics or business theory in college...did you, August? What creates jobs is an anticipation of profit. You want to grow the economy? Convince people with capital...that if they take a risk and invest in new business or expand an existing one...that they'll be able to turn a profit from doing so and not have that profit taken away by either taxes or overly burdensome governmental regulations.
That might have worked once- actually it was Reagan's defense deficit spending bs- NOW any fool can tell we need consumers with money to spend, ie paying workers fairly, brainwashed tool of the greedy idiot rich GOP.
You guys, particularly Oldstyle, don't get it at all. All you see are dollars. The American economy to run well requires well paid consumers to buy good products made by well paid workers. Labor always precedes capital. Civilization relies on a loaf of bread not a dollar bill.

And how is it that these "well paid consumers" magically appear? Labor does not precede capital because you need capital to PAY for labor! Try finding a bunch of people that are willing to come work for you wYou need capital to pay for everything long before a profit is ever realized!
You guys, particularly Oldstyle, don't get it at all. All you see are dollars. The American economy to run well requires well paid consumers to buy good products made by well paid workers. Labor always precedes capital. Civilization relies on a loaf of bread not a dollar bill.

If labor always precedes capital then or course I don't have to pay my employees until I've turned a profit...correct? Oh, wait...by law I have to pay my employees first whether I make a profit or not! I have to take money out of my pocket as an owner of a business and pay my employees with the anticipation that I will turn a profit on the goods or services that those employees have produced.
What you have to do and what you do is not the same thing. You and I both know businesses and owners who made sure they got theirs while their workers did not get their checks.

Your false analogy reveals your shallowness in arguing.

Someone was touring a Ford plant where the latest robotics were demonstrated in production, and the company officials could not answer the questions, "How many of those robots buy your products?"
W allowed 9/11, caused the 2 stupidest and longest wars and the SECOND corrupt Pub World Depression, Obama's had 6 years of growth despite pure Pub obstruction and disfunction and returned us to world respect, and he's the disaster? Ay caramba, functional morons. Change the channel.

Growth? Dude, despite TRILLIONS spent on stimulus and nonstop quantitative easing by the Fed for six straight years the only "growth" that we've seen is the bank accounts of the wealthy who have thrived in the stock market bubble.

Here's a simple question for you, Franco...

Tell us all what Barack Obama's plan is to grow the economy! Tell us all what it's been for the past four years!

You can't because other than some vague calls of "infrastructure" spending...Barry hasn't had a plan to grow the economy since Larry Summers left WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back in his first term!
Considering mindless Pub obstruction since Feb 2010 and so our continuing Reaganist policy and tax rates, his policy is to let our wonderful country and workers do it, WITHOUT another ridiculous, corrupt Pub bubble. All the new wealth going to the richest won't change until Pub policies are. On the other hand ACA is helping the nonrich and will do more when Pubs have to cooperate, and DOES tax the rich some more...

"Vague" calls, you functionally stupid misinformed dingbat? Ay caramba...

All the money is going to the wealthy because of the total lack of a plan to stimulate the economy from this Administration for well over four years. The only thing that's been done by this President in regards to the economy is to continue non-stop quantitative easing by the Fed for six years now. That's what's created all this wealth among the wealthy. They aren't risking capital on business start ups or expansions because they don't NEED to do so. They can make a nice return with zero risk simply buying bonds.
What you have to do and what you do is not the same thing. You and I both know businesses and owners who made sure they got theirs while their workers did not get their checks.

Your false analogy reveals your shallowness in arguing.

Someone was touring a Ford plant where the latest robotics were demonstrated in production, and the company officials could not answer the questions, "How many of those robots buy your products?"

Tell me a business owner who took a "profit" out their business while not paying their workers.
As for "robotics"?

You idiots calling for $15 minimum wages, can't see the writing on the wall...can you? When you go to Wal Mart take note of how many "self check out" lines there are now! When you go to Panera Bread take note of how many touch screens "self order" stations there are now! Those morons picketing for higher pay outside of McDonald's are too stupid to realize that they're simply hastening the demise of their own jobs.
You keep ducking the question.

Show me how both parties, the Dems and ours, worked together to create jobs.

The last people, having been a successful businessman myself, is to want the capitalists in charge of the government.

Answer the question, Oldstyle.
You keep ducking the question.

Show me how both parties, the Dems and ours, worked together to create jobs.

The last people, having been a successful businessman myself, is to have the capitalists in charge of the government.

Answer the question, Oldstyle.

If you want an example of how both parties worked together to create jobs...I'd suggest you look at how both Clinton and Gingrich compromised...I'd suggest you look at how both Reagan and O'Neil compromised. Then take a look at how Barack Obama REFUSED to compromise when he first came to office! You want to know why the GOP won't "work" with Obama? Because with his "I won" attitude when he first took office he totally poisoned the well with the GOP.
You keep ducking the question.

Show me how both parties, the Dems and ours, worked together to create jobs.

The last people, having been a successful businessman myself, is to have the capitalists in charge of the government.

Answer the question, Oldstyle.

If you want an example of how both parties worked together to create jobs...I'd suggest you look at how both Clinton and Gingrich compromised...I'd suggest you look at how both Reagan and O'Neil compromised. Then take a look at how Barack Obama REFUSED to compromise when he first came to office! You want to know why the GOP won't "work" with Obama? Because with his "I won" attitude when he first took office he totally poisoned the well with the GOP.
I suggest you tell the truth and point fingers at both parties and their leaders.

It is your typical of political partisanship that hurts the nation.
And Jake? If your views here are any indication of your business acumen...I have a very hard time buying the narrative that YOU were ever a successful businessman.
When McConnell told the nation that the first order of business would be to make Obama a one-term president notified the nation our GOP political leadership put partisanship before serving the people.
And Jake? If your views here are any indication of your business acumen...I have a very hard time buying the narrative that YOU were ever a successful businessman.

I am not afraid of the government, podjo. My GI bill and SBA small loans, along with my brothers and sisters, created a business that still employ almost 150 folks in four states. We have all done well, from bottom up, because we knew that people came first if we had a great product line. Just so.

My retirement is sweet, in part because our people came before greed.
When McConnell told the nation that the first order of business would be to make Obama a one-term president notified the nation our GOP political leadership put partisanship before serving the people.

McConnell didn't make that statement until quite a ways into Barack Obama's first term, Jake...AFTER Obama had basically told the GOP to go sit in the hall. As I said before...he poisoned the well...then complained that the water wasn't drinkable!

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