Obama Thinks He's The Most Respected Leader On Earth

Those are your unfounded words, not mine.

Oldstyle will not rebut the articles' points because he will look either stupid or ignorant or both.

He does not not that contract law and bankruptcy law can give owners and preferred executives the golden share of a bankruptcy payout and screw the workers.

Show me a single example of a company that declared bankruptcy where the owners were allowed to keep money while not paying wages that were owed to workers. Should be simple to do, Jake...but you can't seem to come up with one! Why is that?
You are obviously a liar.

Read the articles posted above.

Answer this question: Do you deny it happens?

This conversation will not go forward until you do. If you don't, your refusal to answer will be an admission of defeat.

What I assure you, Jake...is that if the owner of a business declares bankruptcy...the very FIRST people that will be getting paid are employees that are owed back wages!

Now did you want to give us an example of an owner who managed to declare bankruptcy...not pay their employees and walk with huge amounts of money? Just give me one.

He didn't word it exactly that way, but this is what he meant. Yesterday he said America, and thus himself, is the most respected country in the world. He's basically saying that just because he, Barack H. Obama, is president of the United States, we are the most respected country in the world.

Obama I ve Restored the US as the Most Respected Country in the World - Breitbart

So many of our former allies have written us off because this dick is our president. His Camp David summit a couple of weeks ago fell apart because more than half of the expected participants wouldn't show. He's snubbed our allies and sucked up to our enemies.....so he feels that the damage Bush supposedly did has been repaired and now everyone respects us.

This guy is so out of touch it's breathtaking.

FIFA may be almost as corrupt and hated as the administration that made several of it's officials do the perp-walk in Switzerland last week. I'm sure that made foreign countries just love us.

Almost as breathtaking as when the NYT David Brooks said that the Obama Administration was absolutely scandal-free. I wonder if these people really feel that anyone believes this nonsense. Well.....maybe someone who doesn't speak English does......like a million new illegals ready to get the go ahead to vote in our next election.

David Brooks Obama Has Run An Amazingly Scandal-Free Administration

I believe that FIFA is more respected than America today, but I don't think FIFA is well liked either.

If you want to know why America is not respected today you simply need to look at the Iran Nuclear deal.

No one respects Republicans, not even Republicans.

You've gone from absurd to laughably absurd, Jake!

Your first cite simply explains to employees the process that occurs when a bankruptcy takes place...nowhere in that explanation is there an example of an owner keeping assets and not paying wages that are owed.

Your second cite has nothing to do with the payment of employee wages in the advent of a bankruptcy and I have no idea why you included it.

Your third cite is the most amusing. It's about the law in England! Are you in England, Jake?
So are you going to give an example of an owner who walked with huge amounts of money while stiffing workers on the wages they were owed? You made the claim...why aren't you backing it up?
There are a few different parts to this question. First, if your employer files a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, continues to operate, and does not terminate you, you should be paid for work you do during the Chapter 11. Second, if the employer files a Chapter 7 bankruptcy or converts a Chapter 11 to a Chapter 7, wages you are owed are given a priority under bankruptcy law. If you earned wages after the filing, as you would if the bankruptcy was a Chapter 11, your wages are given a very high priority because they are treated as “administrative expenses,” which are costs related to keeping the debtor operating or preserving its assets.

Wages earned before the filing get a lower priority, but are still paid before general unsecured claims. At least some of the wages (currently $10,950) you earned up to 180 days before the filing are given this priority. Wages in this context include “wages, salaries, or commissions, including vacation, severance, and sick leave pay.” But that assumes that there are assets available to pay your claim. In many cases, the employer may not have many assets left. If that's the case, you might get a few pennies for each dollar you are owed, or you might get nothing at all. The first thing to do is to file a proof of claim form, available from the clerk of the bankruptcy court as soon as possible. If you don't file a proof of claim on time, you might lose any right to collect for unpaid wages.

Read more: My employer filed for bankruptcy. Will I continue to be paid
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So ARE you in England, Jake? You've failed SO epically in this string it's been a hoot watching you go down in flames. Admit it...you don't know the first thing about bankruptcy law!
I am in SLC at City Creek as any knowledgeable person on this Board knows. My son and his wife and kids will be here in a few minutes. We are going downstairs to eat dinner and then do some shopping.

You admit defeat. Oldstyle knows nothing of contract or bankruptcy law. I have shown examples that he asked for. Can't help a fool, a partisan fool, like him.

Both parties are responsible for the lack of job creation.

And the conservatives that are taking over the party are not the types of reactionaries like Oldstyle or Jroc.

Good thing. Good riddance.

Here is Oldstyle in the heat of the moment realizing he has lost.

Do you really think repeating the same non response to what you've been asked fools anyone, Jake?

You've shown yourself to be a poser...now run along before you embarrass yourself further.:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:
Get back to me when you can show an example of a business owner that walked with lots of money in their pocket after not paying their employees for back wages...
Obama is the Global Equivalent of the "popular" girl in high school who put out for all the boys.
This is too easy. And you know this, boedicca, how?

Duh. With my brain.

I can grok, however, why that concept of knowing something via cognitive ability is foreign to one such as yourself.
Get back to me when you can show an example of a business owner that walked with lots of money in their pocket after not paying their employees for back wages...
Poor Oldstyle, got his clock cleaned, and then Jroc came in and made things worse for the old neo-capitalist. All of the links clearly showed all of that, and all you can do is say "no" while you put your hand in the employees' cookie jar.

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