Obama Thinks He's The Most Respected Leader On Earth

Get back to me when you can show an example of a business owner that walked with lots of money in their pocket after not paying their employees for back wages...
Poor Oldstyle, got his clock cleaned, and then Jroc came in and made things worse for the old neo-capitalist. All of the links clearly showed all of that, and all you can do is say "no" while you put your hand in the employees' cookie jar.

Jake...your "links" didn't show anything...something I pointed out as soon as you posted them. Your claims that they did are just you blowing hot air because you got caught pretending to be in the know about bankruptcy law.

Now did you want to give me an example of an owner who walked away from a bankruptcy with lots of money while his employees didn't get paid the wages they earned...or did you want to admit that wouldn't happen and that you know little to nothing about bankruptcy law?
Or you could post another link to bankruptcy law in ENGLAND like you did before... :eusa_shifty::eusa_shifty::eusa_shifty:
This is an example of what Democrats do.

They trash everyone who is more respected than they are.....and that way they feel they are raising their status in the world.

That's just politics as usual and that's a game both sides play.

And remember back when Obama was promoted as the next best thing for Arab Muslims since Mohamed, well that didn't play out very well.
Obama should worry about what he looks like to the People here at home.

and from the last two Midterm elections. I'd say they have very little Respect for him and ANY of his policies here and abroad.
No question at all that BHO is far more popular in the world than the American political, social, and religious far right.
How quickly people forget about the Bush disaster...
You mean the Clinton disaster, don't you????

The recession was caused by the housing bubble (started by Bill Clinton), and the loosening of banking regulations (also started by Bill Clinton).

And Hillary voted for the war in Iraq..... Hell, she even made speeches in front of the Senate to get other Democrats to vote for it!!!!!
Bush took us all down in his ship during the crash, and couldn't have managed Iraq any worse if he'd tried. He is by far the worst President of my lifetime.
Actually, Clinton set the crash in motion.....
Bush inherited Clinton s recession - CNN iReport

Also don't forget Bill Clinton signed the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999, which deregulated the banking industry, and the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000, that officially ensured modernized regulation of financial products known as over-the-counter derivatives.

(And BTW, Iraq was pretty stable when Bush left office.... Obama even stated as much when he withdrew our troops and let ISIS take over).

Yes Bush is the worst president I've ever seen. Even republicans and others like me will tell you that. I'm not sure where you've been in the last 10 years but set aside your hatred then let's face the reality. Example....Iraq was stable when Bush left office. That's not true. The bomb was ticking when Bush was in office plus Maliki own policy contributed to that. Are you blind? If you set aside your hatred and racism maybe you will impress me.
No question at all that BHO is far more popular in the world than the American political, social, and religious far right.
How quickly people forget about the Bush disaster...
You mean the Clinton disaster, don't you????

The recession was caused by the housing bubble (started by Bill Clinton), and the loosening of banking regulations (also started by Bill Clinton).

And Hillary voted for the war in Iraq..... Hell, she even made speeches in front of the Senate to get other Democrats to vote for it!!!!!
Bush took us all down in his ship during the crash, and couldn't have managed Iraq any worse if he'd tried. He is by far the worst President of my lifetime.
Actually, Clinton set the crash in motion.....
Bush inherited Clinton s recession - CNN iReport

Also don't forget Bill Clinton signed the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999, which deregulated the banking industry, and the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000, that officially ensured modernized regulation of financial products known as over-the-counter derivatives.

(And BTW, Iraq was pretty stable when Bush left office.... Obama even stated as much when he withdrew our troops and let ISIS take over).
Bush inherited surpluses and turned them into record deficits. He was an absolute moron who turned the entire planet against us. The acts you were talking about were written during republican majorities, and those idiots probably STILL think they were good ideas.

How can people forget so easily. It's just sad. Only people that make Obama look bad are the same people keep posting the same trash on the site. Unbelievable. Sounds like they are being paid.
No question at all that BHO is far more popular in the world than the American political, social, and religious far right.
How quickly people forget about the Bush disaster...
You mean the Clinton disaster, don't you????

The recession was caused by the housing bubble (started by Bill Clinton), and the loosening of banking regulations (also started by Bill Clinton).

And Hillary voted for the war in Iraq..... Hell, she even made speeches in front of the Senate to get other Democrats to vote for it!!!!!
Bush took us all down in his ship during the crash, and couldn't have managed Iraq any worse if he'd tried. He is by far the worst President of my lifetime.
Actually, Clinton set the crash in motion.....
Bush inherited Clinton s recession - CNN iReport

Also don't forget Bill Clinton signed the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999, which deregulated the banking industry, and the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000, that officially ensured modernized regulation of financial products known as over-the-counter derivatives.

(And BTW, Iraq was pretty stable when Bush left office.... Obama even stated as much when he withdrew our troops and let ISIS take over).

Yes Bush is the worst president I've ever seen. Even republicans and others like me will tell you that. I'm not sure where you've been in the last 10 years but set aside your hatred then let's face the reality. Example....Iraq was stable when Bush left office. That's not true. The bomb was ticking when Bush was in office plus Maliki own policy contributed to that. Are you blind? If you set aside your hatred and racism maybe you will impress me.

I don't blame Obama for Iraq falling apart, but he did in fact, and rather stupidly I might add, take credit for ending the war. I wouldn't have touched that with a twenty foot pole.

And so that's why repubs are doing such a good job of blaming Obama for Iraq falling apart. And let's face it, Obama has only himself to blame for that.
No question at all that BHO is far more popular in the world than the American political, social, and religious far right.
How quickly people forget about the Bush disaster...
You mean the Clinton disaster, don't you????

The recession was caused by the housing bubble (started by Bill Clinton), and the loosening of banking regulations (also started by Bill Clinton).

And Hillary voted for the war in Iraq..... Hell, she even made speeches in front of the Senate to get other Democrats to vote for it!!!!!
Bush took us all down in his ship during the crash, and couldn't have managed Iraq any worse if he'd tried. He is by far the worst President of my lifetime.
Actually, Clinton set the crash in motion.....
Bush inherited Clinton s recession - CNN iReport

Also don't forget Bill Clinton signed the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999, which deregulated the banking industry, and the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000, that officially ensured modernized regulation of financial products known as over-the-counter derivatives.

(And BTW, Iraq was pretty stable when Bush left office.... Obama even stated as much when he withdrew our troops and let ISIS take over).

Yes Bush is the worst president I've ever seen. Even republicans and others like me will tell you that. I'm not sure where you've been in the last 10 years but set aside your hatred then let's face the reality. Example....Iraq was stable when Bush left office. That's not true. The bomb was ticking when Bush was in office plus Maliki own policy contributed to that. Are you blind? If you set aside your hatred and racism maybe you will impress me.
ISIS campaign as unpopular as Iraq - CNNPolitics.com

Washington (CNN)Americans are as dissatisfied with the U.S. military campaign against ISIS as they were during the Iraq War's least popular days, according to a new CNN/ORC poll released Monday.

And nearly the same percent of people blame President Barack Obama's policies for the current situation in Iraq as those who hold President George W. Bush responsible, the survey showed.

Overall, 44% say they blame Obama's policies for the problems in Iraq and 43% blame Bush; 11% say both are equally responsible.

Those figures are largely driven by partisanship, with 79% of Democrats saying Bush is at fault and 75% of Republicans placing the blame on Obama. Independents, who generally lean a bit more toward the GOP than the Democrats, tilt toward blaming the current president, 48% blame Obama compared with 37% who blame Bush.

READ: The complete CNN/ORC poll results

About 61% of Americans say the nation's fight against ISIS was going badly in the survey, a slight uptick from the 58% of Americans who said similarly three-and-a-half months ago.

While a similar number of people -- 61% -- said they felt things are going badly against ISIS as did in February -- 58%, more Americans say it's going very badly. According to the latest poll, 29% say it's going 'very badly,' compared to 21% who said the same in February.

It's interesting to note the opinion of the independents, since they will decide the next election.:badgrin:
BHO has not done well in a very poor situation handed to him by Bush. The electorate is aware of all of that. The candidate who can convince the electorate we are not going to send tens of thousands of troops to Iraq will have an advantage in the election.
No question at all that BHO is far more popular in the world than the American political, social, and religious far right.
How quickly people forget about the Bush disaster...
You mean the Clinton disaster, don't you????

The recession was caused by the housing bubble (started by Bill Clinton), and the loosening of banking regulations (also started by Bill Clinton).

And Hillary voted for the war in Iraq..... Hell, she even made speeches in front of the Senate to get other Democrats to vote for it!!!!!
Bush took us all down in his ship during the crash, and couldn't have managed Iraq any worse if he'd tried. He is by far the worst President of my lifetime.
Actually, Clinton set the crash in motion.....
Bush inherited Clinton s recession - CNN iReport

Also don't forget Bill Clinton signed the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999, which deregulated the banking industry, and the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000, that officially ensured modernized regulation of financial products known as over-the-counter derivatives.

(And BTW, Iraq was pretty stable when Bush left office.... Obama even stated as much when he withdrew our troops and let ISIS take over).

Yes Bush is the worst president I've ever seen. Even republicans and others like me will tell you that. I'm not sure where you've been in the last 10 years but set aside your hatred then let's face the reality. Example....Iraq was stable when Bush left office. That's not true. The bomb was ticking when Bush was in office plus Maliki own policy contributed to that. Are you blind? If you set aside your hatred and racism maybe you will impress me.

The bomb was ticking? I hate to point out the obvious here, Charwin but that bomb has exploded...and not just in Iraq. The rise of ISIS isn't something that George W. Bush allowed...that's something that Barack Obama allowed. If you have a policy of disengagement then you have to take responsibility for what happens in the power vacuum you've created. If you want to criticize Bush for going into Iraq...or how the aftermath of the war was handled...then fine...but the fault for what is happening NOW lies squarely on the shoulders of the man who's been our President for SIX YEARS!
No question at all that BHO is far more popular in the world than the American political, social, and religious far right.
How quickly people forget about the Bush disaster...

Bush is looking real good right now.

Trust me!!
So, Obama thinks he's the most respected leader on Earth. Well, I think I'm the world's greatest lover. Guess what? We're both wrong.

He didn't word it exactly that way, but this is what he meant. Yesterday he said America, and thus himself, is the most respected country in the world. He's basically saying that just because he, Barack H. Obama, is president of the United States, we are the most respected country in the world.

Obama I ve Restored the US as the Most Respected Country in the World - Breitbart

So many of our former allies have written us off because this dick is our president. His Camp David summit a couple of weeks ago fell apart because more than half of the expected participants wouldn't show. He's snubbed our allies and sucked up to our enemies.....so he feels that the damage Bush supposedly did has been repaired and now everyone respects us.

This guy is so out of touch it's breathtaking.

FIFA may be almost as corrupt and hated as the administration that made several of it's officials do the perp-walk in Switzerland last week. I'm sure that made foreign countries just love us.

Almost as breathtaking as when the NYT David Brooks said that the Obama Administration was absolutely scandal-free. I wonder if these people really feel that anyone believes this nonsense. Well.....maybe someone who doesn't speak English does......like a million new illegals ready to get the go ahead to vote in our next election.

David Brooks Obama Has Run An Amazingly Scandal-Free Administration

I believe that FIFA is more respected than America today, but I don't think FIFA is well liked either.

If you want to know why America is not respected today you simply need to look at the Iran Nuclear deal.

So, Obama thinks he's the most respected leader on Earth. Well, I think I'm the world's greatest lover. Guess what? We're both wrong.
Nope, just you, because those are your words, not his. And your lovers are laughing.

I assure you that a hell of a lot more people are laughing at Obama. I will give you the last word.

PS: Actually, and this went over you head, I was making a joke. I have had very few lovers in my life and I had a great relationship[ with each one. I hope you can say the same.
So, Obama thinks he's the most respected leader on Earth. Well, I think I'm the world's greatest lover. Guess what? We're both wrong.
Nope, just you, because those are your words, not his. And your lovers are laughing.

I assure you that a hell of a lot more people are laughing at Obama. I will give you the last word.

PS: Actually, and this went over you head, I was making a joke. I have had very few lovers in my life and I had a great relationship[ with each one. I hope you can say the same.
No need to defend yourself. You were out of place and replaced. That's fine. And your assurance?
How quickly people forget about the Bush disaster...
You mean the Clinton disaster, don't you????

The recession was caused by the housing bubble (started by Bill Clinton), and the loosening of banking regulations (also started by Bill Clinton).

And Hillary voted for the war in Iraq..... Hell, she even made speeches in front of the Senate to get other Democrats to vote for it!!!!!
Bush took us all down in his ship during the crash, and couldn't have managed Iraq any worse if he'd tried. He is by far the worst President of my lifetime.
Actually, Clinton set the crash in motion.....
Bush inherited Clinton s recession - CNN iReport

Also don't forget Bill Clinton signed the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999, which deregulated the banking industry, and the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000, that officially ensured modernized regulation of financial products known as over-the-counter derivatives.

(And BTW, Iraq was pretty stable when Bush left office.... Obama even stated as much when he withdrew our troops and let ISIS take over).

Yes Bush is the worst president I've ever seen. Even republicans and others like me will tell you that. I'm not sure where you've been in the last 10 years but set aside your hatred then let's face the reality. Example....Iraq was stable when Bush left office. That's not true. The bomb was ticking when Bush was in office plus Maliki own policy contributed to that. Are you blind? If you set aside your hatred and racism maybe you will impress me.

The bomb was ticking? I hate to point out the obvious here, Charwin but that bomb has exploded...and not just in Iraq. The rise of ISIS isn't something that George W. Bush allowed...that's something that Barack Obama allowed. If you have a policy of disengagement then you have to take responsibility for what happens in the power vacuum you've created. If you want to criticize Bush for going into Iraq...or how the aftermath of the war was handled...then fine...but the fault for what is happening NOW lies squarely on the shoulders of the man who's been our President for SIX YEARS!
Jake, ISIS was born in Syria you know that. Then spilled in Iraq. POTUS is responsible for any on going problem or whatever it landed on his lap..agree. Remember how we got there in the first place. Fixing any terrorist problem is not just simple leaving troops in Iraq. I do not believe for a fact that ISIS will stall in Syria. Sending troops to Iraq is what republican want but if we follow what republican want we are at war with Iran, Syria and ISIS. I'm not sure if that's what we want. Leaving Iraq to fight for their own country with all our mighty force to help is not a bad idea. But I don't want to see our troops coming home with body bags. February 2015 Obama sent AUMF ( authorization use of military force) to congress what happened to that?

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