Obama throws his brother and sisters under the bus


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Why should Afro-Americans vote for Obama? With unemployment among Afro-Americans at 50.2% he signs into law work permits for millions of Illegal Aliens and stop deportation for millions more. Illegal Aliens displace Afro-Americans in the workforce more than any other race and Obama put the well being of Illegal Aliens before his Black brother and sisters who have always been discriminated against in the work force. Afro-Americans have been fired from jobs and replaced with Illegal Aliens. Obama has slapped and spit in their faces and threw them under the bus. For what? A few dirty votes. More afro-Americans will be displaced in the work force with his stopping deportations for millions of Illegal Aliens.

My Afro-American brother and my best friend lost his lucrative business, with serveral employees, in construction to Illegal Aliens. He lost everything he had worked all his life for and eventually lost his life because of Latinos hiring illegal aliens underbiding him on jobs.

Immigration and African Americans
By John Sullivan

In testimony before the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Claims in April, Dr. Morris explained that the massive, concentrated influx of labor, particularly unskilled labor, inevitably leads to wage depression and job displacement. African Americans have been especially impacted because they 'have less education, work experience, and small business creation rates than other Americans.' Displacement of African Americans by immigration has been most thorough in the construction, restaurant and hotel, and light manufacturing industries.
The Social Contract - Immigration and African Americans

Minuteman Message Board • View topic -
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services estimated it could receive more than 1 million applications during the first year of the program, or more than 3,000 per day. It would cost between $467 million and $585 million to process applications in the first two years of the program, with revenues from fees paid by immigrants estimated at $484 million, according to the plans. That means the cost to the government could range from a gain of $16 million to a loss of more than $101 million.

Obama's Deportation Policy Change To Allow Work Permits For Young, Undocumented Immigrants Could Cost $585 Million

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