Obama throws up a new union barrier to Korea, Colombia and Panama


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
this is getting old, typical etc etc ..do something popular, laud the value, then find a way to blow it up innocuously.

A big deal was made out of some (really surface) changes to the 07 Korean FT deal jobs sppt and or creation via greater export, etc. ( lets even forget for a moment that these bills were 99% worked out and had been waiting a simple vote for approval but stomped on by Pelosi since 2007), Obama pocketed the hurrah's we need jobs, I've created/saved jobs media swell.

as in this latest offering Jan state of the union address.....

"Last month, we finalized a trade agreement with South Korea that will support at least 70,000 American jobs. This agreement has unprecedented support from business and labor, Democrats and Republicans, and I ask this Congress to pass it as soon as possible."


Obama throws up a new union barrier to Korea, Colombia and Panama


Well, this week U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk and White House economic aide Gene Sperling told journalists that Mr. Obama will send none of the pending free trade agreements—Korea, Colombia or Panama—to Congress for a vote until Congress also agrees to expanded subsidies for jobless workers.

"I just want to stress that one of the things that we are making clear today is that the Administration will not submit implementing legislation on the three pending FTAs until we have an agreement with Congress on the renewal of a robust, expanded TAA program consistent with the objectives of the 2009 trade adjustment assistance law," Mr. Sperling said.

Translation: Hand over more than $2 billion a year to its union allies or the White House will block trade deals that would create hundreds of thousands of new jobs. Those familiar with the tactics of this White House won't be surprised to learn that beneficiaries of the program that Mr. Obama wants to resurrect include union workers whose job losses had nothing to do with foreign competition.


The big business lobbies, which won't foot this bill, are pushing Republicans to agree to Mr. Obama's demands. But TAA ought to be debated on its own merits. Even the scaled-down version costs more than $1 billion annually—not counting the health-care subsidy—and only about 1% of the unemployed can blame foreign trade for their job losses. At least three economic studies have found that beneficiaries of TAA subsidies don't tend to secure better-paying jobs after retraining. A 2006 Government Accountability Office study concluded the same.

Mr. Obama tried this same TAA-for-trade-deals game in 2009, but after Congress passed the expanded TAA he bowed to Nancy Pelosi and never did submit the trade deals. Now that Republicans have won the House, he's asking them to dun taxpayers again for the Pelosi union package before he'll let Republicans pass trade deals that Mr. Obama claims he wants.

please read the whole article, thx-

Review & Outlook: Trade Extortion Assistance - WSJ.com
this is getting old, typical etc etc ..do something popular, laud the value, then find a way to blow it up innocuously.

A big deal was made out of some (really surface) changes to the 07 Korean FT deal jobs sppt and or creation via greater export, etc. ( lets even forget for a moment that these bills were 99% worked out and had been waiting a simple vote for approval but stomped on by Pelosi since 2007), Obama pocketed the hurrah's we need jobs, I've created/saved jobs media swell.

as in this latest offering Jan state of the union address.....

"Last month, we finalized a trade agreement with South Korea that will support at least 70,000 American jobs. This agreement has unprecedented support from business and labor, Democrats and Republicans, and I ask this Congress to pass it as soon as possible."


Obama throws up a new union barrier to Korea, Colombia and Panama


Well, this week U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk and White House economic aide Gene Sperling told journalists that Mr. Obama will send none of the pending free trade agreements—Korea, Colombia or Panama—to Congress for a vote until Congress also agrees to expanded subsidies for jobless workers.

"I just want to stress that one of the things that we are making clear today is that the Administration will not submit implementing legislation on the three pending FTAs until we have an agreement with Congress on the renewal of a robust, expanded TAA program consistent with the objectives of the 2009 trade adjustment assistance law," Mr. Sperling said.

Translation: Hand over more than $2 billion a year to its union allies or the White House will block trade deals that would create hundreds of thousands of new jobs. Those familiar with the tactics of this White House won't be surprised to learn that beneficiaries of the program that Mr. Obama wants to resurrect include union workers whose job losses had nothing to do with foreign competition.


The big business lobbies, which won't foot this bill, are pushing Republicans to agree to Mr. Obama's demands. But TAA ought to be debated on its own merits. Even the scaled-down version costs more than $1 billion annually—not counting the health-care subsidy—and only about 1% of the unemployed can blame foreign trade for their job losses. At least three economic studies have found that beneficiaries of TAA subsidies don't tend to secure better-paying jobs after retraining. A 2006 Government Accountability Office study concluded the same.

Mr. Obama tried this same TAA-for-trade-deals game in 2009, but after Congress passed the expanded TAA he bowed to Nancy Pelosi and never did submit the trade deals. Now that Republicans have won the House, he's asking them to dun taxpayers again for the Pelosi union package before he'll let Republicans pass trade deals that Mr. Obama claims he wants.

please read the whole article, thx-

Review & Outlook: Trade Extortion Assistance - WSJ.com

Nuff said.
this is getting old, typical etc etc ..do something popular, laud the value, then find a way to blow it up innocuously.

A big deal was made out of some (really surface) changes to the 07 Korean FT deal jobs sppt and or creation via greater export, etc. ( lets even forget for a moment that these bills were 99% worked out and had been waiting a simple vote for approval but stomped on by Pelosi since 2007), Obama pocketed the hurrah's we need jobs, I've created/saved jobs media swell.

as in this latest offering Jan state of the union address.....

"Last month, we finalized a trade agreement with South Korea that will support at least 70,000 American jobs. This agreement has unprecedented support from business and labor, Democrats and Republicans, and I ask this Congress to pass it as soon as possible."


Obama throws up a new union barrier to Korea, Colombia and Panama


Well, this week U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk and White House economic aide Gene Sperling told journalists that Mr. Obama will send none of the pending free trade agreements—Korea, Colombia or Panama—to Congress for a vote until Congress also agrees to expanded subsidies for jobless workers.

"I just want to stress that one of the things that we are making clear today is that the Administration will not submit implementing legislation on the three pending FTAs until we have an agreement with Congress on the renewal of a robust, expanded TAA program consistent with the objectives of the 2009 trade adjustment assistance law," Mr. Sperling said.

Translation: Hand over more than $2 billion a year to its union allies or the White House will block trade deals that would create hundreds of thousands of new jobs. Those familiar with the tactics of this White House won't be surprised to learn that beneficiaries of the program that Mr. Obama wants to resurrect include union workers whose job losses had nothing to do with foreign competition.


The big business lobbies, which won't foot this bill, are pushing Republicans to agree to Mr. Obama's demands. But TAA ought to be debated on its own merits. Even the scaled-down version costs more than $1 billion annually—not counting the health-care subsidy—and only about 1% of the unemployed can blame foreign trade for their job losses. At least three economic studies have found that beneficiaries of TAA subsidies don't tend to secure better-paying jobs after retraining. A 2006 Government Accountability Office study concluded the same.

Mr. Obama tried this same TAA-for-trade-deals game in 2009, but after Congress passed the expanded TAA he bowed to Nancy Pelosi and never did submit the trade deals. Now that Republicans have won the House, he's asking them to dun taxpayers again for the Pelosi union package before he'll let Republicans pass trade deals that Mr. Obama claims he wants.

please read the whole article, thx-

Review & Outlook: Trade Extortion Assistance - WSJ.com

Nuff said.

How long should our bankrupt nation which is $14 trillion in debt keep paying people not to work?
I swear, Obama is so owned by the unions it's ridiculous. I have never seen a more two-faced president in my lifetime.
this is getting old, typical etc etc ..do something popular, laud the value, then find a way to blow it up innocuously.

A big deal was made out of some (really surface) changes to the 07 Korean FT deal jobs sppt and or creation via greater export, etc. ( lets even forget for a moment that these bills were 99% worked out and had been waiting a simple vote for approval but stomped on by Pelosi since 2007), Obama pocketed the hurrah's we need jobs, I've created/saved jobs media swell.

as in this latest offering Jan state of the union address.....

"Last month, we finalized a trade agreement with South Korea that will support at least 70,000 American jobs. This agreement has unprecedented support from business and labor, Democrats and Republicans, and I ask this Congress to pass it as soon as possible."


Obama throws up a new union barrier to Korea, Colombia and Panama


Well, this week U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk and White House economic aide Gene Sperling told journalists that Mr. Obama will send none of the pending free trade agreements—Korea, Colombia or Panama—to Congress for a vote until Congress also agrees to expanded subsidies for jobless workers.

"I just want to stress that one of the things that we are making clear today is that the Administration will not submit implementing legislation on the three pending FTAs until we have an agreement with Congress on the renewal of a robust, expanded TAA program consistent with the objectives of the 2009 trade adjustment assistance law," Mr. Sperling said.

Translation: Hand over more than $2 billion a year to its union allies or the White House will block trade deals that would create hundreds of thousands of new jobs. Those familiar with the tactics of this White House won't be surprised to learn that beneficiaries of the program that Mr. Obama wants to resurrect include union workers whose job losses had nothing to do with foreign competition.


The big business lobbies, which won't foot this bill, are pushing Republicans to agree to Mr. Obama's demands. But TAA ought to be debated on its own merits. Even the scaled-down version costs more than $1 billion annually—not counting the health-care subsidy—and only about 1% of the unemployed can blame foreign trade for their job losses. At least three economic studies have found that beneficiaries of TAA subsidies don't tend to secure better-paying jobs after retraining. A 2006 Government Accountability Office study concluded the same.

Mr. Obama tried this same TAA-for-trade-deals game in 2009, but after Congress passed the expanded TAA he bowed to Nancy Pelosi and never did submit the trade deals. Now that Republicans have won the House, he's asking them to dun taxpayers again for the Pelosi union package before he'll let Republicans pass trade deals that Mr. Obama claims he wants.

please read the whole article, thx-

Review & Outlook: Trade Extortion Assistance - WSJ.com

Nuff said.

so you are willing to forgo agreements he said he sppted now that he has decided to ask for more money for something esle? I see, so its okay he is holding jobs hostage, got it.
this is getting old, typical etc etc ..do something popular, laud the value, then find a way to blow it up innocuously.

A big deal was made out of some (really surface) changes to the 07 Korean FT deal jobs sppt and or creation via greater export, etc. ( lets even forget for a moment that these bills were 99% worked out and had been waiting a simple vote for approval but stomped on by Pelosi since 2007), Obama pocketed the hurrah's we need jobs, I've created/saved jobs media swell.

as in this latest offering Jan state of the union address.....

"Last month, we finalized a trade agreement with South Korea that will support at least 70,000 American jobs. This agreement has unprecedented support from business and labor, Democrats and Republicans, and I ask this Congress to pass it as soon as possible."


Obama throws up a new union barrier to Korea, Colombia and Panama


Well, this week U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk and White House economic aide Gene Sperling told journalists that Mr. Obama will send none of the pending free trade agreements—Korea, Colombia or Panama—to Congress for a vote until Congress also agrees to expanded subsidies for jobless workers.

"I just want to stress that one of the things that we are making clear today is that the Administration will not submit implementing legislation on the three pending FTAs until we have an agreement with Congress on the renewal of a robust, expanded TAA program consistent with the objectives of the 2009 trade adjustment assistance law," Mr. Sperling said.

Translation: Hand over more than $2 billion a year to its union allies or the White House will block trade deals that would create hundreds of thousands of new jobs. Those familiar with the tactics of this White House won't be surprised to learn that beneficiaries of the program that Mr. Obama wants to resurrect include union workers whose job losses had nothing to do with foreign competition.


The big business lobbies, which won't foot this bill, are pushing Republicans to agree to Mr. Obama's demands. But TAA ought to be debated on its own merits. Even the scaled-down version costs more than $1 billion annually—not counting the health-care subsidy—and only about 1% of the unemployed can blame foreign trade for their job losses. At least three economic studies have found that beneficiaries of TAA subsidies don't tend to secure better-paying jobs after retraining. A 2006 Government Accountability Office study concluded the same.

Mr. Obama tried this same TAA-for-trade-deals game in 2009, but after Congress passed the expanded TAA he bowed to Nancy Pelosi and never did submit the trade deals. Now that Republicans have won the House, he's asking them to dun taxpayers again for the Pelosi union package before he'll let Republicans pass trade deals that Mr. Obama claims he wants.

please read the whole article, thx-

Review & Outlook: Trade Extortion Assistance - WSJ.com

Nuff said.

How long should our bankrupt nation which is $14 trillion in debt keep paying people not to work?

as long as it suites his politics apprently. I recall him saying he thought of jobs when he got up, and when he went to bed, well, heres to the guy who never sleeps....
Do we need to do another thread about the stupidity of tariffs and other forms of protectionism?
Do we need to do another thread about the stupidity of tariffs and other forms of protectionism?

no, doesn't matter.

hes doing it for the afl/cio et al, Pelosi carried their water before he even got elected, same old same old.

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