Obama to call for 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' repeal, adviser says

No room cohabitation, shared bathrooms?

Daayum must be a different Army than I served in.

Remember barracks?

Between men and women..... just as you would have to have differences between gay male, gay female, bi-sexual male, bi-sexual female, straight male, straight female, transgender male, transgender female, and the list goes on

Are you purposely trying to be that obtuse, or merely troll?

Me being obtuse??? I spewed mtn dew when I read that.

Good one.

yes indeed... you knew quite well the reference was to room sharing and shared bathrooms for male and female in the military.... you simply tried to set a minor deflection to make yourself feel good, like you got some sort of jab in... like I said, nice try, not gonna work
Between men and women..... just as you would have to have differences between gay male, gay female, bi-sexual male, bi-sexual female, straight male, straight female, transgender male, transgender female, and the list goes on

Are you purposely trying to be that obtuse, or merely troll?

Me being obtuse??? I spewed mtn dew when I read that.

Good one.

yes indeed... you knew quite well the reference was to room sharing and shared bathrooms for male and female in the military.... you simply tried to set a minor deflection to make yourself feel good, like you got some sort of jab in... like I said, nice try, not gonna work

We have male and females in the military now, so whatsa diff if Homos are in there? esp since they are already in there.

Quit being obscured by fear.
Me being obtuse??? I spewed mtn dew when I read that.

Good one.

yes indeed... you knew quite well the reference was to room sharing and shared bathrooms for male and female in the military.... you simply tried to set a minor deflection to make yourself feel good, like you got some sort of jab in... like I said, nice try, not gonna work

We have male and females in the military now, so whatsa diff if Homos are in there? esp since they are already in there.

Quit being obscured by fear.

Again moron....

Do you not have logistics behind the housing, upkeep, facilities, and care of the male and female soldiers?... does not adding all the other differing sexual preferences add more logistical problems?
Do you house a gay man with the females? Does this offend the females with him sharing a bathroom? Do you allow a bi-sexual in with males or females or do they have their own separate rooms and facilities? Can you allow bi-sexuals in the same room? Do you house gay men together? Do you put a lesbian in with men? Does putting a lesbian lead to other problems? If you put lesbians in rooms and bathroom facilities with females, does that hurt morale or cause other issues? And that is just the beginning of the list

Again.... since you are dense and cannot get it through your thick skull.. IT IS NOT ABOUT A HOMOSEXUAL CAN FIRE A WEAPON, OR FIX A HUMVEE, OR WHATEVER ELSE TASK RELATED... it is about the logistics, morale, and efficiency of the military machine... and when you throw many MANY more money wrenches into the cogs of the military machine, the machine has problems

For you, oh obtuse one, it is not about some mythical fear that you and other wingers choose to bring into play, in some feeble attempt to make some sort of jab.. as if you are scoring a point...

The military is not the same as a simple government job or private sector job.... hence why we do not let in the obese, the ones with some mental issues like depression or BPD, or the 'little people', etc, because of the LOGISTICS and MORALE behind it and the hindrance to the military mission
And the point I make is no changes in housing, etc would be required for a gay in the military to say he /she is gay.

suddenly saying they are gay requires that they no longer sleep in the same room or use the same bathroom?
And you have increased rules and logistics behind the housing of women AND men in training, field deployments, etc... and when you throw another monkey wrench into the system such as homosexuals, you complicate things even MORE.... and as stated, the morale issue is MAJOR

What are you going to do, house gay men with lesbians? 4 separate areas of a barracks?

The plain and simple fact is that it is a logistical nightmare and there are good reasons why gays in the military are frowned upon... and it has nothing to do with whether they can fire a weapon or repair an engine on a Humvee

Name some then.

Housing and rooming situations. Additional facilities for personal care and hygene
Revamping and remodeling of buildings to accommodate changes
Completely redoing deployment plans to accommodate

You want even more??

You are a fucking buffoon... this is a logistical nightmare and a hindrance to morale... whether it is PC to say so or not

If you think soldiers can't handle living with gay people you're a moron and you have a despicably low view of soldiers.

They also don't have to separate them from the rest of the group. If college kids can handle it then soldiers can fucking handle it (and it's not like they'd have nowhere to turn if the gays are harassing them).

Any more dumb excuses?
Name some then.

Housing and rooming situations. Additional facilities for personal care and hygene
Revamping and remodeling of buildings to accommodate changes
Completely redoing deployment plans to accommodate

You want even more??

You are a fucking buffoon... this is a logistical nightmare and a hindrance to morale... whether it is PC to say so or not

If you think soldiers can't handle living with gay people you're a moron and you have a despicably low view of soldiers.

They also don't have to separate them from the rest of the group. If college kids can handle it then soldiers can fucking handle it (and it's not like they'd have nowhere to turn if the gays are harassing them).

Any more dumb excuses?

Again... it is the logistics.. have you dealt with the rules about billeting and facilities for both men and women in a military environment?? Have you had to deal with the issues of sexual misconduct and the privacy issues revolving around the sexes in the military?? Now adding all of this with the various different sexual preferences and you exponentially multiply the effectiveness and the complexity of preparing a military
Housing and rooming situations. Additional facilities for personal care and hygene
Revamping and remodeling of buildings to accommodate changes
Completely redoing deployment plans to accommodate

You want even more??

You are a fucking buffoon... this is a logistical nightmare and a hindrance to morale... whether it is PC to say so or not

If you think soldiers can't handle living with gay people you're a moron and you have a despicably low view of soldiers.

They also don't have to separate them from the rest of the group. If college kids can handle it then soldiers can fucking handle it (and it's not like they'd have nowhere to turn if the gays are harassing them).

Any more dumb excuses?

Again... it is the logistics.. have you dealt with the rules about billeting and facilities for both men and women in a military environment?? Have you had to deal with the issues of sexual misconduct and the privacy issues revolving around the sexes in the military?? Now adding all of this with the various different sexual preferences and you exponentially multiply the effectiveness and the complexity of preparing a military
How is it logistics?

They can house gay people with their own gender just like everywhere else (bathrooms sports teams, colleges etc. you can't tell me soldiers are more sensitive than all those people) . If there is sexual misconduct then it can be reported and the offending person would face discipline. It's not that freaking complicated.
If you think soldiers can't handle living with gay people you're a moron and you have a despicably low view of soldiers.

They also don't have to separate them from the rest of the group. If college kids can handle it then soldiers can fucking handle it (and it's not like they'd have nowhere to turn if the gays are harassing them).

Any more dumb excuses?

Again... it is the logistics.. have you dealt with the rules about billeting and facilities for both men and women in a military environment?? Have you had to deal with the issues of sexual misconduct and the privacy issues revolving around the sexes in the military?? Now adding all of this with the various different sexual preferences and you exponentially multiply the effectiveness and the complexity of preparing a military
How is it logistics?

They can house gay people with their own gender just like everywhere else (bathrooms sports teams, colleges etc. you can't tell me soldiers are more sensitive than all those people) . If there is sexual misconduct then it can be reported and the offending person would face discipline. It's not that freaking complicated.

The fact that one can press charges and bring up misconduct does not mean the rules set in place to help prevent the misconduct... hence why you do not house men and women in the same room and they do not have shared bathrooms... the same with those of the abnormal sexual orientations they choose, whether they are your same biological sex or not...

You non-military types that have no clue about the logistics behind things, the impact of morale, etc....

Like I said.. what next? You gotta let in the obese because it is politically correct and makes you feel good, even though you add more complications?? The mentally impaired?? Those with multiple personalities??

This is not a normal job.. this is not some clerk in a government office nor is it some manager at a firm or a waitress at a club....
Can't the CinC just end the policy himself?

What's the point anyway. If the military DOES NOT ASK about a persons sexual preference--& I mean straight or gays--what's the big deal?

In order so some gay pride people & can walk into a recruitment office & say look at me I am gay? Who's give a rat's ass--as long as they can make good military personel.

Do you see straight people walking into a recruitment office--stating look at me--I'm straight?---:lol::lol:

Sexual preference should not be involved in recruitment--& no one should ask. If gays want to be treated EQUAL to straights then keep the "Don't ask--Don't tell" Da--duh--Da--duh--Da--duh.---:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Again... it is the logistics.. have you dealt with the rules about billeting and facilities for both men and women in a military environment?? Have you had to deal with the issues of sexual misconduct and the privacy issues revolving around the sexes in the military?? Now adding all of this with the various different sexual preferences and you exponentially multiply the effectiveness and the complexity of preparing a military
How is it logistics?

They can house gay people with their own gender just like everywhere else (bathrooms sports teams, colleges etc. you can't tell me soldiers are more sensitive than all those people) . If there is sexual misconduct then it can be reported and the offending person would face discipline. It's not that freaking complicated.

The fact that one can press charges and bring up misconduct does not mean the rules set in place to help prevent the misconduct... hence why you do not house men and women in the same room and they do not have shared bathrooms... the same with those of the abnormal sexual orientations they choose, whether they are your same biological sex or not...

You non-military types that have no clue about the logistics behind things, the impact of morale, etc....Like I said.. what next? You gotta let in the obese because it is politically correct and makes you feel good, even though you add more complications?? The mentally impaired?? Those with multiple personalities??

This is not a normal job.. this is not some clerk in a government office nor is it some manager at a firm or a waitress at a club....

I have 21 years in the military under my belt and know that what you are all so worried about is a load of dingo's kidneys.
Can't the CinC just end the policy himself?

What's the point anyway. If the military DOES NOT ASK about a persons sexual preference--& I mean straight or gays--what's the big deal?

In order so some gay pride people & can walk into a recruitment office & say look at me I am gay? Who's give a rat's ass--as long as they can make good military personel.

Do you see straight people walking into a recruitment office--stating look at me--I'm straight?---:lol::lol:

Sexual preference should not be involved in recruitment--& no one should ask. If gays want to be treated EQUAL to straights then keep the "Don't ask--Don't tell" Da--duh--Da--duh--Da--duh.---:cuckoo::cuckoo:

In theory, ok...But what is YOUR definition of "don't tell". I'd like to hear it.
Can't the CinC just end the policy himself?

What's the point anyway. If the military DOES NOT ASK about a persons sexual preference--& I mean straight or gays--what's the big deal?

In order so some gay pride people & can walk into a recruitment office & say look at me I am gay? Who's give a rat's ass--as long as they can make good military personel.

Do you see straight people walking into a recruitment office--stating look at me--I'm straight?---:lol::lol:

Sexual preference should not be involved in recruitment--& no one should ask. If gays want to be treated EQUAL to straights then keep the "Don't ask--Don't tell" Da--duh--Da--duh--Da--duh.---:cuckoo::cuckoo:

In theory, ok...But what is YOUR definition of "don't tell". I'd like to hear it.

I will presume that you are either a male or female that engages is some type of sexual activity--either straight or gay. Why would what you do in the privacy of your bedroom or anywhere else be any of my business or anyone else's for that matter.

I am certainly not going to disclose to you about my sexual encounters--& I certainly don't want to hear about yours---:cuckoo::cuckoo:

That's why don't ask--because I can assure you I won't ask--& don't tell, because I certainly don't want you to tell me about your sexual encounters.
Then you try and deal with the issues in billeting, morale, and daily life living in places such as combat zones and training environment...

To think that there are not serious problems caused by such situations, then you are simply deluding yourself for the sake of partisanship or you are just plain ignorant

Ah yes....we women call that the "Potty Principal" and it was used against us for the longest time.

And you have increased rules and logistics behind the housing of women AND men in training, field deployments, etc... and when you throw another monkey wrench into the system such as homosexuals, you complicate things even MORE.... and as stated, the morale issue is MAJOR

What are you going to do, house gay men with lesbians? 4 separate areas of a barracks?

The plain and simple fact is that it is a logistical nightmare and there are good reasons why gays in the military are frowned upon... and it has nothing to do with whether they can fire a weapon or repair an engine on a Humvee

How does Israel do it?
I don't know why this is an issue.

If gay people want to serve, let them, what difference does it make?

Silly people.
I don't know why this is an issue.

If gay people want to serve, let them, what difference does it make?

Silly people.

DITTO--I don't get this either. If Gays want to be completely equal with Straights--Don't ask--Don't tell appears to be working fine.

Who in the hell in this country openly discusses what their sexual preferences & or encounters are--either gay or straight? If they do--they're MORONS.
I don't know why this is an issue.

If gay people want to serve, let them, what difference does it make?

Silly people.

DITTO--I don't get this either. If Gays want to be completely equal with Straights--Don't ask--Don't tell appears to be working fine.

Who in the hell in this country openly discusses what their sexual preferences & or encounters are--either gay or straight? If they do--they're MORONS.

Have you ever mentioned your significant other to a coworker?

You're a woman right?

Have you ever said something like, "I'm to going to visit some family with my boyfriend or husband this weekend"?

That statement announces your sexual preference.
I don't know why this is an issue.

If gay people want to serve, let them, what difference does it make?

Silly people.

DITTO--I don't get this either. If Gays want to be completely equal with Straights--Don't ask--Don't tell appears to be working fine.

Who in the hell in this country openly discusses what their sexual preferences & or encounters are--either gay or straight? If they do--they're MORONS.

Uh if they find out the soldier is gay even without them telling it they can throw them out. That's the problem.

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