Obama to deal a 'mighty blow' against ISIS by pressing with Global Warming Conference


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Let's just forget for a minute that Obama has been supplying, funding, arming, and even training ISIS fighters and by NOT allowing the military targeting of their oil facilities and oil tankers Obama and Turkey have ensured ISIS operations and attacks like the ones on Paris recently have been possible....

Obama: What a “powerful rebuke” it will be to ISIS to hold a climate-change summit in Paris
LINK: Obama: What a “powerful rebuke” it will be to ISIS to hold a climate-change summit in Paris « Hot Air

THAT will teach those Jihadi scumbags!
Let's just forget for a minute that Obama has been supplying, funding, arming, and even training ISIS fighters and by NOT allowing the military targeting of their oil facilities and oil tankers Obama and Turkey have ensured ISIS operations and attacks like the ones on Paris recently have been possible....

Obama: What a “powerful rebuke” it will be to ISIS to hold a climate-change summit in Paris
LINK: Obama: What a “powerful rebuke” it will be to ISIS to hold a climate-change summit in Paris « Hot Air

THAT will teach those Jihadi scumbags!

I wonder if he will have security to sweep the neighborhood? He should prove he isn't scared, right?!
Let's just forget for a minute that Obama has been supplying, funding, arming, and even training ISIS fighters and by NOT allowing the military targeting of their oil facilities and oil tankers Obama and Turkey have ensured ISIS operations and attacks like the ones on Paris recently have been possible....

Obama: What a “powerful rebuke” it will be to ISIS to hold a climate-change summit in Paris
LINK: Obama: What a “powerful rebuke” it will be to ISIS to hold a climate-change summit in Paris « Hot Air

THAT will teach those Jihadi scumbags!
Yep.....Obama is fighting Glowbull Warming by causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of human-beings.
250,000 are dead in the Syrian War....thanks to Obama's insistence that Assad must go....
Let's just forget for a minute that Obama has been supplying, funding, arming, and even training ISIS fighters and by NOT allowing the military targeting of their oil facilities and oil tankers Obama and Turkey have ensured ISIS operations and attacks like the ones on Paris recently have been possible....

Obama: What a “powerful rebuke” it will be to ISIS to hold a climate-change summit in Paris
LINK: Obama: What a “powerful rebuke” it will be to ISIS to hold a climate-change summit in Paris « Hot Air

THAT will teach those Jihadi scumbags!

What's the point of wiping out terrorists if the world because uninhabitable.

I know many conservatives have been brainwashed to believe global warming science and climate change is a hoax.

Since I have children and hope to have grandchildren someday, I'll just say go fuck your stupid selves.
Obama is an idiot of global proportions. I wish he would "man up" and resign, for the good of the world. An idiot like Joe Biden would at least give America a shot at success. This guy Obama could care less. He's like a tornado rumbling through a neighborhood, not giving a damn what carnage he leaves in his wake.

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