Obama to deal a 'mighty blow' against ISIS by pressing with Global Warming Conference

President Shit for Brains thinks we are going to defeat ISIS by using solar panels.

Then these stupid Moon Bats wonder why we ridicule them so much for voting for Obama.
[QUOTE="tyroneweaver, post: 12889486, member: 35873
I seen on Drudge that 1.1 million Americans don't have toilets. LOL[/QUOTE]

...but ISIS has million-dollar U.S. anti-tank / anti-Russian Rescue Helicopter Missiles and weapons.... :p[/QUOTE]
obviously robbed from a Benghazi gun deal that went bad.
Giving more government subsidies to Solyndra will sure as hell teach ISIS a lesson, won't it President Shit for Brains?
And the best part of you slide down down the toilet.

The best part of him slid down the bathroom stall..
I seen on Drudge that 1.1 million Americans don't have toilets. LOL
Well....they can learn to share.
let me repeat from another thread:

why the American people has not called for the Removal of this man from the office of President is beyond me. the man is STUCK on stupid and I posted something yesterday that said he is only interested IN things HE WANTS to see happen. NOT what is going on in OUR LIVES AND COUNTRY. the man is mentally ill. dear gawd save us all

We can't just remove the prick.
Oh man, are the Communist Globalist wingnuts still pushing their Global Warming Boogeyman shite? Pretty old and stale fear mongering at this point. The Earth's gonna warm, the Earth's gonna cool. We'll survive.

There's no need for their massive World Government takeover. Some of us value our Freedom & Liberty more than we fear a Global Warming Boogeyman. Time to move on.
Oh man, are the Communist Globalist wingnuts still pushing their Global Warming Boogeyman shite? Pretty old and stale fear mongering at this point. The Earth's gonna warm, the Earth's gonna cool. We'll survive.

There's no need for their massive World Government takeover. Some of us value our Freedom & Liberty more than we fear a Global Warming Boogeyman. Time to move on.
Yup....seems like real world events are always crashing their party.

They (Obama and his community - agitators ) spend so much time and money trying to fool tards into thinking the way they want them to.....and a real crisis happens to throw it into proper perspective.....POOF.....shit....now they have to start all over. Maybe bring up a 13 month old cop shooting or something. Parents already paid off, but this is so dammed important now....at this particular time. Thugs on PCP killed by scared cops........Glowbull Warming has to be addressed.....
let me repeat from another thread:

why the American people has not called for the Removal of this man from the office of President is beyond me. the man is STUCK on stupid and I posted something yesterday that said he is only interested IN things HE WANTS to see happen. NOT what is going on in OUR LIVES AND COUNTRY. the man is mentally ill. dear gawd save us all

We can't just remove the prick.

I WISH it had happened in his first miserable term lording over us with his ugly self and stupid "visions" he has for transforming us. now look where we are
let me repeat from another thread:

why the American people has not called for the Removal of this man from the office of President is beyond me. the man is STUCK on stupid and I posted something yesterday that said he is only interested IN things HE WANTS to see happen. NOT what is going on in OUR LIVES AND COUNTRY. the man is mentally ill. dear gawd save us all

We can't just remove the prick.

I WISH it had happened in his first miserable term lording over us with his ugly self and stupid "visions" he has for transforming us. now look where we are
ah gawd look WHAT THEY do to us these democrat party they DO TO US aw gawd
This is the infamous video that Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel saved for a rainy day. Just something to get the national media off of the Syrian refugee migration to America and Europe.

This is the raw footage. Why this wasn't prosecuted earlier, one can only imagine. But the parents of this kid have already been paid $5,000,000.00 in hush money, and now Blacklivesmatters is out on the streets of Chicago acting like they have point, and are even protesting the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade as we speak.

Be patient, because it's uncut footage. It takes a few minutes to get to the actual shooting.

It's clear this kid is a threat, walking down the middle of the street waving around a knife, but he didn't have to be pumped full of lead. I think a taser would have possibly done the job. But the cop in question wasn't taking any chances and put all 16 rounds into him.
What it shows is that cops cannot do anything right these days. We have kids running around high as a kite thinking that cops are the enemy, and we have politicians telling them that cops are out to murder them.

So the stage has been set. No small wonder that this type of thing happens. I expect a constant repeat of this in the foreseeable future. That's what Obama and other black leaders wanted anyway.


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